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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Британцы, какие они" (5 класс)

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  • The British people: what they are?

    1 слайд

    The British people: what they are?

  • Great Britain is an island on the outer edge of the European continent...

    2 слайд

    Great Britain is an island on the outer edge of the European continent, and its geographical situation has produced a certain insular spirit among its inhabitants. They regard their own community as the centre of the world.
    «Not only England, but every Englishman is an island»
    (Novalis, German poet)

  • British characteristicsNational trait of character of the British people – re...

    3 слайд

    British characteristics
    National trait of character of the British people – restraint and even stiffness. Perhaps, inhabitants of the British Isles also seem a little coldish in communication, but it is very hospitable country which skillfully and lovingly stores the culture and traditions.

  • Traditions are connected with culture of food: for example, the Sunday lunch,...

    4 слайд

    Traditions are connected with culture of food: for example, the Sunday lunch, according to tradition, still collects many of English families at one table.
    Also tradition are "five-hour tea" or porridge for breakfast.
    But many traditions give an inconvenience, both to residents of England, and tourists. Left-hand traffic on roads of the country, two separate cranes in a bathroom.
    With great respect British treat the history. According to traditions of ancestors British raise the children in severity.
    Traditions and customs

  • One of the most known English traditions — it "midday tea drinking".
The Brit...

    5 слайд

    One of the most known English traditions — it "midday tea drinking".
    The British tea ceremony — this true art..The main rule of any official tea party — tea in cups of guests is always spilled at a table. The owner or the waiter approaches each guest on the right side and spills tea.
    Many British prefer to have strong tea with milk and sugar. They have no tea with a lemon. Therefore tea with milk is called "English tea", and tea with a lemon — "the Russian tea".
    English tea ceremony

  • It is interesting that "5 o’clock" — one of widespread stereotypes about Grea...

    6 слайд

    It is interesting that "5 o’clock" — one of widespread stereotypes about Great Britain. Actually, British have tea not only at five o'clock as it is considered to be. They with pleasure have tea several times a day. Traditional "midday tea" moves between a lunch and a lunch at any time.

  • The English are the nation of stay- at-home. «There is no place like home», t...

    7 слайд

    The English are the nation of stay- at-home. «There is no place like home», they say. After work the Englishman is at home with his wife and children.
    Family life

  • Their lawns are closely cropped. Everything is orderly.The British are carefu...

    8 слайд

    Their lawns are closely cropped. Everything is orderly.
    The British are careful about almost everything.

  • On Friday when the Englishmen leave work they say to each other «Have a nice...

    9 слайд

    On Friday when the Englishmen leave work they say to each other «Have a nice weekend.» Then on Monday morning they ask, «Did you have a nice weekend?»

  • In English homes, the fireplace has always been, until recent times, the natu...

    10 слайд

    In English homes, the fireplace has always been, until recent times, the natural centre of interest in a room. People like to sit round the fire and watch the dancing flames for many months of the year.
    The fireplace in English homes

  • The British are known to talk about the weather all the time. They repeat the...

    11 слайд

    The British are known to talk about the weather all the time. They repeat the phrase «Lovely day, isn't it?» at least two hundred times a day. Britain was never famous for good weather.
    When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather. (S. Johnson, English poet)

  • The English are a sporting nation
The English like different kinds
 of sport....

    12 слайд

    The English are a sporting nation

    The English like different kinds
    of sport.
    They often play football
    and cricket.
    There is Manchester United
    football club in Britain.

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