Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация: "Сastles and treasure "

Презентация: "Сastles and treasure "

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Lesson Plan


Date: 08/04/2009                          Time:  17:20-18:00

Form: 7 “A”                                 Level: Elementary

Information about students:

Girls: 3

Boys: 9


“Speak out” 2-3/2007; Great Britain Ю.Б. Голицинский, Happy English 1, Клементьева Т.Б.; Монк Б.


Power Point presentation, pictures, glee, puzzles, cards, cards with letters.

Skills practiced: Speaking and Reading skills.

Aim: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to define the name of the castle with the treasure using the letters and words given.







Pattern of




Good afternoon pupils. I am really glad to see you. Sit down, please. By the way, who is absent today? Ok, let's start our lesson.

The whole class

 1 min



To involve

the students in the teaching process.

















To make up the of the UK.

So, today we will have an unusual lesson. We will have a treasure hunt (a slide) (охоту за сокровищами). But it will be a virtual treasure hunt (виртуальный).

Firstly, let's make two groups (считалочка – red/green). So, the green's team is here and the red's team is here (gestures).

And now listen to the rules of the game. For each task each team gets a letter (букву). Look at the screen, please. There are two castles and here are the boxes from the castles. In one of them there is a treasure for you.  Collect the letters and make up the name of the castle with the treasure. Are the rules clear? Then let's start our game!

First of all let's find out the country where these castles are.

Act 1:


Work as a team. I will give each team a puzzle of a country and the glee. Make up the country from the puzzle and stick it on this sheet. Clear? Three minutes for you. Start!


What team is ready? Let me see your map. Ok, and now teams stop working and look at the screen (a slide). Have you made the same map? Good! So, the first team What is the country? Any ideas? Then, the second team your idea. What is it? Is it Africa? Is it Russia? What? Of course, right you are it is the Great Britain.

For this task the first team gets 1 letter and the second team two letters.

The whole class
















Group work







2-3 min
















3 min






1 min










To identify the capital for the country.


















To identify the symbol and flag of the country using the sentences.


























To skim the text for specific information.


































To identify originality of a person or a thing in the pictures.



So, we have found out that these castles are located in the Great Britain. But do you know that the Great Britain consists of (состоит из) four countries? By the way, what are these countries? Any ideas? Ok then, look at the screen, please (a slide). They are Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales.

Act 2:


 Work as a team. These are the capitals of the countries. Match the capitals with the countries. Clear? Half a minute for you.


Ready? Let's check. Read in turns (по очереди). The first team. Sasha, what is the capital of England? Start like that: “The capital of England is…” Look at the screen and check.

So, now the second team. Taniya, what is the capital of Scotland? Any ideas? No ideas? Then your idea the first team.

Two letters for this team and one letter for this one (gestures)

And now read the capitals after me (reading).

Well done, teams. Look at the castles again and tell me, please. What is it, Taniya? Yes, it is a flag. So, to find out the location (расположение) of the castle with the treasure we should know the flags and the symbols of the countries.

Act 3:


Work as a team. Each team has some flags, symbols and the cards. Look at the cards, please. There are the colours of the flags and name of the symbolic plants. Match the flags and symbols with the countries. Two minutes for you.


Ready? Have you done? Give me your maps, please. Let's check. Look at the screen and say the country for a symbol or a flag.  Let's do it in turns, please (по очереди). Now this team will start. What is the country for this symbol? England or Scotland? What? Taniya, your idea.

Each team gets two letters for the task.

Good of you teams, so now name the countries for these castles (A slide). The first castle, Sasha. Where is it located? In England or in Ireland? Where?


Well, one castle is in England and one castle is in Scotland. It is time to go on a virtual excursions through Scotland and England. Firstly, let's look for (поищем) the castles in England. So, let's go to London, but virtually (виртуально).

Act 4:


Imagine that you are on  the excursion. Work as a team. Read these texts and match these London sights with the pictures. By the way, what is Russian for sights? Clear? Five minutes for you.


Your time is up. Let's check. Teams, give me your cards. And now, look at the screen and name the sights. Now, the second team will be the first. Renat, name the first picture. What is it?

Well done, teams. The castles of London are the museums now. So, it is difficult to hide (спрятать) treasure there, is not it? And what about castles of Scotland? By the way, there are a lot of them. Look at the screen and listen (a slide). В Шотландии очень много замков, о некоторых из них сложены целые легенды. Так же, многие шотландские замки считают убежищем призраков, духов и приведений. Однажды 250 добровольцев разыскивали духов в Эдинбургском замке, согласно легендам в этом замке "водятся" призраки волынщика, обезглавленного барабанщика и пленников времен семилетней войны. Что интересно,  больше половины участников эксперимента совершенно серьезно описывали некие странные шепотки, видения и прикосновения. Еще одна интересная особенность Шотландцев – это национальный костюм мужчин: юбка-килт  и тартан или плед, которые носят исключительно по праздникам.
Ok, teams Scotland is very interesting country, is not it? And the next task for you is very interesting too.

Act 4:                                            Instruction:

Work as a team. I will show some pictures of people and things. Look at the screen and say which thing is from Scotland and which thing is from England. Clear? Let's do it in turns. Now this team will start ( slides). Taniya, is this man from Scotland or England? Team, help Taniya. Start like that: “He is from…” .                 

The whole class







The group work




















Group work



The group work







The whole class



















The group work







The whole class






The whole class



























The group work

2 min








0.5-1 min




2 min



















2 min








3 min




















5 min








2 min







3-4 min



























3 min








To make up the name of the castle with treasure.

All right, teams and now it is high time to look at the letters that you have got. How many letters have you got? Not bad! So, the most exciting moment of our game came (самый волнующий момент). Let's find out the castle with the treasure.

Act 5:


Work as a team again. Look at the castles (a slide). There are their names. Your task is to make up the name of the castle where the treasure is. The fastest team will get the treasure. Ready? Start!


Any ideas? Right you are the treasure is in Glamis. So, look at the box of the Glamis and take your treasure.  And you, the second team take these small prizes for work!


Well done, pupils. The lesson is over. I hope that it was interesting game for you. Thank you. Good bye!







The group work







1-2 min






1 min






1 min


Tutor′ s signature                                                                              


Mentor′ s signature                                                                     





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