Инфоурок Иностранные языки ПрезентацииПрезентация учащихся 8"в" класса, Симкиной Екатерины и Кочневой Марии к уроку английского языка на тему "Произведения Вильяма Шекспира в экранизациях Советского кинематографа"

Презентация учащихся 8"в" класса, Симкиной Екатерины и Кочневой Марии к уроку английского языка на тему "Произведения Вильяма Шекспира в отечественных экранизациях

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( видео фрагмент) This quote is from the famous film "Beware of the Car", which made the golden fund of the Soviet cinema and firmly entered our lives. Besides its humorous tone, we are also interested in the fact that William Shakespeare is really ours. Many phrases from his works like: “Have you prayed tonight, Desdemona?”  , “To be or not to be: that is the question”, “For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo”, they became catchphrases long time ago, and we knew them from our childhood. But what way did Shakespeare have to become ours?

During the whole lifetime of the cinematography his works were filmed more often than others. There are about 760 screen versions. For comparison, the second place belongs to Charles Dickens and A. P. Chekhov, whose works were filmed about 280 times.

 In our country Shakespeare’s plays were not adapted until the 50-s. There were some reasons for that. First, after the revolution of 1917, in Russia most films were about patriotism, the great achievements of the Soviet people and so on.

Second, until the 50-s of the 20th century there was no television. And here goes a giant technological breakthrough. The TV from rare wonders became the essential part of people’s lives. Until the 50-s there were only 30 TVs and they were all in Moscow. Film adaptations of performances gained more and more popularity. Finally, Shakespeare as the greatest dramatist gets on the TV screen.

At the beginning a stage performance was filmed. The first was the film-ballet on the music of the famous Soviet composer Sergei Prokofiev in 1954. In the role of Juliet was the great ballerina Galina Ulanova. In general, about nineteen TV plays and a few film-operas were filmed. And thanks to the cinematograph, nowadays we can be on those performances. It is like going to the theatre and sitting on the sofa at the same time.

That’s the way it all started. Finally, full length films based on Shakespeare’s works appeared on the screen. The first to come was the 1964 movie “Hamlet”. Crowds of people queued for the tickets. The film won so many awards.

Films based on William Shakespeare’s plays reached the peak of their popularity in the 70-s and 80-s. In those twenty years 21 films appeared.

It seems that in the 90-s Shakespeare was forgotten. For almost 10 years none of his works were adapted.  But with the beginning of the new century, we can see increase of the interest to the playwright. 6 adaptations of his tragedies were filmed from 2004 to 2010.

Shakespeare wrote: “All the world is a stage and all the men and women merely players”. The world always changes its decorations, one era comes after another but William Shakespeare is still topical nowadays. Shakespeare is still with us!


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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Shakespeare's Cinematography
In the USSRMary Kochneva 
 Kate Simkina

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    Shakespeare's Cinematography
    In the USSR
    Mary Kochneva
    Kate Simkina
    Supervisor Kulakova L.V.
    Grammar School 70

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    "Watch Out For The Automobile" 1966

  • "Have you prayed tonight, 

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  • "To be, or not to be, 
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    that is a question."
    "For never was a story
    Of more woe,
    Than this of Juliet
    And her Romeo"

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    at the beginning of the 20th century?
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    С) 3000

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  • Galina
UlanovaIn the role of Juliet
 in 1954

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  • "All the world is a stage and all the
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    "All the world is a stage and all the
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  • Shakespeare is still with us!Thank you for your attention

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    Shakespeare is still with us!
    Thank you for your attention

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