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презентация по английскому языку

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                                              Intellectual game: “Who’s the smartest?”                                      1


The aims:1. to develop pupils’ intellect, speech habits through speaking and listening ; to teach them to be    polite.

                2. to review the learned grammar and vocabulary material.

                3. to bring up the culture of communication and the need in practical use of  language.

Visual aids: active board, slides, papers, pens.


                                        Opening the game

T: Good afternoon, dear players, teachers and guests! Welcome to our game!

     Let me give you some brief information about our game. It consists of 8 rounds. There are 8 players. They are the pupils of the 8-th form. Taking part in this competition the players learn to be active and polite, to think quickly, to speak fluently and to respect their opponents. Let me introduce you our Guide-it’s the pupil of 8-th “A”- Gapurov Asyljan. And Maral counts the points of our players. So good luck to you, dear players!


Guide: Good afternoon, boys and girls, teachers and spectators! We are glad to meet you at our competition. There are 8 players who are very clever and quick-witted and they know English very well and they want  to prove it. Please, cheer them and applaud.

I round  Greeting. Let’s start as the English proverb says: “Well begun is half done”, introduce yourselves.


1. My name is… I am 14. My hobby is sport.

2. My name’s … My favourite subject is English.

3. My name is… I like swimming.


     Guide: The II round: Questionball. The task is to answer the questions. Every right answer gives you points. 1. What is the centre of the solar system?     / the sun /

2. How many planets are there in the solar system?   / 7 planets /

3.How many oceans & continents are there?       /4 oceans, 6 continents /

4.What each country has?          /national flag, anthem, own traditions &customs /

5.What country do you live in?       /KZ /

6.Where do Japanese live?            / Japan /

7.What continent is Pakistan in?        /Asia/

8.What country is in Australia?        /Australia/

9. What is the largest country in the world?       /Russia/

10.What is the official name of Great Britain?    /The United Kingdom of Great Britain  & Nothern Ireland/


Guide: III round “ oo-words” Try to remember the words. There are only four letters in them but they all    have double -o

         I. You read it.                   / book /

         2.You do it with your eyes.    /look /

         3.You put it on your foot.      /boot /

         4.You must open it to enter.  /door /

         5. It is in your flat or house.   /room /

         6. It is not cold but it is warm.  /cool /

         7. It is not bad.            /good /

         8.You eat it.                 /food /

         9. It is 12 o’clock.        /noon /


Guide: Good! Please, Maral tell us the points of each players. How many points have they got?

Maral:  ……



Guide: IV. Round: “Go on” You’ll be given 3 questions. The task is to answer the questions  at high speed. If you don’t know the answer you should say “Go on”

         Cross-test for the first player

                    1.What is white?         /snow /

              2. Winter, summer, spring are….   /seasons/

              3. Where are you from?     /KZ/

Cross-test for the II-nd player

         1. Dombra, kobyz, piano are… /musical instruments /

         2. What is blue?  /the sky /

         3. Karaganda is… / a town /

Cross-test for the III-rd player

         1. My mother & my father  are my… / parents /

         2. Football, tennis, rugby   are..    / sport /

         3. What’s your  friend’s  name?  /…… /

Cross-test for the IV-th player 

         1. Blue, black, white are …  /colours/

            2. Dogs, cats, pigs are…    / domestic animals /

            3.  How are you? / I’m fine./

Cross-test for the V-th player

      1. February, March, April  are… / months /

            2. What colour is snow? /white /

            3. We are…  /pupils /

     Cross-test for the VI-th player

         1. Apples, bananas, grapes are… / fruits/

         2. My grandfather & my grandmother are my… / grandparents /

         3. What is your phone number? /It’s ……. /

Cross-test for the VII-th player

      1. 1,2,3,4,5 are…  /numbers /

            2. English, Maths, History are… / subject /

            3. The son of my father is my..  / brother /

     Cross-test for the VIII-th player

      1. A,B,C,D are… / letters of the alphabet /

            2. How old are you?  /I’m 14 /

            3. The mother of my sister is my… / mother /


Guide: V round  “Lexical”      General meaning    In each group of words find the one with the most general meaning. Be as quick as you can.

         1.grandmother 2.daughter 3.woman 4.aunt 5.sister

      1.lion 2.bear 3.cat 4.animal 5. wolf

      1.bread 2.cheese 3.food  4.jam 5.meat

      1.face 2.hair 3.eyes  4.ears 5.head

         1.geagraphy 2.subject 3.mathematics 4.history 5.literature

         1.illness 2.cough 3.flu 4.cold 5.headache

         1.hat 2.cap 3.trousers 4.clothes 5.boots

         1.place 2.bridge 3.building 4.parc 5.sightseeing


Guide: Maral, please declare the points of each players.



Guide: The next VI round is “Grammatical”    Find the  adjectives

         1.snow 2.snowy 3.snowman 4.show

         1.read 2.rich 3.ring 4.reader 5.run

         1.cheese 2.change 3.chair  4.cheap 5. check

         1.wheat 2.white 3.winner  4.wind 5.wear                                                                    3

         1.drink 2.drinks 3.drinkable 4.drive 5.driver

         1.thin 2.thing 3.think 4.thinker 5.three

         1.hand 2.handsome 3.handbag 4.handfull 5.handbook

         1.help 2.helpless 3.helpfull 4.health 5.head


Guide: VII round “ Hidden numbers” now we shall play the detective. Your task is to find. Find the names of hidden numbers and colours in the following sentences.

         If I’ve said something to hurt you, I’m sorry.

         Listen to the dialogue.

         It would be better to learn it.

         Honesty is the best policy.

         Some parts of the face are an eye, an eyebrow, nose and mouth.

         Will you agree never to tell my secret?

         Elsa and Otto ran gently down the path to the road.

         We found a pencil, a pin, keys, and a few coins in the box.


Guide: VIII round  “Crossword “ The numbers aren’t in their place. Put them in the correct order and    read the English proverb. For this work you’ll have 10 points.


























Guide: So, the proverb is “ Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”. Now our competition came to the end. Well, Maral ,we are ready to hear our winner. Who’s the winner?

Maral: declare the points and the winner.


Guide:The winner is…… . He /she has …. Points. Our congratulation! And Good luck to everybody!









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Краткое описание документа:

Intellectual game: “Who’s the smartest?” 1

The aims:1. to develop pupils’ intellect, speech habits through speaking and listening ; to teach them to be polite.

2. to review the learned grammar and vocabulary material.

3. to bring up the culture of communication and the need in practical use of language.

Visual aids: active board, slides, papers, pens.

Opening the game

T: Good afternoon, dear players, teachers and guests! Welcome to our game!

Let me give you some brief information about our game. It consists of 8 rounds. There are 8 players. They are the pupils of the 8-th form. Taking part in this competition the players learn to be active and polite, to think quickly, to speak fluently and to respect their opponents. Let me introduce you our Guide-it’s the pupil of 8-th “A”- Gapurov Asyljan. And Maral counts the points of our players. So good luck to you, dear players!

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Рациональность и творчество в педагогике

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Профориентация детей и подростков

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