Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыСамостоятельная работа №2. Английский в фокусе, 8 класс.

Самостоятельная работа №2. Английский в фокусе, 8 класс.

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TEST 2 (Module 2)


A Underline the correct item.

1.       Don't worry, I’ll show you how to set the table for a formal dinner; it’s a cup of tea/piece of cake.

2.       Dinner is almost ready. I just have to beat/ grate the cheese for the pasta.

3.       Joe eats out so often that he always welcomes the chance to have a nice home-cooked/ undercooked meal whenever he visits his mother.

4.       Would you like to stay for dinner? We’re having roast chicken with poached/mashed potatoes.

5.       Milk and other dairy products are very appealing/nourishing for young children, as they help them grow strong and healthy.


6.       Nathan likes his steak well done/rare, so don't cook it for more than ten minutes.

7.       Can you please stop by the bakery on your way over and pick up a bar/loaf of bread for dinner?

8.       The new clothes shop has a great variety of jeans and shirts at very low/poor prices.

9.       We took Jane out to lunch to cheer her up, because she’s been going off/going through a rough time at work.

10.    Jane made a delicious raw/spicy sauce for the spaghetti.

Marks: ___ 10x1

B Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.

·         teaspoonful       side        scrambled     pinch      pride   creamy      fussy          packed

11.    Liam is not a very honest person, so you should take everything he says with a ....................... of salt.

12.    Linda has taken many cooking classes and takes ....................... in her cooking skills.

13.    Tony takes a ....................... lunch to work, because he doesn’t like leaving the office to eat out.


14.    I will have the grilled fish with steamed rice and a ....................... salad, please.

15.    I really don't know what to cook for Ben. He’s such a ....................... eater that I’m afraid he won't like anything I serve.

Marks: ___ 5x2


C Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the present perfect continuous.

16.    Phillip ........................... (never/buy) anything from a flea market before.

17.    I ........................... (look) through these cookbooks for a good seafood recipe for over an hour , but I can’t decide on one. Can you help me choose?

18.    Can we go soon? We ........................... (walk) around this department store for the last two hours!


19.    ........................... (you/try) the new Chinese restaurant that opened last week yet?

20.    Do you want to go shopping? I .................... (not/spend) my birthday money yet and I want to buy a new outfit for the party.

Marks: ___ 5x2

D Underline the correct item.

21.    This dish is delicious and doesn’t take much/ many time to prepare.

22.    Whenever Paul goes to London, he stays at the/― Hilton Hotel.

23.    What is Monica doing? She has been to/been in the dressing room for an hour!

24.    There were very little/few people at the restaurant, so it was easy for us to find a table.

25.    Emily’s family moved to Spain from ― /the UK when she was still a baby.

26.    Mum bought Dad a pair of leather Italian/ Italian leather shoes for his birthday.

27.    Doctors say that it’s not a good idea to eat red meat more than once or twice a/the week.

28.    Dad will be back in half an hour; he’s gone to/ been to the newsagent’s to pick up today’s paper.

29.    Chloe can’t make it to dinner tonight, but the good news is/are that she’ll be able to spend the whole weekend with us.

30.    Your doctor can give you some good advices/ advice on how to follow a more balanced diet.

Marks: ___ 10x2


TEST 2 (Module 2)


A Underline the correct item.

31.    Don't worry, I’ll show you how to set the table for a formal dinner; it’s a cup of tea/piece of cake.

32.    Dinner is almost ready. I just have to beat/ grate the cheese for the pasta.

33.    Joe eats out so often that he always welcomes the chance to have a nice home-cooked/ undercooked meal whenever he visits his mother.

34.    Would you like to stay for dinner? We’re having roast chicken with poached/mashed potatoes.

35.    Milk and other dairy products are very appealing/nourishing for young children, as they help them grow strong and healthy.


36.    Nathan likes his steak well done/rare, so don't cook it for more than ten minutes.

37.    Can you please stop by the bakery on your way over and pick up a bar/loaf of bread for dinner?

38.    The new clothes shop has a great variety of jeans and shirts at very low/poor prices.

39.    We took Jane out to lunch to cheer her up, because she’s been going off/going through a rough time at work.

40.    Jane made a delicious raw/spicy sauce for the spaghetti.

Marks: ___ 10x1

B Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.

·         teaspoonful      side       scrambled    pinch     pride   creamy     fussy         packed

41.    Liam is not a very honest person, so you should take everything he says with a ....................... of salt.

42.    Linda has taken many cooking classes and takes ....................... in her cooking skills.

43.    Tony takes a ....................... lunch to work, because he doesn’t like leaving the office to eat out.


44.    I will have the grilled fish with steamed rice and a ....................... salad, please.

45.    I really don't know what to cook for Ben. He’s such a ....................... eater that I’m afraid he won't like anything I serve.

Marks: ___ 5x2


C Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the present perfect continuous.

46.    Phillip ........................... (never/buy) anything from a flea market before.

47.    I ........................... (look) through these cookbooks for a good seafood recipe for over an hour , but I can’t decide on one. Can you help me choose?

48.    Can we go soon? We ........................... (walk) around this department store for the last two hours!


49.    ........................... (you/try) the new Chinese restaurant that opened last week yet?

50.    Do you want to go shopping? I .................... (not/spend) my birthday money yet and I want to buy a new outfit for the party.

Marks: ___ 5x2

D Underline the correct item.

51.    This dish is delicious and doesn’t take much/ many time to prepare.

52.    Whenever Paul goes to London, he stays at the/― Hilton Hotel.

53.    What is Monica doing? She has been to/been in the dressing room for an hour!

54.    There were very little/few people at the restaurant, so it was easy for us to find a table.

55.    Emily’s family moved to Spain from ― /the UK when she was still a baby.

56.    Mum bought Dad a pair of leather Italian/ Italian leather shoes for his birthday.

57.    Doctors say that it’s not a good idea to eat red meat more than once or twice a/the week.

58.    Dad will be back in half an hour; he’s gone to/ been to the newsagent’s to pick up today’s paper.

59.    Chloe can’t make it to dinner tonight, but the good news is/are that she’ll be able to spend the whole weekend with us.

60.    Your doctor can give you some good advices/ advice on how to follow a more balanced diet.

Marks: ___ 10x2


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72 ч. — 180 ч.

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36 ч. — 144 ч.

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Современные методы развития навыков эффективного и уверенного общения на английском языке у старших школьников

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