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Правила написания Opinion essay. ЕГЭ

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  • Opinion EssayТехнологии подготовки учащихся к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку

    1 слайд

    Opinion Essay
    Технологии подготовки учащихся к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку

  • Young people in modern societyComment on the following statement.
Modern teen...

    2 слайд

    Young people in modern society
    Comment on the following statement.
    Modern teenagers don’t know much about their country’s history because television and radio pay less attention to important past historical events these days.
    What is your opinion?
    Write 200-250 words

  • Типичные ошибки, как правило, связаны со следующими факторами:неумение опред...

    3 слайд

    Типичные ошибки, как правило, связаны со следующими факторами:

    неумение определить проблему в задании;
    непонимание коммуникативной задачи (высказывание своего мнения)
    несоответствие заданному формату (деление на абзацы, отсутствие обязательных частей эссе);
    неадекватный подбор аргументов;
    несоответствие количества слов указанному в задании;
    неправильное или недостаточное использование логических связок;
    грамотность эссе (орфография, грамматика, лексика, пунктуация).

  • Understand the problem  Modern teenagers don’t know much about their country...

    4 слайд

    Understand the problem
    Modern teenagers don’t know much about their country’s history because television and radio pay less attention to important past historical events these days. Write 200-250 words

  • Определение проблемы в заданииУпражнение 2 Прочитайте формулировку задания ещ...

    5 слайд

    Определение проблемы в задании
    Упражнение 2 Прочитайте формулировку задания ещё раз и определите тему эссе
    а) Our country’s history
    b) The importance of radio and television
    c) Modern teenagers’ ignorance about their country’s history

  • Упражнение 3  Прочитайте формулировку задания и выберите из ниже данных вопро...

    6 слайд

    Упражнение 3 Прочитайте формулировку задания и выберите из ниже данных вопросов тот, который имеет тот же смысл, как и формулировка темы эссе.

    How much do you agree that modern teenagers should know more about their country’s history?
    How much do you agree that historical events are very important?
    How much do you agree that it is often the mass media’s fault that teenagers do not know much about their country’s history?

  • 7 слайд

  • Remember about the planParagraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4


    8 слайд

    Remember about the plan
    Paragraph 1

    Paragraph 2

    Paragraph 3

    Paragraph 4

    Paragraph 5

    State the problem

    Express your opinion and give reasons for it
    Give arguments for the opposite point of view

    Explain why you disagree with them
    Draw a conclusion

  • Write the introduction Try to paraphrase ___________, using synonyms and diff...

    9 слайд

    Write the introduction
    Try to paraphrase ___________, using synonyms and different grammar structures
    Remember that the purpose of the introduction is to attract ___________and to give __________ on the topic
    You don’t need to express ___________in the introduction.

  • ВступлениеПосмотрите на список слов, выберите из него те, которые могут быть...

    10 слайд

    Посмотрите на список слов, выберите из него те, которые могут быть Вам полезны при написании вступления.
    According to…
    It is often said that…
    For instance,...
    It is often argued that…
    Nowadays, we are becoming aware of the fact that…
    On the other side of the argument,...
    Recently we have all become concerned that….
    There is no doubt that…
    As a result,...

  • Language for introductionAccording to…
It is often said that…
It is often arg...

    11 слайд

    Language for introduction
    According to…
    It is often said that…
    It is often argued that…
    Nowadays, we are becoming aware of the fact that…
    These days, it seems that…
    Recently we have all become concerned that….
    There is no doubt that…

  • Example of introductionThe younger generation often appears ignorant about th...

    12 слайд

    Example of introduction
    The younger generation often appears ignorant about their country’s history. Some people see the reason for this in the extremely low output of anything of educational value of the modern mass media. However, others believe that we can hardly blame TV and radio for their ignorance.
    Nowadays radio and television fail to offer enough educational programmes for teenagers. As a result, young people don’t have enough information about their country’s past and lose interest in history. For me there is no doubt that mass media should stimulate teens’ natural curiosity to learn and should create more educational programmes aimed at young people.

  • Критерии проверки вступленияIf the amount of words is reasonable
If there is...

    13 слайд

    Критерии проверки вступления
    If the amount of words is reasonable
    If there is a paraphrase of a topic sentence
    If the author’s opinion is stated clearly
    If the opposing opinion is mentioned
    If there is any repetition
    If the introduction is coherent.

  • The body of the essayBrainstorm the ideas

    14 слайд

    The body of the essay
    Brainstorm the ideas

  • It’s my firm belief(that), I’m not convinced (that), as far as I’m concerned,...

    15 слайд

    It’s my firm belief(that), I’m not convinced (that), as far as I’m concerned,
    the way I see it, I am totally against, I couldn’t agree more that…,
    I strongly disagree, It seems to me, I am completely opposed to…,
    I generally agree (that), I’m greatly in favour of…

  • В сочинении Вам потребуется подтвердить своё мнение, аргументировать его, а к...

    16 слайд

    В сочинении Вам потребуется подтвердить своё мнение, аргументировать его, а каждый аргумент раскрыть. Для этого Вы можете воспользоваться одним из перечисленных ниже способов:

    illustrate your statement with an example
    say what statistics/facts tell us
    suggest reasons
    describe consequences
    offer a scenario
    offer an explanation

  • I cannot agree more that TV and radio do not influence young people’s attitud...

    17 слайд

    I cannot agree more that TV and radio do not influence young people’s attitudes to life very much anymore. This results in the need for educational institutions to play a greater role in forming teens’ attitudes towards different controversial issues.
    I cannot agree more that TV and radio do not influence young people’s attitudes to life very much anymore. In fact young people spend approximately three times longer in front of their computers than in front of the television.
    I cannot agree more that TV and radio do not influence young people’s attitudes to life very much anymore. What determines teenagers’ attitude to their native country is the beliefs they acquire in the family.
    I cannot agree more that TV and radio do not influence young people’s attitudes to life very much anymore. That is true because watching television isn’t the most popular pastime for teens. They prefer to relax in other ways.

  • Phrases to introduce your personal opinionI believe that…
Personally, I feel...

    18 слайд

    Phrases to introduce your personal opinion
    I believe that…
    Personally, I feel that…
    It seems to me that…
    I would argue that…
    I feel strongly that…
    I am convinced that…
    I am greatly in favour of…
    I’m completely opposed to…

  • Linking words to introduce arguments.Firstly, secondly…

    19 слайд

    Linking words to introduce arguments.
    Firstly, secondly…
    In addition…

  • Прочтите один из абзацев эссе и определите, какой частью эссе он является.Ho...

    20 слайд

    Прочтите один из абзацев эссе и определите, какой частью эссе он является.

    However, other people argue that television and radio have stopped being the main source of information for youngsters. Therefore, we cannot blame them for teenagers’ lack of interest in our country’s past. Besides, they think the Internet plays a far more important role in forming teens’ attitude towards different aspects of life.
    Проанализируйте структуру абзаца:
    What is the main idea of the paragraph?
    What is the supporting idea of the paragraph?

  • Find linking words in the paragraph, which are used
for contrasting
for expre...

    21 слайд

    Find linking words in the paragraph, which are used
    for contrasting
    for expressing result
    for adding information.
    Перепишите данный абзац, сохраняя его идею, но используя другие союзы для логический связи.

  • Логика и организация текста является одним из критериев оценивания работы. Вы...

    22 слайд

    Логика и организация текста является одним из критериев оценивания работы. Вы должны продемонстрировать хороший уровень владения средствами грамматической и логической связи в своём эссе. Сопоставьте союзы, используемые для связи идей в рамках одного предложения с их функцией.

  • Modern teenagers don’t like historical films. They find them boring.


    23 слайд

    Modern teenagers don’t like historical films. They find them boring.

    Modern teenagers don’t like reading historical novels. They are fond of historical films.

    Modern teenagers really care about their country’s history. They want to know more about important past events.

    Modern television fails to offer enough educational programmes. Modern teenagers remain ignorant about important past events.

  • Opposite views and counterarguments

    24 слайд

    Opposite views and counterarguments

  • Opposite views and counterarguments

    25 слайд

    Opposite views and counterarguments

  • Разделите данные ниже слова-связки по категориям в зависимости от выполняемой...

    26 слайд

    Разделите данные ниже слова-связки по категориям в зависимости от выполняемой ими функции.

    Besides, I tend to think that, to sum up...,
    I am greatly in favour of…, thus, in conclusion..,
    whereas, I generally agree that, to conclude,
    overall, I think..., furthermore, whilst,
    hence, in addition, nevertheless, moreover,
    I’m completely opposed to…, therefore.

  • Продолжите мысли, данные в предложениях ниже, учитывая логическую связь.Mode...

    27 слайд

    Продолжите мысли, данные в предложениях ниже, учитывая логическую связь.

    Modern teenagers are more concerned with the present than with the past, therefore……..
    At present, television often sets bad examples of social behaviour. In addition………
    In fact TV and radio offer more entertaining programmes than educational ones. However,…
    Lack of taste in modern TV programmes can lead to a significant decrease in the number of people who watch TV. In other words…
    TV has an enormous influence on modern teenagers because…………

  • ConclusionThink about the languageTo sum up,…
In conclusion…
To conclude…

    28 слайд

    Think about the language
    To sum up,…
    In conclusion…
    To conclude…

  • Step 2 Rephrase your opinionI believe that …
It’s mass media’s fault that tee...

    29 слайд

    Step 2 Rephrase your opinion
    I believe that …
    It’s mass media’s fault that teenagers are not interested in their country's history

    It’s not mass media’s fault that teenagers are not interested in their country's history

  • Example conclusion  To sum up, I believe that TV and radio do not pay enough...

    30 слайд

    Example conclusion
    To sum up, I believe that TV and radio do not pay enough attention to issues connected with our country’s history. As a result, teenagers grow unaware of our country’s past.

  • Comment on the following statement.
Virtual Internet communication results in...

    31 слайд

    Comment on the following statement.
    Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills.
    What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
    Write 200–250 words.

    Use the following plan:
    − make an introduction (state the problem)
    − express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
    − express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
    − explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
    − make a conclusion restating your position

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Психологические особенности педагогического общения

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Управление производством и оптимизация затрат

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