Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему: " Professions and ways of Communication" (4 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему: " Professions and ways of Communication" (4 класс)

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  • Professions and ways of Communication      Grade :4 th...

    1 слайд

    Professions and ways of Communication

    Grade :4 th
    Teacher: Fayzieva Roza

  • 4 th Grade     Theme...

    2 слайд

    4 th Grade Theme
    Learning objectives

    7.S.6. Begin to link comments with some flexibility to what other say at sentences
    7.U.E.3.Use a growing variety of compound , participle adjectives
    7.W.3. Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of general topics
    Lesson objectives

    All learners will be able to :
    link flexibility answers to the comments
    Most learners will be able to:
    use a variety of compound, and participle adjectives
    Some learners will be able to: write the sentences using the Past Simple structure
    After the lesson
    I took three aims from the updated curriculum
    According to these aims I have chosen three tasks

  • After doing the tasks learners can Link comments with  some  flexibility answ...

    3 слайд

    After doing the tasks learners can
    Link comments with some flexibility answers
    Write the sentences using the grammar of
    Past Simple

    Use a growing variety of compound and
    participle adjectives
    I connected theme with the Self --knowledge.
    I divided the pupils into two groups .
    I picked up three tasks related to the objectives of the lesson.

  • 1.Choose the cards with the questions, give your  flexibility answers about S...

    4 слайд

    1.Choose the cards with the questions, give your flexibility answers about Shakespeare ‘s life

    This task is embraced for all groups. This task corresponds to the first aim, the learners develop their speaking and
    thinking skills .For each right answer l give the cards.
    2.Using the verbs in the Past Simple make up sentences.

    Describe the pictures.
    Use the verbs in the Past Simple.
    This task connect with my second aim, they will learn to write to use the structure of the past simple. This task is for A learners, for each correct answer I give the cards
    3.Put the compound, participle adjectives into the gaps (interesting, amazing ,well- known, brightly-lit)
    1.Viewers admired the________ plays of Shakespeare.
    2.Shakespeare was _________ writer.
    3. All his plays are__________ in our time.
    4.Shakespeare plays told these stories in a more______ way
    I link this task with the third aim, the pupils learn how to use the participle,
    compound adjectives . This task is for B C learners, each right answer I give them colorful cards

  • What I  need to know What have I achieved today What was my physical conditio...

    5 слайд

    What I need to know
    What have I achieved today
    What was my physical condition
    Did I like the lesson
    What points of the lesson I did not understand
    The criteria assessment provides for constant feedback. It helps to know at what level are the learners. I use the stragedy of five fingers for determine at what level they have learned the material

  • MicroteachingI gained experience with the  distribution
 of differentiated ta...

    6 слайд

    I gained experience with the distribution
    of differentiated tasks for learners ABC
    I have learnt to write a short term plan
    corresponds to updated curriculum

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    Fayzieva Roza Husanovna
    Fayzieva Roza Husanovna
    • На сайте: 6 лет и 10 месяцев
    • Подписчики: 0
    • Всего просмотров: 9306
    • Всего материалов: 4

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

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1180 руб. 590 руб.
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