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Работа с текстом на тему "Наука"

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Science and Technological Progress in Modern Society


     Science is the main characteristic feature distinguishing the present civilization from the other civilizations from the past. It is not much of exaggeration to say that we live in a world that materially and intellectually has been created by science.

     It is easy to illustrate on the material level. One merely needs to mention the telephone, the radio, the television, the computer, the automobile and the aircraft, or any of the countless devices invented by the application of science. The means of communication bind the continents into a single community, without modern sanitation it would be impossible to have large cities; without modern industry and agriculture it would be impossible to feed, to clothe, and to provide “abundant life” to our large population. All the developments mentioned above are but the results, the outcomes of intellectual activity.

     Recent time has brought a number of technical innovations (computers, cellular phones, etc.) which are taken so much for granted that it is as they have always existed. The technological innovations, we are to experience during the next twenty years, may well surpass our wildest fantasies.

     Science occupies a central position in modern society. It dominates man’s whole existence. Research and innovations in technology should improve the life of the society, its working conditions and remedy the negative effects of technical and social changes.


1. Answer  the questions

1)      What means of communication are mentioned in the text?

2)      What technological innovations made communication between continents possible?

3)      What distinguishes the present civilization from civilizations in the past?

4)      What helps to feed, to clothe, and to provide “abundant life” to our large population?

5)      What is the role of science in modern society?


2. Find in the text adjectives in comparative and superlative degree

3. Find synonyms

    differentiating, overstatement, to show, use, novelty, present-day, result, to put right, chief,  community, only

4. Find antonyms

     minor, understatement, positive effect, previous twenty years, to worsen, possible, to destroy


5. Put the sentence into correct order

  1) live    much   It is not of    that we   in a world     science   exaggeration    by   to say   created

        1         2             3                 4              5                  6                 7               8        9           10

  2) position     occupies     modern      a central       in             society        science

           1                   2               3             4                 5                  6                 7      

  3) between    communication    means of       communication       continents      make    possible

            1                  2                       3                           4                           5              6              7  


6. Match heads and tails

1)      It is not much of exaggeration to say that

2)      Science is the main characteristic feature distinguishing

3)      The means of communication bind

      4)   Research and innovations in technology should improve


-          the continents into a single community

-          the life of the society, its working conditions and remedy the negative effects of technical and social changes.

-          the present civilization from the other civilizations from the past.

-          we live in a world that materially and intellectually has been created by science.



1)      characteristic feature -  характерная черта, отличительная особенность

2)      to distinguish - различать

3)      exaggeration - преувеличение

4)      to create - создавать

5)      merely - только, просто;

6)      to mention - упоминать

7)      application - применение

8)      device - устройство, приспособление; механизм; аппарат, машина, прибор

9)      to invent - изобретать

10)  sanitation – санитария, канализация;

11)  abundant - обильный, богатый

12)  outcome – результат, итог

13)  community - общность

14)  to feed - кормить

15)  to provide - обеспечивать

16)  innovation - нововведение, новшество;

17)  to take for granted – принимать как само собой разумеющееся

18)  to surpass - превосходить, превышать

19)  to occupy - занимать

20)  existence – существование


Translate the following sentences

1)      I could hardly distinguish anything in the morning mist.

2)      The writer has a tendency towards exaggeration

3)      He leads a miserable existence.

4)      She had to choose from a set of possible outcomes.

5)      He filed an application to be admitted to the intensive course

6)      There is an abundant supply of cheap labour.

7)      He ranted that young people today take everything for granted.

8)      Jane is not the best student in ordinary school subjects, but she surpasses all the others in music.

9)      She forgot to mention where we should meet.

10)  He is so weak that he cannot feed himself.


Translate the following word combinations

invention with a patent, listening device, to be abundant, application of new techniques, practical application, don't mention it, take everything for granted, create a vacancy


Translate into English

Возможные результаты, кормить собак, подслушивающее устройство, не стоит (благодарности), быть в изобилии, принимать все на веру, влачить жалкое существование, образовать вакансию, практическое применение


Make up your own sentences with the following words


to invent ………………………………………………………………………………….

application ……………………………………………………………………………….

outcome …………………………………………………………………………………..


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