Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыРабочая программа Incredible English

Рабочая программа Incredible English

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Пояснительная записка по курсу английского языка “Incredible English


В условиях современного мира иностранный язык является реально востребованным как инструмент межкультурного общения, способный  помочь в решении жизненно важных проблем.

Модель коммуникативной компетенции учитывает как языковые, так и коммуникативные потребности учащихся. Она показывает, что успешность коммуникации зависит как от знания грамматических структур изучаемого языка, лексических, семантических и фонологических особенностей построения высказывания, так и от умения применять эти знания на практике, в конкретной ситуации общения.


Цели данного курса базируются на фундаментальных целях образования. Курс признает необходимость помочь учащимся  в применении их учебных навыков, а так же в развитии личностных качеств и навыков межличностного общения.

Задачи курса:

  1. Развитие языковых навыков
  2. Развитие учебных стратегий
  3. Обучение для жизни
  4. Понимание себя и других
  5. Обучение другим предметам через английский язык


Данная программа основана на материале известного аутентичного курса “ Incredible English ”, созданного британским издательством “Oxford University Press”.


Кому предназначен данный курс?


Курс “ Incredible English ” предназначен для учащихся в возрасте от 6 до 13 лет. Рекомендуется следующее распределение уровней по возрастам:


Уровень 1 – 6 лет-7лет;


Уровень  2 – 7-8 лет;


Уровень 3 -  9-10 лет;


Уровень 4 – 10-11лет;


Уровень 5 -  11-12 лет;


Уровень 6 – 12-13 лет.


Состав УМК.


В состав УМК входят следующие компоненты:


·         Книга для учащихся

·         Рабочая тетрадь

·         Книга для учителя с ксерокопируемыми тестами и дополнительными заданиями

·         Набор аудиодисков

·         Ресурсный пакет для преподавателя

·         DVD и рабочая тетрадь


Книга для учащихся содержит учебный материал, предназначенный для изучения в классе, включая истории, песни, игры и другие задания. Девять основных разделов основываются на темах, соответствующих интересам детей соответствующей возрастной группы. Так же имеются три раздела посвященные праздникам и  три культурологических раздела о жизни четырех детей из разных стран мира.


Рабочая тетрадь   наполнена интересными и увлекательными заданиями типа головоломок для тренировки языкового материала. В конце каждого раздела имеется секция самооценки.  В конце тетради имеется словарь в картинках с наклейками для того, чтобы учащиеся овладели навыками организации и запоминания ключевой лексики. 


Книга для учителя  служит  четким и гибким сопровождением  для преподавателя по всем аспектам курса. Она включает:

  • Содержание
  • Введение в курс
  • Банк игр и заданий
  • Список возможного для использования в классе языка
  • Пошаговые инструкции на каждый раздел учебника с дополнительными предложениями
  • Расшифровки всех записей
  • Ответы ко всем заданиям
  • Методическое сопровождение к праздничным урокам, включая культурологическую информацию
  • Ксерокопируемые тесты
  • Ксерокопируемые страницы портфолио
  • Список слов, содержащий ключевые слова и выражения
  • CD с тестовыми материалами  для прослушивания.



Аудиодиски сопровождают материалы курса на каждом уровне, содержат все песни, рифмовки, истории и другие задания на аудирование


Ресурсный пакет для преподавателя  содержит:

  • Флешкарты
  • Текстовые карточки
  • Буклет ксерокопируемых материалов
  • Книга карточек по историям из книги для учащихся
  • Игрушка
  • Волшебная коробка для материалов к урокам
  • Постер


DVD и рабочая тетрадь поддерживает межпредметный аспект курса и является интерактивным дополнением к нему. Рабочая тетрадь содержит задания для учащихся и сопровождение для преподавателя для эффективной работы с материалами DVD.






Методические основы УМК


Метафорой данного курса является набор инструментов, который представляет многообразную природу изучения и преподавания языка. В отделениях метафорического набора преподаватели находят то, что им нужно для преподавания, а учащиеся открывают для себя то, что им нужно освоить в английском языке. Эта концепция отражена в книге для учащихся в образе Mr. Fixit с набором инструментов и коробки Нортона (птица, персонаж курса), которая используется на занятиях.


 Дети более эффективно изучают иностранный язык, если они слышат и видят его в значимом контексте до того, как начинают использовать его сами. Так же они должны быть вовлечены в разнообразные и интересные им задания.  В соответствии с данным подходом преподавателю необходимо:

  • Делать соединения с развитием понимания мира у учащихся
  • Использовать родной язык учащихся в качестве мостика к изучению английского языка
  • Использовать каждую возможность для того, чтобы говорить на английском языке
  • Использовать возможности освоения языка в процессе организации и подготовки заданий, а так же говоря о ближайшем окружении учащихся

Учащимся необходимо:

  • Стать эффективными и независимыми учениками
  • Развивать осознание собственных учебных стратегий
  • Выполнять задания, соответствующие их различным стилям обучения
  • Иметь возможность обдумывать, какие стратегии наилучшим образом помогают им в учебе

Данный курс помогает в осуществлении этих задач, обеспечивая материал для поддержки различных стилей обучения:

  • Лингвистический: истории, язык преподавателя;
  • Музыкальный: песни и рифмовки;
  • Кинестетический: игры на действие, задания на прослеживание и присоединение, итд;
  • Визуальный: рисунки, диаграммы, флешкарты, вырезание и приклеивание, наблюдение (посмотри и найди);
  • Математический: задания, где  необходимо устанавливать последовательность элементов;
  • Естественнонаучный: задания, основанные на явлениях природы, включая наблюдение, категоризацию, циклы;
  • Межличностный: игры в кругу, парные и групповые задания;
  • Личностный: личная коллекция слов (Словарь в картинках)б размышление и рассказ о собственных возможностях, постановка целей.


Курс так же предлагает богатый визуальный и аудио контекст, который помогает повысить уровень визуальной и аудио грамотности через:

  • Предположение, прослушивание и чтение историй
  • Встреча со знакомыми героями в заданиях перед историями и после историй
  • Взаимодействие с игрушкой
  • Использование визуальной поддержки (иллюстрации в книге для учащихся и рабочей тетради, флешкарты, постер, и весь визуальный материал, который учащиеся делают в классе).


Акцент на персональное, социальное образование и образование в области здоровья представлен в песнях, историях, рифмовках и последующих заданиях.

Курс использует все имеющиеся возможности для поощрения соответствующего поведения, чувства общности, заботы о других и развития хороших взаимоотношений

Накопление знаний  о культуре и кросс-культурные сравнения являются неотъемлемой частью изучения языка.

 Для учащихся важно:

  • Развивать осознание людей вокруг
  • Узнавать о людях, живущих в других странах
  •  Понимать различное и общее между их собственной и другими культурами


Одним из ключевых элементов курса является обучение другим предметам через английский язык. Курс осуществляет прямую связь с такими предметами, как математика, естественные науки, искусство и персональное, социальное образование. Каждый раздел содержит секцию, которая имеет целью связать тему раздела с одним из предметов.

Данная секция  включает:

  • Новую лексику
  • Задания на аудирование и чтение, которые развивают понимание предмета и тренируют навыки, специфические для конкретного предмета
  • Практическое задание, позволяющее учащимся быть лично вовлеченными в тему
  • Ксерокопируемый лист материалов для преподавателей, которые хотят продолжить работу над темой.


Каждый раздел содержит три секции, которые являются частью процесса оценки. Они имеют целью:

·         Повысить уровень осознания потенциала учащихся

·         Помочь учащимся понять цель уроков и их учебы

·         Усилить чувство достижения

Курс так же предлагает задание на самооценку. Акцент делается на приложение усилий для выполнения задания, а не на то насколько хорошо учащийся справляется с ним.

В помощь наблюдениям преподавателя курс предлагает две ксерокопируемые карты достижений, которые могут быть использованы для постоянной записи сведений о поведении и достижений лингвистических целей по разделам. Критерии перечислены на картах, они являются предложениями, так же имеется пространство для собственных пометок преподавателя. 




Структура курса:


Книга для учащихся содержит девять основных разделов. Каждый раздел состоит из 10 основных и двух дополнительных уроков.

В дополнение к девяти основным разделам имеется секция Праздников, состоящая из 4 уроков и секцию Культура, которая состоит из трех мини-разделов (два урока на раздел)


Структура раздела:

  • Введение лексики
  • Тренировка лексики
  • История
  • Грамматика
  • Параллельная история
  • Письмо
  • Обучение для жизни
  • Обучение через английский (2 основных урока + 1 дополнительный)
  • Повторение
  • Обзор и самооценка


Перечень рекомендуемого учебно-методического обеспечения

  1. Sarah Phillips, Michaela Morgan, Mary Slattery Class Book 1 Oxford University Press
  2. Sarah Phillips, Michaela Morgan, Mary Slattery Activity Book 1 Oxford University Press
  3. Mary Slattery Teacher’s Book 1 Oxford University Press
  4. Sarah Phillips, Michaela Morgan, Mary Slattery Class Book 2 Oxford University Press
  5. Sarah Phillips, Michaela Morgan, Mary Slattery Activity Book 2 Oxford University Press
  6. Mary Slattery Teacher’s Book 2 Oxford University Press
  7. Sarah Phillips, Michaela Morgan Class Book 3 Oxford University Press
  8. Sarah Phillips, Michaela Morgan Activity Book 3 Oxford University Press
  9.  Nick Bear Teacher’s Book 3 Oxford University Press
  10. Peter Redpath, Michaela Morgan, Sarah Phillips Class Book 4 Oxford University Press
  11. Peter Redpath, Michaela Morgan, Sarah Phillips Activity Book 4 Oxford University Press
  12. Nick Bear Teacher’s Book 4 Oxford University Press
  13. Sarah Phillips, Peter Redpath Class Book 5 Oxford University Press
  14. Sarah Phillips, Peter Redpath Activity Book 5 Oxford University Press
  15. Nick Bear Teacher’s Book 5 Oxford University Press






Примерное тематическое планирование по курсу Incredible English 1



Основной язык

Обучение через английский (CLIL)

Дополнительный язык (истории,  песни, итд)


Познавательные навыки

Обучение для жизни


Кол-во часов

Unit 1 Hello, Mr. Fixit!


Hello, Goodbye


Flo, Fred, Titch, Bing, Poppy, Mr. Fixit, Norton

Colours: red, blue, yellow, green, black, white, orange, purple, pink, grey, brown

Numbers: 1-12

Structures: What’s your name?

I’m (name)

My favourite colour’s…

Maths: shapes: big, small; triangle, square, rectangle, circle

How many triangles can you see?

Open the kit.

What’s in the kit today?

I’m Fred.


What colour’s your bag?

It’s green


Look, Mr. Fixit’s here.

What’s this?

It’s my fixit kit.


Now, I’ve finished

Tap, clap

Stand up

Sit down

Line up

Are you ready?



 - read a story

- Read the colour words

- Recognize initial letters of colour words


Listen to a story

Recognize the characters, greetings, numbers and colours

Do a colour dictation

Follow a maze

Match words that start with the same sound


Say a chant

Say a rhyme

Sing a song

Talk about your favourite colour

Act out your own story



Cognitive skills:

Create your own version of a story

Learn some classroom instructions

Count and classify shapes

Identify shapes within  a picture

Order a series of pictures

Continue repeated sequences by drawing the next shape

Solve a “what’s missing” puzzle


Learning for life:

Following instructions


Cut and make:

A picture made up of shapes


Unit 2 The school show

Family members:

Mum, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin


How old are you?

I’m (age)


People: man, woman, boy, girl

Who can you see in this picture?

I can see a man

Extension vocabulary (optional): men, women, boys, girls

Who’s this?

This is…

Pleased to meet you

In row one





That’s not polite!

Oh dear!

Watch this trick!

Mr. Fixit got an idea.





Well done!

Good luck!

All night long.


Read a story

Read the words for family members

Recognize initial letters of family members words


Write the family member and people words


Listen to a story

Recognize words for colours, family members, people

Do a colour dictation

Match words that start with the same sound


Sing two songs

Say a rhyme

Ask and answer about names and ages

Talk about your family

Act out your own story

Cognitive skills:

Sing a song as a two-part round (optional)

Create your own version of a story

Talk about painting of people

Colour a picture using a key

Recreate part of a painting by colouring (optional)

Find answers to an odd one out puzzle


Learning for life:

Encouraging and supporting your friends


Cut and make:

A picture of someone important to you and a frame


Unit 3 The picnic

Food and drink:

Apple, banana, orange, cake, juice, fizzy drink, biscuit, sandwich, yoghurt, chocolate bar



I’ve got


Sugar content:

How many spoons of sugar?

Three spoons of sugar

Food and drink:

sugar, cereal bar, bread roll, carrot, milk


Pass me a sandwich, please.

Here you are.

Thank you/thanks


My favourite!



Park, picnic, naughty

What have you got?

Can I have a banana, too?


It’s time for tea.

Wash your hands

Show me your hands

What clean/dirty hands!


Read a story

Read the food and drink words

Recognize initial letters of words

Match words with their shapes


Write the food and drink words


Listen to a story

Recognize food and drink words

Match words that start with the same sound


Say a chant

Say a rhyme

Sing a song

Talk about what you’ve got

Agree to swap something with someone else

Act out your own story

Cognitive skills:

Create your own version of a story

Talk about sugar content of food and drink

Choose healthy foods for snacks

Add small numbers together mentally

Solve a “what’s missing” puzzle

Learning for life:

Washing your hands before meals

Cut and make:

A paper spoon showing healthy and unhealthy food

A ’healthy snacks’ mobile (optional)



Unit 4 The toy cupboard


Car, doll, ball, robot, teddy, train, bike, plane, computer, puppet


Where’s my…?

It’s here

It isn’t here



Plastic, wooden, metal, fabric

What a mess!

Put the robot away


What colour’s the ball?


Here’s your car

Here’s the ball

Can you see my teddy?

I want my doll!


Come and share a toy with me.

Your turn/my turn

Sing a song

Read a book

Play a game


Read a story

Read the toy words

Recognize initial letters of words


Write the words for toys and materials

Complete a crossword


Listen to a story

Recognize words for toys and materials

Match the words that start with the same sound


Sing two songs

Say a rhyme

Ask where things are, and answer

Say what things are made of

Act out your own story

Cognitive skills:

Create your own version of a story

Add small numbers together mentally

Identify what materials some toys are made of

Play a game with a spinner

Play a dominoes game matching toys and materials

Find answers to an odd one out puzzle


Learning for life:

Sharing things and playing together


Cut and make:

A spinner showing four materials



Unit 5 Puppets

Parts of the body:

Head, body, arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers, toes


It’s got


 block graphs:

Count the blocks. How many children have got blonde hair?


Parts of the face:

Hair, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, face



What colour hair/eyes have you got?

I’ve got red hair and green eyes. 

Move the legs

That’s easy!

That’s impossible!

Wait a minute.

Don’t be silly!


Look at my puppet!

What colour is his body?

What colour are his hands?

Where is the puppet box?

Here  it is.

Fred makes a fantastic puppet.


Clap in (twos).

Stretch up high.

Touch the sky.


Read a story

Read the words for body and face parts

Recognize initial letters of words

Match words with their shapes


Write the words for body and face parts

Complete a crossword (optional)


Listen to a story

Recognize words for body and face parts

Match the words that start with the same sound


Sing two songs

Say a rhyme

Talk about body parts of puppets and toys

Say what colour eyes and hair you’ve got

Act out your own story

Cognitive skills:

Identify missing pieces from jigsaw puzzle

Draw pictures using information from a key

Create your own version of a story

Play a “three in a row” game (optional)

Play a clapping game (song-based)

Divide numbers by 2 and 4, and find a remainder

Read information from simple block graphs

Make simple class block graphs

Solve a “spot the differences” puzzle

Learning for life:

Cooperating and taking turns


Cut and make:

Paper people showing differences between people



Unit 6 At the farm


Dog, cat, hen, duck, cow, sheep, goat, horse, donkey, rabbit


I like

I don’t like


Baby animals:

Foal, lamb, puppy, kitten, chick

The mother’s brown and red.

She’s got four babies. The babies are yellow. It’s a hen and four chicks.

Extension vocabulary (optional): farm, tractor, fence, pond, gate, field, window

Animal noises:  woof, miaow, quack, cluck, moo, baa, neigh, ee-aw


Where are the ducks?

Over there.

What’s your favourite animal?


Titch is scared of dogs


Poor Titch!

I love this spider!


Come and feed the sheep.

Let’s feed/brush/walk/stroke the dog. 


Read a story

Read the animal words

Recognize initial letters of words

Match halves of words (optional)


Write the animal words

Complete a crossword (optional)


Listen to a story

Recognize the animal words

Match the words that start with the same sound


Sing two songs

Say a rhyme

Talk about what you like and don’t like

Act out your own story

Cognitive skills:

Learn some ‘English’ animal sounds

Sing an alternative version of a song, with animal sounds

Create your own version of a story

Play a Bingo game

Talk about the numbers of babies that different animals have

Complete a picture of a farm

Solve a “what’s missing” puzzle


Learning for life:

Caring for animals


Cut and make:

An animal book showing mother and baby animals


Unit 7 At the park

Action verbs;

Run, jump, walk, hop, fly, ride a bike, kick a ball, climb a tree, juggle, throw a frisbee


I’m wearing…

Science: growing up


Swim, talk, draw, read, write, walk


He/she can read and write

How old is he/she?

Come on!

Let’s ride our bikes!

Look at me!

Stop now, please.

That was fun!


Are you ready?


I’m stuck!

I can’t climb down!

Can you jump?


You can do it!


Exercise is lots of fun.

Jump up and down

Touch your toes

Turn around


Read a story

Read the action and ability words

Recognize initial letters of words


Write the clothes and weather words

Complete a crossword

Complete simple sentences


Listen to a story

Recognize the animal words

Follow a route through a park

Match the words that start with the same sound


Say a chant

Say a rhyme

Sing a song

Talk about what you can and can’t do

Act out your own story

Cognitive skills:

Create your own version of a story

Continue repeated sequences by identifying the next picture

Find out what children can do by reading a simple key with symbols

Talk about what children can do at different ages

Identify actions from parts of photos


Learning for life:

Exercising to keep fit


Cut and make:

A “photo album” showing yourself at different ages


Unit 8 New clothes



Art: Weather:

Hot, cold, raining, windy, cloudy


What’s the weather like?

It’s hot

Extension vocabulary (optional):

Sunny, snowing, foggy scarf, umbrella, gloves


What have you got?

I’ve got a pink dress

A pair of (trousers/shorts/socks/shoes)


It’s Poppy’s birthday

Flo’s got new clothes

Titch has got old clothes

What can I wear?

I hate them!

He’s got some special clothes

I’m a clown!

Perfect for a party!


Stamp your feet

Clap your hands

Slap your legs

Tap your nose

…if you’re wearing something blue


Read a story

Read the clothes and weather words

Recognize initial letters of words


Write the clothes and weather words

Complete a crossword

Complete simple sentences


Listen to a story

Recognize the clothes words

Match the words that start with the same sound


Sing two songs

Sing a birthday song

Say what you are wearing

Say what the weather is like

Act out your own story

Cognitive skills:

Sing a song as a two-part round (optional)

Follow a flow-chart maze

Create your own version of a story

Play an action game

Talk about paintings of weather

Draw and colour pictures showing different weather conditions

Find answers to an odd one out puzzle


Learning for life:

Playing games an obeying rules

Cut and make:

A mobile showing four different kinds of weather


Unit 9 House and home

Parts of a house:

Living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, hall, garage, garden


Where’s …?

He’s/she’s in the…

Geography: coordinates:

What’s in square B3?

Where is it in map 1?


Places in a town:

House, bus stop, shop, school, park, cinema

Knock, knock

Run and hide

Look inside

You’re in there!


Mr. Fixit can’t find Norton

Norton’s missing!

Is he here?

Ecveryone looks for Norton

They look in the bathroom

That’s not Norton!

I can see Norton in the garden!

It’s time to…

Look at that!


We’re washing up/tidying up/ cleaning up together.

Everything is tidy.


Can I help?


Read a story

Read the words for parts of a house and places in a town

Recognize initial letters of words

Distinguish between he’s and she’s


Write the words for parts of a house and places in town

Complete a crossword

Complete simple sentences


Listen to a story

Recognize the words for parts of a house and places in a town

Follow a route through the house

Match the words that start with the same sound


Say a chant

Say a rhyme

Sing a song

Say what room someone is in

Say where things are on a simple map

Act out your own story

Cognitive skills:

Play a finger game

Create your own version of a story

Identify pictures using sound effects

Identify missing pieces from jigsaw puzzle

Use simple coordinates (A3, B4) to describe position

Identify other words in a given vocabulary set


Learning for life:

Helping at home

Cut and make:


A paper house


Festivals Peace day

Peace, indigo, violet


Find out about “International day of peace”

Learn the colours of the rainbow

Learn about colour mixing

Make a peace rainbow


Festivals Christmas

Card, robin, star, tree, angel, bell, candle


Find out about Christmas in English-speaking countries

Learn a Christmas song

Make a Christmas card



Mother’s day

Plant, picture, book


Find out about Mother’s day in English-speaking countries

Make a Mother’s day card


Children around the world Me and my family (units 1-3)

Australia, Malaysia, Mexico, Canada

Where are you from?

I’m from…

Family, big/little sister


Find out about the lives of children in four countries around the world

Locate countries on a map/globe

Talk about where you come from

Work on a ‘Personal album’


Children around the world

Food and toys (units 4-6)

Tacos, pineapple, burger, rice, curry


Mask, snorkel, skateboard, bat


Find out about the food children eat in other countries

Find out about the toys children play with in other countries

Work on a ‘Personal album’


Children around the world

Pets and clothes (units 7-9)

Parrot, tortoise


Sandals, blouse, shirt


Find out about children and their pets in other countries

Find out about the clothes children wear in other countries

Work on a ‘Personal album’




Примерное тематическое планирование по курсу Incredible English 2



Основной язык

Обучение через английский (CLIL)

Дополнительный язык (истории,  песни, итд)


Познавательные навыки

Обучение для жизни


Кол-во часов

Unit 1 New friends


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


That’s (name)

She’s my (sister)

He’s my (brother)

How old is he/she?

He’s/she’s (age)



Numbers 1-12

What’s your name?


Maths: measurements: metre, centimeter

Numbers: 13-30

How tall is he/she?

They’re being measured

What comes next?




Measuring tape

Let’s look at…

Now look at…

Lucky you!







Play a trick






Come and play!

Don’t be shy!

Kick a ball.

Fly a kite.


 - Read a story

- Read the days of the week

- Find information in a table


Listen to a story

Recognize the characters, introductions and numbers


Sing two songs

Talk about your height

Act out your own story


Write the days of the week

Write numbers

Write he’s/she’s

Write part of a story


Cognitive skills:

Make up your own version of a story

Talk about making friends

Work out the next numbers in a sequence

Match words that start with the same sound

Match words to pictures

Measure lengths, widths, heights

Think about words that start with the same sounds

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Making new friends


Cut and make:

A bookmark

A watermeter


Unit 2 The treehouse


Box, bed, cupboard, table, shelf, rug, cushion, chair, sofa


Where’s she/he?

Is she/he on/in/under the (object)?


Colour vocabulary

Here’s a…

I’ve got a…


Rooms in art

House: mirror, vase, picture, window, door, rug


I can see…

Point to the…

Is it correct?

It’s got a…





Cut out


Here’s a…

I’ve got a…

 Let’s take…

Stop it!



Have a look and see.

…has got an idea.

Books full of…

Books can help.


Read a story

Read the words for items of furniture



Listen to a story

Recognize words for items of furniture and household objects


Sing a song

Say a chant

Talk about pictures

Act out a story


Write the furniture words

Write part of a story


Cognitive skills:

Create your own version of a story

Talk about using books to learn

Talk about the differences between story and factual books

Look and talk about paintings of rooms

Think about what you do in different rooms

Increase spatial awareness

Make a collage

Match words to pictures

Match words that start with the same sound

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Using and appreciating books


Cut and make:

Spot the differences


Unit 3 Come and play!


Scooter, skateboard, kite, skipping rope, bat, yo-yo



He’s/she’s got a


Ball, bike, Frisbee

I’ve got a…


Venn diagrams



Motorbike, van, lorry, helicopter


It’s broken!

What about a…?

Never mind.




Skip like me.

Watch my tricks




Wave at me!


Read a story

Read the toy words


Listen to a story

Recognize toy words


Say a chant

Sing a song

Talk about what other people have got

Talk about putting things into categories

Act out a story


Write the toy words

Write sentences: He’s /she’s got…

Write part of a story

Cognitive skills:

Make up  your own version of a story

Talk about sharing  things with other people

Think about putting things into categories

Think about similarities and differences

Talk about drawing diagrams

Practice drawing Venn diagrams

Match words that start with the same sound

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Playing cooperatively


Cut and make:

A Venn diagram



Unit 4 At the wildlife park

Wild animals:

Dolphin, bat, zebra, crocodile, snake, parrot, penguin, monkey, lion, giraffe



It can/can’t

Can it…?




It’s got…

It’s (colour)

Art: drawing :

Parts of an animal:

Wings, tail, beak, feathers


Start like this

Use a…


Can you guess?

I know!





Let’s play a game!

Can you…like me?

Climb a tree


Are you ready?

My turn

Your turn



Read a story

Read the wild animal and parts of animal words

Recognize initial letters of words

Identify wild animals from descriptions


Listen to a story

Recognize words for wild animals and parts of animals

Listen to instructions and draw


Sing two songs

Ask questions to identify animals

Say what different animals can do

Act out a story


Write the words for wild animals and parts of animals

Write what animals can and can’t do

Write part of a story

Cognitive skills:

Make up your own version of a story

Identify different animals and parts of animals

Think about how animals move and behave

Think about similarities and differences

Think about what different animals can and can’t do

Follow audio instructions to draw a picture

Find the odd one out from a sequence of objects

Draw wild animals

Think about different stages of a drawing

Think about using different mediums to create a picture

Think how to display artwork collectively

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Playing together and respecting differences


Cut and make:

Draw a penguin

Complete a picture of a wildlife park



Unit 5 At the shop

Small toys:

Stickers, marbles, balloons, badges, dinosaurs, key rings, figures, sharpeners, rubbers, felt tips



Can I have…?

Yes, here you are.

No, sorry.

Plural nouns



Numbers 1-30

Shapes: square, circle, triangle, rectangle


Can you see…?

I can/can’t…

Can I/he/she…?

I’ve got…



pound, p (pence), money, buy


Numbers: 31-100


How much…?

Can he/she buy…?



Pence (p)

We need…

Oh dear!



Work hard


A surprise party

A lovely surprise.


Let’s make a…

What about you?


Read a story

Read the small toys and school items words



Listen to a story

Recognize words for small toys and school items

Listen and match parts of a conversation


Sing two songs

Say the numbers 1-100

Ask for items in a shop


Write the words for small toys and school items

Write names of shapes

Write sums (addition)

Write part of a story

Cognitive skills:

Make up  your own version of a story

Think about doing something nice for someone else

Work out what could be made from a selection of materials

Make a card

Think about shapes in a picture

Identify coins from the UK

Add coins together

Think about what can be bought for a certain amount of money

Think about saving money

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Lear about caring for family and friends


Cut and make:

Using money



Unit 6 Lunchtime


Cheese, tuna, chicken, tomatoes, sardines, sausages, rice, bread, lettuce, eggs


Do you like…?





I like/don’t like

Can I have a…?



Food groups:

Meat, fish, cereal, fruit, vegetables, dairy


What is (food)?

Can I help you?

What would you like?

Who’s next?

Can I have…

…a little bit?

…some more?






Read a story

Read the food and food groups words

Read and recognize descriptions of food

Match halves of words (optional)


Listen to a story

Recognize words for food and food groups


Sing two songs

Join in a rhyme

Ask for and express opinions

Act out a story


Write the words for food and food groups

Write part of a story


Cognitive skills:

Learn some ‘English’ animal sounds

Sing an alternative version of a song, with animal sounds

Create your own version of a story

Play a Bingo game

Talk about the numbers of babies that different animals have

Complete a picture of a farm

Solve a “what’s missing” puzzle


Learning for life:

Caring for animals


Cut and make:

An animal book showing mother and baby animals


Unit 7 At the fair


Sad, cross, happy, scared, sleepy, hungry, thirsty, bored, dizzy

Are you (feeling)?


No, I’m (feeling).



Hot, cold


I’m (feeling).

Music:  Responses to music

Musical Instruments:

Violin, flute, guitar, xylophone, piano


What can you hear?

Can you hear a…?

Do you feel…?

How do you feel?


Beat, shaker


Is it a loud sound?

Is it a soft sound?

A strong beat.

Pass it on!


I’m excited!

Bull’s eye!


Clap your hands.

Hold your head.

Swing your arms.

Rub your eyes.

Stamp your feet.


Smile at me

Play with me

Talk to me

Hold my hand



Read a story

Read the feelings words


Write the words for feelings and musical instruments


Listen to a story

Listen to musical instruments

Recognize words for feelings and musical instruments


Say a chant

Sing a song

Express emotions

Act out a story

Cognitive skills:

Create your own version of a story

Think about how things make you feel

Think about personal emotional responses to different kinds of music

Think about how you can be a good friend

Think about how people can feel differently about the same things

Make a musical instrument

Learn about rhythm

Relate music to colours and shapes

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Learn about recognizing and dealing with emotions


Cut and make:

A shaker


Unit 8 At home


Indoor activities:

Watch TV, read, play on the computer, do my homework, make a model, cook, paint, sleep, do a puzzle, play a game


What are you (verb)+ing?

I’m (verb)+ing



Can I…?


Science: Using and saving water

Uses of water:

Wash my hands, wash up, clean my teeth, have a bath, litre


How many times do you (activity)?

How much water?

How many bottles?


Washing machine


I’m bored


It’s raining hard

I’m busy





Why not?

Come on

Have some fun


Play with me


Come and help!

Let’s go!


Read a story

Read the indoor activities and water words


Write the words for indoor activities and ways to use water

Write part of a story


Listen to a story

Listen and match parts of a conversation

Recognize the words for indoor activities and ways to use water


Sing a song

Say a chant

Talk about what you do at the weekend

Act out a story

Cognitive skills:

Create your own version of a story

Think about volume and capacity

Think about how people use water

Think about why we need to save water and how we can do this

Work out how mush water a family can use

Think about how much water is needed for different activities

Think about why our bodies and minds need to be active

Think about making choices and planning to do different activities

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Learn about making choices about what to play

Cut and make:

A water meter


Unit 9 At the pool

Outdoor activities:

Write a postcard, float, eat an ice-cream, drink a milkshake, swim, have a shower, read a comic, listen to the radio, watch


What’s he/she …ing?




I’m …ing


Art and Geography: Children’s games and map coordinates

Children’s games:

Play leapfrog, play marbles, play with a top, dance






Not now!

What’s the matter?

Hurry up!

Wait a minute!

Look at me.


Smile, please.






Read a story

Read the outdoor activities and children’s games words


Write the words for outdoor activities and children’s games

Write part of a story


Listen to a story

Listen and match parts of a conversation

Recognize the words for outdoor activities and children’s games


Sing two songs

Act out a story

Cognitive skills:

Create your own version of a story

Think about what you can do at a pool

Make a toy

Use coordinates to find parts of a picture

Think about mirror images

Think about the initial sounds of words

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Learn about taking care in the sun


Cut and make:

A spinner


Festivals Christmas

Present, ball, light, snowflake


star, angel, bell, candle


Find out about Christmas in English-speaking countries

Learn a Christmas song

Make  Christmas decorations for the classroom




Flower, bush, bench, flowerpot, basket


Tree, box, table, egg


Learn about Easter in English-speaking countries

Make an Easter egg



Tree day

Leaf, oak tree, palm tree


Apple tree, orange tree


Learn about “Tree Day”

Learn about different types of trees and leaves

Make a tree badge


Children around the world Me and my friends (units 1-3)

Scotland, India, Peru, Ghana


I’m from…

This is my…

I’ve got


Find out about the lives of children in four countries around the world

Locate countries on a map/globe

Talk about where you come from

Talk about your friends and your bedroom

Work on a ‘Personal album’


Children around the world

Animals from my country (units 4-6)

Deer, golden eagle, cobra, tiger, jaguar, flamingo, chameleon, elephant




It can…


Find out about animals in different countries

Talk about animals in your country

Work on a ‘Personal album’


Children around the world

Special days (units 7-9)

Kilt, bagpipes, crown, procession, drums


Lights, mask


Find out about festivals in other countries

Talk about festivals in your country

Work on a ‘Personal album’



















Примерное тематическое планирование по курсу Incredible English 3



Основной язык

Обучение через английский (CLIL)

Дополнительный язык (истории,  песни, итд)


Познавательные навыки

Обучение для жизни


Кол-во часов


Personal information questions:

When’s your birthday?

It’s on the twenty-third of October.

What’s your phone number?

What’s your surname?

Ordinal numbers:

First, second, third (etc)

Months of the year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December


Numbers 1-30 (figures only)

What’s your name?

How old are you?

I’m …




Read ordinal numbers and months

Read personal information questions


Listen to personal information


Ask and answer about personal information (name, age, address, phone number, birth date)

Act out a role play


Complete a crossword with months


Cognitive skills:

Act out dialogues with finger puppets, matching intonation on CD

Match ordinal number words to figures

Find information in membership forms


Cut and make:

Finger puppets of the course characters


Unit 1 Hello, kids

Personal possessions:

Sweets, glasses, rollerblades, magazine, watch, umbrella, cards, bag, football


Behind, in front of, next to



The glasses are next to the bag

Where are my…?


They aren’t…

Are they…?



In, on, under



The cat’s in the bag

I’ve got (sweets and a magazine)

Maths: telling the time


Time phrases:

What’s the time?

It’s seven o’clock

It’s quarter past seven

It’s half past seven

It’s quarter to eight.










Big/small hand (clock)

Minute, hour, second

At school

In bed

On the bus

Optional extension:

Digital time (twelve-fifteen, twelve forty-five, etc)



I like your watch

I love your umbrella


Can you spell that, please?


Go away!


What a mess!

Poor cat



Club, welcome

Board games

Have fun










 - Read a story

- Read the personal possessions words and time words

- Read and draw items in the correct location

-Read a leaflet about club activities


Listen to a story

Recognize the personal possessions words and time phrases

Listen and write surnames

Listen and identify location


Sing a song

Say a pronunciation chant

Talk about what you have got with you

Talk about where things are

Act out a story

Tell the time


Write the personal possessions words

Write about where things are

Write part of a story

Write a leaflet about a club

Cognitive skills:

Make up your own version of a story

Remember increasingly long sequences of items

Categorize words

Construct sentences using word titles

Find out information from a leaflet

Think about the advantages of joining clubs

Tell the time (reading digital and analogue clocks)

Match words to pictures

Match words that have the same vowel sound

Solve a wordsearch

Solve a crossword (optional)

Solve a puzzle (optional)

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Joining clubs and doing things with friends


Mini project:

Make a clock


Unit 2 Saturday morning


Belt, coat, gloves, scarf, shirt, tights, tracksuit, trainers, cap


Possessive adjectives:


What colour is his jacket?

What colour are her shoes?

Thi/these, possessve’s:

This is Luke’s CD

These are Molly’s shoes


Dress, trousers, shoes

Present Continuous with wearing:

What’s he/she/Finn wearing?

He’s/she’s wearing…



Adjectives to describe people:

Rich, poor, serious, angry, happy, sad







 I think  (he’s poor)


Optional extension:

Eyebrows, forehead, chin

Top half

Bottom half





Me too!

Here you are!




Snack bar





Eighty pence

One pound fifty




Read a story

Read the words for clothes and adjectives to describe people

Read menus


Listen to a story

Recognize words for clothes and adjectives to describe people


Sing a song

Say a pronunciation chant

Say what someone is wearing

Ask and answer about colour

Act out a story

Talk about portraits


Write the words for clothes and adjectives to describe people

Write about who things belong to

Write part of a story

Write a menu


Cognitive skills:

Create your own version of a story

Play an elimination game

Understand the link between spelling and pronunciation

Construct sentences using word titles

Do mental arithmetic with small sums (adding up prices)

Think about healthy eating

Look at and talk about portraits (different types – painting, photo, drawing, etc)

Talk about the differences between abstract and realistic portraits

Match descriptions to pictures

Match words that start with the same sound

Match patterns (optional)

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Eating for energy


Mini project:

Make a portrait


Unit 3 Camping

Camping things:

Blanket, comb, mat, pillow, pyjamas, sleeping bag, toothbrush, torch, towel, sunglasses


Have got:

Have you got a torch?

Have you got any brothers?

I haven’t got a/any…


Book, teddy


Is/are, prepositions:

Is the comb on the bed?

No, it’s on the chair.

Are the pyjamas under the table?

No, they’re on the bed.


Describing pitch, dynamics and tempo


Adjectives to describe music :

High, low, fast, slow, loud, quiet





It’s fast and high

I think it sounds like a hen

I think the cow’s music is slow and low.


Optional extension:

CD, cover, back, front, spine

What else?


I can’t find my sunglasses

Don’t forget your pillow!



Scared (of) the dark

Scaredy cat





Look, here’s my sports bag

Let’s check it.





I’m happy to be me!



Read a story

Read the words for camping things and adjectives to describe music

Read a certificate


Listen to a story

Recognize the words for camping things and adjectives to describe music


Sing a song

Say a pronunciation chant

Ask and answer about what you have/haven’t got

Act out a story

Describe music


Write the words for camping things and adjectives to describe

Write about what you have/haven’t got

Write part of a story

Write a certificate

Cognitive skills:

Make up  your own version of a story

Think about putting things into categories

Categorize words

Construct sentences using word titles

Find information in certificates

Think about how people have different abilities and skills

Talk about music (pitch, tempo, dynamics)

Think about how different types of music can represent different animals

Match words that have the same vowel sound

Solve a wordsearch

Solve puzzles (optional)

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Being positive about ourselves


Mini project:

Make animal music



Unit 4 Looking at animals


Ant, guinea pig, lizard, stick insect, tortoise, butterfly, canary, snail

Has got:

Has he got a guinea pig?

Has she got a lizard?

He/she hasn’t got…



Rabbit, parrot, snake, fish

He/she’s got…

Do you like guinea pigs?

I like/don’t like snails.

Science: insects

Fly, bee, ladybird, grasshopper, dragonfly


Head, thorax, abdomen, antennae

Lay eggs

Queen bee, spider


It’s brown

It’s got big wings

It’s got long legs

It can’t fly

It can sting.


Optional extension:

Fins, salmon, cod, goldfish




Who’s Mrs Ripley?

Reptile, owner, python, chameleon


Too bad!

What’s the matter?

I can’t find Camilla.

Can I hold her?



Postcard, address, teeth

Change colour

Fun, boring


Jungle, sea, grass, mountain, field, world



Stamp (v)



Read a story

Read the animal and insect words

Read postcards

Read descriptions of insects


Listen to a story

Recognize animal and insect words

Listen and identify insects


Sing a song

Say a pronunciation chant

Ask and answer about what animals/people have got

Act out a story

Describe insects


Write animal and insect words

Write part of a story

Write a postcard

Cognitive skills:

Make up your own version of a story

Play an elimination game

Categorize words

Understand symbols to express likes and dislikes

Understand spelling patterns

Construct sentences using word titles

Find information in postcards

Think about respecting animals’ habitats

Talk about the parts of an insect’s body

Match words that have the same vowel sound

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Respecting animals’ habitats


Mini project:

Invent an insect


Unit 5 At the supermarket


Broccoli, butter, cocoa, coconut, flour, spinach, asparagus, strawberries


He likes/doesn’t like…

Does he/she like?



Biscuits, sugar, cheese, eggs



How much is flour?


How much are strawberries?


Science: Parts of a plant


Parts of a plant:

Flower, fruit, leaf, stem, root, seed


Chocolate is made from…


Cocoa beans, vanilla, pod, candle, salad


Soup, sauce, melon, maize, cane, tea leaves


We use maize seeds to make cereals for breakfast.


Optional extension:

Come out of, turn into, get bigger


We need flour

Let’s buy some biscuits


Mouse/mice, birthday

What are you doing?

We’re making a cake.

Let’s buy a present.

Off you go!

Ready, steady, go!

Look out!

This cake is delicious!


Plate, tray


Recipe, glass, scoop, sprinkles, bowl, fork, jar, mash, shake, salad, mayonnaise


Chop, stop, top, teatime, pizza


Paper, ruler, pasts, scissors, rubber


Read a story

Read words for food and parts of plants

Read a recipe



Listen to a story

Recognize words for food and parts of plants

Listen and write prices


Sing two songs

Say a pronunciation chant

Act out a story

Ask and answer about prices

Ask and answer about what parts of the plant different foods are


Write the words for food and parts of plants

Write part of a story

Write a recipe

Cognitive skills:

Make up  your own version of a story

Play an elimination game

Categorize words

Do mental arithmetic with small sums (adding up prices)

Construct sentences using word titles

Use codes

Think about working collaboratively

Talk about parts of plants which give us food

Think about the life cycle of a plant (optional)

Match words to pictures

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Working together


Mini project:

Make a fruit and vegetable books


Unit 6 Our town

Places in a town:

Bus station, car park, library, post office, restaurant, supermarket, shopping centre, swimming pool




There’s a slide.

There are eight swings

Is there a…?


Are there any…?



Cinema, park, school

Where’s the shopping centre?

It’s next to the park.



Geography: Map coordinates


Places in the country:

Path, bridge, river, picnic area, wood, beach, shop


Map, adventure, island, key, symbol


Cross (v), drive, return


Here is the symbol for a picnic area.

Can you find the picnic area on the map?


Start at the shop.

Walk to the wood.

Cross the river.

Return to the shop.

Optional extension:

North, south, east, west


Excuse me? Where’s…?

It’s over there.

I can see my favourite restaurant

Where are the visitors?

Come and see our town. It’s great!

This is the park.

Late, enormous, slide, swing

It’s mine!

Me first!


Bus station, train station


Opening times, adults, babies


Don’t drop rubbish

Put your rubbish in a bin.

Banana skin, street


Read a story

Read the words for places in the town and the country

Read about places and identify them

Read a web page


Listen to a story

Recognize words for places in the town and the country

Listen to descriptions of streets and identify them


Sing a song

Say a pronunciation chant

Ask and answer about where places are

Act out a story


Write the words for places in the town and the country

Write descriptions of places

Write part of a story

Write a web page


Cognitive skills:

Make up  your own version of a story

Play an elimination game

Categorize words

Construct sentences using word titles

Find information in a web page

Think about why we shouldn’t leave litter

Use symbols to locate places in a map grid

Use map coordinates

Draw a map and create a key of place symbols

Use compass points (optional)

Match words to pictures

Match words that have the same vowel sound

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Keeping public places tidy


Mini project:

Make a map and a leaflet


Unit 7 At the sports centre


Badminton, baseball, basketball, chess, gymnastics, hockey, judo, table tennis, tennis, volleyball


Do you play chess?

Do you do judo?

I play tennis

I don’t do judo





Is there a tennis class on Monday?

There’s football on Monday

Maths:  Fractions


Football things:

Wig, drum, flag

Half, quarter, three quarters


Half of the fans have got drums.


A quarter of the boys are wearing T-shirts

Three quarters of the children are girls.



Hat, scarf, T-shirt

I want to do judo/play tennis

Timetable, with, without


Can I help you?

Let me see


Pass (a ball), ladder, over, hedge, hole


Come on!


We can play basketball.

I prefer tennis

What about me?

You’re too small

What are you doing?

On the other side.


Come and play basketball.


Special offer, souvenir, pencil sharpener, farm, free, feed, tractor


Signs, square

Don’t feed the animals

Don’t run in the hall.




Read a story

Read the words for sports and football things

Read signs and notices


Listen to a story

Recognize words for sports and football things

Listen to a description of a picture and say true or false


Sing a song

Say a pronunciation chant

Ask and answer about activities

Act out a story

Describe a picture


Write the words for sports and football things

Write about activities you do

Write descriptions of football fans

Write part of a story

Write a notice

Cognitive skills:

Create your own version of a story

Categorize words

Construct sentences using word titles

Find information in a timetable

Use codes

Find information in signs and notices

Think about signs and notices, and why it is important to obey them

Find  fractions of a number

Match words to pictures

Match words that have the same vowel sound

Solve a puzzle (optional)

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Obeying signs


Mini project:

Make a picture of football fans


Unit 8 Uncle Bill


Daily routines:

Get up, have breakfast, go to work, go to school, have lunch, leave work, leave school, have dinner, go to bed

What time does he have breakfast?

What time does he leave work?

He has/leaves/gets/goes…

He works in Middleton

He doesn’t work in Middleton



Have a shower


Do you get up at eight o’clock?

No, I get up at seven o’clock.


Science: Electrical components


Electrical components:

Bulb, battery, wire, motor, switch


Plug, circuit, main electricity



Never touch plugs with wet hands

Batteries make electricity

Circuits need batteries and wires

Tell me about this circuit

It’s got a motor

It doesn’t work!


Optional extension:

I think the light  is dim/bright/very bright


Inventor, robot, workshop, machine

My robot makes dinner


Where does he work?

Not far away

There’s a traffic jam!

At last!

Help me set up my machine.

Plug it in, switch it on

Not too quick!

Be careful!

Advert, today, electronics


Around, decide, cheap

What shall I buy?

It’s really cool.

I just can’t wait!

Wait a minute.

What’s it like?

Stop and think before you buy!



Read a story

Read the words for daily routines and electrical components

Read an advert


Listen to a story

Recognize the words for daily routines and electrical components

Listen and identify circuits


Sing a song

Say a pronunciation chant

Ask and answer about daily routines and circuits

Act out a story


Write the words for daily routines and electrical components

Write questions about daily routines

Write part of a story

Write an advert


Cognitive skills:

Create your own version of a story

Play an elimination game

Categorize words

Put activities in chronological order

Construct sentences using word titles

Find an odd one out

Find information in adverts

Think about how adverts influence us

Think about what makes up an electrical circuit

Match words to pictures

Match words that have the same vowel sound

Make word spidergrams (optional)

Solve a puzzle

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Making informed choices


Mini project:

Write about things that use electricity


Unit 9 The circus

Circus actions:

Do a cartwheel, swing on a trapeze, do a somersault, walk on stilts, do a handstand, walk on your hands, do a headstand, ride a horse


Is she walking on stilts?

Is he riding a bike?

We’re walking.

They’re swimming.


Ride a bike, juggle


I’m jumping.

I can do a somersault.

I can’t walk jn my hands.

Can you juggle?


Art: Drawing figures using ovals


Parts of the body:

Neck, hip, shoulder, elbow, knee, foot


Draw three ovals for the head, neck and body.

A leg is two ovals

The ovals overlap at the knees

The shoulders are one long oval

What do you think of this picture?

I think the arms are too long

I think it’s fine.



Head, hand


There’s a circus

I love circuses!

Circus tent


I like trapeze artists best

Coco’s a star!


I can do that too!



Sports day




Do your best

Try again

Everyone’s a winner!



Read a story

Read the words for circus actions and parts of the body

Read a poster


Listen to a story

Recognize the words for circus actions and parts of the body

Listen and identify pictures of actions


Sing a song

Say a pronunciation chant

Ask and answer about what circus actions you can do.

Act out a story


Write the words for circus actions and parts of the body

Write part of a story

Write questions about and descriptions of what people are doing

Write a poster

Cognitive skills:

Create your own version of a story

Play an elimination game

Categorize words

Use codes

Construct sentences using word titles

Find information in a poster

Think about how to be a good loser and a good winner

Think about how it’s not just winning but taking part that counts

Think about how to draw figures using ovals

Match words to pictures

Match words that have the same vowel sound

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Being a good loser and a good winner


Mini project:

Draw a circus figure


Festivals Christmas

Father Christmas, reindeer, paper, ribbon, bow, label


Find out about Christmas in English-speaking countries

Sing a Christmas song

Make a Christmas gift box



Valentine’s Day



Learn about Valentine’s Day in English-speaking countries

Think about being generous to our friends and family

Make gift coupons



Environment Day

Recycle, reuse, reduce

Save old wrapping paper!

Pass on your clothes!

Use less water!

Use plastic bags again!

Put glass in the glass bin!


Find out about World Environment Day

Think about recycling

Make a recycling chart


Children around the world

My country

Stripe, cross, dragon, moon

Morocco, Wales, Norway, Japan

Arabic, Welsh, Norwegian, Japanese


Find out about and compare the lives of children in four countries around the world

Find out about and compare different countries’ flags

Draw and write about your national flag


Children around the world

My town

Market, castle, square, building


Find out about and compare towns in different countries

Draw and write about your perfect town


Children around the world

Sports in my country

Running, dog sledding, rugby

Player, stadium, sled, race, winter


Find out about sports in different countries

Draw and write about sport in your own country



















Примерное тематическое планирование по курсу Incredible English 4



Основной язык

Обучение через английский (CLIL)

Дополнительный язык (истории,  песни, итд)


Познавательные навыки

Обучение для жизни


Кол-во часов

Unit 1 Playing outdoor

Playing outdoors:



Fish, waterski, sail, rollerblade, play hide and seek, row


Swim, climb, skateboard, play football, play basketball, play tennis



Collocations with go/play

I want to (play basketball)

I don’t want to (go swimming)

Let’s (go sailing)



Can you (swim)?

Yes, I can

No, I can’t

Geography: The water cycle and the weather



It’s snowing, foggy, stormy, 10 degrees, minus 5



It’s sunny, cloudy, windy, raining

Additional language:

Condensation, evaporation, rain drops, shine, sky, warm (v), cooler, water vapour


What’s the weather like?


CLIL skills:

Learn about the water cycle

Identify and understand a weather map


Optional extension:

Do a water cycle experiment

Wake up!

What time is it?

Great idea!

Can I try it?

There are lots of things to do!

I can climb like a monkey!

I don’t feel like …


Have a rest



Stay in bed

Come and…







Up so high!

Here we go!


 Read a story

Read a playscript

Read an email


Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a story

Listen to a dialogue and recognize important information


Talk about outdoor activities

Talk about what you can do

Make suggestions

Use finger puppets to act out a play

Act out a play

Sing a song about doing activities together

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of  /sk/ /sn/ /sw/ /sl/ /st/


Write a dialogue

Complete a playscript

Write an email

Cognitive skills:

Predict a story from visual clues

Read to find mistakes

Group words into categories

Match words that start with the same sounds

Recognise spelling patterns

Solve puzzles in English

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Understand the importance of being active and doing activities together


Mini project:

Make a weather map


Unit 2 Art




Firefighter, pirate, doctor, astronaut, policeman, scientist, pilot, actor, artist



Dancer, footballer, teacher



She/he gets up/goes to bed at 6 o’clock.

I/we/you/they get up/go to bed at 6 o’clock


She always goes to school




Where’s (Finn)?

He’s + behind/next to/ in front of/under/on…


Drawing with a grid




Tower, stairs, lift



Clock, restaurant


Additional language:

Whole, top, grid, blank


It’s 553 metres high.

In 1975

Between 1173 and 1350

It was built in 1975


CLIL skills:

Think about the height and age of buildings

Copy a picture using a grid


Optional extension:

Choose a picture to copy


I’m bored

We don’t know what to do

Don’t worry!

That’s very early!

Oh no! What a mess!

This is the best… ever!





Tidy up












Read a story

Read a playscript

Read an notice


Listen to people talking about where they are

Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a dialogue


Talk about where you are and what you are doing

Talk about people’s routines

Use finger puppets to act out a play

Act out a play

Talk about how to avoid making a mess

Sing a song about working and tidying up after a messy activity

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of /ə/


Work out anagrams

Complete a playscript

Write a notice


Cognitive skills:

Predict a story from visual clues

Work out where someone is from a description

Group words into categories

Recognize spelling patterns

Understand the use of times with daily routines

Solve puzzles in English

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Understand the importance of keeping clean and tidying up


Mini project:

Copy and/or make pictures smaller and larger using a grid


Unit 3




I feel sick

I’ve got…

A headache, a cough, a cold, a sore throat, a toothache, an earache, a stomach ache



I feel dizzy



You should (sit still)

You shouldn’t (eat sweets)

Can you help me/him/her/us/them?

I can help you/him/her/them.



What’s the matter?

I’ve got…

Science: Pulse rate



Heart, thumb, wrist, blood




Additional language:

Beat, pulse, pump (v), press gently, BPM (beats per minute), measure

Take your pulse

What’s our pulse after…-ing?


CLIL skills:

Learn how to take your ulse

Learn to record results

Learn how and why your pulse rate increases


Optional extension:

Make a simple stethoscope to listen to your heart

I don’t feel well

What’s the matter?

 Oh dear

I can’t wait!

Are we nearly there?


He/she isn’t well

I’m afraid … can’t come today.



Junk food





Hurry up!

Take off




Read about health and illnesses

Read about pulse rates

Read a table and extract information

Read a playscript

Read a story


Listen to people talking about health and illnesses

Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a story


Talk about health and illnesses

Practise using object pronouns me, you, us,  them, him, her

Use finger puppets to act out a play

Act out a play

Talk about how you can have a healthy lifestyle

Sing a song about healthy living

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of /tʃ/ and /ʃ/


Complete a playscript

Write questions to describe social situations

Write and correct rules

Write rules for a poster

Cognitive skills:

Predict a story from visual clues

Identify words containing certain sounds

Group words into categories

Recognize spelling patterns

Learn how to ask for help

Solve puzzles in English

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle


Mini project:

Measure your pulse after activity and make a pulse rate (BPM) chart



Unit 4

 On the farm

On the farm:



Beans, potatoes, onions, peppers, cauliflower, weeds, grass



Strawberries, tomatoes, milk, water, goat



There’s some (water)

There isn’t any (cheese)

There are some (tomatoes)

There aren’t any (beans)



.What’s Molly doing?

She’s watering the tomatoes

Science: how plants grow and their habitats



Wet, shady, dry



Hot, cold, sunny


Additional language:

Sunflower, pine tree, cacus/cacti, palm tree, fern, leaf/leaves, spikes, needles

Desert, forest, ice, grow (v), sap, air photosynthesis, oxygen, carbon dioxide

Can you think of a …?

They grow in…


CLIL skills:

Learn about how plants grow

Identify plants from descriptions

Describe the habitats and characteristics of different plants


Optional extension:

Observe the movement of water through a plant stem


Watch out!

Ouch, that hurts.

We’re sorry.

You’re a great help.

Good work, kids.

Over there

Pick (v)



Help (n)


We pick them when they’re ready/ Let them grow.

Take a dog for a walk

Give some water to the goat

Venus flytrap, fungus/fungi, edelweiss





Read about what people are doing

Read a playscript

Read a story

Read and understand notes


Listen to people talking about what they are doing

Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a story

Listen to people talking about what there is in a place


Talk about what you are doing

Talk about what there is in a place

Use finger puppets to act out a play

Act out a play

Sing a song about growing food

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of / əʊ / and / æ/


Write about what people are doing

Write sentences with some and any

Complete a playscript

Write a note

Cognitive skills:

Understand and match words with opposite meanings

Identify words with combinations of two vowels

Identify irregular plural nouns

Predict a story from visual clues

Group words into categories

Recognize spelling patterns

Solve puzzles in English

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Understand that we grow a lot of our food


Mini project:

Make a table to classify plants


Unit 5 Animal life

Animal life:


Fast, slow, fat, thin, long, short, tall, strong



Big, small, hungry


Tortoise, lion, elephant, snake, zebra, crocodile, bee, cheetah, giraffe



Billy’s faster than Coco

Coco’s thinner than Billy

Billy’s the biggest

Coco’s the best



Is it (slow)?

Yes, it is

Is it (the tortoise)?

Yes, it is

Science: Bees and their habits



Beehive, queen, com, hiney, worker, drone, lay eggs


Additional language:

Lay eggs

Social insect




Clean the hive build the comb, store the food

Does it…?


CLIL skills:

Follow and understand what happens in a beehive

Identify different types of bee


Optional extension:

Make a model of  a beehive




Welcome to…

There it goes…


Come up for air








Save the animals

Work together

Chop down



Especially when…


Read a playscript

Read a story

Read a on a website



Listen to people talking about animals

Listen and identify animals from descriptions

Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a story


Talk about animals

Use finger puppets to act out a play

Act out a play

Sing a song about protecting animals in danger

Talk about different types of bee

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of /ə/


Write descriptions of animals

Complete a playscript

Write texts for a website

Cognitive skills:

Predict a story from visual clues

Identify animals from descriptions

Understand the use of adjectives

Identify and match words with opposite meanings

Understand the use of comparatives and superlatives

Match spellings and sounds

Solve puzzles in English

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Understand the importance of protecting animals in danger


Mini project:

Make a bee diagram


Unit 6





Go left, go right, stop, sign, helmet, zebra crossing, traffic lights, road



Bike, car, gloves



You must (wear a helmet)

You mustn’t (run across the road)

Can I (go and play)?

Can I (have a biscuit)?



Go left at the traffic lights

Go right at the…

Stop at the…



Maths: Measuring speed and distance



100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000


Additional language:

Travel, speed, kilometers per hour, motorway, speed limit, speedometer, distance, calculate, racing car, space shuttle, falcon, fighter plane


How far do you travel?

How long does it take?


CLIL skills:

Talk about speed in kilometers per hour

Learn how to calculate speed

Learn hoe to use speed scales


Optional extension:

Make a flicker book

Can we go now?

You can’t go yet

Watch out for…

Stay on the path

Oh all right

Be careful!

You mustn’t do that!







Swimming hat



Pick flowers



Cross at the lights

Use your head!

Hold on tight!







Read a story

Read and follow directions

Read a playscript

Read and understand posters with rules


Listen to people talking about directions

Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a story


Talk about directions

Follow and give road instructions

Ask for permission

Use finger puppets to act out a play

Act out a play

Talk about what you must and mustn’t do to be safe on or near a road

Sing a song about road safety

Talk about different types of bee

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of /k/ /s/


Complete a playscript

Write a poster with rules


Cognitive skills:

Predict a story from visual clues

Recognize spellings

Find places on a map from descriptions

Learn about animation and how to show movement (optional)

Understand that some words sound the same, although they have different spellings (homophones)

Solve puzzles in English

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Understand the importance of road safety


Mini project:

Make a scale to show relative speeds


Unit 7

At school

At school;



Maths, History, Geography, Science, PE, Spanish



Music, English, Art, poster, classroom, school



I was (good at History)

I wasn’t (good at Maths)

Were you (good at History)?

Was he (good at Science)?

Yes, I was

No, he wasn’t



Do you like (English)?

Yes, I do

No, I don’t

History:  Ancient Egypt



Mummy, pyramid, pharaoh, god, goddess, headdress

Additional language:

Land, farming, king, queen, die, bury, tomb, body, wrap, bandage, believe, kind, feathers, horns

Is it a god/goddess?

Did he/she have the head of…?


CLIL skills:

Learn about the culture of Ancient Egypt

Learn about Egyptian gods and goddesses


Optional extension:

Make a model of an Egyptian mummy

We mustn’t be late

My favourite topic was…

I was very lucky!



School lunches







Grow up

Break time

Study hard

No matter what…







Read a story

Read a playscript

Read factfiles


Listen to people talking about school

Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a story

Listen and identify Egyptian gods and goddesses from descriptions


Talk about school

Ask about what people were good at

Use finger puppets to act out a play

Act out a play

Talk about how to study well

Sing a song about studying

Talk about different types of bee

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of / θ / /f/


Complete a playscript

Write notes for a fact file

Cognitive skills:

Predict a story from visual clues

Find information in a fact file

Convert written information into a chart

Identify words in a long sequence of letters

Recognize spelling patterns

Solve puzzles in English

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Appreciate the importance of studying hard


Mini project:

Draw and write about Egyptian gods and goddesses


Unit 8 Underwater life

Underwater life:



Shell, starfish, shark, sand, seahorse, jellyfish, crab, octopus



Dolphin, fish, boat, water



I saw (an octopus)

I didn’t see (a shark)

Did you go (to the beach)?

Yes, I did

No, I didn’t



How many (fish) are there?

There are lots of (fish)

I can see…

Science: Fish



Deep, shallow, surface, bottom, pond, lake



Sea, river


Additional language:

Freshwater (adj), saltwater (adj), fresh water, salt water, daylight, hiding place, anglerfish, lanternfish, pike, trout, cod, sardine, salmon, eel, ray, quantity, salt


CLIL skills:

Learn about freshwater and saltwater fish

Learn to identify different types of fish


Optional extension:

Do a floating experiment


Fall in


Show (n)

Coco fell in!

Coco was a star!

We had a great day/time!










Let’s pack our bags

What do we need?




Run downstairs



Read about quantities

Read a story

Read a playscript

Read a leaflet


Listen to people talking about quantities

Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a story


Ask about quantities

Use finger puppets to act out a play

Act out a play

Talk about what you did at the beach

Sing a song about going to the beach

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of / aʊ / / eɪ / /eə/


Complete a playscript

Write a leaflet

Cognitive skills:

Predict a story from visual clues

Identify statements as true or false, using information in a text

Match spellings to sounds

Learn about irregular plurals

Identify pictures from descriptions

Put words into categories according to the number of syllables they contain

Match diphthong sounds to spellings

Solve puzzles in English

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Understand the importance of safety in the sun


Mini project:

Draw and write about fish in a freshwater tank and fish in a saltwater tank


Unit 9 Technology




Memory stick, laptop, mouse, screen, keyboard, mobile phone, text message, camera



TV, radio, computer



He wanted (a computer)

He didn’t want (a phone)

Did you (go to the park)? Yes, I did/No, I didn’t.



Does she need (a mouse)?

Yes, she does

No, she doesn’t

History: Sending messages



Smoke, Morse code, pigeon



Flags, mirror, horse, drums


Additional language:

Communicate, idea, information, send a message, long/short sounds, hundreds of years, emergency, lost, rescue plane, signal (v), distance, postal system, ship


CLIL skills:

Learn about different ways to send messages

Make a message in semaphore


Optional extension:

Make a telephone and send a message

What happened yesterday?

We had a great day!

You saved the Incredible Club!

You really are incredible!

Football match









Lose a life








Stunt bike

Keep in touch



Far from





Skip about


Read a story

Read a playscript

Read instructions for a computer game

Read about types of messages


Listen to people talking about what they need

Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a story


Talk about what you need

Use finger puppets to act out a play

Act out a play

Talk about how you can communicate with people

Sing a song about keeping in touch with people

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of / t/ / d/ /id/


Write about your friend’s weekend

Complete a playscript

Write instructions for a computer game

Cognitive skills:

Predict a story from visual clues

Write sentences about a story

Put words into categories

Identify pictures from descriptions

Recognize spelling patterns

Solve puzzles in English

Evaluate your progress in class


Learning for life:

Appreciate the importance of communicating with people


Mini project:

Make a message in semaphore


Festivals Advent

Angel, candy cane, snowman, star, sleigh, Christmas tree, present, reindeer, Christmas pudding, stocking


Become aware of some words associated with Advent

Talk about different aspects of the Advent celebration

Make and Advent calendar

Sing an Advent song



Pancake Day

Nuts, chocolate sauce, syrup, sugar, lemon, honey, jam, strawberry


Become aware of some of the traditions around Pancake Day

Become aware of words associated with Pancake Day

Design a pancake and write about it



World Book Day

Adventure, comic, story, hero, superhero, mystery, fairy tale


Become aware of World Book Day

Become aware of some words associated with books

Discuss the importance of reading

Make two bookmarks to use when reading


Children around the world

My country

Turkey, Alaska, Thailand, New Zealand

Volcano, freezing, chilly, monsoon, warm

What country is it?

What’s the weather like in…?

What’s your favourite month?

Where is his/her country?


Meet a group of children from four countries (Turkey, Alaska, Thailand, New Zealand)

Learn about the location of the four countries

Learn about the weather and clothes in the four countries

Learn about the weather and clothes in the four countries

Write about the weather and clothes in your country



Children around the world

My journey to school

Ferry, school bus, snowmobile, tram, tuk tuk, on foot

How does he/she go to school?

I go on foot

I take the…

Tell me about your journey


Learn more about the children from Lesson 1 and the countries they are from

Learn about how children in different countries go to school

Do a class survey about how children go to school in different countries

Practise talking about how children go to school in different countries


Children around the world

My school

Art and Design, Design Technology, Drama, Information Technology

What subject is it?

What’s his/her favourite subject?

What have you got on Monday?

What do you do in this subject?

What job does he/she want to do?


Learn more about the four children from Lessons 1 and 2, and their countries

Learn about schools in these countries

Listen to conversations about school subjects

Talk about your school timetable

Read and listen to children talking about their favourite subjects and their ambitions

Draw a picture of your favourite subjects

Write about your favourite school subjects and ambitions




Примерное тематическое планирование по курсу Incredible English 5



Основной язык

Обучение через английский (CLIL)

Дополнительный язык (истории,  песни, итд)


Познавательные навыки

Обучение для жизни


Кол-во часов


The Incredible Team

The Incredible Team:


School subjects, food, animals, activities

How to…

Talk about what you like


Answer (n), (v), better than, competition, explore, team, enter ( a competition), Never mind, Too late, Stop her!


Take part (in), internet, surname, race, team, certificate, text message, good at (maths)

Reading & Listening:


Listen to and read  a story and meet the characters


Practise talking about what you like


Write about you


Develop learner training: become aware of the course and what you are going to learn

Use notes in a table to create a text


Unit 1

 At the library

At the library



Dictionary, encyclopedia, leaflet, website, notice, calendar. Newspaper, atlas, poster



Magazine, comic



There was/were…

There wasn’t/weren’t

Was there…/were there…?



Adverbs of frequency: often, sometimes, never


How to…

Make suggestions:


Shall we…?

Talk about words:

How do you spell…?

How do you say… in English?

Study skills: Concept map



Colours, pictures, capital letters, small letters, thick lines, thin lines


Additional language:

Concept map, idea, information, fact, brain, use, remember, think of


CLIL skills:

Understand how to use concept maps

Learn vocabulary for text styling (design words)

Make a concept map


Optional extension:

Design and make a concept map about television

Use a concept map as a basis for oral discussion

Library, research skills, equator, carry


Librarian, help, find out, strange, mouse (computers0, crash (computers), desk, shelf, Good idea, I don’t know, Brilliant!, I’ve found the answer


I’m not sure, I’ve got no idea!, I haven’t got a clue!


Interview, bad-tempered, clever, work (v), spies, crook, cartoon, place mat


(main) character, set in


Folk tale, historical story, detective story, adventure story, opinion, title, book, review, author


Holiday, island, surfer, pier, lighthouse, funky, marching band


Read a story

Read a playscript

Read a book review and an interview


Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a story

Listen to a book review and recognize important information


Talk about your favourite books

Talk about how to say and spell words

Make suggestions with Let’s… and Shall we…?

Act out a play

Sing a song about a holiday

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of / u:/ /ʊ/


Complete a playscript

Write a book review


Cognitive skills:

Group words into categories

Retell a story from prompts

Make predictions about a text

Develop reading skills: scanning, intensive reading

Identify statements as true or false, using information in a text

Differentiate spellings and sounds

Organize your ideas using a concept map

Evaluate your progress in class


Mini project:

Plan and make a concept map


Unit 2 At the dig

At the dig



Plate, cup, saucer, mug, bowl, fork, knife, bottle, vase, glass, spoon, jug



Next to, between, behind, in front of, in, on, under




Could it/they…?

Yes, it could/ No, they couldn’t


How to…

Describe objects in a museum:

What’s it like? It’s big and round.

How old is it?

It’s … years old

Where is it from? It’s from Japan.

What’s it made of? It’s made of glass.


Art: Cave paintings



Bison, deer, bull, goat, rhino, mammoth


Additional language:

Stone Age, cave, cave painting, cavemen, continent, ceiling, mix (v), different, powdered, rock, brush(es), stick, feather, lamp, handprint, gods

What’s this?/ What are these?

I think it’s a …/they’re…


CLIL skills:

Look carefully at cave paintings and describe what they show

Plan and make a cave-style painting


Optional extension:

Experiment with Stone Age painting materials

Dig (noun and verb), pottery

It’s made of…, pretty, ugly, round


I’m starving!, want, label, play a trick on, dinosaur, bone, correct (adj)

I don’t believe you, Just kidding!, difficult


(newspaper) article, fossil, skeleton, rock, bone, strong, heavy, discover, weigh, stay


3D (3 dimensional) film, special effects, hunt, ticket, Don’t miss…, pound


Hunter, meat-eating, tonne, plates (defensive), back, spikes, tail, defence


Tell the time




Read a story

Read a playscript

Read a newspaper article


Listen to people talking about films

Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a dialogue


Talk about museum artefacts

Talk about people’s past abilities

Act out a play

Talk about going to the cinema

Sing a song about abilities

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of / ɒ/ /ɔ:/


Complete a playscript

Write notes on a text, use notes to complete a text

Describe a dinosaur


Cognitive skills:

Group words into categories

Interpret a graphic or diagram

Retell a story from prompts

Make predictions about a text

Develop reading skills: skimming

Identify statements as true or false, using information in a text

Identify pictures from descriptions

Transfer information from a text to a table

Use information in a table to complete a text

Evaluate your progress in class


Mini project:

Make a ‘cave painting’ and write about it


Unit 3

At the castle

At the castle



Church, hospital, police station, theatre, museum, chemist, hotel



Restaurant, supermarket, castle, market



The past simple and irregular verbs

He climbed…/didn’t climb…/Did he climb…?

He took. He didn’t take. Did he take?

I played tennis; I didn’t play tennis; Did you play tennis?; Yes, I did/No, I didn’t.


How to…

Ask for and give directions:

Excuse me. Where’s the…, please?

Turn right/left

Go straight ahead

Take the second right.

It’s on the left

Units 1-3 revision

Maths: Roman numbers



Plus, minus, equals, one hundred, one thousand


Additional language:

Roman, symbol, count, add, subtract, zero


(two) plus (one) equals (three)/ (two) minus (one)  equals (one)/ so that’s


CLIL skills:

Learn vocabulary for maths

Learn about Roman numbers

Convert Arabic numbers to Roman numbers and vice versa

Do sums and puzzles with Roman numbers


Optional extension:

Play a game with Roman numbers

Grandfather clock


Diamond, moat, footprint, hide, map, kid, international, jewel, sign, notebook, Grab him!, buy-bought, go-went


Medieval, king, queen, curtains, knight, try on, (suit of) armour, feast, tournament, fight (v), bird of prey, falconer, archer, bow, arrow, archery


Musician, acrobat, biscuit, cheese, ball, top (toy), puzzle


Lost, bank, taxi rank


Read a leaflet about a castle

Read a story

Read a playscript


Listen to a dialogue about a castle visit

Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a story

Listen and answer questions


Talk about a castle

Practise asking for and giving directions

Act out a play

Sing a song about getting lost

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of / aʊ / / əʊ /


Complete a playscript

Write a leaflet about a tourist attraction


Cognitive skills:

Retell a story from prompts

Learn to give  and follow street directions

Make predictions about a text

Develop reading skills: skimming

Identify statements as true or false, using information in a text

Recognize spelling patterns

Order images based on a listening activity

Plan the order of information in a paragraph

Write atext based on a concept map

Understand and interpret Roman numerals

Evaluate your progress in class


Mini project:

Write about yourself using roman numbers


Unit 4

At the museum

At the museum



String, tape, card, wire, glue, paint, stapler, paintbrush, drawing pins, paper clips, straws



Past simple questions

Where…? What time…? What…? Who…? When…? How many…?



Countable and uncountable nouns


How to…

Ask for things politely:

Can you pass me…, please?

Can I have…, please?

Can I borrow…, please?

Yes. Here you are.

Sorry, I heven’t got one/any.

Sorry, I’m using it.

History: Inventors and Inventions



Car, zip, jeans, teabag, camera, microwave oven, mobile phone, fridge


Additional language:

Timeline, calculation, PC (personal computer), watch videos, ink, ballpoint pen, Argentina, sound (n), radio waves, radio, light bulb, gas light


CLIL skills:

Learn vocabulary for inventions

Learn about inventors and inventions

Understand timelines

Do a quiz and a puzzle about inventions


Optional extension:

Make a timeline of family events and talk about it

Don’t be silly!, It’s called…, It doesn’t matter, You’re kidding!, Well spotted!, Better luck  next time!, It looks like…, exhibition, invention, inventor, invent, stuck, horrible, follow


Nasty, disgusting, milkshake


Instructions, copy (v), cut (out), end (n), balance (v), modeling clay, solid line, fold, dotted line, hold, drop, spinner


Periscope, interesting, mirror, felt tips


Homework, screen, printer, exercise, hole, button, level, wheel, bell, ready


Traveller, time machine, travel, future (n), past (n), dodo


Read instructions for a model

Read a story

Read a playscript

Read a quiz


Listen to people talking about making a model

Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a story

Listen and answer questions


Practise asking for things politely (using pass, have, and borrow)

Talk about making models

Act out a play

Sing a song about time travel

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of / a:/ /^/


Complete a playscript

Write a description of something you have made


Cognitive skills:

Retell a story from prompts

Make predictions about a text

Read and understand instructions

Identify statements as true or false, using information in a text

Recognize spelling patterns

Identify pictures from descriptions

Understand and complete a set of instructions

Arrange the sentences of a text in the correct order

Understand and interpret timelines

Evaluate your progress in class


Mini project:

Design a new invention and write about it


Unit 5 At the theatre

At the Theatre



Do the washing up, make the dinner, put out the rubbish, tidy the living room, vacuum the carpet, clean the windows, make the bed, water the plants, do the washing



The Past Continuous

What were you doing at six o’clock? What was she doing?

He was having tea.

Were you playing football? Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t.

Was he visiting the museum? Yes, he was./No, he wasn’t.



Making –ing forms


How to…

Talk about obligation:

I have to…

She doesn’t have to…

Do you have to…?

Music: Identifying different types of musical instrument –wind, string, keyboard, percussion



Guitar, violin, flute, trumpet, clarinet, tambourine, drums, xylophone, piano, electronic keyboard


Additional language:

Blow, pluck, hit, shake, wind, string, keyboard, percussion, instrument, vibration, vibrate, maraca

This is a wind instrument/You (blow) it.


CLIL skills:

Learn vocabulary for musical instruments and families of instruments

Understand explanations and descriptions of how sounds are produced

Recognize different instruments


Optional extension:

Experiment with making sounds

Make music with a simple instrument

Housework, job


Murder, mystery, play, manager, alibi, signal, cook (v), kill, you are wrong.


Theatre programme, witch, wizard, look for, heart, brain, broom, wave goodbye, brave, mask, tornado, secret (n), magic, knobbly


Part (in a play), uncomfortable, costume


Playground, have fun, lovely


Read a story

Read a playscript

Read about a play in a theatre programme


Listen to people talking about a play

Listen and answer open questions

Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a story


Practise talking about what people are doing

Practise talking about the jobs people have to do at home

Act out a play

Sing a song about having fun

Talk about  aplay

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of / i:/ /i/


Write a summary of a text in a table

Write a programme note

Complete a playscript

Write a programme for a play


Cognitive skills:

Group words into categories

Retell a story from prompts

Make predictions about a text

Identify the theme of paragraphs

Read and understand the summary of a play

Recognize spelling patterns

Recognize the sounds and families of musical instruments

Transfer information from a text to a table

Use information in a table to complete a text

Evaluate your progress in class


Mini project:

Write descriptions of musical instruments


Unit 6

At the restaurant

At the restaurant



Lamb stew, sausages, tomato soup, baked potato, mashed potato, roast beef, apple pie



Banana, milkshake, strawberry ice cream, chips, vegetables, salad




Too much/too many

(not) enough

How many apples has he got?

How much sugar has he got/does he need?



Countable and uncountable nouns


How to…

Order food in a restaurant

Would you like…?

I’d like…, please.

Can I have…?

Unit 4-6 Revision

Science: Nutrition



Fat, starch, fibre, sugar, vitamins, protein, calcium


Additional language:

Meal, fruit yoghurt, carrots, broccoli, important, calories, salt, carbohydrate, beans, oil, (un)saturated, minerals


CLIL skills:

Learn vocabulary for nutrients

Learn about nutrition and nutrients

Identify the nutrients in food

Understand quantities in tables

Learn to understand labels on food


Optional extension:

Design a food package

Write a nutrition label

I haven’t got any (pies) left

We’ve finished!, world-famous, recipe, ingredients, oven, wonderful, lemon, lemonade




Street party, reporter, yesterday, samosa, in the middle, chocolate mousse, everyone, hard-boiled egg, decorations, relax, ordinary, special


Shortbread, Scottish, flour, butter


Mix up, dough, space, neighbour, move


Read a story

Read a playscript

Read and understand a magazine article about a street party


Listen to people talking about food

Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a story

Listen and identify different foods

Listen and answer questions


Practise offering and asking for food

Talk about a party

Act out a play

Sing a song about making bread

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of / æ / / ʌ /


Complete a playscript

Write about food people like and dislike

Write about your favourite food


Cognitive skills:

Group words into categories

Retell a story from prompts

Interpret a graphic or diagram

Evaluate quantity and need

Make predictions about a text

Develop reading skills: scanning

Recognize spelling patterns

Identify pictures from descriptions

Interpret nutritional data in a table

Identify statements as true or false, using information in a table

Make a concept map about food

Evaluate your progress in class


Mini project:

Write about nutrition tables


Unit 7

At the animal rescue centre

At the animal rescue centre



Blackbird, squirrel, hawk, caterpillar, hedgehog, fox, badger, deer, mouse, snail, pigeon, robin



Going to

It’s going to …/They’re going to…

It isn’t going to/They aren’t going to…

Is it going to…? Yes, it is/No, it isn’t

Are they going to…? Yes, they are/No they aren’t



What did…? When did..? Where did…?


How to…

Describe animals:

It’s a  (mammal)

It’s (black and white)

It eats (worms and roots)

It lives in (gardens and woods)

Science: roles in the food chain



Producers, consumers, herbivores, omnivores, carnivores


Additional language:

Energy, sun, produce, consume, living, food chain, food web, decomposer


They’re carnivores. I think they’re omnivores. They eat…


CLIL skills:

Learn vocabulary for roles in a food chain

Learn about food chains

Complete a food chain


Optional extension:

Practise using a food chain

Make a game about a food chain

Animal rescue centre, woodland (adj)


Mammal, spines, leaves


Follow me, binoculars, anything, genius, creepy, survive, save (a life), perhaps, crash (v), owl, poor thing, It’s hurt, donkey




Floor, ceiling


Orphan. Worm, habitat, vet, fact sheet, donation, feed, cub, adopt


Adoption certificate, sweet (adj)


A day out


Band, hip-hop, dress up, tonight


Read a story

Read a playscript

Read an advert for an animal adoption programme


Listen to people talking about animal adoptions

Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a story

Listen and identify a photo and a certificate

Listen and answer questions


Practise talking about dates

Practise describing animals

Talk about adopting an animal

Act out a play

Sing a song about a party

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of / ɜ:/ /ɔ:/


Complete a playscript

Write a day out


Cognitive skills:

Group words into categories

Retell a story from prompts

Identify an animal from a description

Make predictions about a text

Develop reading skills: scanning

Recognize spelling patterns

Identify pictures from descriptions

Read and understand sequences

Interpret a Venn diagram

Use word lists to improve writing

Evaluate your progress in class


Mini project:

Draw and write about a food chain


Unit 8

On Bell Street

On Bell Street



Artist, secretary, shop assistant, mechanic, postman, bus driver, cook, waitress, cleaner, builder



Police officer, firefighter



Types of questions



Short answers

Yes, she does/No, she doesn’t




How to…

Say what job you want and why:

I want to be a (doctor) because I want to (work with people)

Maths: Poligons



Rectangle, square, triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon


Additional language:

Pattern, regular, irregular, straight, side, equal, unequal, angle

It’s regular/irregular. It’s got… sides. This pattern is made of… and…


CLIL skills:

Learn vocabulary for types of polygon

Recognize and describe polygons


Optional extension:

Understand the idea of tessellation

Learn how to tessellate shapes with four sides

What do you want to be when you grow up?, Are you good at (computers)?, What kind of (shop)? I want to work outside, exciting, dangerous


Yard, pet, uniform, fire station, fire engine, fight fires, anywhere, What do you mean?


Rescue, people, imtelligent


Job, personality, quiz, write down, look after, do the shopping, abseiling, art and craft, documentaries, beaver, campsite, surf the internet, organized, practical, hard-working, kind, friendly, loyal, suggest, food taster


Chocolatier, factory, mould, decorate, Easter basket, chick, interviewer


Dear…, Yours…, programme, nurse, useful, patient (n)


Spanner, engine, tap (v), hammer (n), bucket, sponge, cloth, mop, spire


Read a story

Read a playscript

Read a quiz about jobs


Listen to people talking about jobs

Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a story


Talk about people’s possessions

Talk about the job you want to do

Act out a play

Talk about jobs

Sing a song about jobs

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of / i:/ /ai/


Complete a playscript

Write a letter


Cognitive skills:

Group words into categories

Express an opinion and give reasons

Retell a story from prompts

Make predictions about a text

Develop reading skills: scanning

Recognize spelling patterns

Read and understand the structure of letters

Complete a letter

Learn to identify regular and irregular polygons

Evaluate your progress in class


Mini project:

Design a pattern using different types of polygons


Unit 9

At the adventure sports centre

At the adventure sports centre



Skiing, snowboarding, rock climbing, go-karting, ice skating, horse riding, hiking, windsurfing, canoeing, sailing, mountain biking, rollerblading



Cheap, boring, dangerous, exciting, difficult



The present perfect

They’ve tried…/She’s ridden…

I’ve never…/He’s never…

Have you ever…? Yes, I have/No, I haven’t. Has she ever…? Yes, she ahs/No, she hasn’t



They went…/They didn’t go… Comparatives and superlatives


How to…

Compare and discuss sports:

I think skiing is the most exciting sport.

I think…is more…than…

I think so too/ I don’t think so.


Unit 7-9 Revision

Geography: The Beaufort scale



Twig, branch, roof, tile



Leaf, smoke, flag, umbrella


Additional language:

Wind, move, break, impossible, fall off, blow off, fall over, fly off, are destroyed


Leaves are moving. I can feel… I think the wind is force 5.


CLIL skills:

Learn vocabulary for Beaufort scale

Understand the Beaufort scale and work out force numbers from visual observations

Learn about wind energy and wind turbines


Optional extension:

Make a simple wind gauge

Use the wind gauge to record the wind strength over a week

Adventure sports centre, group


Adjective, comparative, superlative, easy, expensive, safe


Rockface, finish line, the winners, have a good time, freezing, Ouch!, mango


Break aleg, cocnut milk, kangaroo


World record, whale, wave, sail, mast, crowd, iceberg, route, cabin, top, overturn, mend


Accident, medal, break a record, sportsman


Dates: Friday 21st June, Saturday 22nd June, etc., diary


Llama, fall off a bike, giant (adj)


Read a story

Read a playscript

Read a magazine article about sailing around the world


Listen to people talking about sporting achievements

Listen to a story

Listen for words and phrases in a story

Listen and answer questions


Talk about adventure sports

Discuss and compare sports

Practise agreeing and disagreeing

Act out a play

Talk about sports heroes

Sing a song about what you have and haven’t done

Say a chant to practise pronunciation of / ei/ /a:/


Complete a playscript

Write a diary


Cognitive skills:

Group words into categories

Retell a story from prompts

Learn how to make comparisons

Make predictions about a text: using contextual information and skimming

Recognize spelling patterns

Learn to express opinions and give reasons

Learn to observe phenomena and draw conclusions based on an established scale

Make a concept map for a diary entry

Evaluate your progress in class


Mini project:

Keep a wind diary


Festivals Thanksgiving

Pilgrims, ship, arrive, winter, life, dead, Native Americans, plant (v), hunt (v), harvest, pumpkin, corn, dinner, feast, invite traditional, pudding, turkey, Brussels sprouts, squash, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie

Site, colony, grow corn, smallpox


Become aware of the story and traditions of Thanksgiving Day

Learn about the Pilgrims’ colony

Become aware of words associated with Thanksgiving day

Learn words for Thanksgiving food

Play a board game about the Pilgrims’ first year in the colony




Celebrate, tradition, The Netherlands, Spain, sweets, nuts, coal, Sweden, forest, sleigh, sack

Props, scene, celebrate, a White Christmas, wrap a present, pudding, curtains, perfect, organized

Stop panicking!, Merry Christmas!


Become aware of Christmas traditions in different countries

Become aware of words associated with Christmas

Talk about different Christmas celebrations

Sing a Christmas song

Read and perform a Christmas play



Chinese New Year

Moon, mandarin orange, envelope, lantern, dragon, China, Chinese, new moon, full moon, celebrations, New Year’s Day, poem, decorate, midnight, parade, dragon


Become aware of Chinese New Year

Become aware of words associated with Chinese New Year

Learn about Chinese dragons

Make and label picture of a Chinese dragon


Children around the world


Learning for life:

Understand the importance of learning new skills and helping your community

Scout, skills, community, badge, uniform, camping skills, make a fire, tent, citizenship, clear up, rubbish, turn over, change direction, Poland, British, repair, Plan (v), ride (n), accident


Buy, transport, store, safely, well, design, snowsports, safety, protective clothing, test, photographer, image


Find out about the Scout movement and the activities that they do

Read about three children from different countries who have taken part in activities to earn different badges

Find out about work in the community, camping skills and sailing

Appreciate the process of learning new skills and building towards an award

Talk about the skills and activities you would like to take part in

Invent a new Scouting badge



Children around the world

Endangered animals

Learning for life:

Understand the importance of conserving our environment

Endangered species, protect, jewellery, catch, Malaysia, Scotland, turtle, danger, fishermen, net, shell, tourist, disappear, forever, autumn, hibernate, concrete, injured


Snow leopard, burrowing owl, African, leopard, thick, fur, China, India, Russia, barn, owl, hole, ground, habitat, agriculture


Learn about the environment and the importance of conservation projects

Meet two children who are helping to conserve their countries’ natural heritage

Learn about the problems facing hedgehogs in Scotland and Hawksbill turtles in Malaysia

Talk about conservation projects in your country

Write about an endangered animal


Children around the world

Local history

Learning for life:

Appreciate the significance of local history

Battle, plaque, die, sick, medicines, Ireland, secret (adj), great-great=grandfather, marry, In those days…, attic, chest, date, expensive, cost, land, lock (v)


Prize, ancient, dig, flowerpot, spade, trowel


Understand that knowing about the past can help us understand the present

Realize that small places and events are part of history too

Read about three children who have found out  about their local history

Think about how familiar things may be different in 100 years’ time

Read and perform a play about discovering history around us.




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