Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыСборник упражнений по английскому языку на тему "Английские идиомы" к учебнику "Spotlight. 10" (модули 1-4)

Сборник упражнений по английскому языку на тему "Английские идиомы" к учебнику "Spotlight. 10" (модули 1-4)

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Сборник упражнений

«English Idioms»

к учебнику “Spotlight” для 10 класса

(Modules 1-4)



Module 1

                                                             Exercise 1

Match the idioms and their Russian translation or definitions.

1.     A pain in the neck.

2.     Get off one’s back.

3.     Get on one’s nerves.

4.     Give someone the cold shower.

5.     Like a bear with a sore head.

6.     See eye to eye.


a)     Сходиться во взглядах с кем-либо

b)    Оказывать холодный прием

c)     Зануда, невыносимый человек

d)    Разъярённый, разозлённый

e)     Действовать кому-либо на нервы

f)      Отстать, оставить в покое


                                                Exercise 2

Match the idioms and their definitions.

1.     A pain in the neck.

2.     Get off one’s back.

3.     Get on one’s nerves.

4.     Give someone the cold shower.

5.     Like a bear with a sore head.

6.     See eye to eye.


a)     Stop annoying or criticizing sb.

b)    Share the same view points.

c)     Be in a bad mood, getting annoyed very easily.

d)    Meeting in an unfriendly way.

e)     An annoying or boring person or thing.

f)      Annoy someone by doing something again and again.





    Exercise 3

Match the idioms and the pictures

Картинки по запросу english idioms in pictures like a bear with a sore head1 get.png 2


Картинки по запросу english idioms in pictures a pain in the neck3 get.png                4


get.pngКартинки по запросу english idioms in pictures give someone the cold shower           6



                                                 Exercise 4

Complete the sentences with the correct words (ex. 9, p.13)


                                                   Exercise 5

Rewrite the phrases in italics, using the proper idiomatic expressions.

1.     I’ve  had enough of Laura. She’s an extremely annoying girl.

2.     Kim looks so sweet and caring but she only cares about herself. I’d like her to stop criticizing me.

3.     I can’t stand people who meet strangers in an unfriendly way.

4.     I don’t mean Lucy is rude but she gets annoyed so easily.

5.     To my mind true friends shouldn’t always share the same view points.

6.     Will you please stop doing that? It’s annoying me.


                                       Exercise 6

Think of your best friend. What makes him/her special to you? Try to use the idioms of Module 1.


                                        Exercise 7

Complete the dialogue with the idioms of Module 1.

-         What’s the matter, … ?


-         What do you mean ?


-         But she/ he looks so sweet and caring.


-         Oh, come on. Aren’t you being a bit mean ?


-         To me a good friend should be honest and tolerant.


-         Do you happen to know this verse? “ A memory lasts forever …”
(ex. 1,p. 12)




Module 2

           Exercise 1

Match the idioms and their Russian translation or definitions.

1.     Play a joke on sb.

2.     Play it cool.

3.     Play it straight.


a)     Говорить прямо.

b)    Сыграть над кем-либо шутку.

c)     Не терять самообладания.

Exercise 2

Match the idioms and their definitions.

1.     Play a joke on sb.

2.     Play it cool.

3.     Play it straight.


a)     Behave calmly

b)    Be completely honest with sb.

c)     Do something to trick sb.


        Exercise 3

Картинки по запросу pictures play a joke on sbMatch the idioms and the pictures

get.png1. Картинки по запросу говорить прямо          2.


Exercise 4


Complete the sentences with the correct words ( ex. 6, p.30)


Exercise 5

Rewrite the phrases in italics, using the proper idiomatic expressions.

1.     If you take up some extreme sport,  you should learn to behave calmly in unpredictable situations.

2.     Most teenagers are completely honest with their parents and just save up for the latest fashions.

3.     I think it’s silly to do something to trick the people you depend on.


Exercise 6
Take the roles of two of the teenagers from the text “Britain’s Young Consumers”. Ask and answer questions about how they get and spend their money. Use the idioms of Module 2(ex. 6, p.29)



      Exercise 7

Write a short paragraph about yourself. (ex.7, p. 29) Use the idioms of Module 2.


Module 3

               Exercise 1

Match the idioms and their Russian translation or definitions.

1.     Bring home the bacon.

2.     Follow in one’s footsteps.

3.     In the same boat.

4.     Jack-of-all-trades.


a.      Мастер на все руки.

b.     Зарабатывать деньги для семьи.

c.      Идти по стопам.

d.     В одинаковом положении.


Exercise 2

Match the idioms and their definitions.

1.     Bring home the bacon.

2.     Follow in one’s footsteps.

3.     In the same boat.

4.     Jack-of-all-trades.


a.      Do the same work as someone else before you.

b.     Be in the same difficult or unpleasant situation/

c.      Someone who can do many types of work.

d.     Earn money to support your family.


          Exercise 3

Match the idioms and the pictures


1.     Картинки по запросу pictures In the same boat

2.     Картинки по запросу pictures Jack-of-all-trades.

3. get.png

4.Картинки по запросу pictures Bring home the bacon.


   Exercise 4

Complete the idioms. (ex.4, p. 49)


                    Exercise 5

Rewrite the phrases in italics, using the proper idiomatic expressions.

1.     A caring mother has to be able to do all types of household work.

2.     His wife works and he stays at home and takes care of the children. She  earns money to support the family.

3.     Ann decided to become a teacher because her mother used to teach.

4.     You will be interviewed for this job. All job applicants are in this a bit unpleasant situation.


 Exercise 6

Complete the idioms of ex. 4, p.49 and add 4-5 sentences to describe your own life experience.

        Exercise 7

You are not going to enter a University after leaving school. You would rather take a year out to make a proper choice. Persuade your parents your decision is reasonable. Use the idioms of Module 3.

Module 4

             Exercise 1

Match the idioms and their Russian translation or definitions.

1.     On cloud nine.

2.     Under the weather.

3.     For a rainy day.

4.     A storm in a teacup.


a.      Плохо себя чувствовать.

b.     На «черный» день.

c.      Буря в стакане воды.

d.     На седьмом небе.

              Exercise 2

Match the idioms and their definitions.

1.     On cloud nine.

2.     Under the weather.

3.     For a rainy day.

4.     A storm in a teacup.


a.      (saving something) for a time you may need it.

b.     Exaggerate a problem.

c.      Do/ Does not feel well.

d.     Extremely happy.



Match the idioms and the pictures


1.     Картинки по запросу pictures Under the weather

2.     Картинки по запросу pictures A storm in a teacup.

3.     get.png

4.     Картинки по запросу картинка копилка


           Exercise 4

Complete the sentences with the correct words (ex. 7, p.67)


           Exercise 5

Rewrite the phrases in italics, using the proper idiomatic expressions.

1.     Take it easy! Don’t exaggerate the problem.

2.     John has fallen in love and is extremely happy.

3.     I hope Lisa hasn’t fallen ill with some serious disease. She just doesn’t feel well.

4.     My grandparents have been saving money for a time they may need it.


Exercise 6

Speak about your attitude towards environmental issues on ex.1 (b), p.66, making use of the idioms of Module 4.


Exercise 7

Write an article to your school magazine on the problem of recycling paper in school. Use the idioms of Module 4.




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