Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыПромежуточная аттестация по английскому языку для 10 класса I вариант

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку для 10 класса I вариант

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку (промежуточная аттестация)

ученика (-цы)   10 класса



Вариант 1.

Task 1. Do the test.


1.The teacher informed us that we … six lessons the next day.

a) will have      b) would have          c) have         d) had

2. My mother expected ………. to explain everything.

a) I         b) me        c) mine          d) myself

3. Well, I don’t think it will work, but I … your advice and your wish to help.
a) support     b) ignore         c) deserve      d) appreciate

4. Alan doesn’t trust friends very much. He thinks that friends can … him .
a) betray      b) approve       c) entertain        d) amuse

5. I don’t really … of children wearing make-up. 

a) deserve     b) attract     c) observe     d) approve

6. Have you…………been to London? – Yes, I have

a) never        b) ever          c) just            d) yet

7. He works ... and makes good progress.

a) hard, b) hardly, c) good, d) badly.

8.He is known ... from the trip.

a) to return, b) to be returned, c) to have returned, d) returned.

9. How long ... you ... to drive a car? — For three years now.

a) are able, b) were able, c) will be able, d) have been able.

10. The teacher expected him ... better at the exam.

a) to do, b) doing, c) do, d) did.

11. We did not... ask her twice, she agreed at once.

a) can, b) ought to, c) have to, d) must.

12. She is happy ... the final examination successfully.

a) to pass, b) to be passing, c) to be passed, d) to have passed.

13. By the end of the next week they ... all the exams.

a) have passed, b) had passed, c) will have passed, d) will pass.

14. There's light in the house, they ... be at home.

a) have, b) can't, c) mustn't, d) must.

15. Bill ... to be at the station at 3.

a) must, b) should, c) is, d) will be.

16. They ... to return next Monday.

a) are sure, b) was sure, c) are not sure, d) weren't sure.

17. You ... to come here again.

a) must, b) may, c) should, d) have.

18. Jack left ... Paris last week.

a) in, b) for, c) from, d) to.

19.I  haven't the slightest idea of what I ... to do in this situation.

a) could, b) ought, c) would, d) should.

20. 1 don't know if she ... to the party.

a) comes, b) will come, c) had come, d) would  come.


Task 2. Are the statements after the text true or false?


Civilisation and progress.

I’d like to tell you about technological civilization. We are a technological civilisation and culture. Technology has been with humans from the first use of a stone as a tool and it is impossible to separate technology from our life now. This tool use has since developed to an advanced state, where our human culture is dependent upon the technology that surrounds it.

According to legend, the wife of Emperor of China developed silk as an industry about 4, 700 years ago and she may be the first ever recorder female inventor. Chine still produces more silk than any other country.

At the end of the Middle Ages the German Johan Gutenberg invented printing with movable type. His Gutenberg Bible of 1455 was the first known printed book. The first printed press in England was set up by William Caxton  in 15th century. The first printed press in Russia was set up by Ivan Fedorov in 16th century. I should say that the invention of printing was a really great event in history.

In 1888, an American inventor, Herman Hollerith, develop the first successful computer, using punched cards and electricity. Then in 1975, personal computers were finally introduced. Today we cannot live without them.

The first non-leaking ballpoint pen was invented in 1935 by brothers Biro from Hungary.

The greatest inventions in my opinion are electric light bulb, lasers, airplane, television, microwave oven, computer, copy machine, mobile phone.

1)      The author tells us about technological civilization and progress.

2)      Human culture doesn’t care about the technology that surrounds it.

3)      According to legend, the wife of Emperor of China developed silk as an industry about 6, 700 years ago.

4)      Chine still produces more cotton than any other country.

5)      Johan Gutenberg’s Bible of 1465 was the first known printed book.

6)      The first printed press in England was set up by William Caxton  in 16th century.

7)      In 1888, an English inventor, Herman Hollerith, develop the first successful computer, using punched cards and electricity.

8)      Today we cannot live without computers.

9)      The first non-leaking ballpoint pen was invented in 1935 by brothers Biro from Australia.

10)  The greatest inventions in my opinion are electric light bulb, lasers, airplane, television, microwave oven, computer, copy machine, mobile phone.







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Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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Английский язык для IT-специалистов

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1580 руб. от 940 руб.
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780 руб. 390 руб.
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