Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыInternational Ecological Org-s. разработка урока 11 класс

International Ecological Org-s. разработка урока 11 класс

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Approved: _______________________                                                                Date: _______


The theme

International Ecological Org-s

The aims of the lesson:

· To know and use the terms that are useful for analysing language on the topic “International Ecological Organizations”;

· Recognize layers of meaning in the text, work with vocabulary;

· Individual and group feedback.


1.      Warm-up

2.      Team work “Vocabulary

3.      Team work “Reading for gist”

4.      Individual work “True/False sentences”  

5.      Expressions

10 min

10 min

10 min

10 min


5 min

The expected result


ü  They will know and use the terms that are useful for analysing language on the topic “International Ecological Organizations”;

ü  They will be able to recognize layers of meaning in the text and understand words;

ü  They will be able to work individually and in group.

The main idea 

-    Create “Wordbank”: Estimate ,gross, tackle ,implication, research

-    Create “Grammar database”: Types of conditionals

-    Expectation: scan for understanding the main idea of the sentences and scan for gist. Discuss and work with vocabulary words

-    Working out: understanding the implication of the work and selecting material to suit it.


1.      Learning/ Respond logs

2.      Respond logs

3.      Anecdotal notes


Ex 9p88

Ex 19 p85

Teachers reflection







I.              Organization moment 

a.      Greeting

b.     Warm-up

Do you support Britain’s principles?

• Should or shouldn’t the polluter pay pollution taxes?

• Should or shouldn’t developed countries help developing countries to solve the environmental problems?

• Are they the environmental problems of the world?

• Do we have any environmental problems in Kazakhstan?

• What activities does the Government do?

Divide the class into three groups

c.      Check their homework

II.           Main part

Team work “Vocabulary

*Find the equivalents of the following words in the text exercise 9

 Assessment: Learning/ Respond logs

     Team work “Reading for gist”

*Read the text and find the most important problems of cleaning up the environment. (If there are new words see the key).

Financial Implications

Cleaning up the environment is not cheap for example, it is estimated that control of pollution costs Britain between I and 1.5 per cent of its gross national product. In its domestic environmental policies, Britain supports the principle that the polluter should pay.

It is recognized, that developing countries do not have the same ability to pay the financial costs of environmental problems, since their economies are not as strong as those of developed countries. Britain therefore gives considerable support to developing countries to allow them to tackle environmental improvement.

Britain spends large sums on environmental research in both the private and public sectors.

Assessment: Respond logs

Individual work “True/False sentences

*Are the sentences true or false? Read the text quickly.

a) Cleaning up the environment is cheap.

b) Control of pollution costs Britain between 1 and 1,5 per cent of its gross national product.

c) Britain is for the principles that the polluter should pay.

d) The polluter should pay pollution taxes.

e) Developing countries can’t pay the financial costs of environmental problems as the developed countries.

f) Britain doesn’t give any support to developing countries to tackle environmental improvement.

g) Britain spends large sums on environmental research only in the private sector.

Assessment: Anecdotal notes

     Conclusion Expression of students about the lesson

Positive expressions: ________            __________________________________________

Negative expressions:______________ __________________________________________

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