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  • Kumys and Shubat                kazakh traditional drinks

    1 слайд

    Kumys and Shubat kazakh traditional drinks

  • All people want to taste kumis and shubat, both traditional kazakh drinks. ku...

    2 слайд

    All people want to taste kumis and shubat, both traditional kazakh drinks. kumis is a mildly-alcoholic fermented beverage made of horse’s milk. shubat is camel’s milk (specifically bactrian camel's milk, as that’s the kind of camel they got in this neck of the woods). Shubat is unexpectedly creamy, almost sweet. kumis tasted like milk with a strange, almost vinegary aftertaste and was a little bubbly (from the fermentation).

  • Kazakh kumys and shubat !!!

    3 слайд

    Kazakh kumys and shubat !!!

  • KumysKumys - This is a very respected beverage among Kazakhs; and also consid...

    4 слайд

    Kumys - This is a very respected beverage among Kazakhs; and also considered useful for health. In early times Kazakhs would measure their richness by how much kumys they processed in a year. They'd say: "This family has twelve female horses, and thus became rich."Kumys is very good for everyone's health, and many people wrote about it. From ancient times, Eastern Arabs processed their musalla (wine); western slavs made their own wine, and kazakhs in deserts decantad their kumys. Each is considered to be a wine, but Kazakh kumys has its own peculiarities since the others were made of fruit, say, from grapes or pomegranates. Female horses of course ate all these fruits and berries, so kumys actually had the same ingredients as some wines, and these also made kumys healthful

  • Our forefathers greatly respected this beverage, but nowadays kumys doesn't h...

    5 слайд

    Our forefathers greatly respected this beverage, but nowadays kumys doesn't have the taste of old. We didn t move from our forefathers places, and we have the same type of horses, so we do not understand why we are unable to process real kumys. It is time to revive our traditions especially in kumys processing.

  • This is the storage of kumys of kazakh people

    6 слайд

    This is the storage of kumys of kazakh people

  • ShubatShubat (fermented camel's milk) - Shubat was fat and nutritious and oft...

    7 слайд

    Shubat (fermented camel's milk) - Shubat was fat and nutritious and often served as a medicine. Kazakhs added camel's milk to tea, which "burned the tea dark yellow, Shubat was considered superior to cow's milk. In early times our forefathers had a senior wife whose primary responsibility was milking camels and processing shubat. Believing it to have medicinal qualities, many resorts in the Kazakh Republic used to use it to prevent pulmonary tuberculosis as well.

  • ShubatThis is the famous dish of shubat and traditional baursaks , it tastes...

    8 слайд

    This is the famous dish of shubat and traditional baursaks , it tastes very plesently with each other

  • Kumys and shubat always go with traditional food Beshparmak .Its very tasty...

    9 слайд

    Kumys and shubat always go with traditional food Beshparmak .Its very tasty , people always drink it after meal or before , it turns them to pleassant .If you drink certainly prepaired kumys you would be in alcoholic state, but its very amazing to drink it very cold!!! The preparation all depends on shaking after its taking from horse , it would be great if it shakes hardly and more!

  •  Thanks for your                                     attention

    10 слайд

    Thanks for your attention

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