Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыРазработка урока английского языка на тему "Обзор Прошедшего Совершенного времени" (Past Perfect Review)

Разработка урока английского языка на тему "Обзор Прошедшего Совершенного времени" (Past Perfect Review)

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Past Perfect Review


Lesson stage/

Time interaction



Advisor’s Comments


2 minutes




3 minutes




Making up the sentences with past perfect and past simple

13 min




Fill in

7 minutes



2 min




Progress test

20 minutes





















To introduce the topic and the aim of the lesson



To check how students understand the past perfect

To provide collaboration



To provide understanding the use of the past perfect in comparison with the past simple




To practice using the past perfect

To encourage shy students







To decide if learners can continue to the next theme.

To assess learning of past perfect









Students tell about past perfect and compare it with past simple.



Students match the two parts of one sentence. They work individually, and then check up in pairs.


Students work in groups, they get a worksheet; they should make four sentences looking at the pictures.



Students check up the answers with the teacher.


Students say what they still need to work on.




Students do a test individually.



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Выбранный для просмотра документ Приложение 1.docx

Match up the parts of sentences in the two columns.

1)    When he had painted the door,                 a) he went to play football.

2)    After Larry had washed the car,               b) because Fred hadn’t phoned him.

3)    When Rose had given up smoking,          c) she began looking much better.

4)    Tommy had come to school,                    d) before she became a doctor

5)    Eric didn’t come to the meeting,              e) Terry had washed all the plates.

6)    By the time mother returned,                   f) it looked as good as new.

7)    After Greg had finished his homework,  g) before the lesson started.

8)    Sandra studied medicine for six years      h) Sarah had already gone home.

9)    When Tom arrived at the party,                i) he drove to the city centre.


Match up the parts of sentences in the two columns.

1)    When he had painted the door,                 a) he went to play football.

2)    After Larry had washed the car,               b) because Fred hadn’t phoned him.

3)    When Rose had given up smoking,          c) she began looking much better.

4)    Tommy had come to school,                    d) before she became a doctor

5)    Eric didn’t come to the meeting,              e) Terry had washed all the plates.

6)    By the time mother returned,                   f) it looked as good as new.

7)    After Greg had finished his homework,  g) before the lesson started.

8)    Sandra studied medicine for six years      h) Sarah had already gone home.

9)    When Tom arrived at the party,                i) he drove to the city centre.


Match up the parts of sentences in the two columns.

1)    When he had painted the door,                 a) he went to play football.

2)    After Larry had washed the car,               b) because Fred hadn’t phoned him.

3)    When Rose had given up smoking,          c) she began looking much better.

4)    Tommy had come to school,                    d) before she became a doctor

5)    Eric didn’t come to the meeting,              e) Terry had washed all the plates.

6)    By the time mother returned,                   f) it looked as good as new.

7)    After Greg had finished his homework,  g) before the lesson started.

8)    Sandra studied medicine for six years      h) Sarah had already gone home.

9)    When Tom arrived at the party,                i) he drove to the city centre.


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Выбранный для просмотра документ Приложение 2.docx

Complete the texts. Use past simple or past perfect of the verbs in brackets.


When we came home from grandma’s yesterday, our room was in a terrible mess. We (leave) 1____________ the window open and the wind (break) 2___________ the vase. There (be) 3___________ a lot of small pieces of glass on the carpet and the carpet itself (be) 4___________ wet.


After we (paint) 1____________ the door we (not, put) 2______________ the boxes with paint where they belonged. We (be) 3___________ in a hurry as we (have) 4__________ to meet our friends at the airport at seven p.m. When  we (return) 5__________ home, we (see) 6____________ that something terrible (happen) 7_____________. Our dog Rex (become) 8_____________ yellow in many parts of his body. He definitely (lie) 9___________ on the sofa or maybe (sleep) 10____________ on it, as there (be) 11___________ yellow marks all over. I (put) 12 __________ my new white blouse on the armchair before we (leave) 13 ______________. I (not, have) 14____________ a fashionable blouse any more.

Complete the texts. Use past simple or past perfect of the verbs in brackets.


When we came home from grandma’s yesterday, our room was in a terrible mess. We (leave) 1____________ the window open and the wind (break) 2___________ the vase. There (be) 3___________ a lot of small pieces of glass on the carpet and the carpet itself (be) 4___________ wet.


After we (paint) 1____________ the door we (not, put) 2______________ the boxes with paint where they belonged. We (be) 3___________ in a hurry as we (have) 4__________ to meet our friends at the airport at seven p.m. When  we (return) 5__________ home, we (see) 6____________ that something terrible (happen) 7_____________. Our dog Rex (become) 8_____________ yellow in many parts of his body. He definitely (lie) 9___________ on the sofa or maybe (sleep) 10____________ on it, as there (be) 11___________ yellow marks all over. I (put) 12 __________ my new white blouse on the armchair before we (leave) 13 ______________. I (not, have) 14____________ a fashionable blouse any more.


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Выбранный для просмотра документ Приложение 3.docx

Look at the pictures and say what these people had done and did yesterday.










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Выбранный для просмотра документ Приложение 4.docx

Fill in Past Simple or Past Perfect.

• I (do) 1______________ my flat by the time mother (come) 2 __________ back.

• As soon as I (wash) 3______________ the plates, my parents (come) 4_________.

• Robin (leave) 5 _____________ before Alice (return) 6______________.

• John (eat) 7_____________ all the cakes by the time the other children (arrive) 8___________ at the party.

• When he (come) 9___________ home she (already/have) 10______________ dinner.  

• After Jim and Terry (finish) 11 ___________their breakfast, they (go) 12 _________ to the river to fish.


Fill in Past Simple or Past Perfect.

• I (do) 1______________ my flat by the time mother (come) 2 __________ back.

• As soon as I (wash) 3______________ the plates, my parents (come) 4_________.

• Robin (leave) 5 _____________ before Alice (return) 6______________.

• John (eat) 7_____________ all the cakes by the time the other children (arrive) 8___________ at the party.

• When he (come) 9___________ home she (already/have) 10______________ dinner. 

• After Jim and Terry (finish) 11 ___________their breakfast, they (go) 12 _________ to the river to fish.


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