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or  the Clock?

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  • Ben Caunt

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  • 11 July, 1859

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weighs about 13.5 tons
the hammer  - ab...

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Выбранный для просмотра документ Биг Бен, текст.docx


















"Big Ben"










Автор: Никифорова М.С.

учитель английского языка

МБОУ «СОШ №83»

ЗАТО Северск Томской области  





Северск 2016


Everybody knows that London is the capital of Great Britain, and among its numerous sights there is one which is considered the symbol of the whole country. This famous London’s sight is well-known to every person in the world. It’s Big Ben.

The aim of this project work is to find out some interesting information about one of the most famous British symbols and make clear what “Big Ben” is in reality.

The Palace of Westminster.jpgWe all know Big Ben as the chiming clock of the Palace of Westminster or the Houses of Parliament in London. The amazing looking Victorian Gothic style clock tower is the most famous landmark of London. Rather, one can say it represents the city of London.

However, there is a misconception associated with it. Many people think that Big Ben refers either to the tower or the clocks. But actually, Big Ben is the nickname of a huge bell inside the tower.

The tower itself is called simply "The Clock Tower". In 1858 the English people built the Clock Tower of the Westminster Palace in London. The height of the clock tower, where Big Ben is located is 316 feet and it took 13 long years to build it. The clock on it had four faces and inside the tower there was a very big bell and four small bells. The clock on the Clock Tower is known as an excellent time-keeper, and the largest bell is known for the sound it makes every hour. Nowadays the Clock Tower with its clock and Big Ben is an important London landmark.

The Big Bell was supposed to be called "Victoria", after the Queen, but Londoners being Londoners, they nicknamed it "Big Ben" and the name stuck. There are some theories for this name's origin.

Some people are sure that the bell in the Clock Tower was named “Big Ben” after Sir Benjamin Hall who was in charge of the building. Benjamin Hall was very tall, and his friends called him Big Ben. Then they started to call the bell “Big Ben”, too.

Others believe that this name came from British boxing champion Benjamin Caunt. He was tall, weighed over 200 pounds and was nicknamed “Big Ben”.

Thus, the origin of the nickname Big Ben is the subject of some debate.

The hour bell of the clock is named Big Ben but its remaining four quarter bells are nameless. The four nameless quarter bells chime every quarter hour. The melody that the quarter bells chime is called the "Westminster Chimes," and believe it or not, it comes from an aria (“I Know that My Redeemer Liveth”) in Handel's "Messiah."

What makes the bells chime? The Great Westminster Clock has three trains of gears: the GOING Train, the CHIMING Train and the STRIKING Train. The Going Train keeps time and moves the hands on the faces; at quarter past, at half past, at quarter to and on the hour, it tells the Chiming Train to pull the cables which make the quarter bells chime. Also, on the hour, it tells the Striking Train to pull the cable to make Big Ben chime.

The sound of Big Ben is well-known to all British people. The people of London who live near the Houses of Parliament can hear the sound of it every hour. Other people hear it on the radio. Moreover, Big Ben is the largest chiming bell of the world.

Big Ben is really a huge bell. The diameter of Big Ben is 8 feet and it weighs 13.5 tons which is almost the same as that of a small elephant! The hammer that strikes Big Ben weighs more than 200 kilogrammes.

Big Ben was cast on 10th April 1858 and it took almost two weeks to cool down. Then it was transported to the Westminster Palace by a horse-drawn carriage.

On the 11th of July 1859 it chimed the hour for the first time. So Big Ben is more than 150 years old!

On New Year’s night British people come to the Clock Tower to see the New Year in and listen to the bell. The view of Big Ben is at its best during the night time when the faces of the clock are illuminated.

Only for two years during the 1st World War, the bells were silenced and the clock face darkened at night to prevent attack by German pilots.

150 years after its building, Big Ben remains one of the best known British landmarks and attracts tourists from all over the world.


Internet Sources:

1.     www.buzzle.com/articles/big-ben-facts.html

2.     www.aviewoncities.com/london/bigben.html

3.     www.bigbenfacts.co.uk/facts/index.html

4.     dailymail.co.uk

5.     scheong.wordpress.com





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Презентация "Big Ben" является дополнительным иллюстративным материалом к любому УМК по английскому языку. Так как на уроках учащиеся вскользь знакомятся с символами Великобритании и Лондона, данный материал способствует расширению их знаний о стране изучаемого языка. Текст, сопровождающий презентацию, рассказывает подробно об известной достопримечательности Лондона – колоколе Биг Бен.

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