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Презентация по английскому языку "William Shakespeare"

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  • William ShakespeareSmirnova Lilia, 8B
Tutor: Kuzmina E.U.

    1 слайд

    William Shakespeare
    Smirnova Lilia, 8B
    Tutor: Kuzmina E.U.


    2 слайд


  • The great author was born in 1564 on 23 April to John and Mary Shakespeare.

    3 слайд

    The great author was born in 1564 on 23 April to John and Mary Shakespeare.

  • John Shakespeare was a glove maker and the family was quite comfortable. They...

    4 слайд

    John Shakespeare was a glove maker and the family was quite comfortable. They lived in Stratford-upon-Avon, a small but busy town in central England.
    The house where Shakespeare
    was born.

  • Here William spent his childhood.

    5 слайд

    Here William spent his childhood.

  • . John Shakespeare sent his son William to school. When the boy left it at th...

    6 слайд

    . John Shakespeare sent his son William to school. When the boy left it at the age of about 14, he had to work in the family business. William Shakespeare didn't go to university and never received a university education.

  • At the same time his works show that he knew a lot, more than some people wit...

    7 слайд

    At the same time his works show that he knew a lot, more than some people with a very good education. A number of people believe that somebody else wrote under the name of William Shakespeare. One theory says that it could be Queen Elizabeth I herself.

  • In 1582  at the age of 18 William Shakespeare married Anna Hathaway. This is...

    8 слайд

    In 1582 at the age of 18 William Shakespeare married Anna Hathaway. This is Anna’s cottage. He and his wife Anna had three children, two girls and a boy.

  • In those days theatre was a very popular and not expensive form of entertainm...

    9 слайд

    In those days theatre was a very popular and not expensive form of entertainment in the country. People watched all kinds of plays which traveling theatre groups performed in the streets and squares. The performances were rather primitive: there was no scenery, no music, no special effects.
    Theatre of the 16th century

  • Suddenly Shakespeare left Stratford for London. Probably Shakespeare joined o...

    10 слайд

    Suddenly Shakespeare left Stratford for London. Probably Shakespeare joined one of such groups when he decided to devote his life to acting.

  • The city of London was noisy, dangerous and possibly very dirty in those days...

    11 слайд

    The city of London was noisy, dangerous and possibly very dirty in those days. There were several theatres, or playhouses. One of them, the Theatre, was popular with Queen Elizabeth I herself. Here Shakespeare began his acting career and later started to write plays.

  • Theatres in the 16th century were not like they are today. They were round bu...

    12 слайд

    Theatres in the 16th century were not like they are today. They were round buildings open to the sky in the middle. There were no lights or lamps and they showed their plays in the afternoon. The actors (men and boys only) performed on the stage where there was no scenery.

  • Most of the audience stood to watch a play for a penny. More expensive ticket...

    13 слайд

    Most of the audience stood to watch a play for a penny. More expensive tickets could get you a seat in the gallery or in a box. In those days theatre was an entertainment for both the rich and the poor.

  • In 1598 Shakespeare’s company of actors had a serious problem with renting th...

    14 слайд

    In 1598 Shakespeare’s company of actors had a serious problem with renting the building. So one snowy winter’s night they took their belongings to the south bank of the Thames. Then they built the theatre in just 28 days and called it The Globe.

  • In the 16th century there was only one bridge over the River Thames. To get t...

    15 слайд

    In the 16th century there was only one bridge over the River Thames. To get to the new Globe Theatre, Londoners got into boats and crossed the river. They knew that there was a new play to see when they saw a flag flying over the Theatre.

  • By that time Shakespeare already had a reputation of a poet and a dramatist,...

    16 слайд

    By that time Shakespeare already had a reputation of a poet and a dramatist, or playwright. Sadly, in 1613 during a performance The Globe caught fire, which destroyed it. They rebuilt it but soon the Puritans closed the theatre and destroyed it again

  • During his life Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, several longer poems and 154 sonn...

    17 слайд

    During his life Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, several longer poems and 154 sonnets. His sonnets are 14−line love poems, wise and beautiful. Even nowadays people learn them by heart and remember lines from them. The great writer’s comedies and tragedies are popular nowadays: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Othello, Julius Caesar, Richard III. Henry IV and many more.

  • One of the secrets lies in the fact that William Shakespeare was so great at...

    18 слайд

    One of the secrets lies in the fact that William Shakespeare was so great at using words: he could make audience be sad, happy, thrilled, excited. He used 18,000 different words (a lot more than most writers)

  • Shakespeare made up about 2,000 new words himself, some of his phrases have b...

    19 слайд

    Shakespeare made up about 2,000 new words himself, some of his phrases have become so common that people use them every day. His works teach us to understand life and people and will always be internationally important.

  • William Shakespeare had left London for Stratford where he lived out the last...

    20 слайд

    William Shakespeare had left London for Stratford where he lived out the last years of his life and died in 1616 on the 23 of April.

  •  William Shakespeare was baptized and buried in Holy Trinity Church.

    21 слайд

    William Shakespeare was baptized and buried in Holy Trinity Church.

  • In 1949, an American actor Sam Wanamaker  decided to rebuild The Globe. It to...

    22 слайд

    In 1949, an American actor Sam Wanamaker decided to rebuild The Globe. It took many years to collect enough money and to find out what the theatre had looked like in the old days.
    In June 1997, Queen Elizabeth II opened the International Shakespeare Globe Centre, a replica of Shakespeare’s theatre.

  • Today, performances at the new Globe are very much like they were 400 years b...

    23 слайд

    Today, performances at the new Globe are very much like they were 400 years before. There is no scenery and practically no equipment. And as in Shakespeare’s time, the audience is free to shout to the actors and comment on the play and the acting.

  • Women now play on the stage of The Globe, but from time to time they give all...

    24 слайд

    Women now play on the stage of The Globe, but from time to time they give all−men performances in original costumes and without interval. If it rains, however, they will give you a rain hat for you not to get wet.

  • The Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon is a living memorial to...

    25 слайд

    The Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon is a living memorial to the poet’s work

  • William Shakespeare is commemorated in different statues and memorials around...

    26 слайд

    William Shakespeare is commemorated in different statues and memorials around the world

  • This is a monument in Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon.

    27 слайд

    This is a monument in Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon.

  • Tourists can see a statue of William Shakespeare  in Poets' Corner in Westmin...

    28 слайд

    Tourists can see a statue of William Shakespeare in Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey, London.

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