Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыПромежуточная аттестация по английскому языку 10 класс

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку 10 класс

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    Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку

учени_____    10 ___ класса

МБОУ «СШ №14» г. Смоленска


Вариант 1

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Аction Sports Camps provide activity holidays for children aged over five and adults. We offer training in over twenty sports at ten different centres throughout the UK. All the centres are open from April until October, and some open during the winter for weekend courses. The sports offered differ from one centre to another, so if you want to do something in particular, you should check our brochure.

The camps are not just limited to outdoor sports – we cover a wide range of indoor activities as well. So if the rain comes, the camps continue, although you may have to take off your football boots and pick up a squash racket instead. With the experience we've gained over the years, we put together the right mix of sport and activities providing sport for all, not just for those who are brilliant at athletics.

We work in small groups, children working with others of their own age, but we do all come together for social activities and meals. So different members of a family can make their own individual choices, but they get a chance to exchange their experiences later on.

Our centres offer first-class accommodation, food and facilities – and the staff are first-class too. Qualified teachers or professionals receive training from us, and many work with us year after year. We always employ qualified staff for activities such as swimming, trampolining and gymnastics, but some of the assistants organizing the children's games are students, many of whom came to the camp themselves when they were younger.

At most of our centres, accommodation is in a hostel or tents. It is not possible for us to arrange other accommodation, but we can send you a list of what is available in the area. Most of the places are recommended to us, but not all, so we are not responsible for the quality of the accommodation on this list. Luxury accommodation is not available near our camps.

To book a place at a sports camp, complete the form and send it with a cheque for the deposit to the address below. The rest of the fee can be paid at any time, but we must receive it at least one month before your camp. Please note, to keep costs down, you are charged 2.5% extra by us if you pay with your credit card. You will receive a letter of confirmation within ten days of sending your form. Cancellations made up to a month before the camp are refunded in full apart from a 5% administration fee. Fifty per cent of the fee is refunded if a cancellation is made up to two weeks before the date of the camp. After that, no refunds can be given.

1. Choose the best title:       a) Sports Centres in Britain

                                             b) Action Sports Camps

                                             с) Holiday Camps


2. Some centres are open all winter.

a) True        b) False        c) Not stated


3. The activities available depend on the weather.

a) True        b) False        c) Not stated


4. Action Sports Camps courses are unsuitable for people who are excellent at sport.

a) True        b) False        c) Not stated


5. You need to have your own sports equipment.

a) True        b) False        c) Not stated


6. Children and adults spend some time together each day.

a) True        b) False        c) Not stated


7. Action Sports Camps charge you more if you pay with your credit card.

a) True        b) False        c) Not stated


8. Аction Sports Camps provide activity holidays for …

a) children and adults.

b) children aged over five.

c) adults.


9. The camps provide …

a) only indoor activities.

b) a wide range of outdoor and indoor activities.

c) a lot of outdoor sports without indoor activities.


10. Accommodation is available …

a) in a hotel or tents.

b) in a luxury hotel.

c) in a hostel and tents.


11. To book a place at the camp you should …

a) pay at least one month before the camp start.

b) pay at any time.

c) pay the fee at once.

   Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку

учени_____    10 ___ класса

МБОУ «СШ №14» г. Смоленска


Вариант 2

Прочитай текст и выполни задания.             

Аction Sports Camps provide activity holidays for children aged over five and adults. We offer training in over twenty sports at ten different centres throughout the UK. All the centres are open from April until October, and some open during the winter for weekend courses. The sports offered differ from one centre to another, so if you want to do something in particular, you should check our brochure.

The camps are not just limited to outdoor sports – we cover a wide range of indoor activities as well. So if the rain comes, the camps continue, although you may have to take off your football boots and pick up a squash racket instead. With the experience we've gained over the years, we put together the right mix of sport and activities providing sport for all, not just for those who are brilliant at athletics.

We work in small groups, children working with others of their own age, but we do all come together for social activities and meals. So different members of a family can make their own individual choices, but they get a chance to exchange their experiences later on.

Our centres offer first-class accommodation, food and facilities – and the staff are first-class too. Qualified teachers or professionals receive training from us, and many work with us year after year. We always employ qualified staff for activities such as swimming, trampolining and gymnastics, but some of the assistants organizing the children's games are students, many of whom came to the camp themselves when they were younger.

At most of our centres, accommodation is in a hostel or tents. It is not possible for us to arrange other accommodation, but we can send you a list of what is available in the area. Most of the places are recommended to us, but not all, so we are not responsible for the quality of the accommodation on this list. Luxury accommodation is not available near our camps.

To book a place at a sports camp, complete the form and send it with a cheque for the deposit to the address below. The rest of the fee can be paid at any time, but we must receive it at least one month before your camp. Please note, to keep costs down, you are charged 2.5% extra by us if you pay with your credit card. You will receive a letter of confirmation within ten days of sending your form. Cancellations made up to a month before the camp are refunded in full apart from a 5% administration fee. Fifty per cent of the fee is refunded if a cancellation is made up to two weeks before the date of the camp. After that, no refunds can be given.

1. Choose the best title:

a) Action Sports Camps

b) Sports Centers in Britain

c) Holiday Camps


2. Some centers are open from April until October.

a) True        b) False        c) Not stated


3. The activities available depend on the weather.

a) True        b) False        c) Not stated


4. Action Sports Camps courses are for people who are brilliant at sport.

a) True        b) False        c) Not stated


5. You needn’t to have your own sports equipment.

a) True        b) False        c) Not stated


6. Children and adults work together in small groups.

a) True        b) False        c) Not stated


7. Action Sports Camps don’t charge you if you pay with your credit card.

a) True        b) False        c) Not stated


8. Аction Sports Camps provide activity holidays for …

a) only students.

b) children and adults.

c) children aged over five.


9. The camps provide …

a) a lot of outdoor sports without indoor activities.

b) a wide range of outdoor and indoor activities.

c) only indoor activities.


10. Accommodation is available …

a) in a hotel or tents.

b) in a hostel and tents.

c) in a luxury hotel.


11. To book a place at the camp you should …

a) pay the fee at once.

b) pay at any time.

c) pay at least one month before the camp start.



Form 10





Variant 1                                        

1. b)

2. b)

3. c)

4. b)

5. c)

6. a)

7. a)

8. a)

9. b)

10. c)

11. a)


Variant 2

1. a)

2. a)

3. a)

4. b)

5. c)

6. b)

7. b)

8. b)

9. b)

10. b)

11. c)

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