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  • William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor. He was born o...

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    William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor. He was born on 26 April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. His father was a successful local businessman and his mother was the daughter of a landowner. Shakespeare is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and nicknamed the Bard of Avon. He wrote about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and a few other verses, of which the authorship of some is uncertain. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.

  • Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth on 7 February 1812, to John and Elizab...

    3 слайд

    Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth on 7 February 1812, to John and Elizabeth Dickens.
    As a child, Charles experienced the fickle hands of fate; he was first taught at a private school before being removed because of his family’s financial hardship.
    In fact, his father’s debts were so bad, the whole family (apart from the young Charles was sent to the debtor’s prison at Marshalsea (this would later be the setting for one of his novels – Little Dorrit). However, although Charles escaped detention in the debtors’ prison, he was made to work long, 10 hour days, at a local boot blacking factory. The hard and dangerous work left a lasting impression on Charles Dickens, who would later incorporate in his writings a sense of social injustice that was endemic in Victorian Britain.

  • Born on November 30, 1667, Irish author, clergyman and satirist Jonathan Swif...

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    Born on November 30, 1667, Irish author, clergyman and satirist Jonathan Swift grew up fatherless. Under the care of his uncle, he received a bachelor's degree from Trinity College and then worked as a statesman's assistant. Eventually, he became dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin. Most of his writings were published under pseudonyms. He best remembered for his 1726 book Gulliver's Travels.
    Early Life
    Irish author and satirist Jonathan Swift was born in Dublin, Ireland on November 30, 1667. His father, an attorney, also named Jonathan Swift, died just two months before he arrived. Without steady income, his mother struggled to provide for her newborn. Moreover, Swift was a sickly child. It was later discovered that he suffered from Meniere's Disease, a condition of the inner ear that leaves the afflicted nauseous and hard of hearing. In an effort to give her son the best upbringing possible, Swift's mother gave him over to Godwin Swift, her late husband's brother and a member of the respected professional attorney and judges group Gray's Inn. Godwin Swift enrolled his nephew in the Kilkenny Grammar School (1674–1682), which was perhaps the best school in Ireland at the time. Swift's transition from a life of poverty to a rigorous private school setting proved challenging. He did, however, make a fast friend in William Congreve, the future poet and playwright.

  • Robert Burns was born the 25th of January 1759, ten years after our city of H...

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    Robert Burns was born the 25th of January 1759, ten years after our city of Halifax was founded. The birth of Burns is a date we still celebrate, along with societies around the world. The sheer extent of this continuing fame 200 years after his death is a testament to the life and work of a giant of English literature.
    Also known as Rabbie Burns, the Ploughman Poet, the Bard of Ayrshire and The Bard, he was born in Alloway, Ayrshire. He was the son of of Agnes (nee Broun) and William Burnes (who later shortened his name to Burns). The child was largely educated by his father, who also hired a schoolmaster named John Murdock to tutor him. Robert Burns had access to good books and was well read.
    Besides his poetry, Burns devoted considerable time to composing and collecting traditional Scottish songs. He collaborated with music archivists and publishers James Johnson and George Thomson to compile large editions of tradiitonal and new songs. His "Auld Lang Syne" is still sung across the globe to celebrate the New Year.

  • Walter Scott was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, August 15, 1771. His father was...

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    Walter Scott was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, August 15, 1771. His father was a farmer and his mother, Anne Rutherford, was the daughter of Dr. John Rutherford, who was one of the founders of the medical school of Edinburgh. Mrs. Scott was fond of poetry and anecdotes and it was from her that Walter received inspiration.
    Walter was one of ten children. The other children's only claim to fame was that they had, "good health and untamable spirits." In contrast, Walter was afflicted at twenty-one months with something which a biographer describes as, "a paralytic affection, superinduced, or at least aggravated by scrofulous habit of body." It is, sufficient to say that it made him lame and doubtless pushed him into more academic pursuits.
    He spent much time with his grandparents, but it was "Aunt Jenny" who took a special interest in him and influenced him to write. His visits to an uncle, Dr. Rutherford, professor of botany at the University of Edinburgh, brought him into contact with scholarly 

  • Bronte sisters
Patrick and Maria Bronte had six children (from oldest to you...

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    Bronte sisters
    Patrick and Maria Bronte had six children (from oldest to youngest): Maria, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne. Soon after Patrick had been appointed to a parish in Haworth, Yorkshire, his wife died, leaving the parson and the young children behind (the oldest, Maria, only seven years old). Maria, Elizabeth, Charlotte, and Emily began attending Cowan Bridge School three years after their mother's death. Tragically, Maria and Elizabeth both died of tuberculosis, which had infected the school. Patrick hastened to bring Charlotte and Emily home after learning of the deaths of his two older daughters.
    Six years after the loss of her sisters, Charlotte set off for Roe Head School. She returned a little after a year later and taught her sisters. In 1835, Charlotte became a teacher at Roe Head, and Emily became a student there, but she only lasted three months. She would speak to no one except Charlotte and became very thin and pale. She was soon back at Haworth. Anne took Emily's place at Roe Head.
    In the next few years, Emily became a teacher at Law Hill School. Failure was the result. Emily endured her position for six months; she disliked teaching very much, and longed for the moors that surrounded her home.

  • Rudyard Kipling was an English short-story writer, poet, and novelist. He wro...

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    Rudyard Kipling was an English short-story writer, poet, and novelist. He wrote tales and poems of British soldiers in India and stories for children. Joseph Rudyard Kipling was born on 30 December 1865 in Bombay, British India. His father Lockwood Kipling was a sculptor and the head of department of the architectural sculpture at the Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy School of Art and Industry in Bombay. Rudyard’s mother Alice Kipling was a lively and cheerful woman. After spending some fabulous years in India, a six year old Kipling was sent to England where they lived with a couple Mr. and Mrs. Holloway as then was the custom for the British nationalists living in India. He was accompanied by his three year old sister Alice.Link: http://www.findebook.org/rudyard-kipling-short-biography/ short summary, short biography and chronology, interesting facts and quotes © findebook.org

  • Birth and early circumstancesGeorge Gordon, Lord Byron was born at Holles St...

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    Birth and early circumstances
    George Gordon, Lord Byron was born at Holles Street in London, the son of a Guards Officer, Captain John Byron. Abandoned by her husband, his mother, Catherine Gordon, took him in 1790 (2) to Aberdeen, where they lived in considerable poverty, and where Byron attended the local school, learning early how to deal with the taunts of his fellow schoolboys concerning his physical deformity, a deformed foot and lower leg foot. His father died in 1791 (3) in France. 
    In 1798 (10) he inherited the estates of his great uncle, Lord Byron, and moved with his mother first to the ruinous Newstead Abbey, then to nearby Nottingham.
    In 1799 (11) he was sent to school in Dulwich, and in 1801 (13) to Harrow. He then attended Trinity College, Cambridge, where he formed a close friendship with John Cam Hobhouse. 
    First poetry
    He published Fugitive Pieces in 1806 (18), revising and enlarging it in 1808 (20), at which point it received scathing criticism in the Edinburgh Review, prompting his reply English Bards and Scots Reviewers (1809, 21), which comprised over a thousand lines of rebuttal, invective and justification. 
    Grand tour and Childe Harold

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