Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыРазработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Fun Food"

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Fun Food"

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“Fan Food” Show

Participants: TV host, chef, special correspondent, vegetarian, food specialists, audience (the Italian, the American, the Scottish, etc).

Scene 1

(A TV studio is decorated for a food show: a kitchen table, an oven, some utensils etc. 5 minutes before the start of the show.

A TV host is sitting in an arm - chair and singing a song about food. A make – up artist is putting some powder on his face with the help of a special brush).

TV host: I like sausages, I like rice,

Bread and jam are very nice.

I like pizza, I like chicken,

All my favourite things are in the kitchen,

The kitchen, the kitchen…

Chef (rushes into the studio): It’s high time to state the show!

(A signature tune of the show is played)

TV host: Dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our programme “Fun Food”!

Chef: Let’s greet our host, Sebastian…

TV host: …and our chef, Michelle!

Chef: Today our guests are V., a specialist in food, gourmet and just an interesting person…(applause)

TV host: …Z., our special correspondent…(applause)

Chef: …and our spectators!

TV host: And in today’s programme we are going to study eating habits in different countries. Welcome Z.!

(A special correspondent is asking the audience some questions.)

Special correspondent: Good afternoon, sir. What's your name?

Guest 1: My name is Adriano Chelentano.

SC: Where are you from?

Guest 1: I am from Italy, Rome.

SC: What is your favourite food?

Guest 1: Spaghetti and tomato sauce. I am a healthy eater.

SC: Good afternoon, sir. What's your name?

Guest 2: My name is Steve. Steve Martin.

SC: Where are you from?

Guest 2: I am from the USA.

SC: What is your favourite food?

Guest 2: Sandwiches and fried potatoes.

SC: Good afternoon, madam. What's your name?

Guest 3: My name is Carmen.

SC: Where are you from, Carmen?

Guest 3: I am from Scotland.

SC: What is your favourite food?

Guest 3: My favourite food is green salad and mushrooms. I love lots of fruit. I am a vegetarian. I never eat meat or fish. My friends call me Miss Fit and Healthy. I think healthy food is very important.

SC: Oh, thank you. Thank you, Miss Carmen.

Scene 2.

TV host: And now let us play a guessing game. Please, bring a black box into the studio!

(Music from What? When? Where? is played)

TV host: Some popular food is hidden in the black box. You should guess what food is it, using some prompts. It was first cooked in Italy and it was like bread with some covering on the top.

(The audience gives the answer. TV host shows the audience the pizza from the box.)

TV host: Yes, you are right!

Audience: It's delicious/superb/marvellous/yummy/unhealthy/horrible, etc.

TV host: And now our food specialist, V., will tell us a few words from the history of pizza.

Food specialist: The first pizza was like bread with some olive oil and honey on the top. A long time ago there were not any tomatoes in Italy.

When tomatoes first came to Italy, rich people did not eat them. Poor people liked tomatoes and they put them on their pizza!

Queen Margarita's favourite pizza was with tomatoes, cheese and basil. You can still eat this pizza today in any pizza restaurant! We call this pizza "Margarita!

TV host: That's very interesting! But how do we make pizza? Is it difficult? Today our chef, Michelle, will teach us to cook pizza "Margarita".

Chef: Everybody's favourite food, young and old, rich and poor!

(Music is played.)

TV host: So, how many tomatoes do you need, Michelle?

Chef: Not many! Just two tomatoes. And some cheese, of course!

TV host: Not much! Just five slices. Put the tomatoes on the pizza base. Then put the cheese on the top. Easy!

TV host: And now let us sing a song about pizza, our  favourite food.

(A song Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!)


Chef: Now one more task. Look at this anagrams. The name of the other popular food is hidden here. Put the letters in the correct order and you will get the name of this food.

Audience: French fries!

TV host: Well done! But do you know anything from the history of French fries? Again let's listen to our food specialist and gourmet, V. He knows everything from the history of food.

Food specialist: I'd like to tell you about the origin of French fries. George Crum was a chef in New York a very long time ago. The visitors of his restaurant didn't like his potatoes. They wanted them thinner! So, he made some very thin French fries. People ate them with their hands. They didn't need forks! Everyone liked them, so George made them all the time! Now people all over the world eat these thin French fries. We call them "crisps".

Vegetarian: Excuse me, but I don't think this food is healthy! There is also lot of food in the world which both healthy and delicious.

TV host: OK! OK, Miss Carmen. The next task will be connected with vegetarian food. Look at this anagram. Put the letters in the correct order and you will get the name of a popular vegetarian dish.

Audience: Greek salad!

Vegetarian: Oh, it's my favourite! It's easy to cook and delicious, too. Let me teach you how to cook it.

To make Greek salad, first wash tomatoes, peppers and lettuce. Then cut tomatoes and peppers into small pieces. Next chop the onion and put everything in a bowl. Add some lettuce, black olives and Feta cheese. Put some olive oil, salt and mix everything. You can serve the salad with greenery. It's delicious.

TV host: Thank you very much. You see that many men, many minds or, in other words, tastes differ.

(Music is played.)

TV host: Our programme is coming to the end. And we hope you all agree that we should eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy our life as it is.   



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