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Презентация по английскому языку "Tort law"

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  • tort lawMya

    1 слайд

    tort law

  • International tort law is understood as an independent sub-branch of law, inc...

    2 слайд

    International tort law is understood as an independent sub-branch of law, including a set of rules that regulate relations of non-contractual obligations related to foreign legal order.

  • Obligations of a non-contractual nature, that is, taken from the law, include...

    3 слайд

    Obligations of a non-contractual nature, that is, taken from the law, include obligations from

    causing harm (from torts and due to defects in goods, works or services);
    unjustified enrichment;
    unfair competition;
    conducting other people's Affairs without surety.

  • Tort Statute

In obligations from torts it is possible to allocate the tort...

    4 слайд

    Tort Statute

    In obligations from torts it is possible to allocate the tort Statute of the legal relation:

    the ability of a person to be held responsible for the damage caused;
    assigning responsibility to a person who is not delinquent;
    grounds for liability;
    grounds for limitation of liability and grounds for exemption from liability;
    methods of compensation of damage;
    the amount of compensation.

  • Tortious liability or liability to a tort is an obligation under which one pa...

    5 слайд

    Tortious liability or liability to a tort is an obligation under which one party (the tortfeasor) is obliged to indemnify the other party (the victim) damage (in kind or through reimbursement of losses), and also in cases stipulated by the law to compensate non-property (moral) damage, to suspend or terminate manufacturing activities, and the victim is entitled to claim from the tortfeasor the performance of this duty

  • General characteristics of the liabilities in tort
1. Non-contractual part of...

    6 слайд

    General characteristics of the liabilities in tort
    1. Non-contractual part of the obligations appear in the situations stipulated by the civil law.
    2. Unilateral element: the causer of the damage has obligations while the victim has certain rights.
    3. Alternative situation: who is responsible for the tort-chooses the victim. Also, this provision applies to the format of compensation for harm to the victim (in-kind compensation or money).
    It is obvious that the obligations arising from the occurrence of damage lead to a certain responsibility for the wrongful act committed. Accordingly, the conditions of occurrence and occurrence of this very responsibility for the harm caused, and the process of occurrence of tort obligations-links of one strong chain.

  • Elements, types and liability in tort obligations
The element of tort obligat...

    7 слайд

    Elements, types and liability in tort obligations
    The element of tort obligations is a part of obligations in the field of law. They are understood as the subjects of the tort, its objects and certain content associated with this situation.
    With regard to obligations in tort, consisting of separate types, it is possible to classify in different directions. Thus, the types of such obligations include:
    • the subject structure;
    • the object of illegal actions;
    • an act causing damage;
    * the characteristic of the arisen harm.
    However, such a situation in life does not accurately reflect the essence of the structure of tort obligations.

  • Types of tort:
* Harm caused by organizations, for example, municipal institu...

    8 слайд

    Types of tort:
    * Harm caused by organizations, for example, municipal institutions.
    * Liability for damage caused by minors and / or incapacitated persons.
    * Damage caused from sources of increased danger.
    * Negative impact on human life.
    * Causing negativity with substandard products, activities or services.

  • Damage to property
Under the harm caused to material values, it is necessary...

    9 слайд

    Damage to property
    Under the harm caused to material values, it is necessary to understand the damage caused to property of the victim. In this case, there is a concept of guilt of the debtor. As a result of the losses incurred, the order of recovery from the causer of harm is included. An example would be an intentional or unintentional act involving, say, someone's car. It is, simply put, is somehow damaged. As a result, the damage received by the owner must be corrected. This, of course, requires some money. Therefore, such compensation on a voluntary basis should take care of the person who caused damage to other people's property. If the Harmer refuses to do it-the road is one: to court.

  • The tort obligation is simple. Based on the nature of the obligation itself,...

    10 слайд

    The tort obligation is simple. Based on the nature of the obligation itself, by virtue of which the person responsible for causing harm is obliged to compensate it, he has one obligation within the framework of the protective legal relationship — to compensate for the harm. In turn, the victim has the right to demand proper execution. In turn, the legal constructions of alternative and optional obligations can be implemented only in regulatory contractual obligations. In this case, the very essence of the tort obligation, to which the above rules do not apply, is essential.

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