Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыПоурочный план по английскому языку на тему" Birds"(4класс) учебник А.С.Рахимжанова

Поурочный план по английскому языку на тему" Birds"(4класс) учебник А.С.Рахимжанова

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4 Form                                                  Lesson 30                                          Date:                         Teacher:  Grushko T. A.

Unite: 7 Lesson 4 Theme:                             The aim:








Type of the lesson: Kind of the lesson:                                          Equipments:         Vocabulary:                                                                                 

Grammar:                             Articulatory: Interdisciplinary communication:      Expected outcomes:





1.Org. moment:







2.English sounds:








3.Checking up h/w:



                              4.The main part:

Work with the textbook:

Listening and Reading :








                           Reading check:  



                            Writing :















Around the world.                                                                                                                                          Birds.                                                                                                                                  Formation of knowledge of pupils on " Describing birds ".

1)Educational: Formation of the receptive and reproductive skills of   communication within the situational dialogue on the topic " Birds ". Formation receptive grammatical skills, enhance the study of lexical and phonetic material, intonation in positive sentences with enumeration. Semantization new thematic vocabulary, spelling skills and the formation of phonemic hearing. To learn to answer the questions about the text, to learn the new words about birds, to learn             to describe the birds, to learn to choose the best answers , describing the birds.                                                                                                                                                                            2)Developing: Development of speech of pupils by enrichment vocabulary              through vocabulary and enhance the study of semantization a new way of using language guess. The development of a culture of dialogue and monologue speech,   of interest to study the language, fine motor muscles by performing tasks. Development of the ability to control motor actions through involvement in educational games. Self-evaluate their work in the classroom.                                                    3) Teaching: Raising respectful, tolerant attitude to other cultures.                                   Lesson learning new material.                                                                                      Conversation lesson                                                                                                                                                     a book, a workbook, a computer, CD-ROM, a board, pictures.                                       A beak, a duck, feathers, a flamingo, a goose, a hen, a neck, a kiwi, an ostrich, a peacock,a pelican, pink, a relative, a turkey, wild, domestic.                                                     Intonation in positive sentences with enumeration.                                                                                               Russian, Geography, Biology.                                                                                                                Subject : Know and be able to use learned vocabulary, A beak, a duck, feathers, a flamingo, a goose, a hen, a neck, a kiwi, an ostrich, a peacock,a pelican, pink, a relative, a turkey, wild, domestic, when writing elementary dialogical and monologic utterances within the theme of the lesson " Birds", to learn to answer                the questions about the text, to learn the new words about the birds, to learn the rules intonation in positive sentences with enumeration.                                                                                           Personal: To be active at the lesson, kindness towards his classmates, teacher, society.                                                                                                                              Systematic-activity: Use the learned language material to build a dialogue with the interlocutor, request, provide information in the framework of the topic " Birds" ,          to comply with spelling norms for oral and written use of new words.                                                                    

  The procedure of the lesson:

T: Stand up please! Good morning, children!                                                                                T: -Please stand up in a circle and take each other's hands.                                                                                     - Look at each other and say 3 times «We are happy».                                                                          -Excellent!  Sit down please!                                                                                                                                 I am glad to see you.                                                                                                              – Now look please at the pictures and say. What is the theme our lesson?                                 -Ok, pupils today`s our new theme is called ‘‘Birds’’.                                                        The aims of our lesson are learn new words and remember the rule about Intonation. To learn to answer the questions about the text, to learn the new words about birds, to learn to remember the rules.                                                                                     

- Let's begin our lesson with English sounds. (book p.112).                                                                       -Look please at the board and listen the rule.                                                                                   Intonation in positive sentences with enumeration at first goes down when at the end of the sentence up. For example: My mother bought apples, kiwis,     oranges and bananas.                                                                                                                                -Good! Now look ex.1p.112.Pay attention to the intonation in positive sentences with enumeration.                                                                                                                                  Great!                                                                                                                                       T: Repeat please after me!                                                                                                                        Super! Great! Good!                                                                                                                        T: Who want to read? Read please.                                                                                          T: Very good! Look please Ex. 2 p. 112. Read with the right intonation.                                                                                        - All right!                                                                                                                                   

T: What was your home task for today? H.t. Wb.ex.4 p.63. Make questions about for the pictures. Learn by heart new words.                                                                            - Show me your workbooks. Super!                                                                                                 -Tell me please the words! Clownfish, deep, a dolphin, grey, huge, jellyfish, tiny, orange, orca, purple, seahorse, sea lion, shark, smart, star, a whale.                                                                                      - Fine!                                                                                                                

-And now answer to my question!                                                                                        1. Do you know any birds?                                                                                                         2. Do you know domestic birds?                                                                                           3. Do you know wild birds?                                                                                                          -Name them!                                                                                                                                                           -Now let's learn new words. Look please at the pictures and learn the new words.                                                                                                                                A beak, a duck, feathers, a flamingo, a goose, a hen, a neck, a kiwi, an ostrich, a peacock, a pelican, pink, a relative, a turkey, wild, domestic.                                                    a beak [biːk] клюв                                    an ostrich [ˈɒs.trɪtʃ] страус                                       a duck [dʌk] утка                                     a peacock [ˈpiː.kɒk ] павлин                                                                                                      feathers [ˈfeð.ər] перья                            a pelican [ˈpel.ɪ.kən] пеликан                                                                                                    a flamingo [fləˈmɪŋ.ɡəʊ] фламинго         pink [pɪŋk] розовый                                                           a goose [ɡuːs] гусь                                   a relative [ˈrelətɪv] родственник                                                                                                                             a hen [hen] курица                                  a turkey [ˈtɜː.ki] индюшка                                   a neck [nek] шея                                      wild [waɪld] дикий                                                   a kiwi [ˈkiː.wiː] киви(птица)                    domestic [dəˈmestɪk] домашний                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - Now open your vocabularies and write down the new words.                                                  Are you finished? Well!                                                                                                                         

T: Look please your books on page 113.Ex. 4. Listen and read. Track 61.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - Read please the text and translate! Fine!                                                                          - Find in the text new words.                                                                                                       - Now do Ex. 5. p. 114. Read and guess.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ex. 6 p.114.Choose the best answer.                                                                                            - Excellent!                                                                                                                        - Look please Ex.7.p.115. Pairwork. Describe a bird to your classmates and let  them guess.

T: Open your workbooks Ex. 1 p.64.Read the description. Guess the bird and write the correct letter.                                                                                                          Ex.2.p. 64.Circle the names of the birds.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Ex.3.p. 65. Listen and tick the words describing the animals. Track 62.                                         

Open your diaries and write down your homework Wb.ex.4 p.65.Draw your favourite bird and write about it. Learn by heart new words.

– Your work today was brilliant! Tell me please, what new words you have              known at the lesson. Good! Can you write new words? Now check yourself!                A beak, a duck, feathers, a flamingo, a goose, a hen, a neck, a kiwi, an ostrich, a peacock, a pelican, pink, a relative, a turkey, wild, domestic.                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Well done! Guys, you really did a good job in the classroom. Now, evaluate its activities in the classroom, filling in smiles p.86.Unit 7.Lesson 4. Colour the smile.                                           -Please fill in the questionnaire.                                                                                              Анкета рефлексия.

Name: ________________                                                                                                             1. На уроке я работал….а) активно  б) пассивно                                                                                     2. Своей работой на уроке я …а) доволен  б) не доволен                                                                      3. За урок я…. а) устал    б) не устал                                                                                                           4. Урок для меня показался….а) коротким   б) длинным  с) обычным                                                  5. Мое настроение …а) улучшилось  б) стало хуже  с) осталось прежним                                                   6. Задания урока для меня….. а) легкие    б) тяжёлые

1.What did I like …                                                                                                                                2. What was difficult for me….                                                                                          3. What was interesting…

The marks for the lesson are …

The lesson is over! Good-bye! Be healthy!


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