Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыСабақ жоспары " How do you get to school" (5 сынып)

Сабақ жоспары " How do you get to school" (5 сынып)

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Subject: English

Form: 7 a

The theme of the lesson:         How do you get to school?

The aims of the lesson

                                          Educational: Оқушыларға жаңа тақырыпты түсіндіре отырып

                                                                 транспорт түрлерімен және үстеулермен таныстыру.

                                                                 Транспорт атаулары мен үстеулерді пайдалана

                                                                 отырып бір жерден екінші жерге жете алатындығын

                                                                 айта алуға үйрету    

                                          Developing:   Оқушылардың ойлау, сөйлеу, жазу дағдыларын дамыту

                                          Bringing-up:  Оқушыларды тәртіптілікке, ізденімпаздылыққа,

                                                                    сыйластылыққа тәрбиелеу


Form of the lesson:  Traditional lesson


Type of the lesson: Presentation


Visual aids:  computer, slides, grammar tables,


Inter subject connection: Kazakh, English


Literature: English form 7. A. T. Ayapova    2013.     p 123


                                                  The plan of the lesson:


I.                   Organization moment:


II.                Revision of the previous unit



III.             New theme ( types of transport)


IV.             To explain adverbs of frequency



V.                Conclusion


VI.             Home work



VII.          Self marking













I.                   Organization moment

   -    Good afternoon, children!

-          Thank you, sit down please.

-          Who is on duty today?                         S1

-          Who is absent?

-          What date is it today?

-          What day is it today?

-          Thank you, sit down please

   -     Ok, Stand up, please!

-          Look at the blackboard see and do. ( Сергіту сәті. Шырша)


     II. Revision of the previous unit .

-          Boys and girls, what was our previous unit?                     S1

-          Yes, right! It was ‘ health’


1)      Now look at the pictures. There are some children with different aches, give them advices, using the modal verb “ should”

  1. You should  go to the dentist                 s1
  2. You should take  aspirin                        s2
  3. You should take mezim                         s3
  4. You should go to the doctor                   s4


2)      Complete  the diagram. I’ll give you 2 minutes









III.             New lesson.  Our new unit is about travelling. Open your copybooks and books. Write down the date and theme “ How do you get to school”. Look at the board . The first  I’ll read new words and you must repeat after me.


A car- [ ka:] – машина                          A plane –[ plein] - Ұшақ

A train – [ trein]- поезд                          A helicopter – [ ‘helikɔptə]

a bus[bʌs]- автобус                                 a ship – [ ʃip] кеме

a boat -[bout] қайық                               a walk- [wɔ:k] жаяу жүру


- OK, very nice. Answer my questions

1. How do you get to Astana ?

I get to Astana by train

2. How do you get to Aksuat?

I get to Aksuat by Bus.

3. How do you get to Semei?

I get to Semei by  taxi.

4. How do you get to school?

I get to school by walk.


- Now look at the book are page 124 exercise 3. Now  devide these means of transport into public and private transport. 






IV.             To explain adverbs of frequency

Never-                                   always -                       often-                usually –             nearly-

Almost -                                really -                          rarely -              ever-                   just-

  1. Әдетте бұл үстеулер мағыналық етістіктің алдында қйылады.

I usually get up at 7 o’clock

I don’t often go to the cinema

She never eats bananas

We always watch TV in the evening

I sometimes go swimming

       2. Sometimes және  usually сөйлемнің басында  және соңында қолданылуы мүмкін

 Sometimes I play tennis                                I play tennis sometimes

 Usually he goes to school by bus.                 He goes to school by bus  usually

a.      Бұл үстеулер to be етістігінен кейін қолданылуы мүмкін

I am never late

They are always polite

Exercise 5.  Put the adverbs into the correct place in each sentence

  1. I have just come from school
  2. He rarely eats chocolates
  3. Oops! I nearly fell over!
  4. I can always understand him
  5. The teacher never comes late
  6. I really missed my mother

V.                Conclusion. ( to make a test)

Now, pupils let’s do this test. Today I explained you adverbs of frequency and types of transport . I hope you understood that. So , I want to check up your knowledge about the new theme . Look at the board.

  1. How do you get to America?

a. by plane                 b. by  bus              c. Sometimes

2. Opposite  meaning of ‘ always’

a. often                       b. never                c. sometimes

3. I never get to school by …

A. on foot                   b. walking            c. by train

4. This type of transport goes only on the water

a. a ship                      b. a train                c. a helicopter

5. Find the correct sentence

a. I always late           b. I am always late           c. I late am always

6. find the word: l, n, e, p, a

a. plane                       b. enape                            c. pelna


-          now , make the word from bold letters :  school!!!

-          Now give me some more association to school. And make the sentence using adverbs of frequency for  this word.           Books                       classroom



                                         Computers                  School                         friends



I usually read interesting books.

Sometimes I play computer

I always read English books.

I often go to the cinema with my friends.

Sometimes we clean our classroom.


VI. Homework 

  - Open your diaries and write down your home work    Exercise 7.

VII. Giving marks

VIII.  Stand up, please! Our lesson is over Thank you for  your attention Good bye!







































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Subject: English

Form: 7 a

The theme of the lesson:         How do you get to school?

The aims of the lesson

                                          Educational: Оқушыларға жаңа тақырыпты түсіндіре отырып

                                                                 транспорт түрлерімен және үстеулермен таныстыру.

                                                                 Транспорт атаулары мен үстеулерді пайдалана

                                                                 отырып бір жерден екінші жерге жете алатындығын

                                                                 айта алуға үйрету    

                                          Developing:   Оқушылардың ойлау, сөйлеу, жазу дағдыларын дамыту

                                          Bringing-up:  Оқушыларды тәртіптілікке, ізденімпаздылыққа,

                                                                    сыйластылыққа тәрбиелеу


Form of the lesson:  Traditional lesson


Type of the lesson: Presentation


Visual aids:  computer, slides, grammar tables,


Inter subject connection: Kazakh, English


Literature: English form 7. A. T. Ayapova    2013.     p 123


                                                  The plan of the lesson:


I.                   Organization moment:


II.                Revision of the previous unit



III.             New theme ( types of transport)


IV.             To explain adverbs of frequency



V.                Conclusion


VI.             Home work



VII.          Self marking













I.                   Organization moment

   -    Good afternoon, children!

-          Thank you, sit down please.

-          Who is on duty today?                         S1

-          Who is absent?

-          What date is it today?

-          What day is it today?

-          Thank you, sit down please

   -     Ok, Stand up, please!

-          Look at the blackboard see and do. ( Сергіту сәті. Шырша)


     II. Revision of the previous unit .

-          Boys and girls, what was our previous unit?                     S1

-          Yes, right! It was ‘ health’


1)      Now look at the pictures. There are some children with different aches, give them advices, using the modal verb “ should”

  1. You should  go to the dentist                 s1
  2. You should take  aspirin                        s2
  3. You should take mezim                         s3
  4. You should go to the doctor                   s4


2)      Complete  the diagram. I’ll give you 2 minutes













III.             New lesson.  Our new unit is about travelling. Open your copybooks and books. Write down the date and theme “ How do you get to school”. Look at the board . The first  I’ll read new words and you must repeat after me.


A car- [ ka:] – машина                          A plane –[ plein] - Ұшақ

A train – [ trein]- поезд                          A helicopter – [ ‘helikɔptə]

a bus[bʌs]- автобус                                 a ship – [ ʃip] кеме

a boat -[bout] қайық                               a walk- [wɔ:k] жаяу жүру


- OK, very nice. Answer my questions

1. How do you get to Astana ?

I get to Astana by train

2. How do you get to Aksuat?

I get to Aksuat by Bus.

3. How do you get to Semei?

I get to Semei by  taxi.

4. How do you get to school?

I get to school by walk.


- Now look at the book are page 124 exercise 3. Now  devide these means of transport into public and private transport. 






IV.             To explain adverbs of frequency

Never-                                   always -                       often-                usually –             nearly-

Almost -                                really -                          rarely -              ever-                   just-

  1. Әдетте бұл үстеулер мағыналық етістіктің алдында қйылады.

I usually get up at 7 o’clock

I don’t often go to the cinema

She never eats bananas

We always watch TV in the evening

I sometimes go swimming

       2. Sometimes және  usually сөйлемнің басында  және соңында қолданылуы мүмкін

 Sometimes I play tennis                                I play tennis sometimes

 Usually he goes to school by bus.                 He goes to school by bus  usually

a.      Бұл үстеулер to be етістігінен кейін қолданылуы мүмкін

I am never late

They are always polite

Exercise 5.  Put the adverbs into the correct place in each sentence

  1. I have just come from school
  2. He rarely eats chocolates
  3. Oops! I nearly fell over!
  4. I can always understand him
  5. The teacher never comes late
  6. I really missed my mother

V.                Conclusion. ( to make a test)

Now, pupils let’s do this test. Today I explained you adverbs of frequency and types of transport . I hope you understood that. So , I want to check up your knowledge about the new theme . Look at the board.

  1. How do you get to America?

a. by plane                 b. by  bus              c. Sometimes

2. Opposite  meaning of ‘ always’

a. often                       b. never                c. sometimes

3. I never get to school by …

A. on foot                   b. walking            c. by train

4. This type of transport goes only on the water

a. a ship                      b. a train                c. a helicopter

5. Find the correct sentence

a. I always late           b. I am always late           c. I late am always

6. find the word: l, n, e, p, a

a. plane                       b. enape                            c. pelna


-          now , make the word from bold letters :  school!!!

-          Now give me some more association to school. And make the sentence using adverbs of frequency for  this word.           Books                       classroom



                                         Computers                  School                         friends





I usually read interesting books.

Sometimes I play computer

I always read English books.

I often go to the cinema with my friends.

Sometimes we clean our classroom.


VI. Homework 

  - Open your diaries and write down your home work    Exercise 7.

VII. Giving marks

VIII.  Stand up, please! Our lesson is over Thank you for  your attention Good bye!


































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