Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыПроверочная работа по юниту 9 учебника Комаровой Ю.А. (11 класс)

Проверочная работа по юниту 9 учебника Комаровой Ю.А. (11 класс)

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1.      Complete the second sentences so that it means the same as the first. Use modal verbs.

can       could      may    might      must

1) Sometimes our neighbours are very noisy.                        Our neighbours ________ very noisy.

2) You may not have another opportunity to see this film.         This ________ last opportunity to see this film

3) I’m sure we’re not late because we left on time.                 We left on time so ________ late.

4) Surely you recognise that woman from TV?                      ________ that woman from TV!

5) It’s possible that tomorrow’s match will be cancelled.             Tomorrow’s match ________ cancelled.

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2.       Complete the text with the words below.

you don’t have      you must      you mustn’t       you needn’t                         you’re supposed      you should

If you’re planning on visiting Australia in the future, here a few tips . 

1) _________ have a visa to enter the country, unless you’re an Australian or New Zealand citizen. 2) _________ to register with the police while you’re there, but 3) you’re supposed    to leave before your vise expires. 4) _________ take fresh or packaged food into the country, and plants and seeds are also banned. The greatest risk to personal safety comes from the sun, which, in Australia, is very strong. 5) _________ spend all of your visit indoors, but 6) _________ stay out of the sun in the middle of the day, when it’s at its strongest.


3.  Choose the correct words to complete the dialogue.

a Spring at last! It 1can / may / must be your birthday soon.

b It is – on 5 April. I’m having a barbecue that weekend.

a You 2can’t / may / should be serious!

b Why? What’s the problem

a It 3can’t / might / must rain!

b Do you think so?

a Yes. April 4can / should / must be very showery, you know.

b Perhaps. It 5can’t / must / should be all right, though. It didn’t rain last year.

a But you won’t 6be able to / can / could eat in the garden if the weather’s bad!

b No problem. We’ll eat in the house instead!

4.      Choose the right option.

1)      The weather is beginning to ______ (a. recover b. grow better c. improve)

2)      There was a gentle ______on the beach, just enough to cool us. (a. breeze b. gust c. wind)

3)      We had a _________ last summer. It didn’t rain for two months. (a. dryness b. draught c. drought).

4)      On the way home we got very wet in the ________. (a. blizzard b. thunderstorm c. gale)

5)      A ________ is a violent wind storm whose centre is a cloud in the shape of a funnel (воронка).
(a. hurricane b. tornado c. typhoon)

6)      There was a ______ last week that caused extensive damage to homes. (a. blizzard  b.flood  c. force)

7)      During the heatwave, I made sure to stay hydrated and avoid the sun. (a. breeze b. gust c. heatwave)

5.      Fill in the gaps with the following words:

global warming    wildlife reserve          acid rain         endangered animals   becoming extinct

Welcome to our 1……………………………..! We're a small group of people who love animals and want to help 2…………………………….   . Our visitors are very important to us because your money helps us to look after the animals. Here are some things you can do to help the environment when you visit us:

·         Walk or cycle: The roads in the reserve are only for people who work here, so please park your car at the entrance.

·         Use water carefully: There isn't much water on the reserve, so we need to be careful. Please don't waste water.

·         Don't use plastic bags: Plastic bags are very bad for the environment. They take hundreds of years to disappear. Please bring your own bag when you go shopping.

·         Recycle paper and glass: Paper and glass are two things that we can recycle. This is good for the environment because it saves energy.

·         Turn off lights: When you leave a room, turn off the lights if nobody else is there. It's a simple thing to do, but it helps save energy.

·         Remember: Small changes can make a big difference! If everybody does something small to help the environment, we can stop more animals from 3………………  .. Thank you for your help!

·         P.S. Do you know about 4……………….. and 5 ………………….? These are two other big problems for the environment. Find out more and see what you can do to help.






1. 1) can (sometimes) be   2) may / might / could be your

3) we can’t be   4) You must recognise   6) may / might / could be


2. 1) You must 2) You don’t have   3) you’re supposed 4) You mustn’t   5) You needn’t   6) you should


3. 1) must   2) can’t   3) might   4) can   5) should   6) be able to


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