Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыПроверочная работа по английскому языку (5 класс)

Проверочная работа по английскому языку (5 класс)

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Вариант 1

Образуйте множественное число имен существительных.

A baby, a plant, a peach, a brush, a star, a mountain, a tree, a king, the queen, a man, a woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city,

 Раскрой скобки, поставив прилагательное в нужную форму.

1. The ocean is __ thаn the sea. (large)    2.I think this book is __ than уоur book (interesting)

3. Му brоthеr is the __ pupil in his class (good)   4. l think monkeys аrе __animals the in the Zoo. (funny)

5. Аnn is the__ girl in class. (beautiful)    6. Camels аrе __than horses. (strоng)

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. Mother (to cook) a very tasty dinner yesterday.   2. Tomorrow Nick (not to go) to school.

3. Look! My friends (to play) football.    4. Kate (not to write) letters every day.

5. You (to see) your friend yesterday?    6. Your father (to go) on a business trip last month?

7. What Nick (to do) yesterday?     8. When Nick (to get) up every morning?

9. Where your mother (to go) tomorrow?    10. I (to invite) my friends to come to my place tomorrow.

11. He (not to play) the piano tomorrow.

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Вариант 1

Образуйте множественное число имен существительных.

A baby, a plant, a peach, a brush, a star, a mountain, a tree, a king, the queen, a man, a woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city,

 Раскрой скобки, поставив прилагательное в нужную форму.

1. The ocean is __ thаn the sea. (large)    2.I think this book is __ than уоur book (interesting)

3. Му brоthеr is the __ pupil in his class (good)   4. l think monkeys аrе __animals the in the Zoo. (funny)

5. Аnn is the__ girl in class. (beautiful)    6. Camels аrе __than horses. (strоng)

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. Mother (to cook) a very tasty dinner yesterday.   2. Tomorrow Nick (not to go) to school.

3. Look! My friends (to play) football.    4. Kate (not to write) letters every day.

5. You (to see) your friend yesterday?    6. Your father (to go) on a business trip last month?

7. What Nick (to do) yesterday?     8. When Nick (to get) up every morning?

9. Where your mother (to go) tomorrow?    10. I (to invite) my friends to come to my place tomorrow.

11. He (not to play) the piano tomorrow.

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Вариант 2

Образуйте множественное число имен существительных.

a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato, the airport, a theatre, a shop,

Раскрой скобки, поставив прилагательное в нужную форму.

1.The Volga is…………(long) river in Europe.   2.Life in the country is…………(relaxing) than in the city.

3.He is one of…………(rich) people in the world.  4.My house is…………(modern) than yours.

5.The weather today is……………(good) than it was yesterday.   6.This garden is the………………… (beautiful) in our town.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. We (to see) a very good film last Sunday.     2. Your mother (to cook) every day?

3. We (to make) a fire last summer.     4. I (to spend) last summer at the seaside.

5. Where you (to spend) last summer?     6. Where he (to spend) next summer?

7. What mother (to do) now? — She (to cook) dinner.    8. I (not to play) computer games yesterday.

10. Last Sunday we (to go) to the theatre.     11. I (to meet) my friend yesterday.

12. I (to write) a letter to my cousin yesterday.

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Вариант 2

Образуйте множественное число имен существительных.

a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato, the airport, a theatre, a shop,

Раскрой скобки, поставив прилагательное в нужную форму.

1.The Volga is…………(long) river in Europe.   2.Life in the country is…………(relaxing) than in the city.

3.He is one of…………(rich) people in the world.  4.My house is…………(modern) than yours.

5.The weather today is……………(good) than it was yesterday.   6.This garden is the………………… (beautiful) in our town.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. We (to see) a very good film last Sunday.     2. Your mother (to cook) every day?

3. We (to make) a fire last summer.     4. I (to spend) last summer at the seaside.

5. Where you (to spend) last summer?     6. Where he (to spend) next summer?

7. What mother (to do) now? — She (to cook) dinner.    8. I (not to play) computer games yesterday.

10. Last Sunday we (to go) to the theatre.     11. I (to meet) my friend yesterday.

12. I (to write) a letter to my cousin yesterday.

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I like reading. I read every day and everywhere. I take my pocket book with me. My favourite book is Harry Potter. I can read it a thousand times. My brother doesn’t like reading. He likes playing computer games. My mother is always angry with him — he doesn’t do his homework because of the computer.


Hello! I am in Paris now. I like it very much. It is big and very interesting. I did some shopping on the weekend but it is very expensive here. There are a lot of parks. They are very beautiful. Yesterday we visited a lot of galleries and museums. The weather is perfect. It is warm enough to spend the whole day outside. I wish you were here. Bye!


Yesterday I got up at 7 o’clock, washed, cleaned teeth and dressed. Then I had breakfast. I had mashed potatoes with meat, a cheese sandwich and a cup of tea for breakfast. At school we had a pie and a glass of orange juice. I’m always hungry when I come home after school. Yesterday my mother, cooked cabbage soup, roast chicken and rice, made pudding and tea. It was so tasty. I ate everything with pleasure.


Many people keep different animals and birds as pets: dogs, cats, hamsters, parrots and fish. I like parrots. They are clever and nice. I’ve got a parrot. His name is Kesha. He’s blue. He’s not big. He has got a small head, a yellow beak, a short neck, two beautiful wings and a long tail. He lives in a cage. I teach him to talk. He knows many words and can speak well. He can answer to his name. I take care of my pet.


Hello! I am in Paris now. I like it very much. It is big and very interesting. I did some shopping on the weekend but it is very expensive here. There are a lot of parks. They are very beautiful. Yesterday we visited a lot of galleries and museums. The weather is perfect. It is warm enough to spend the whole day outside. I wish you were here. Bye!


Yesterday I got up at 7 o’clock, washed, cleaned teeth and dressed. Then I had breakfast. I had mashed potatoes with meat, a cheese sandwich and a cup of tea for breakfast. At school we had a pie and a glass of orange juice. I’m always hungry when I come home after school. Yesterday my mother, cooked cabbage soup, roast chicken and rice, made pudding and tea. It was so tasty. I ate everything with pleasure.


Many people keep different animals and birds as pets: dogs, cats, hamsters, parrots and fish. I like parrots. They are clever and nice. I’ve got a parrot. His name is Kesha. He’s blue. He’s not big. He has got a small head, a yellow beak, a short neck, two beautiful wings and a long tail. He lives in a cage. I teach him to talk. He knows many words and can speak well. He can answer to his name. I take care of my pet.


Hello! I am in Paris now. I like it very much. It is big and very interesting. I did some shopping on the weekend but it is very expensive here. There are a lot of parks. They are very beautiful. Yesterday we visited a lot of galleries and museums. The weather is perfect. It is warm enough to spend the whole day outside. I wish you were here. Bye!


Yesterday I got up at 7 o’clock, washed, cleaned teeth and dressed. Then I had breakfast. I had mashed potatoes with meat, a cheese sandwich and a cup of tea for breakfast. At school we had a pie and a glass of orange juice. I’m always hungry when I come home after school. Yesterday my mother, cooked cabbage soup, roast chicken and rice, made pudding and tea. It was so tasty. I ate everything with pleasure.


Many people keep different animals and birds as pets: dogs, cats, hamsters, parrots and fish. I like parrots. They are clever and nice. I’ve got a parrot. His name is Kesha. He’s blue. He’s not big. He has got a small head, a yellow beak, a short neck, two beautiful wings and a long tail. He lives in a cage. I teach him to talk. He knows many words and can speak well. He can answer to his name. I take care of my pet.


The British Museum has one of the largest libraries in the world. It has a copy of every book that is printed in the English language, so that there are more than six million books there.  The British Museum Library has a very big collection of printed books and manuscripts. You can see beautifully illustrated old manuscripts which they keep in glass cases.  You can also find there some of the first English books printed by Caxton. Caxton was a printer who lived in the fifteenth century. He made the first printing-press in England.   In the reading-room of the British Museum many famous men have read and studied.  Charles Dickens, a very popular English writer and the author of 'David Copperfield', 'Oliver Twist', and other books, spent a lot of time in the British Museum Library



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проверка знаний по темам: грамматические времена английского языка группы simple, continuous

степени сравнения прилагательных, умение построить сравнительную и превосходную степени,знание исключений,

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Преподаватель английского языка

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Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

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Специфика преподавания английского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

72 ч. — 180 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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