Инфоурок Английский язык Рабочие программыРабочая программа по английскому языку для заочного обучения 10-11 класс

Рабочая программа по английскому языку для заочного обучения 10-11 класс

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Рабочая программа, по английскому языку, соответствует федеральному компоненту государственного стандарта среднего (полного) Рабочая программа по английскому языку для 10-11 класса составлена на основе федерального компонента государственного стандарта среднего (полного) образования, в соответствии с Федеральным базисным учебным планом для вечерних (сменных) общеобра­зовательных учреждений Российской Федерации, с учетом примерной программы среднего (полного) образования по английскому языку, 10-11 классы (базовый уровень) для общеобразова­тельных школ, автор В.П. Кузовлев. -М: «Просвещение»,2010.

Для заочных классов вечерней (сменной) школы, за основу взята авторская  программа Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова для 10-11 классов общеобразовательной школы. Данная программа адаптирована, а также незначительно изменена расчасовка тем, в связи со спецификой учреждения, для 10-11 классов вечерней (сменной) общеобразовательной школы. В заочных классах часы, отведенные на зачёты, не входят в базисный учебный план.

Рабочая программа конкретизирует содержание предметных тем образовательного стандар­та, дает распределение учебных часов по темам и последовательность изучения тем и языкового материала с учетом логики учебного процесса, возрастных особенностей обучающихся, межпред­метных и внутрипредметных связей.

Иностранный язык (в том числе английский) входит в общеобразовательную область «Фи­лология». Являясь существенным элементом культуры народа - носителя данного языка и средст­вом передачи ее другим, иностранный язык способствует формированию у обучающихся целост­ной картины мира. Владение иностранным языком повышает уровень гуманитарного образования обучающихся, способствует формированию личности и ее социальной адаптации к условиям по­стоянно меняющегося поликультурного, полиязычного мира. Иностранный язык расширяет лин­гвистический кругозор обучающихся, способствует формированию культуры общения, содейству­ет общему речевому развитию обучающихся. Все это повышает статус предмета «иностранный язык» как общеобразовательной учебной дисциплины.


Изучение в старшей школе  английского языка  на базовом уровне направлено на достижение следующих целей:

·дальнейшее развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции (речевой, языковой, социокультурной, компенсаторной, учебно-познавательной):

·речевая компетенция – совершенствование коммуникативных умений в четырех основных видах речевой деятельности (говорении, аудировании, чтении и письме), умений планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение;

·языковая компетенция – систематизация ранее изученного материала; овладение новыми языковыми средствами в соответствии с отобранными темами и сферами общения: увеличение объема используемых лексических единиц; развитие навыков оперирования языковыми единицами в коммуникативных целях;

·социокультурная компетенция – увеличение объема знаний о социокультурной специфике страны/стран изучаемого языка, совершенствование умений строить свое речевое и неречевое поведение адекватно этой специфике, формирование умений выделять общее и специфическое в культуре родной страны и страны изучаемого языка;

·компенсаторная компетенция – дальнейшее развитие умений выходить из положения в условиях дефицита языковых средств при получении и передаче иноязычной информации;

·учебно-познавательная компетенция – развитие общих и специальных учебных умений, позволяющих совершенствовать учебную деятельность по овладению иностранным языком, удовлетворять с его помощью познавательные интересы в других областях знания.

·развитие и воспитание способности и готовности к самостоятельному и непрерывному изучению иностранного языка, дальнейшему самообразованию с его помощью, использованию иностранного языка в других областях знаний; способности к самооценке через наблюдение за собственной речью на родном и иностранном языках; личностному самоопределению учащихся в отношении их будущей профессии; их социальная адаптация; формирование качеств гражданина и патриота.

В программе дается распределение материала по разделам и темам. К каждой теме приведены основ­ные понятия и перечень демонстраций, допускаю­щих использование различных средств обучения с учетом специфики образовательного учреждения и его материальной базы.

 Рабочая программа конкретизирует объем и содержание предметных разделов образовательного стандарта и дает распределение учебных часов по разделам предмета. В 2015-2016 учебном году программа реализуется в 10-12 классах. Рабочая программа рассчитана на 10 часов,  на 3 года обучения,  исходя из 0,1 часа учебной нагрузки в  неделю , 10класс- 12 класс по 0,1 часа в неделю, что соответствует по 4 часам в год.  Программой предусмотрен прием  4 обязательных  зачетов за два года обучения и индивидуальных консультаций к ним.





Учебно-тематический план 10 класс (заочное обучение)

№ п/п


Всего часов

Контрольные работы


Unit 1. How Different the World is! какой разный мир вокруг 7 часов



Россия. Географическое положение. Причинно-следственные связи.



Россия. Влияние географического положения. Входящая контрольная работа



Австралия. Влияние географического положения



Великобритания. Влияние географического положения



США. Влияние географического положения



Характеристика  британцев



Факты о США.



Контроль лексико-грамматических навыков




Unit 2. Western Democracies. Are They Democratic? Политические системы стран? 6 часов




Демократия. Демократические государства



Политическая система Великобритании




Политическая система  США. Контроль навыков чтения.





Политическая система России



Сравнение политических систем Великобритании, США и России. Контроль навыков письма.




Функции глав государств




Unit 3. What Is Hot with the Young Generation? Молодое поколение 14 часов




Молодежь: выражение своей индивидуальности



Официальные организации. Контроль навыков аудирования.



Молодежные субкультуры.



Неформальные организации



Сравнение официальных и неофициальных  молодежных течений. Контроль навыков говорения.



Музыкальные предпочтения подростков



Какими были твои родители?



Похожи ли подростки в разных странах? контроль монологической речи.



Времяпровождение подростков



Современный подросток- какой он? контроль диалогической речи.



Противостояние молодого и старого поколения.



Контроль навыков говорения по теме «Молодежные объединения»



Какую музыку слушают различные субкультуры?




Unit 4. Is it Easy to Be Young? Легко ли быть молодым?   8 часов




Права человека




Объединенная Нация по правам человека. контроль лексико-грамматических навыков.




 Организации по правам человека, детей и подростков.




 Пути решения проблем подростков




Молодежные свидания




Проблемы подростков в Великобритании и США




Возрастные ограничения в России. Возрастные ограничения в Великобритании и  США. Итоговый контроль




 Проблемы подростков в России.










Учебно-тематический план 11 класс (заочное обучение)



№ п/п


Всего часов

Контрольные работы


UNIT 5. “Is the System of Social Welfare Fair?” Хороша ли система социального обеспечения. 8 часов




Социальная защита. Входной контроль.




Льготы и пособия.




Проблемы здравоохранения в Британии. Контроль навыков чтения.




Медицинское обслуживание в Британии.




Медицинское обслуживание в России и в США. Контроль навыков говорения.



Как живут престарелые люди в России и в Британии.



Льготы ветеранов Великой Отечественной войны в России и в Германии.



Милосердие и уважение к престарелым людям. Контроль навыков аудирования.





UNIT 6. “What helps you to enjoy yourselves?” Что помогает нам развлекаться?  6 часов





Киноиндустрия в России.




Киноиндустрия в США. Контроль навыков письма




Киноиндустрия в Британии.



Какие фильмы ты любишь смотреть. Контроль навыков говорения.



История возникновения театрального искусства в Британии.



Знакомство с великими театральными актерами.






UNIT 7. “Inventions that shook the world?” Раздел 7. Изобретения, которые потрясли мир. 8 часов





Товары высокого качества российского производства.




Знакомство с великими изобретателями и изобретениями. Контроль навыков аудирования.




Новинки бытовой техники в США. 




Высокие технологии и интернет.



Знаете ли вы как вести домашнее хозяйство.



Использование высоких технологий. Контроль навыков письма.



Что бы ты хотел изобрести?



Моё отношение к изобретениям. Контроль навыков чтения






UNIT 8. “Ecology“ Раздел 8. Экология 9 часов




Защита окружающей среды.




Загрязнение почвы и ее последствия. Контроль лексико-грамматических навыков.




Загрязнение воды и воздуха.



Экологические катастрофы и их последствия.



Экология и человек. Контроль навыков чтения.



Наша земля - наш родной дом.



Защита животного и растительного мира.



Окружающая среда и экология. Контроль навыков письма.



Национальные парки.







UNIT 9. “Science” Раздел 9. Наука 4 часа





Наука и жизнь. 




Английский язык - доминирующий язык.



Важность изучения иностранного языка.  Итоговый контроль.



Мое будущее.














основные значения изученных лексических единиц (слов, словосочетаний): основные способы словообразования (аффиксация, словосложение, конверсия):

особенности  структуры простых и сложных предложений изучаемого иностранного  языка; интонацию различных коммуникативных типов предложений:

признаки изученных грамматических явлений (видовременных форм глаголов, модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов, артиклей, существительных, степеней сравнения прилага­тельных  и наречий, местоимений, числительных, предлогов):

основные нормы речевого этикета (реплики-клише, наиболее распространенная оценочная лексика), принятые в стране изучаемого языка.



начинать, вести/поддерживать и заканчивать беседу в стандартных ситуациях общения, соблюдая нормы речевого этикета, при необходимости переспрашивая, уточняя;

расспрашивать собеседника и отвечать на его вопросы, высказывая свое мнение, просьбу, отвечать на предложение собеседника согласием/отказом, опираясь на  изученную тематику и усвоенный лексико-грамматический материал;

рассказывать о себе, своей семье, друзьях, своих интересах и планах на будущее, сообщать краткие сведения о своем городе/селе, о своей стране и стране изучаемого языка;

делать  краткие сообщения, описывать события/явления (в рамках пройденных тем),   пере­давать основное содержание, основную мысль прочитанного или услышанного, выражать свое отношение к прочитанному/услышанному, давать краткую характеристику персонажей.



•    понимать основное содержание несложных аутентичных текстов, относящихся к разным коммуникативным  типам речи (сообщение/рассказ), уметь определить тему текста, выделить главные факты в тексте, опуская второстепенные.


           ориентироваться в иноязычном тексте: прогнозировать его содержание по заголовку;

           читать аутентичные тексты разных жанров преимущественно с пониманием основного содержания (определять тему, выделять основную мысль, выделять главные факты, опуская  второстепенные, устанавливать логическую последовательность основных фактов текста);

• читать текст с выборочным пониманием нужной или интересующей информации.

письменная речь

заполнять анкеты и формуляры;

писать поздравления, личные письма с опорой па образец: расспрашивать адресата о его жизни  и делах,  сообщать  то же о  себе, выражать благодарность,  просьбу,  употребляя фор­мулы речевого этикета, принятые в странах изучаемого языка.

прилагательных -im/in (impolite/informal), -able/ible ( sociable/possible), less(homeless), ive (creative), inter- (international).




10 класс

№ п/п


Дата по плану

Дата по факту


Unit 1. How Different the World is! какой разный мир вокруг 7 часов



Россия. Географическое положение. Причинно-следственные связи.



Россия. Влияние географического положения. Входящая контрольная работа



Австралия. Влияние географического положения



Великобритания. Влияние географического положения



США. Влияние географического положения



Характеристика  британцев



Факты о США.



Контроль лексико-грамматических навыков




Unit 2. Western Democracies. Are They Democratic? Политические системы стран? 6 часов




Демократия. Демократические государства



Политическая система Великобритании




Политическая система  США. Контроль навыков чтения.





Политическая система России



Сравнение политических систем Великобритании, США и России. Контроль навыков письма.




Функции глав государств




Unit 3. What Is Hot with the Young Generation? Молодое поколение 14 часов




Молодежь: выражение своей индивидуальности



Официальные организации. Контроль навыков аудирования.



Молодежные субкультуры.



Неформальные организации



Сравнение официальных и неофициальных  молодежных течений. Контроль навыков говорения.



Музыкальные предпочтения подростков



Какими были твои родители?



Похожи ли подростки в разных странах? контроль монологической речи.



Времяпровождение подростков



Современный подросток- какой он? контроль диалогической речи.



Противостояние молодого и старого поколения.



Контроль навыков говорения по теме «Молодежные объединения»



Какую музыку слушают различные субкультуры?




Unit 4. Is it Easy to Be Young? Легко ли быть молодым?   8 часов




Права человека




Объединенная Нация по правам человека. контроль лексико-грамматических навыков.




 Организации по правам человека, детей и подростков.




 Пути решения проблем подростков




Молодежные свидания




Проблемы подростков в Великобритании и США




Возрастные ограничения в России. Возрастные ограничения в Великобритании и  США. Итоговый контроль




 Проблемы подростков в России.










11 класс


№ п/п


Дата по плану

Дата п факту


UNIT 5. “Is the System of Social Welfare Fair?” Хороша ли система социального обеспечения. 8 часов




Социальная защита. Входной контроль.




Льготы и пособия.




Проблемы здравоохранения в Британии. Контроль навыков чтения.




Медицинское обслуживание в Британии.




Медицинское обслуживание в России и в США. Контроль навыков говорения.



Как живут престарелые люди в России и в Британии.



Льготы ветеранов Великой Отечественной войны в России и в Германии.



Милосердие и уважение к престарелым людям. Контроль навыков аудирования.





UNIT 6. “What helps you to enjoy yourselves?” Что помогает нам развлекаться?  6 часов





Киноиндустрия в России.




Киноиндустрия в США. Контроль навыков письма




Киноиндустрия в Британии.



Какие фильмы ты любишь смотреть. Контроль навыков говорения.



История возникновения театрального искусства в Британии.



Знакомство с великими театральными актерами.






UNIT 7. “Inventions that shook the world?” Раздел 7. Изобретения, которые потрясли мир. 8 часов





Товары высокого качества российского производства.




Знакомство с великими изобретателями и изобретениями. Контроль навыков аудирования.




Новинки бытовой техники в США. 




Высокие технологии и интернет.



Знаете ли вы как вести домашнее хозяйство.



Использование высоких технологий. Контроль навыков письма.



Что бы ты хотел изобрести?



Моё отношение к изобретениям. Контроль навыков чтения






UNIT 8. “Ecology“ Раздел 8. Экология 9 часов




Защита окружающей среды.




Загрязнение почвы и ее последствия. Контроль лексико-грамматических навыков.




Загрязнение воды и воздуха.



Экологические катастрофы и их последствия.



Экология и человек. Контроль навыков чтения.



Наша земля - наш родной дом.



Защита животного и растительного мира.



Окружающая среда и экология. Контроль навыков письма.



Национальные парки.







UNIT 9. “Science” Раздел 9. Наука 4 часа





Наука и жизнь. 




Английский язык - доминирующий язык.



Важность изучения иностранного языка.  Итоговый контроль.











10 класс

Раздел 1. Как разнообразен мир


Речевой материал

Учащиеся продолжают знакомиться с географическими особенностями Великобритании и России и впервые узнают о некоторых географических особенностях США и Австралии. Географические сведения об этих странах подаются в ракурсе их влияния на образ жизни людей, особенности становления национального характера. Учащиеся учатся сравнивать географическое положение, образ жизни в англоязычных странах со своей страной, что способствует более глубокому осознанию учащимися родной культуры. Учащиеся учатся запрашивать информацию в различных формах в зависимости от ситуации общения.

Языковой материал

25 Л.Е. - для продуктивного усвоения +

выражения запроса информации для нейтральных, неформальных и официальных ситуаций

-         Do you happen to know…

-         (Got) any idea…

-         I wonder is you could tell me…

-         I should be interested to know…

Грамматический материал

1.     Артикли с географическими названиями

2.     Причинно-следственные связи

3.     Косвенные вопросы

4.     Все типы вопросов


Раздел 2. Западные демократии

Речевой материал

Учащиеся знакомятся с двумя образцами западных демократий: британской – конституционная монархия и парламентская демократия и американской – президентская/федеральная республика или конституционная демократия. Учащиеся также знакомятся с основами политического устройства Российской Федерации. Учащиеся учатся выражать удивление, умение спросить собеседника, известен ему тот или иной факт, и сказать, что тебе известен тот или иной факт.

Языковой материал

73Л.Е. – для продуктивного усвоения +

фразы, выражающие восхищение:

-         I am so happy. Just fancy!

-         I am full of impressions.

Фразы выражающие удивление:

-         That’s really surprising

-         You are kidding.

-         You must be joking.

-         Выражения типа:

-         Know anything about…?

-         I know… you ever heard about…?

-         Yes, I do know about it. I know…

Грамматический материал

5.     Shall как модальный глагол.

2. Should как модальный глагол.









11 класс

Раздел 1. Проблемы современной молодёжи. Права детей


Речевой материал

Учащиеся знакомятся с молодёжными течениями различных направлений, популярными среди молодёжи и оказывающими влияние на молодёжное поколение, современными музыкальными направлениями. Учащиеся учатся использовать формальный (неформальный) стиль общения. Продолжают знакомиться с жизнью своих зарубежных сверстников в Великобритании, США и Канаде. Учащиеся узнают о том, как правах их сверстников реализуются в разных странах, какие проблемы у них возникают, как относятся взрослые к проблемам подростков.

Языковой материал

Л. Е. – 46 для продуктивного усвоения +

Выражения мнения:

-         I don’t really want you…

-         I wish. I could, but…

-         I am not really willing…

-         The reason was that…

-         But the point is, …

-         The main reason is that…

Грамматический материал

1.     Предлог like и союз as.

2.     Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.

3.     Сложное дополнение.

4.     Косвенная речь


Раздел 2. Социальное обеспечение

Речевой материал

Учащиеся знакомятся с особенностями систем социального обеспечения населения Великобритании, США и некоторых европейских стран; с проблемами систем здравоохранения Великобритании и США, с условиями жизни престарелых людей в этих странах и ветеранов-инвалидов войны в Германии и России, с положением безработных. Учащиеся узнают о некоторых особенностях взаимоотношений британских семей, принадлежащих к разным поколениям. Учащиеся учатся рассуждать на тему «Государство всеобщего благосостояния», а также высказывать различные точки зрения на правомерность существования таких государств.

Языковой материал

Л. Е. 66 - для продуктивного усвоения +

Фразы для выражения речевой функции:

-         Think of it, this way…

-         Hold on, …

-         Surely not, I mean…

-         Look at it in this way…

Грамматический материал

1.     Числительные и проценты.

2.     Придаточные предложения с союзами, предлогами.

3.     Вопрос в косвенной речи

12 класс

Раздел 1. Свободное время


Речевой материал

Учащиеся продолжают знакомиться с историей развития кинематографа в Великобритании, США, Австралии и России; учащиеся узнают об известных актёрах, режиссёрах и продюсерах; знакомятся с американской системой классификации фильмов, а также узнают об истории развития театрального искусства в Англии, великих актёрах театра 16 века. Учащиеся слушают и читают отрывки из произведений британских писателей, газетные и журнальные статьи о кино, отрывок из пьесы. Учащиеся учатся выражать своё отношение к просмотренному фильму, спектаклю, рассказывать об увиденном.

Языковой материал

Л. Е. – 37 для продуктивного усвоения


а) expressing likes:

-         I’m very been on…

-         I’m crazy about…

-         I have a particular fondness…

б) expressing dislikes:

-         I have never liked…

-         I can’t stand…

-         I must say. I’m not fond of…

в) happens:

-         What did you fell about…?

-         What about that…?

-         Did you find…exciting?

Грамматический материал

1. Наречия меры и степени с прилагательными.

2. Эмфатические предложения.

3. Восклицательные предложения.


Раздел 2. Изобретения, которые потрясли мир

Речевой материал

Учащиеся знакомятся с выдающимися изобретениями и изобретателями, а также с достижениями, которые используются в повседневной жизни.

Языковой материал

Л. Е. – 61 для продуктивного усвоения


-         I couldn’t live without this thing…

-         … important…

-         Besides…

-         More than that…

-         Of course is has some drawbacks, they are the following…

-         But on the other hand…

Грамматический материал

1.     Времена английского глагола

2.     Страдательный залог.




Контроль за уровнем знаний учащихся предусматривает проведение   самостоятельных, тестовых и  контрольных работ.

       Способы проверки и оценки результатов обучения: устные зачёты, проверочные работы,  тестовый контроль.


10 класс Контрольная работа №1

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example:  research – c)

                a) an experiment        b) an achievement       c) an exploration

1) humid

   a) misty       b) cool      c) wet

2) icy

   a)  frosty       b) snowy      c) nasty

3) spaceship

   a) space travel     b) starship       c) space flight

4) violent

   a) weak        b) strong       c) terrible

5) storm

   a) wind        b) hurricane     c) rain

II. Choose the word which best completes the sentence.

Example:  I'm sure that one day the scientists will … most of medical problems.

               a) take     b) solve        c) explore

                 I'm sure that one day the scientists will solve most of medical problems.  

1. By exploring space we may find another … we can live on.

    a) distance      b) planet         c) star

2. Natural disasters … cities and towns, they injure and kill people and animals.

    a) break          b) damage        c) destroy

3. But people hope they will travel through … in huge spaceships far from the Earth.

    a) space          b) galaxies       c) satellites

4. Scientists can now predict most weather … and warn people of possible danger in advance.

    a) problems    b) damage        c) disasters

5. … is a sudden shaking of the ground.

    a) earthquake       b) flood         c) drought

6. There are about 1,000 … in our Galaxy.

     a) satellites        b) planets         c) stars

7. Sometimes the British have weather from each … all in one day.

     a) climate          b) season            c) place

8. We don't know when men began to dream … travelling in space.

     a) of          b) about         c) from

9. Why are you shaking … laughter? - It's better to laugh than cry.

     a) like       b) with       c) from

10. I haven't seen them … last Halloween.

     a) since      b) for

III.  The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example:  DISASTER

More than 200 people were killed during the disastrous hurricane in 1992.


Thank goodness that our weather isn't so … .

2. SUN

When we got to Spain, it was very hot and … .


Neil Armstrong was the first … on the Moon.


We have already discussed the most important … problems on our planet.


A very violent wind is … of a tornado.

IV. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. I … him before we met at the concert.

   a) didn't see     b) wasn't seeing         c) hadn't seen

2. When mother came home, the children … the soup.

   a) ate       b) were eating       c) had eaten

3. The telegram … some minutes after he had left.

   a) came    b) was coming       c) had come

4. While we … the road I saw Victor.

   a) crossed     b) were crossing      c) had crossed

5. When … your sister … to London?

   a) did … go    b) was … going   c) had gone


   a) crossed     b) were crossing      c) had crossed

5. When … your sister … to London?

   a) did … go    b) was … going   c) had gone


   a) crossed     b) were crossing      c) had crossed

5. When … your sister … to London?

   a) did … go    b) was … going   c) had gone


   a) crossed     b) were crossing      c) had crossed

5. When … your sister … to London?

   a) did … go    b) was … going   c) had gone


   a) crossed     b) were crossing      c) had crossed

5. When … your sister … to London?

   a) did … go    b) was … going   c) had gone


   a) crossed     b) were crossing      c) had crossed

5. When … your sister … to London?

   a) did … go    b) was … going   c) had gone


   a) crossed     b) were crossing      c) had crossed

5. When … your sister … to London?

   a) did … go    b) was … going   c) had gone


   a) crossed     b) were crossing      c) had crossed

5. When … your sister … to London?

   a) did … go    b) was … going   c) had gone


   a) crossed     b) were crossing      c) had crossed

5. When … your sister … to London?

   a) did … go    b) was … going   c) had gone


   a) crossed     b) were crossing      c) had crossed

5. When … your sister … to London?

   a) did … go    b) was … going   c) had gone


   a) crossed     b) were crossing      c) had crossed

5. When … your sister … to London?

   a) did … go    b) was … going   c) had gone


   a) crossed     b) were crossing      c) had crossed



10 класс Контрольная работа №2

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example:  research – c)

                a) an experiment        b) an achievement       c) an exploration

1) cold

     a) misty       b) windy       c) cool

2) miserable

     a) hard      b) terrible          c) nasty

3) astronaut

     a) spaceman       b) space travel        c) spaceship

4) to break

      a) to damage     b) to destroy       c) to hurt

5) a problem

      a) research          b) information         c) trouble

II. Choose the word which best completes the sentence.

Example:  I'm sure that one day the scientists will … most of medical problems.

               a) take     b) solve        c) explore

                 I'm sure that one day the scientists will solve most of medical problems.  

1. Every year different natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions happen on our … .

    a) star               b) satellite        c) planet

2. Jules Verne throws his heroes into … by means of a huge gun.

    a) distance       b) space         c) the Moon

3. The terrible hurricane had … all the houses by that time.

    a) destroyed        b) damaged          c) broken

4. We have been doing … into space for many years already.

    a) damage        b) research            c) disasters

5. … is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.

    a) flood          b) earthquake            c) drought

6. He climbed into his … and in a few minutes he was out in space.

    a) spacesuit          b) spaceship          c) satellite

7. In Britain people often start conversations by talking about the … .

    a) seasons           b) weather               c) disasters

8. The satellite was launched … space three days ago.

    a) in        b) into        c) to

9. I shake … a leaf before every exam.

    a) like       b) with         c) from

10. I haven't been to any parties … a long time.

    a) since         b) for

III.  The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example:  DISASTER

More than 200 people were killed during the disastrous hurricane in 1992.


When I arrived, the sun began to shine … .


It was lovely to ski down the hills in Switzerland and the weather was … and snowy.


Sergei Korolev was the … of the first spaceship.


The last earthquake in the USA was very … .


What kind of weather is … of the northern part of Russia?

IV. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. He … the house before I had time to ask him anything.

    a) left         b) was leaving            c) had left

2. When I rang up Mike, he … still … the poem.

    a) did … learnt          b) was … learning            c) had learnt

3. I … to the hotel after I had sent the telegram to my relatives.

    a) returned        b) was returning           c) had returned

4. While Kate … in America, she learnt a lot about a famous pop star Madonna.

    a) travelled               b) was travelling                   c) had traveled

5. When … you … receive a letter from your friend?

    a) did … receive           b) were … receiving                 c) had … received      


4. While Kate … in America, she learnt a lot about a famous pop star Madonna.

    a) travelled               b) was travelling                   c) had traveled

5. When … you … receive a letter from your friend?

    a) did … receive           b) were … receiving                 c) had … received      


4. While Kate … in America, she learnt a lot about a famous pop star Madonna.

    a) travelled               b) was travelling                   c) had traveled

5. When … you … receive a letter from your friend?

    a) did … receive           b) were … receiving                 c) had … received      


4. While Kate … in America, she learnt a lot about a famous pop star Madonna.

    a) travelled               b) was travelling                   c) had traveled

5. When … you … receive a letter from your friend?

    a) did … receive           b) were … receiving                 c) had … received      


4. While Kate … in America, she learnt a lot about a famous pop star Madonna.

    a) travelled               b) was travelling                   c) had traveled

5. When … you … receive a letter from your friend?

    a) did … receive           b) were … receiving                 c) had … received      


4. While Kate … in America, she learnt a lot about a famous pop star Madonna.

    a) travelled               b) was travelling                   c) had traveled

5. When … you … receive a letter from your friend?

    a) did … receive           b) were … receiving                 c) had … received      



4. While Kate … in America, she learnt a lot about a famous pop star Madonna.

    a) travelled               b) was travelling                   c) had traveled

5. When … you … receive a letter from your friend?

    a) did … receive           b) were … receiving                 c) had … received      


4. While Kate … in America, she learnt a lot about a famous pop star Madonna.

    a) travelled               b) was travelling                   c) had traveled

11 класс контрольная работа №1

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: amazing – c)

                a) frightening        b) vital       c) wonderful

1. to clear up

  a) to protect         b) to pollute      c) to clean

2. garbage

  a) danger       b) litter        c) bin

3. to save

   a) to help      b) to prohibit      c) to avoid

4. human being

   a) nature     b) man       c) animal

5. to destroy

    a) to recycle     b) to pack        c) to damage

II. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.

       pollution                    environment             throw away                       poison               waste           plant

                 protected                        save                    recyclable                    environmental


1. You shouldn't … the garbage in the forest, woods or park after you have had your picnic there.

2. You can see this notice by a river or a lake in some seasons when fish should be … .

3. Local government should support the idea of recycling and provide each house with bins for different types of …

4. Children should be taught more protecting the … .

5. We can … trees and create parks for endangered species.

6. Together we can … the planet and all of us with it.

7. The … of the environment is dangerous for people and wildlife.

8. If countries had spent more money on scientific research, scientists would have solved some … problems.

9. How much of … material is actually recycled?

10. Rivers, lakes and seas are filled with … : industrial, chemical and nuclear wastes.

III.  The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example:  DANGER

               It was a very dangerous trip.


   People of some professions should wear … clothing.


  If you care about the protection of the environment, you should buy only … food with no added chemicals.


  You have probably already heard about such a profession as an … .


   Scientists have made … and they are alarming.

5. USE

  Many things that we throw away can still be … .

IV. Fill in the definite article the if needed.

1. … Volga runs into … Caspian Sea.

2. … Pacific Ocean is very deep.

3. … Kazbek is the highest peak of … Caucasus mountains.

4. I have never been to … Lake Onega.

5. … Washington is the capital of … United States.

6. … Europe and … America are separated by … Atlantic Ocean.

7. … Shetland Islands are situated to the north of … Great Britain.

V. Choose the correct translation of the sentences.

1. If she had asked me yesterday, I would certainly have told her all about it.

  a) Если она спросит меня вчера, я конечно расскажу ей об этом.

  b) Если бы она спросила меня сегодня, я конечно рассказала бы ей об этом.

  с) Если бы она спросила меня вчера, я конечно рассказала бы ей об этом.

2. If he weren't such an outstanding actor, he would not have so many admirers.

   a) Если бы он не был столь выдающимся актером (сейчас), у него не было бы столько поклонников.

   b) Если бы он не был столь выдающимся актером (тогда), у него не было бы столько поклонников.



3. If he lived in St Petersburg, he would go to the Hermitage every week.

   a) Если он будет жить в Санкт-Петербурге, он будет ходить в Эрмитаж каждую неделю.

   b) Если бы он жил в Санкт-Петербурге сейчас, он ходил бы в Эрмитаж каждую неделю.

   с) Если бы он жил в Санкт-Петербурге тогда, он сходил бы в Эрмитаж на прошлой неделе.

VI. Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III.

Example: If we … (throw away) less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner. - If we threw away less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner.

1. If you (do) your morning exercises every day, your health would be much better.

2. If I (be) you, I would agree to go to the museum.

3. If they (not go) to Moscow last year, they wouldn't have heard that famous musician.

4. I (write) the composition long ago if you had not disturbed me.

5. If you really loved music, you (go) to the Philarmonic much more often.

6. If she hadn't sent this letter yesterday, my brother (be) at home now.

7. If you (ring up) earlier, she would be here now.


3. If he lived in St Petersburg, he would go to the Hermitage every week.

   a) Если он будет жить в Санкт-Петербурге, он будет ходить в Эрмитаж каждую неделю.

   b) Если бы он жил в Санкт-Петербурге сейчас, он ходил бы в Эрмитаж каждую неделю.

   с) Если бы он жил в Санкт-Петербурге тогда, он сходил бы в Эрмитаж на прошлой неделе.

VI. Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III.

Example: If we … (throw away) less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner. - If we threw away less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner.

1. If you (do) your morning exercises every day, your health would be much better.

2. If I (be) you, I would agree to go to the museum.

3. If they (not go) to Moscow last year, they wouldn't have heard that famous musician.

4. I (write) the composition long ago if you had not disturbed me.

5. If you really loved music, you (go) to the Philarmonic much more often.

6. If she hadn't sent this letter yesterday, my brother (be) at home now.

7. If you (ring up) earlier, she would be here now.


3. If he lived in St Petersburg, he would go to the Hermitage every week.

   a) Если он будет жить в Санкт-Петербурге, он будет ходить в Эрмитаж каждую неделю.

   b) Если бы он жил в Санкт-Петербурге сейчас, он ходил бы в Эрмитаж каждую неделю.

   с) Если бы он жил в Санкт-Петербурге тогда, он сходил бы в Эрмитаж на прошлой неделе.

VI. Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III.

Example: If we … (throw away) less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner. - If we threw away less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner.

1. If you (do) your morning exercises every day, your health would be much better.

2. If I (be) you, I would agree to go to the museum.

3. If they (not go) to Moscow last year, they wouldn't have heard that famous musician.

4. I (write) the composition long ago if you had not disturbed me.

5. If you really loved music, you (go) to the Philarmonic much more often.

6. If she hadn't sent this letter yesterday, my brother (be) at home now.

7. If you (ring up) earlier, she would be here now.


3. If he lived in St Petersburg, he would go to the Hermitage every week.

   a) Если он будет жить в Санкт-Петербурге, он будет ходить в Эрмитаж каждую неделю.

   b) Если бы он жил в Санкт-Петербурге сейчас, он ходил бы в Эрмитаж каждую неделю.

   с) Если бы он жил в Санкт-Петербурге тогда, он сходил бы в Эрмитаж на прошлой неделе.

VI. Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III.

Example: If we … (throw away) less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner. - If we threw away less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner.

1. If you (do) your morning exercises every day, your health would be much better.

2. If I (be) you, I would agree to go to the museum.

3. If they (not go) to Moscow last year, they wouldn't have heard that famous musician.

4. I (write) the composition long ago if you had not disturbed me.

5. If you really loved music, you (go) to the Philarmonic much more often.

6. If she hadn't sent this letter yesterday, my brother (be) at home now.

7. If you (ring up) earlier, she would be here now.
















11 класс Контрольная работа №2

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: amazing – c)

                a) frightening        b) vital       c) wonderful

1. to throw away

  a) to recycle       b) to get rid of       c) to avoid

2. rubbish

  a) trash     b) packaging       c) can

3. to protect

  a) to prohibit      b) to pack      c) to save

4. vital (problems)

  a) environmental        b) crucial        c) dangerous

5. to disappear

  a) to die out     b) to pollute      c) to clean

II. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.

         environment           cut down           causes              pollution             packaging           environmental

                                                     dangerous       save             protect              litter   


1. You shouldn't use your car because it … noise and air pollution.

2. This notice can be seen at the zoo or at the circus to … people from danger.

3. He wants to become an ecologist himself to research and protect the … .

4. Recently, however, our beach has become more polluted with … left by tourists and locals.

5. Our forests are disappearing because they are … or burnt.

6. Your family can begin trying to … the Earth right now.

7. If you go the seaside, you'll see the … around you.

8. If people hadn't invented different machines and developed industry, the … problems wouldn't have appeared.

9. Why is litter so … in the countryside?

10. When you buy packed goods, don't drop the … .

III.  The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example:  DANGER

               It was a very dangerous trip.


  If you want to be healthy, you should care about the … of the environment.


  If we want to protect our environment, lots of things should be changed in our life, but first of all should improve … education.


  Sometimes fish die out in rivers because plants and factories throw … waste there.


  People should be fined for dropping litter and rubbish … should be made more often along our beach.


  Very little of … material is actually recycled.

IV. Fill in the definite article the if needed.

1. … Nile flows to … Mediterranean Sea.

2. There are small islands in … Pacific Ocean.

3. … Hymalayas are the highest mountains in … Asia.

4. … Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.

5. … Glasgow is one of the biggest cities in … United Kingdom.

6. … Red Sea is between … Africa and … Asia.

7. … Great Britain is situated in … British Isles.

V. Choose the correct translation of the sentences.

1. If he had worked hard, he would have achieved great progress.

  a) Если он будет работать усердно, он добьется больших успехов.

  b) Если бы он работал сейчас усердно, он добился бы больших успехов.

  с) Если бы он работал тогда усердно, он добился бы больших успехов.

2. If I got this book, I would be happy.

  a) Если у меня будет эта книга, я буду счастлив.

  b) Если бы у меня была эта книга, я была бы счастлива.

  с) Если бы у меня была тогда эта книга, я была бы счастлива.

3. If you had gone to the theatre last week, you would have enjoyed the evening.

   a) Если бы ты сходил в театр на следующей неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.

   b) Если бы ты сходил в театр на прошлой неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.

VI. Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III.

Example: If we … (throw away) less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner. - If we threw away less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner.

1. If I (know) the result now, I would phone her immediately.

2. If I (be) you, I would stay at home.

3. If you (not miss) the train, you would have arrived in time.

4. If they had known it before, they (take) measures.

5. Your brother (become) much stronger if he took cold baths regularly.

6. If he were a first-class sportsman now, he (not train) enough last year.

7. If I (write) the composition yesterday, I would be free now.


3. If you had gone to the theatre last week, you would have enjoyed the evening.

   a) Если бы ты сходил в театр на следующей неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.

   b) Если бы ты сходил в театр на прошлой неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.

VI. Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III.

Example: If we … (throw away) less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner. - If we threw away less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner.

1. If I (know) the result now, I would phone her immediately.

2. If I (be) you, I would stay at home.

3. If you (not miss) the train, you would have arrived in time.

4. If they had known it before, they (take) measures.

5. Your brother (become) much stronger if he took cold baths regularly.

6. If he were a first-class sportsman now, he (not train) enough last year.

7. If I (write) the composition yesterday, I would be free now.


3. If you had gone to the theatre last week, you would have enjoyed the evening.

   a) Если бы ты сходил в театр на следующей неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.

   b) Если бы ты сходил в театр на прошлой неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.

VI. Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III.

Example: If we … (throw away) less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner. - If we threw away less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner.

1. If I (know) the result now, I would phone her immediately.

2. If I (be) you, I would stay at home.

3. If you (not miss) the train, you would have arrived in time.

4. If they had known it before, they (take) measures.

5. Your brother (become) much stronger if he took cold baths regularly.

6. If he were a first-class sportsman now, he (not train) enough last year.

7. If I (write) the composition yesterday, I would be free now.



3. If you had gone to the theatre last week, you would have enjoyed the evening.

   a) Если бы ты сходил в театр на следующей неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.

   b) Если бы ты сходил в театр на прошлой неделе, ты получил бы удовольствие от вечера.

VI. Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III.

Example: If we … (throw away) less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner. - If we threw away less rubbish, our planet would be nicer and cleaner.

1. If I (know) the result now, I would phone her immediately.

2. If I (be) you, I would stay at home.

3. If you (not miss) the train, you would have arrived in time.

4. If they had known it before, they (take) measures.

5. Your brother (become) much stronger if he took cold baths regularly.

6. If he were a first-class sportsman now, he (not train) enough last year.

7. If I (write) the composition yesterday, I would be free now.



12 класс Контрольная работа №1

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: dull – c)

                a) original        b) fascinating       c) boring

1. to report

   a) to borrow             b) to inform               c) to explain

2. advertisement

   a) commercial          b) review                c) quiz

3.  headline

   a)  article           b)  title            c) conclusion

4. quality

   a) popular           b) original         c) serious

5. handbook

   a) manual           b) guidebook      c) encyclopedia

6. fascinating

   a) gripping           b) brilliant        c) amusing

II. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.

     whenever         wisdom                  tabloids                     events                         celebrate                     prove

                     book               broadcast               issue                         suggested


1. … contain a lot of photographs  and have a more sensational reporting style.

2. Smoking is bad. Can you … it?

3. Local newspapers give information on different … happening in the local area.

4. I’d like to … tickets for a group of students to London.

5. Series is a long drama or comedy or documentary that is … in parts, usually at a certain time of day.

6. The first … of the newspaper “The Daily Courant” was published in London in 1702.

7. … you ask for help, I’ll help you.

8. My uncle … making green tea as it is very good for the health.

9. Mikhail Lomonosov was known as a man of great … .

10. How did you … the turn of the century?

III.  The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example:  MANAGE

               He is the manager of a popular singer.

1. DAY

  … newspapers are published on every day of the week except Sunday.


  Who is your favourite TV … ?


  Pamela thinks that the Internet is the most useful means of … .


  I prefer to read articles about … affairs in our town.


  I think CD books will be much more popular with teenagers of my generation than … books.

IV. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant.

Example: I’ve got a lot of … (work/ works) to do for the weekend. –

                I’ve got a lot of  work to do for the weekend.

1. What  (is/ are) her progress in English?

2. (Is/ Are) there any news from Andy?

3. Where (is/ are) Granny’s glasses?

4. (Is/ Are) these goods from America?

5. I got a lot of useful (information/ informations).

6. Do you eat much (fruit/ fruits)?

7. I like any kind of (weather/ weathers).

V. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant.

Example:  My mother disapproved of … (to read/ reading) thrillers. -

                 My mother disapproved of  reading thrillers.

1. I have never dreamed of (to win/ winning) a competition.

2. My sister always enjoys (to go/ going) for a walk.

3. The angry neighbour told the teenagers to stop (to speak/ speaking) too loud.

4. Do you think she’ll manage (to pass/ passing) her Maths exam?

5. My mum is always at home. She quitted (to work/ working) last year.

6. The teacher reminded us (to bring/ bringing) some flowers to decorate the classroom.

7. Linda suggested me (to drink/ drinking) a cup of tea now.


4. Do you think she’ll manage (to pass/ passing) her Maths exam?

5. My mum is always at home. She quitted (to work/ working) last year.

6. The teacher reminded us (to bring/ bringing) some flowers to decorate the classroom.

7. Linda suggested me (to drink/ drinking) a cup of tea now.


4. Do you think she’ll manage (to pass/ passing) her Maths exam?

5. My mum is always at home. She quitted (to work/ working) last year.

6. The teacher reminded us (to bring/ bringing) some flowers to decorate the classroom.

7. Linda suggested me (to drink/ drinking) a cup of tea now.


4. Do you think she’ll manage (to pass/ passing) her Maths exam?

5. My mum is always at home. She quitted (to work/ working) last year.

6. The teacher reminded us (to bring/ bringing) some flowers to decorate the classroom.

7. Linda suggested me (to drink/ drinking) a cup of tea now.


4. Do you think she’ll manage (to pass/ passing) her Maths exam?

5. My mum is always at home. She quitted (to work/ working) last year.

6. The teacher reminded us (to bring/ bringing) some flowers to decorate the classroom.

7. Linda suggested me (to drink/ drinking) a cup of tea now.


4. Do you think she’ll manage (to pass/ passing) her Maths exam?

5. My mum is always at home. She quitted (to work/ working) last year.

6. The teacher reminded us (to bring/ bringing) some flowers to decorate the classroom.

7. Linda suggested me (to drink/ drinking) a cup of tea now.


4. Do you think she’ll manage (to pass/ passing) her Maths exam?

5. My mum is always at home. She quitted (to work/ working) last year.

6. The teacher reminded us (to bring/ bringing) some flowers to decorate the classroom.

7. Linda suggested me (to drink/ drinking) a cup of tea now.


4. Do you think she’ll manage (to pass/ passing) her Maths exam?

5. My mum is always at home. She quitted (to work/ working) last year.

6. The teacher reminded us (to bring/ bringing) some flowers to decorate the classroom.

7. Linda suggested me (to drink/ drinking) a cup of tea now.


4. Do you think she’ll manage (to pass/ passing) her Maths exam?

5. My mum is always at home. She quitted (to work/ working) last year.

6. The teacher reminded us (to bring/ bringing) some flowers to decorate the classroom.

7. Linda suggested me (to drink/ drinking) a cup of tea now.


4. Do you think she’ll manage (to pass/ passing) her Maths exam?

5. My mum is always at home. She quitted (to work/ working) last year.

6. The teacher reminded us (to bring/ bringing) some flowers to decorate the classroom.

7. Linda suggested me (to drink/ drinking) a cup of tea now.


4. Do you think she’ll manage (to pass/ passing) her Maths exam?

5. My mum is always at home. She quitted (to work/ working) last year.

6. The teacher reminded us (to bring/ bringing) some flowers to decorate the classroom.

7. Linda suggested me (to drink/ drinking) a cup of tea now.


4. Do you think she’ll manage (to pass/ passing) her Maths exam?

5. My mum is always at home. She quitted (to work/ working) last year.

6. The teacher reminded us (to bring/ bringing) some flowers to decorate the classroom.

7. Linda suggested me (to drink/ drinking) a cup of tea now.



12 класс Контрольная работа №2

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: dull – c)

                a) original        b) fascinating       c) boring

1. news

   a) items               b) articles                    c) affairs

2. report

   a) advertisement              b) information           c) review

3. television

   a) box             b) paper             c) cable

4. to quit

   a) to prove       b) to stop          c) to borrow

5. to be keen on

   a) to approve        b) to be famous for          c) to be interested in

6. gripping

   a)exciting          b) unusual              c)amusing

II. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.

     characters     find              whenever              broadsheets                article                   events

          managed           approve            celebrated                 wisdom


1. … have many detailed articles about national and international events.

2. It wasn’t easy but the football team … to win the match.

3. The Times or The Daily Telegraph  generally give information about … happening in London.

4. I have read the book. I … it very interesting and exciting.

5. Soap opera is a programme where one and the same … appear in everyday life situations.

6. Have you read the … about the reforms in Higher Education. It’s worth reading.

7. … I phone him he’s always out.

8. I always … of people who have their own opinion and able to defend it.

9. The … of the ancients could help our generation if we have learned from it.

10. What other holidays can be … in the same way?

III. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example:  MANAGE

               He is the manager of a popular singer.


  We go to the swimming-pool … .


  A … is a person who reports on the important events.


  I can get a lot of useful … from newspapers.


  Photographs are ready to put themselves in dangerous situations to take … pictures.


  Who is responsible for … a newspaper or a magazine?

IV. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant.

Example: I’ve got a lot of … (work/ works) to do for the weekend. –

                I’ve got a lot of  work to do for the weekend.

1. (Is/ Are) his knowledge in History good?

2. Where (is/ are) your clothes?

3. (Is/ Are) his trousers on the chair?

4. Whose (was/ were) that money?

5. He gave me some very good (advice/ advices).

6. I don’t like the colour of your (hair/ hairs).

7. I never eat much (bread/ breads).

V. Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant.

Example:  My mother disapproved of … (to read/ reading) thrillers. -

                 My mother disapproved of  reading thrillers.

1. I don’t know the way of (to pass/ passing) the exams successfully.

2. We usually enjoy (to ride/ riding) a bicycle.

3. My  neighbour asked me to stop (to skateboard/ skateboarding) in front of his house.

4. Do you believe we’ll manage (to get/ getting) there on time.

5. I quitted (to jog/ jogging) in the morning.

6. My friends offered me (to spend/ spending) the weekend in the countryside.

7. We want (to help/ helping) them, don’t we?


4. Do you believe we’ll manage (to get/ getting) there on time.

5. I quitted (to jog/ jogging) in the morning.

6. My friends offered me (to spend/ spending) the weekend in the countryside.

7. We want (to help/ helping) them, don’t we?


4. Do you believe we’ll manage (to get/ getting) there on time.

5. I quitted (to jog/ jogging) in the morning.

6. My friends offered me (to spend/ spending) the weekend in the countryside.

7. We want (to help/ helping) them, don’t we?


4. Do you believe we’ll manage (to get/ getting) there on time.

5. I quitted (to jog/ jogging) in the morning.

6. My friends offered me (to spend/ spending) the weekend in the countryside.

7. We want (to help/ helping) them, don’t we?


4. Do you believe we’ll manage (to get/ getting) there on time.

5. I quitted (to jog/ jogging) in the morning.

6. My friends offered me (to spend/ spending) the weekend in the countryside.

7. We want (to help/ helping) them, don’t we?


4. Do you believe we’ll manage (to get/ getting) there on time.

5. I quitted (to jog/ jogging) in the morning.

6. My friends offered me (to spend/ spending) the weekend in the countryside.

7. We want (to help/ helping) them, don’t we?


4. Do you believe we’ll manage (to get/ getting) there on time.

5. I quitted (to jog/ jogging) in the morning.

6. My friends offered me (to spend/ spending) the weekend in the countryside.

7. We want (to help/ helping) them, don’t we?


4. Do you believe we’ll manage (to get/ getting) there on time.

5. I quitted (to jog/ jogging) in the morning.

6. My friends offered me (to spend/ spending) the weekend in the countryside.

7. We want (to help/ helping) them, don’t we?



4. Do you believe we’ll manage (to get/ getting) there on time.

5. I quitted (to jog/ jogging) in the morning.

6. My friends offered me (to spend/ spending) the weekend in the countryside.

7. We want (to help/ helping) them, don’t we?


4. Do you believe we’ll manage (to get/ getting) there on time.

5. I quitted (to jog/ jogging) in the morning.

6. My friends offered me (to spend/ spending) the weekend in the countryside.

7. We want (to help/ helping) them, don’t we?


4. Do you believe we’ll manage (to get/ getting) there on time.

5. I quitted (to jog/ jogging) in the morning.

6. My friends offered me (to spend/ spending) the weekend in the countryside.

7. We want (to help/ helping) them, don’t we?


4. Do you believe we’ll manage (to get/ getting) there on time.

5. I quitted (to jog/ jogging) in the morning.

6. My friends offered me (to spend/ spending) the weekend in the countryside.

7. We want (to help/ helping) them, don’t we?






1.      Кузовлев В. П., Лапа Н. М., Перегудова Э. Ш., Английский язык: учеб. для 10-11 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений . – М.: Просвещение, 2005 г.

Дидактический материал:

2.      Кузовлев В. П., Лапа Н. М., Перегудова Э. Ш., Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь для 10-11 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений.  – М.: Просвещение, 2004

3.      Кузовлев В. П., Лапа Н. М., Перегудова Э. Ш., Английский язык: Грамматическая  тетрадь для 10-11 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений.  – М.: Просвещение, 2004

4.      Кузовлев В. П., Лапа Н. М., Перегудова Э. Ш., Английский язык: Контрольные задания к учебнику  для 10-11 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений.  – М.: Просвещение, 2004

5.      Кузовлев В. П., Лапа Н. М., Перегудова Э. Ш., Английский язык: Книга для чтения для 10-11 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений.  – М.: Просвещение, 2004

6.      Кузовлев В. П., Лапа Н. М., Перегудова Э. Ш., Английский язык. 10-11 кл. Электронное приложение к учебнику.  – М.: Просвещение, 2005

Методические материалы:

7.      Кузовлев В. П., Лапа Н. М., Перегудова Э. Ш., Английский язык: Книга для учителя к учебнику Английский язык  для 10-11 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений . – М.: Просвещение, 2004 г.

8.      Музланова Е.С. «ЕГЭ: Английский язык: 500 заданий» - М., АСТ: Астрель, Владимир: ВТК, 2010 г.

9.      http://www.english.language.ru/ege/

10.  http://ege.edu.ru/ru/main/scaling/eng/

11.  https://ege.yandex.ru/english/

12.  http://www.edu.ru/moodle/login/index.php

13.  http://www.edu.ru/moodle/course/category.php?id=24

14.  http://fipi.ru/











Зачет №1 10 класс

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: to defend  –  b)

                a) to save        b) to protect       c) to help

1. ambition

    a) independence                b) lack                           c) purpose

2. to bully

    a) to pick on                      b) to allow                    c) to convince

3. jealous

    a) sick                                b) patient                      c) successful

4. profession

    a) occupation                     b) threat                        c) person

5. to create

    a) to earn                           b) to produce                c) to argue

II. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.

congratulations                 defend                wedding               tolerant                    earn                      obey

                              sick                 obey                         lack                       victims                 owns

 1. When her mother fell …, she said, “Sunitha, you have so much of contacts”.

2.  He could not complain of any … of attention.

3. I think everyone should be … towards all religious beliefs.

4. Please accept our heartiest … on the marriage of your son.

5. What would fashion week be without fashion … .

6. She owns a chain of restaurants and café houses.

7. It is my duty to … you everywhere.

8. She really wants to see you at the … day.

9. America is a lovely place to be if you are here to … money.

10. I give you commands and you must … them.

III. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example:  COURAGE

                Her mother encouraged her to try her luck in the competition.


    He may … to break with Rome, but I don’t think he will ever do so.


    It was one of his few … ventures (предприятий).


    Teenagers and younger children should learn to be … as they should learn to be confident in their adult life.


    But … , it has opportunities and a lot of potential.


    If you are a … doctor you can achieve the greater success.

IV. Complete the sentences. Fill in do or make in an appropriate form.

Example: Have you … your homework? – Not yet.

                 Have you done your homework? – Not yet.

1. I’ve got nothing to … today.

2. I have to … three phone calls.

3. Can you … a cup of tea?

4. You can … what you want.

5. Did you manage to … a reservation for a room?

6. I … the housework a bit later.

7. I … my best to improve my English.

8. The performance … a great impression on me.

9. Try not to … any grammar mistakes in your writing.

10. It … more harm than good.

V. Complete the sentences. Fill in to if necessary.

1. Margaret asked the girl … close the window.

2. “If you want … cross it, give me your pocket money.”

3. My brother let me … play the computer game till 10 pm.

4. The policeman asked the boys not … talk very loudly.

5. Our teacher  made me … take part in the literary competition.

Зачет №2 10 класс

I. Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: to defend  –  b)

                a) to save        b) to protect       c) to help

1. opportunity

    a) right                               b) victim                                    c) chance

2. to be frightened

   a) to be tired of                   b) to be afraid of                        c) to be jealous of

3. person

   a) individual                       b) owner                                    c) bully

4. industrious

   a) dependent                       b) equal                                     c) hard-working

5. to succeed

    a) to achieve                      b) to obey                                  c) to encourage

 II. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.

 allowed                 right               patient           convince                ambitious

          encouraged          bullies                own                   social                     congratulate    

1. Solve your problems on your …!

2. He … his son to study harder.

3. The fight of  “Antares” will be the most … mission in modern history.

4. Do you have a … to punish me?

5. There are a lot of … websites in Internet nowadays.

6. You are not … to smoke here but if you want you may go out.

7. A gang of … was secretly sent to talk to the offender.

8. I … you on the success for final election.

9. Being … is very important if you want to succeed in sports.

10. How did he manage to … you to arrest the cop?

III. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example:  COURAGE

                Her mother encouraged her to try her luck in the competition.


    In my opinion, kids behave worse in more … societies.


    Parents treat their children … .


    If technologies aren’t developed, we will not … .


    But, you know, I had a life- … illness.


    On one hand, … means freedom within reasonable limits, of course.

IV. Complete the sentences. Fill in do or make in an appropriate form.

Example: Have you … your homework? – Not yet.

                 Have you done your homework? – Not yet.

1. She doesn’t … much money.

2. They … delicious food in this restaurant.

3. Will you … me a favour? Help me carry this table.

4. Harry is expected to … the final decision.

5. Earthquakes … a lot of damage.

6. Don’t … noise!

7. Louise … the shopping at weekends.

8. I hope Helen … her best to help me.

9. She is fond of … fun of her friends.

10. Sarah is … research on this topic.

V. Complete the sentences. Fill in to if necessary.

1. My mother makes  us … read more books.

2. My parents want … go to the theatre on their wedding anniversary.

3. The teacher told the pupils not … open the textbooks.

4. He asked her … get there on time.

5. Some adults let their children … come home late evening.


Зачет №1 11 класс

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Rocky Mountains

         As Lewis and Clark made their way westward across the Rocky Mountains, they encountered primeval forests alive with wolves and grizzlies. Nearly two centuries later, these symbols of the frontier West still survive in the Rockies, along with lynx, wolverines, bison, pronghorn and elk. No other region in the Lower 48 has retained so many of its wildlife species – and no other contains such large expanses of wildlands.

National parks lie at the core of two of the Rockie’s largest preserves: Yellowstone (mostly in Wyoming) and the Glacier/ Waterton complex (on the border between Montana and Alberta). A third vast wilderness lies in central Idaho, with the Salmon River and the Selway/ Bitterroot Wilderness at its heart. Even these preserves cannot ensure the survival of wide-ranging predators such as the wolf, however, which roams a territory of 40 to 400 square miles.

“The problem in the Rockies is twofold,” says Larry Mehlhaff of the Sierra Club’s Northern Plains office. “ The core areas are not as wild as they used to be.”

The Sierra Club hopes to defend the Rocky Mountains Ecoregion by adding OVER 16 million acres to the 9 million acres of national-forest land already protected as wilderness. These additions would shield the three largest areas form development, as well as two smaller ones: Rocky Mountain National Park (in Colorado) and the San Juan Mountains in Colorado and New Mexico. The latter two lack some of the species that Lewis and Clark noted, but are still expansive and pristine enough to offer hope for restoration.

“The native hope of hope,” author Wallace Stegner once called the Rocky Mountains. Fittingly, the Sierra Club’s goal here is ambitious. Over the next few years and decades its activists hope to preserve and restore no less than fully functioning natural ecosystems in this still-magnificent land.    

1.Определите, являются ли данные утверждения правдивыми или ложными:

1) Lewis and Clark found in the Rocky Mountains primeval forests full of wolves and grizzlies.

2) Two centuries later only wolves remained there.

3) National parks can’t ensure the survival of wolves because of food shortage.

4) the main aim of the Sierra Club is to restore natural ecosystems in the Rocky Mountains.

5) It is very difficult to preserve wildlife in this region because of many industrial plants located in this region.

2. Выберите правильный ответ:

1) The Rocky Mountains are situated in …

A. the Lower 48;

B. the Lower 68;

C. the Lower 78;

2) A wolf roams a territory of …

A. 14 to 44 square miles;

B. 14 to 100 square miles;

C. 40 to 400 square miles;

3) The Sierra Club hopes to add … to the 9 million acres of national-forest land.

A. over 60 million acres;

B. over 16 million acres;

C. over 26 million acres;

4) These additional acres would shield the … largest areas from development.

A. three;

B. thirty-three;

C. thirteen;

5) Rocky Mountain National Park (in Colorado) and the San Juan Mountains in Colorado and New Mexico have … of wild animals that Lewis and Clark noted.

A. less species;

B. more species;

A tourist is traveling around the USA.

What information is he interested in? Complete the questions he is going to ask.


1.     – I want to visit the Bronx Zoo.

Do you know where _________________________?

2.     – I’d like to visit the Metropolitan Museum.

Do you know when _______________________?

3.     – I’d love to go on a boat trip.

Could you tell me, how long ________________?

4.     – I want to take a bus to Central Park.

Could you tell me, which bus _________________?

5.     I want to buy a ticket.

Do you know how much ______________?

6.     I’d like to have a leaflet about Florida.

Could you tell me, where _______________?

7.     I’d like to have a snack.

Do you know where __________________ ?


Зачет №2 11 класс

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Would “Take to the Woods”

         Secretary of State Seward was bothered considerably regarding the complication into which Spain had involved the United States government in connection with San Domingo, and related his troubles to the President. Negotiations were not proceeding satisfactorily, and things were mixes generally. We wished to conciliate Spain, while the Negroes had appealed against Spanish oppression.

         The President did not to all appearances look at the matter seriously, but instead of treating the situation as a grave one, remarked that Seward’s dilemma reminded him of an interview between two Negroes in Tennessee.

         One was a preacher, who, with the crude and strange notions of his ignorant race, was endeavoring to admonish and enlighten his brother African of the importance of religion and the danger of the future.

         ‘There are,” said Josh, the preacher, “two roads before you, Joe; be careful which of these you take. Narrow is the way that leads straight to destruction; but broad is the way that leads right to damnation.”

         Joe opened his eyes with affright, and under the spell of the awful danger before him, exclaimed, “Josh, take which road you please; I shall go to the woods.”

         “I am not willing,” concluded the President, “to assume any new troubles or responsibilities at this time, and shall therefore avoid going to the one place with Spain or with the Negro to the other, but shall “take to the woods.” We will maintain an honest and strict neutrality.”

Destruction – разрушение; уничтожение; лишение жизни

Damnation – проклятие; вечные муки, адовы муки

Ответьте на вопросы:

1)    Who worried about the complications in the relations between Spain and the US?

2)    How did the President look at this matter?

3)    What did this situation remind of to President Lincoln?

4)    What did the preacher want to tell his black brother about?

5)    What was his reply?

6)    What was the President’s decision in this situation?

7)    How does this story characterize President Lincoln? 

Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами:

Federal republic, the House of Lords, legislative, Prime Minister, makes laws, approval, assent, Federal Council, appoints, elected, presidential republic, the House of Commons, representative, judicial, Duma, decisions, Chairman of the Government, Parliament, checks and balances, Federal Assembly, people, constitutional monarchy, unconstitutional, President.

      Let’s compare the political systems of three different countries: Great Britain, the USA and Russia. Great Britain is a (1)________ that means that the Queen is the official head of state but she has mostly (2)________ functions. That is although she gives the royal (3)______ to the bills passed by the Parliament, she doesn’t have any real power, so she can’t make her own political (4)______. The head of Government in GB is the (5)_____ . The legislative branch of power is represented in GB by the (6)______which consists of two chambers: (7)______ and (8)________. The USA is a (9)______ . That means that the (10)______ is the head of state there. The President is elected by (11)______ of the USA every 4 years. Then there is Congress which represents the (12)_______ branch of power. Members of Congress are also (13)_______ by the USA citizens. In the USA there is a strong system of (14)_______. That means that the President can’t make any important political decisions without the Congress (15)________. The Supreme Court, the judicial branch of power, can declare the presidential acts and the laws made by Congress (16)______. As for Russian political system it is a (17)_______. The head of state is the President elected by people. The President (18)______the (19)______, whose appointment must be approved by the Duma and the Federal Council, the two parts of the (20)_____. The (21) ______ is the lower chamber of the Federal Assembly. Its members are elected every 4 years. The (22)______ is the upper chamber of the Federal Assembly, and it consists of two representatives from each federal subject. The Federal Assembly (23)____ so it represents the legislative branch of power. The (24)_____ branch of power is represented by the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federat.

Зачет №1 12 класс

1.     Выберите правильную форму глагола to be для следующих предложений

a) is                 b) are                c) am

1. There … little light in the room

2. There … may children on the sports ground

3. Who … making the poster?

4. Where … you going?

5. I … late.

6. Our classes … over.

2.     Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках

1. Show us (какую-нибудь) picture.

a) few      b) some    c) a few      d) any

2. My son is fond of (рисовать)

a) making    b) slogan      c) drawing     d) paint

3. There are (различные) offices in this building

a) modern      b) various     c) comfortable     d) high

4. She is (всегда) late.

a) clean     b) married     c) every     d) always

5. Show (ему) your drawing

a) him      b) his      c) her     d) them

6. Tell (им) about your new flat.

a) they     b) their      c) them      d) her

3.     Выберите английские эквиваленты кратких ответов на вопросы.

     1. Will be you here next weekend?

     a) No, I won’t       b) No, I don’t         c) No, I’m not

     2. Have you got any time for me?

     a) Yes, it is    b) Yes, there is      c) Yes, I do

     3. Did Julia phone you earlier?

     a) Yes, she did     b) Yes, she had      c) Yes, she has

     4. Do you like hot tea?

     a) Yes, I’d like      b) Yes, please      c) Yes I do

     5. I wasn’t a bad day, was it?

     a) Yes, it wasn’t     b) No, it wasn’t     c) Yes, it was

     6. Are there a lot of children in your group?

     a) Yes, they are    b) Yes, they do    c) Yes, there are

     7. Tom neither wrote nor phoned, did he?

     a) Yes, he didn’t     b) No, he didn’t     c) Yes, he had

     8. I went to bed late last night. And you?

     a) So did I    b) So I did     c) And I did

4.     Put in like or as.

It’s raining again. I hate weather ..like... this.

Jane failed her driving test ...as... she expected.

1.      Do you think Carol looks …………her mother?

2.      He really gets on my nerves. I can't stand people …………… him.

3.      Why didn't you do it …………… I told you to do it?

4.      “What does Bill do?”    “He’s a student,…………… most of his friends.”

5.      Why do you never listen? Talking to you is …………… talking to the wall.

6.      …………… I said yesterday, I'm thinking of changing my job.

7.      Tom’s idea seemed a good one, so we did …………… he suggested.

8.      It’s a difficult problem. I never know what to do in situations ……………this.

9.      I’ll, phone you tomorrow    …………… usual, OK?

10.  This tea is awful. It tastes……………   water.

11.  Suddenly there was a terrible noise. It was …………… a bomb exploding.

12.  She’s a very good swimmer. She swims…………… a fish.

13.  I’m afraid I can’t meet you on Sunday …………… we arranged.

14.  We met Keith last night. He was very cheerful, …………… always.

5.     Complete the sentences using like or as + one of the following:

a.      a beginner

b.     blocks of ice

c.      a palace

d.     a birthday present

e.      a problem       

f.       a child

g.     a church

h.     winter

i.       a tourist guide


This house is beautiful. It’s ...like a palace ...

1.      Margaret once had a part-time job……………

2.      My feet are really cold. They’re ……………

3.      I’ve been learning Spanish for a few years but I still speak ……………

4.      I wonder what that building with the tower is. It looks ……………

5.      My brother gave me this watch …………… a long time ago.

6.      It’s true that we disagree about some things but I don’t regard this……………

7.      It’s very cold for the middle of summer. It’s ……………

8.      He’s 22 years old but he sometimes behaves    ……………

6.     Put in like or as.

1.     Your English is very fluent. I wish I could speak …………… you.

2.     Don’t take my advice if you don’t want to. You can do…………… you like.

3.     You waste too much time doing things …………… sitting in cafes all day.

4.     I wish I had a car…………… yours.     

5.     There’s no need to change your clothes. You can go out. …………… you are.

6.     My neighbour’s house is full of interesting things. It’s…………… a museum.

7.     I think I preferred this room …………… it was, before we decorated it.

8.     When we asked Sue to help us, she agreed immediately, …………… I knew she would.

9.     Sharon has been working    …………… a waitress for the last two months.

10. While we were on holiday, we spent most of our time doing energetic things   ……………  sailings, water skiing and swimming.

11. You’re different from the other people I know. I don’t know anyone …………… you.

12. We don’t need all the bedrooms in the house, so we use one of them …………… a study:

13. …………… her father, Catherine has a very good voice.

14. The news that Sue and Jim were getting married came …………… a complete surprise to me.

15. At the moment I’ve got a temporary job in a bookshop. It’s OK…………… a temporary job but wouldn’t like to do it permanently.


Зачет №2 12 класс

1.      Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form.

There is an old castle in Warwick which is believed to (1. haunt). It (2. call) Black Castle and it (3. say) that ghosts can (4. see) there at night. The castle (5. build) 300 years ago and (6. own) by two old ladies who (7. believe) to be witches. One day, long ago, they both disappeared and they (8. never, see) again. In 1995 the castle (9. buy) by a businessman and (10. convert) into a luxurious hotel. The castle (11. visit) by quite a few guests every year and special groups (12. or­ganise) to watch for ghosts. It has been a long time since any ghosts (13. see), but one night a trick (14. play) on some visitors by a local couple, who dressed up as two «ghosts». They (15. see) by a guest, who said she (16. frighten) almost to death. The couple apologized the next day.

2.      Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Present Per­fect.

a.      Jill: ...(1. you/be) on holiday this year?

          Fred: No, I (2. can/not) go, because I (3. break) my leg in July and (4. have) to stay in hospital.

b.     Helen: ...(5. you/visit) the British Museum yet?

          Dan: Yes, I (6. be) there three times, but I (7. not/see) everything yet.

c.      Nan: I'm ever so sorry, Jim, but I (8. burn) your lunch. Mary (9. phone) and 1(10. forget) about the food.

          Jim: That's okay. 1(11. already/eat).

d.     Kate: I (12. buy) a new coat yesterday, but when I (13. arrive) home, 1(14. find) a hole in the seam

     Laura: What (15. you/do)? … .(16. you/take) it back to the shop?

          Kate: No, I (17. not/be) into town yet. I'll do this afternoon.

3.      Choose the correct word.

1.      A test satellite was (launched/set out) from Cape Canaveral.

2.      It seems difficult to remember at first, but after a while it be­comes (essential/automatic).

3.      I liked this (compact/cordless) camera because I can keep it in my pocket.

4.      If affected by drowsiness, do not drive or (save/operate) heavy machinery.

1.        Fill in «What...», «What a(n)...» or «How...»

a.      .. .thoughtful of you!

b.     ...stupid questions he asks!

c.      ...nice of you to come!

d.     ...awful sweater!

e.      ...expensive meal!

f.       .. .tired you look today!

g.     ...delicious food!

2.        Fill in which or  who.

a.      Kate's job, ... involves working long hours, makes her very tired.

a.      George, ... is American, is the best student in our class.

b.     The soldier ... fought the most bravely is being awarded a medal.

c.      Their argument, ... continued throughout the night, was finally resolved.

d.     The Sussex coast, ... is in the south of England, is very beauti­ful.

e.      Not everybody ... is coming to my party is brining me a present.

3.        Choose the correct item.

          Dear Kate,

I was (1. extremely/completely/slightly) sorry to hear about your accident. Accidents are (2. much/too/very) dangerous nowa­days. I hope you won't have to stay (3. too/totally/absolutely) long in hospital. I'm going to send you a (4. pretty/awfully/too) good present.

I've been working (5. very/slightly/fairly) hard at the office lately. I get (6. slightly/ totally/a lot) exhausted! My work is (7. terribly/ pretty/totally) boring. I hope you get better quickly.

All my love,


4.        Use the word given in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the space in the same sentence.

a.      The film is about a ... reunion of father and son. (Touch)

b.     The rich ... inside the palace is delightful. (Decorate)

c.      Tristan immediately threw up his hands in a ... gesture. (Drama)

d.     I don't doubt her ..., but I think she's got her fact wrong. (Sincere)

e.      Everyone was surprised at her ... achievement. (Astonish)


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