Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему: "Литература Великобритании"

Презентация по английскому языку на тему: "Литература Великобритании"

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Рудакова Полина Петровна
Студентка 2 курс...

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    Рудакова Полина Петровна
    Студентка 2 курса
    Группа 213 РИ
    Специальность: «Рациональное
    использование природоохранных
    Кульбеда Татьяна Павловна

  • contentIntroduction;
William Shakespeare
Charles Dickens
A. A. Milne
Agatha C...

    2 слайд

    William Shakespeare
    Charles Dickens
    A. A. Milne
    Agatha Christie
    JRR Tolkien
    J. K. Rowling

  • IntroductionBritain, with its rich literary heritage has produced more famous...

    3 слайд

    Britain, with its rich literary heritage has produced more famous writers than any other country. The British literary tradition dates back to over a thousand years and has played a predominant role in shaping the development of English literature on the international scenario.

  • Literature without Shakespeare is like an aquarium without fishes. Though it...

    4 слайд

    Literature without Shakespeare is like an aquarium without fishes. Though it would have all the adoration and kinds, a look at it would tell you that it is lifeless and dead. The world’s greatest playwright and writer of English language, William Shakespeare has been conferred with the honour of being England’s national poet and ‘Bard of Avon’. An author of 38 plays and 154 sonnets, his work was much more appreciated by the world after his lifetime.
    William Shakespeare
    (1564 – 1616)

  • Charles Dickens(1812 – 1870)One of the most widely read English authors of a...

    5 слайд

    Charles Dickens
    (1812 – 1870)
    One of the most widely read English authors of all time Charles Dickens is famous for his novels that touch upon the sensitive issues of poverty, child labour, and slavery. During a time, when depravity and oppression were the norms of English society, this talented writer had the courage to voice his opinions against these conditions.
    His books have seen more than 200 adaptations for the big screen, including 'The Pickwick Papers', a silent movie made in the early 20th century.

  • A. A. Milne(1882 – 1956)“A day without a friend is like a pot without a sing...

    6 слайд

    A. A. Milne
    (1882 – 1956)
    “A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside.”This quote reminds us of Winnie the Pooh. A pioneer in penning children’s books, Milne has contributed immensely to the literary world throughout his career. Milne’s contribution as a novelist and poet in the genre of children’s literature has been exemplary and it is for the same that his character still continues to enjoy roaring success even today. To know more about the life and career of Milne, browse through the following lines.

  • Agatha Christie(1890-1976)Agatha Christie, known as the ‘Queen of Crime’, wa...

    7 слайд

    Agatha Christie
    Agatha Christie, known as the ‘Queen of Crime’, was a renowned English writer who wrote over 66 detective novels. She is best known as the creator of Belgian detective Hercule Poirot and village lady Miss Marple. She is credited for writing world’s longest running play ‘The Mousetrap’. Her first successful publication was ‘The Mysterious Affair at Styles’ that introduced the character of Poirot.
    Her created character Poirot is the only fictional character for which The New York Times published an obituary, which is a clear indication of the character’s popularity.

  • JRR Tolkien(1892-1973)Never had he thought that a bedtime story he narrated...

    8 слайд

    JRR Tolkien
    Never had he thought that a bedtime story he narrated to his children would transform into a cult award-winning novel, with hundreds of millions of fan following across the world. Described as ‘grew in the telling’, his ‘The Hobbit’ became one of his most-loved books,
    along with his richly inventive epic tale series ‘The Lord of the Rings’ which was helmed in bits and pieces sent as letters to his kids. J.R.R. Tolkien was an internationally eminent writer, most popular for his dark fantasy stories. His areas of expertise were often inspirations drawn from Germanic people, including poetry, literature, mythology and old English.

  • J. K. Rowling(1965-…)Little did she, in her wildest dreams, anticipate that...

    9 слайд

    J. K. Rowling
    Little did she, in her wildest dreams, anticipate that a delayed train journey from Manchester to London would change her life for good! The woman behind the Harry Potter franchise, J K Rowling or simply Joanne Rowling is one of the best-selling authors today. Rowling’s is a typical rags to riches story - from living on state benefits to becoming the multi-millionaire author, her life took a complete 180 degree turn when the first book of her conceptualized dream materialized on the bookstand by the name, ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’.

  • Список литературыwww.thefamouspeople.com

    10 слайд

    Список литературы

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Письмо: методика подготовки учащихся к ОГЭ по английскому языку

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Психологические методы развития навыков эффективного общения и чтения на английском языке у младших школьников

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в профессиональном образовании

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