Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыРазработка внеурочного занятия на тему: "Большой спорт и спортивные игры"

Разработка внеурочного занятия на тему: "Большой спорт и спортивные игры"

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Конспект занятия по внеурочной деятельности научно-познавательной направленности  кружка "Веселый английский" в 5-ом  классе  по теме «Спорт и спортивные игры». 


Цель данного занятия:   формирование умения употреблять изученные лексические единицы и грамматические структуры в конкретных коммуникативных игровых ситуациях.

         Для достижения данной цели были поставлены следующие задачи


§  Образовательные:

Ø совершенствовать навыки монологической через беседу по теме «Спорт и спортивные игры»;

Ø развивать  умение читать с целью извлечения конкретной информации,

Ø развивать умение аудировать с целью понимания основного содержания,а также с целью извлечения конкретной информации;

Ø развивать умение делать краткие записи в соответствии с речевой задачей;

§  Развивающие:

Ø развивать умение анализировать ситуацию, оценивать альтернативы,   выбирать оптимальный вариант;

Ø развивать навыки логичности в построении иноязычного высказывания        в ходе решения речевых задач;

§  Воспитательные:

Ø воспитывать уважительное отношение к речевому партнёру, его взглядам в ходе совместной работы;

Ø формировать умение высказывать своё собственное мнение;

Ø способствовать повышению интереса к спорту и его популяризации среди учащихся;


Оборудование: картинки с символами олимпиад, презентация по теме " Спорт и спортивные игры ", видео эпизод по теме "Спорт в Британии "


                                           Ход  занятия


1. Организационный момент


- Hello! I'm glad to see you.

- Are you in a good mood?

2.Определение  темы

- Now  look at these things on my desk?

- What can you see?

(Ss' answers: rackets, a shuttlecock, a tennis ball, a ball )

- What unites all these things?

(Ss 'answers: they are connected with sport and sports games)

- So  what we are going to talk about?

(Ss' answers : about sport and sports games )    ( SLIDE 1" SPORT  AND  SPORTS  GAMES")

3. Речевая  разминка

- Do you go in for sport ?

- What is your favourite sport ?

- Do you prefer summer or winter kinds of sports ?

- What kind of sport do you go in for ?

4. Постановка  целей  занятия

 What would you like to learn personally for you today?

(Ss' answers: - to learn more about  different  sports and games,

- to have fun,

- to revise the words connected with sport

- to learn more about popular sports in different countries )

I  hope, you'll achieve your goals.

5. Сообщение сюжета занятия

 In the beginning  you have been divided into 2 teams.

- Now  think up the name of your team and choose a captain.

(- So, what's the name of your team? who's the captain? )

( Ss' answers )

Today you are going to compete to find out which team are more experienced in sport and sports games and the winners will be awarded with medals.

- Moreover, you can see a well-known English proverb on the board. Its words are turned over  and the winners will be given the right to turn over one of the words. At the end of the game we'll read it.

Before we start , turn  around look at these funny characters.

- Do you know them?

( Yes, they are the mascots of the Olympic Games.)

Today they will help us.

6. Практическая  деятельность  учащихся


The first competition is called " SPORTS CROSSWORD".


 The mascot of the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980 has this task.

The captain of the 1st team, go and take it. By the way, what's the name of this mascot?

(Ss' answer:the Olympic Bear )

The winner of this competition is the team which do it quicker and correctly.

You are to work in groups and speak only English.

If you are ready, raise your hands.

1 Team: (- cricket,- chess ,- basketball)

2 Team : (- badminton,-fencing,-football )  SLIDE 3(crossword )

Do the crossword.

1. It is sometimes called an English national game. People played it as early as 1550.It is a very long game. International matches last for 5 days.

( Ss 'answer : cricket )

2.A game of 2 players who each start with 16 different playing pieces to move on a board.There are 64 squares on the board. The aim is to move your pieces so that your opponent’s king will be killed.

( Ss' answer : chess )

3.A game played by 2 teams 5 players each who try to throw a large ball into a ring with a net 10 feet above the ground

( Ss 'answer: basketball )

4.A game in which the players use rackets to hit a small object called a shuttlecock over a high net.

( Ss' answer: badminton )

5.A game in which 2 people fight with slender swords.

( Ss' answer : fencing )

6.A game played between 2 teams of 11 players who kick a ball around a field, trying to score a goal.

( Ss' answer: football )

As I see, you know a lot about  different kinds of sport and your team get a medal. So you can turn over one of the words.



 Our second competition is called "SPORTS EQUIPMENT".

(  SLIDE 4 ) and the captain of the ... team can get it from the mascot of the Winter Olympic Games in Lake Placid (the USA ).Name this mascot, please.

(Ss'answers : Roni the Racoon)

Your task is to match the pictures with the sports equipment and name this kind of sport.

You have 1.5 minutes to complete this task. Choose the speaker please to present your ideas.

As I see the ... is ready. So let's check, if they've made the right choice. The speakers come up to the board. SLIDE 5 (1-5 )

SLIDE 6 ( 6-10 )

You were persistent and you've coped with this task and ... team get a medal and the quickest has the right to turn over the word.


Now  I think ,you need to do some exercises to have a rest and to get more energetic. Do you agree with me?


The team which are more artistic  and more enthusiastic will get a medal.

Now let's move our bodies.

(SLIDE 8  VIDEO with exercises )

And I fly, fly, fly,like a pilot 
I'm as strong, strong, strong as a lion
I'm as high, high, high as a mountain
in the sky - ay, ay, ay

And I jump, jump, jump like a kangaroo
I swim, swim, swim to be close to you
I shake, shake, shake you by the hand,
we'll be friend, till the end

This is such a happy day
sha la la la la
This is such a happy day
sha la la la la
Hey what a happy day
sha la la la la
This is such a happy day
sha la la la la
I shake, shake, shake you by the hand,
we'll be friend, till the end

This is such a happy day
sha la la la la
This is such a happy day
sha la la la la
what a happy happy day
sha la la la la
This is such a happy day
sha la la la la
This is such a happy day

(just after exercises) - What about you?

- Are you happy today ?(- Is it a happy day for you ? )

  Both teams were fantastic  and  each team get a medal and we are going to turn one more  word.

-  Are  you  cheerful  enough   to  continue our  competitions ?

(Ss 'answers : YES )


The next one  is  called  "GUESS  A GAME " (SLIDE 9 ) and you can take it from the mascot  of the  Winter  Olympic Games in Sochi  in  2014.

Do you know it ?

(Ss'answers : it's  Amur Leopard )

- Well, as you see, the task  for ... team is to do pantomime 2  of the British national sports. The  other team are to pantomime  2  kinds of  the  most popular kinds of sports  in  Russia.

 - In  addition to this, you are to make up 2 questions to your opponent's team to get  some  extra  information  about  this sport.

(Ss' performances)

You  were really perfect. You performed lifelike. You  were  very imaginative ,  creative  and the questions you  made up, were  correct.

So the  team "..." get a medal  and a chance to  turn over  one of  the  words  of  the  proverb.

Well, today I have already learnt  that you know a lot about sport and you are fond of it.

Would you like to learn what foreign students think about sport?

(Ss' answers: YES )

I  think, I'll  be  able  to  help  you.


 The  task  of  the next  competition  is  kept by  the mascots of the Winter  Olympic  Games  in  Turin in 2006.

Do  you  know  them? Can  you  call  their  names ?

(Ss'answers : the  Snowballs  Neve  and  Ice  Cube  Gliz )

Take the  task. It's called " A  VIDEO  INTERVIEW "


- You are to watch a video interview with young British  sportsmen  and  to complete the table  with necessary information while you are watching.

Let's watch. Watch it carefully.


Now I'll give you some extra minutes to complete your work.

Let's start checking.

- Well done. Both teams gave the correct answers.

Get your medals and let's turn over one more word.


Our  final  competition  is  called "SPORTS  INVENTORS" (SLIDE 11 ) and  it  is  kept by the mascots of the Winter Olimpic Games in Calgary in 1988.

Have you recognized these mascots ?

( Ss' answers: POLAR  BEARS  HIDY  AND  HOWDY )

Go  and  take  the  tasks.

You  are  to  imagine  that  you  are   sports  inventors  and your  task  is  to  invent  a new  kind  of  sport. Presenting  your  ideas, follow  the  plan  given  below  in  your  task.

You  have  3  min.  to  complete  your  work. Choose  a  speaker.

Your  time  is  over. Be  ready  to  show  us  the  results  of  your  work. 

I  liked  your  projects  a lot. You  were  creative, imaginative  and  persuasive. So  both  teams  get  medals. 

- Now  our  competitions are over. Both  teams have shown  good results. I can  praise  them  with  medals and  we are  ready to open  the last  word  of  the famous proverb.

7. Подведение  итогов

- Let's  read  it.( A sound mind in a sound body )

 - Can  you  explain  it ?

( Ss' answers )

So ,Is  it  a  good  idea  to  join  a  sports  club, if  you  want  to  keep  fit?

I'm  definitely sure, if  you  follow  this  proverb, you'll  be  healthy  physically  and  mentally  and  you'll  never  lose.

(Ss' answers )

 Now  let's  score  your  points.

The  result  of the ... team  is...points  and the result of the  other  team is...but  I'd  like  to  draw  the  game. In  my  opinion, everyone is a winner  today.

I  liked  your  work a lot. You  were  persistent, quick-thinking, smart and had  a  strong  will to  win.


- Now  I'd  like  you  to  express your attitude to our class  with  the  help  of  the  balls. You  can  see 2  basketball  hoops.

- If  you  worked  hard, if  you  achieved  your  goal, if  you  liked  our  class, put  your  ball  into this  one.

- If  you  are not  satisfied  with  this class, put  your ball  into  this  hoop.

9. Подведение  итогов  занятия

Thank  you  for  your  cooperative  work. Our  class  is  over. Bye.
















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