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Поурочные планы по английскому языку

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Утверждаю   __________________

Level: the 5th form “V”                 Teacher:


Time: 45 min.

Theme:“What is your friend like?”;

Theme: Vocabulary on the theme:“What is your friend like?”;

Aim: By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to speakabout  the theme of the lesson.


1. to teach the pupils to use the new words with a proper pronunciation on the utterance level (asking and answering questions, speaking aboutthe theme:“What is your friend like?”;

2. to teach the pupils to understand spoken English aboutthe theme:“What is your friend like?”;

3. to teach the pupils dialogue and monologue speech;

4. to teach the pupils grammar:What is he like? What are you like?

Content: key words  on the theme :“What is your friend like?”;

Focus on listening, speaking  skills.

Equipment: CD, posters, interactive board.


The succession of the lesson:

1.      Organization moment:

a)      greeting;

Teacher:How do you do, children.

Pupils: How do you do, teacher.

Teacher:How are you?

Pupils:Well, well, thank you.

And how are you?

Teacher:Well, thank you. Sit down, please.

b)      a talk with the pupil in duty; (speech drill)

Teacher:  Who is on duty today?

Pupil: I am on duty today.

Teacher:  What is your name?

 Pupil: My name is …

Teacher:  What is your surname?

Pupil: My surname is …

Teacher:  Who is absent today?

Pupil: Alina is absent today.

Teacher:  What season is it now?

Pupil: It is spring now.

Teacher:  Do you like spring?

Pupil: Yes, I do.

Teacher:  What is the weather like today?

Pupil: It is warm.

Teacher:  Do you like warm weather?

Pupil: No, I don’t.

Teacher:  What kind of  weather do you like?

Pupil: I like cool weather.

c)       the introductory talk of the teacher about the aims of the lesson;

Teacher:So, children, the theme of our lesson today is:“What is your friend like?”;


2.Phonetic drill:

Teacher:Children, we’ll continue our lesson with the phonetic drill. Phonetic drills in rhymes, proverbs,sayings and tongue twisters.Listen to the poem and read it after the announcer all together.After that, be ready to read it individually with the proper pronunciation and intonation; (the pupils listen to the CD and follow the lines of the poem, written on the interactive board)

I’m wishing you another year
Of laughter, joy and fun,
Surprises, love and happiness,
And when your birthday’s done,

I hope you feel deep in your heart,
As your birthdays come and go,
How very much you mean to me,
More than you can know.

3.Work at the theme:“What is your friend like?”;


4.Task 1: Listen to the text (CD), follow English pronunciation  ;

Task 2: (work at the new words):

Work at pronunciation of the new words on the theme:“What is your friend like?”;

(Pupils listen and repeat the key words to practise pronunciation and word stress);

Teacher: Let’s work at pronunciation of  some words and word-combinations from the text. Repeat after me all together…….;

Teacher: Repeat after me the same words individually, in chain; ( the pupils repeat the same words after the teacher, paying their attention to proper English pronunciation)

Teacher: And now, children, tell me,  please, what is the Russian for …;what is the English for …;( in chain and individually)

Teacher: Read the text;


2.      Speech drill:

Teacher: Answer the questions about the text;(the pupils answer the teacher’s questions)

5. Grammar:What is he like? What are you like?

6. Work at  dialogue speech: Teacher: Compile a short dialogue with the new words(the pupils are given some time for compiling the dialogues; after that they should reproduce them in pairs)

7.  A short pause:

Sport is fun for girls and boys.

It’s much better than the toys.

You can sledge and ski and skate

And play snowballs with Kate,

You can swim and play football,

Hockey, tennis, basketball.

You can jump, and you can run,

You can have a lot of fun. 


8. Giving of the home task:Ex.8 p.64 Write a description of a friend

9. Summing up of the results of the lesson:

        (marks, objections)


Teacher: Good Bye, children. Thank you for the lesson. See you.



The End of the lesson

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