Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему "Правда или нет" (10-11 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Правда или нет" (10-11 класс)

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • True or False?Try to determine if the fact presented is true or false.

    1 слайд

    True or False?
    Try to determine if the fact presented is true or false.

  • Napoleon was short.He was almost 174 cm
 tall. He was actually
taller than th...

    2 слайд

    Napoleon was short.
    He was almost 174 cm
    tall. He was actually
    taller than the average
    Frenchman of the time.

  • Chameleons change color to blend in with surroundings.FALSE!Chameleon color-c...

    3 слайд

    Chameleons change color to blend in with surroundings.
    Chameleon color-changing is typically triggered by physical,
    physiological and emotional changes. If they're feeling fussy,
    say angry or afraid or combative, they'll change colors
    using their chromatophores. They'll also change colors as a way
    of communicating in various manners and to pick a fight
    with a competitor. Light and temperature play a big part,
    too, in how these little fancy pantses look.

  • There’s a man in Florida who’s been arrested 62 times for “trespassing” at wo...

    4 слайд

    There’s a man in Florida who’s been arrested 62 times for “trespassing” at work.
    His name is Earl Samson.
    Miami Gardens police have stopped and
    questioned a 28-year-old Florida black man
    a total of 258 times in four years, reports
    the Miami Herald.
    In addition to the stops, Earl Sampson has
    been searched over 100 times and arrested
    56 times.
    The instances have even followed him to
    his place of work – the 207 Quickstop –
    where Sampson has been arrested
    for trespassing 62 times even though he
    works at the Convenience store as a clerk.
    But out of all of these arrests, searches and
    stops, Sampson’s most serious conviction
    remains possession of marijuana.

  • This is actually a woman whose body has been painted to look like a parrot.TRUE!

    5 слайд

    This is actually a woman whose body has been painted to look like a parrot.

  • The “Ketchup’n’Fries” plant can simultaneously produce both tomatoes and pota...

    6 слайд

    The “Ketchup’n’Fries” plant can simultaneously produce both tomatoes and potatoes.
    And it is not genetically
    modified. Every plant is
    actually hand-grafted.

  • There are 50 states in the USA.
Technically speaking 
there are only 46 

    7 слайд

    There are 50 states in the USA.

    Technically speaking
    there are only 46
    states in the USA.
    The other four refer to
    themselves as


  • Thai people will type “555” instead of “hahaha”. TRUE!Number “5” is pronounce...

    8 слайд

    Thai people will type “555” instead of “hahaha”.
    Number “5” is pronounced
    “ha” in Thai.

  • A woman taught herself how to fly a helicopter, rented one, flew it to the pr...

    9 слайд

    A woman taught herself how to fly a helicopter, rented one, flew it to the prison and picked her imprisoned husband off the prison roof.
    It happened in 1986, in
    France. You can find the
    whole story on Wiki’s list
    of helicopter prison

  • Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.FALSE!Above sea level, Mau...

    10 слайд

    Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.
    Above sea level, Mauna
    Kea (in Hawaii) is only
    4,206 meters tall. But
    when you count the
    portion of it that's
    underwater, it's 10,200
    meters tall. Everest is
    only 8,848 meters above
    sea level, with none of it
    below sea level.

  • Lie detector (polygraph) tests are accurate. FALSE!The ‘lie detector‘ does no...

    11 слайд

    Lie detector (polygraph) tests are accurate.
    The ‘lie detector‘ does not measure
    truth-telling; it measures changes
    in blood pressure, breath rate and
    perspiration rate, but those
    physiological changes can be
    triggered by a wide range of

  • Dolphins can communicate over telephone and appear to know who they're talkin...

    12 слайд

    Dolphins can communicate over telephone and appear to know who they're talking to.

  • There’s an Indonesian volcano that burns bright blue.Kawah Ijen TRUE!

    13 слайд

    There’s an Indonesian volcano that burns bright blue.
    Kawah Ijen

  • U.S. law holds that natural persons born on foreign ships docked at U.S. port...

    14 слайд

    U.S. law holds that natural persons born on foreign ships docked at U.S. ports or born within the limit of U.S. territorial waters are U.S. citizens.

  • There’s no gravity in space.FALSE!

    15 слайд

    There’s no gravity in space.

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Краткое описание документа:

Данная презентация была разработана для развития коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, навыков чтения и лексической догадки, расширения кругозора учащихся. Подходит для учеников 10-11 классов.

Ученикам предлагается высказать мнение о предложенном факте, используя конструкции "To my mind...", "I think...", "In my opinion..." и т. п.

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    Алхутова Анна Алексеевна
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    • Всего материалов: 13

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