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Презентация на тему "Theatres"

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  • M.Auezov Kazakh Drama Theatre, Almaty Kazakh Academic Drama Theater named M....

    2 слайд

    M.Auezov Kazakh Drama Theatre, Almaty 
    Kazakh Academic Drama Theater named M.Auezov organized in late 1925 in Kyzyl-Orda. 
    The theater opened on January 13, 1926 excerpt from the play «Enlik-Kebek» M.Auezov and a great concert. In 1928 the theatre was moved to Almaty. Since 1937 the theater was awarded the academic title, and since 1961 - the name Auezov. 
    In the early years of the theater directors nominated from the actor's sphere: Shanin, Kozhamkulov, Dzhandarbekov. Above the creation of the first repertory worked writers Auezov, Seifullin, Mailin.In the early period of staged performances, reflecting the establishment of Soviet power: «Red Falcons» Seifullina, «Zarlyk» Uspanova and Uteulina, as well as the life of the old village, the pre-revolutionary life of the Kazakh people: «Karakoz», «Baybishe - Current» Auezov, «Marriage», «Sly Mullah» Mailin, «Malkambay» Erdanaeva, «Torsykbay», «Aidarbek», «Arkalyk-warrior» Shanina. 

  • Answer the questions: • Where was the theatre organized in late 1925? • Whe...

    3 слайд

    Answer the questions: 
    • Where was the theatre organized in late 1925?
    • When was the theatre opened?
    • When was the theatre moved to Almaty? 
    • When was the theater awarded the academic title?
    • When was the theatre awarded the name Auezov?

  • 4 слайд

  • Theatre in Great Britain
Britain has a long and rich dramatic tradition....

    5 слайд

    Theatre in Great Britain
    Britain has a long and rich dramatic tradition.
    The two national companies, the National itself which stages modern and classical plays and the Royal Shakespeare company! which is performing in Stratford-upon-Avon, and in London.
    British theatre has become more cosmopolitan in outlook, with the World Theatre seasons that started at the Aldwych in London in 1964, and more receptive to influences from abroad.
    The whole image of the British theatre has changed of late. It's more respectable, less tied to commercial considerations and more ambitious.

  • 6 слайд

  • The Globe theatre, London The first permanent theatre in England was establi...

    7 слайд

    The Globe theatre, London 
    The first permanent theatre in England was established by James Burbage (an actor) and was called just The Theatre. 
    The Globe is the most famous theatre. It was built by the sons of Burbage in 1599 on the southern shore of the Thames. The Globe especially famous for William Shakespeare's plays that were produced there. The Globe didn’t have a roof and it resembled the inn yard. 
    Ordinary poor people were standing in front of the stage while the rich enjoyed the performance from the galleries. The scenery of the plays had rich decorations. Most of the costumes were donated by rich patrons. The clothes were always bright and luxurious. 
    All actors had to know dancing, singing and stage fencing. They also used a lot of improvisation. Famous actors of that time were for example Edward Alleyn and Richard Burbage. 

  • Answer the questions: • Who was the first theatre established by? 
• What ma...

    8 слайд

    Answer the questions: 
    • Who was the first theatre established by?
    • What makes the Globe the most famous theatre?
    • How did people watch the performances?
    • Why were the costumes luxurious?
    • What did you learn about the actors of the past?

  • 9 слайд

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Мозг и психотерапия: влияние, методы и направления

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2 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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