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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "English tea"

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Традиции английского чаепития


Тип урока: комбинированный.


1. Создание условий для развития логического мышления учащихся, умения анализировать, высказывать свои мысли, аргументировать.

2.  Способствовать укреплению знаний о традициях и обычаях стран изучаемого языка.




  1. Расширение кругозора учащихся через знакомство с историей происхождения чая и  особенностями употребления чая в Англии и России и чайным этикетом.
  2. Совершенствование навыков аудирования, совершенствование лексических навыков говорения.



  1. Развитие творческих способностей учащихся.
  2. Развитие способностей к распределению и переключению внимания, к непроизвольному запоминанию при восприятии на слух.



1.      Формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в группе.

2.      Воспитание уважительного отношения к образу жизни других народов, более глубокого осознания своей культуры.


Планируемые результаты:

Личностные – готовность обучающихся к саморазвитию; сформированность мотивации к целенаправленной познавательной деятельности, ценностно-смысловых установок, отражающих личностные позиции в межличностных отношениях.

Метапредметные – освоение учащимися на базе учебного предмета способов деятельности, применимых как в рамках образовательного процесса, так и в реальных жизненных ситуациях. Умение организовывать учебное сотрудничество с педагогом и сверстниками.

Предметные – сформированность опыта общения на английском языке за чаем по английским традициям и чайному этикету.




Вступительное слово учителя: Good afternoon! I am glad to see everybody. Today we all have an unusual party. It is connected with one of English traditions:  English Drinking Tea. I want you feel yourself real Englishmen. And learn more information about this country.


Выступающий 1

Good afternoon dear friends! Welcome to our tea party! It’s common knowledge that the English are very fond of tea. Do you know that they became tea-lovers thanks to women?

The first is Catherine of Braganza, a Portuguese princess, wife of the English king Charles II. She was a great lover of tea and made tea drinking a regular ceremony.

The second is Anna VII, Duchess of Bedford. She started drinking "afternoon tea" that is known in all languages as "five-o-clock". Until then, people did not usually eat or drink anything between lunch and dinner. And one day the queen asked to bring tea with cookies to the boudoir. Tea drinking at that time came in handy and soon became a national tradition.

And the position of tea was strengthened by Queen Victoria, who immediately after the coronation asked for a cup of tea and a fresh issue of “The Times”.



Выступающий 2

Every country has its own tea – drinking habits. When tea was first brought to England people didn’t know how it ought to be used. They boiled the leaves and put them on a piece of bacon, and then ate them. Can you imagine how tasty it was? No? You are welcome to see our drama “Tea Leaves”.


Инсценировка по тексту Tea Leaves (из книги «Read and speak»)


1. Story-teller
2. Woman
3. Her son, a sailor
4. 1st friend
5. 2nd friend
6. 3rd friend


Scene 1.

In the room the old woman is sitting in the arm chair knitting.


Story teller: Once there lived an old woman. She had the only son who was a sailor. He often sailed to India and every time he returned to Britain from a far-away country he brought her something unusual, that she could show to her friends.

The woman’s son appears.

Woman: My dear son, here you are! How are you? I was missing you so badly!

Son: Hello mom. I’m fine, thanks. I’ve brought a nice present for you.

Woman: Oh, how interesting! What is this?

Son: It’s a box of tea. It’s very popular in the East. It is food.

Woman: But I don’t know how to cook it.

Son: Nothing particular. Just put tea leaves into the pot and pour hot water into it. In five minutes it will be ready. Believe me, you’ll enjoy it greatly.

Woman: What a flavouring smell. I’ll invite my friends to try out what it is.

Story-teller: So the old woman cooked tea as her son had told her and invited her friends to taste it.


Scene 2.

In the room the table is laid for dinner.


Friends (coming in): Hello. Glad to see you.

Woman: Oh you are welcome! Please, come in, come in. Feel at ease!

F1: How many things you have cooked!

F2: Roast beef and roast turkey!

F3: And so many salads. They seem to be so delicious.

Woman: Help yourself to tea leaves.

F1: And what’s this? I’ve never seen such food.

F2: I also have never tasted it.

Woman: My son brought it from India yesterday. He said it was very popular in the East. Help yourselves to tea leaves.

F3 (with the face showing unsatisfaction): It’s very tasty, just fantastic.

F1 (putting leaves on a peace of bread): M… m… m… It’s really lovely. The smell is so delicious.

Son (entering the room): Good afternoon to everybody. I’m very pleased to meet you. And where is the tea, mom?

Woman (pointing to the dish): Over there.

Son: Oh, mum. These are only the leaves of the tea. They are not eaten. This is the infused water that is drunk

Woman: And I threw the water away, of course.

Учащиеся кланяются и покидают сцену.



Выступающий 2

Today, tea can be drunk at any time of day. The English like to have a nice cup of tea from 6 to 8 times a day, sometimes even more: at the first breakfast and at lunch, if they want - between breakfast and lunch and during the day, and five o'clock in the evening, of course. Each time of the day corresponds to a certain type of tea. The addiction to different varieties of tea at different times has developed due to the flavor and aroma characteristics and properties of tea. A strong tonic drink is best drunk in the morning such as “English Breakfast” and “Irish Breakfast”. "Daytime" implies a harmonious combination of strength and softness and in the middle of the day the English prefer “English Tea No. 1”. For five o'clock tea “English Afternoon” is suitable. And the soothing aroma of bergamot in “Earl Grey” or “Darjeeling” is good in the evening.


Выступающий 3

The British do not drink tea with lemon, calling it " Russian tea", but "white tea", that is, with milk, they drink a lot and often. First, cream or milk is poured into a cup, and only then - strongly brewed tea. The explanation is simple: two hundred years ago, porcelain was so thin that they were afraid to pour hot tea into it at once.



Выступающий 4

English Breakfast tea traditionally used to be a blend of Chinese teas but these days it is more a blend of Assam, Ceylon, and Kenyan teas. It is a tea that is typically served with a full English breakfast which comprises egg, bacon, sausage, mushroom, tomato, and fried bread. Toast and marmalade is also quite typical. Breakfast tea is robust and full flavored. Breakfast tea is often composed of a variety of tea leaves, resulting in distinctive flavors. Served with different finger sandwiches.



Выступающий 5

Millions of people in factories and offices look forward to their tea breaks in the morning that is called «11s».

Cream tea in British tea culture refers to a pot of tea served with scones, clotted cream, and jam. It does not mean that cream is added to the tea. Traditionally, the jam is strawberry, the cream is thick and dense, and both are piled high on the scone. It takes some time to make and well worth it because an afternoon tea is not complete without it.


Выступающий 6

Afternoon tea was introduced in England by Anna. The Duchess asked that a tray of tea, bread and butter and cake be brought to her room during the late afternoon. This became a habit of hers and she began inviting friends to join her.

High tea, also known as “meat tea” is a full meal. It refers historically to a full dinner eaten by working class families right after returning from work, and by children who ate their dinner early because they were too young to eat with the adults. Some people say the word «high» is in contrast to low tea, based not on quality, but on the height of the tables. High tea was eaten at a high table, low tea at a low table (like a coffee table). High tea table is decorated with different kinds of fruit cakes, Victorian sponge cakes, chocolate cakes, ginger bread and finger biscuits.


Выступающий 7

Do you know how to pour a proper cup of English tea?

Step 1. Boil water.

Step 2. Scald the teapot.

Once the kettle boils, swish some of the water around the empty teapot and tea mugs and then dump it out.

Step 3. Add the tea bag to the empty pot

English tea bags, which are string-free and come in shapes such as pyramids and circles to better allow flavors to flow into the hot water, are settled into an empty pot, and then the boiling water is poured in. The English do not approve of «useless strings» on American tea bags.

Step 4. Let it «rest»

Tea is not ready to pour for at least 3 minutes. But this is your preference really, as to how strong you want to serve your tea. Right before you are ready to pour, lift the top of the tea pot and stir clockwise three times to even the flavors. Do not crush the tea leaves! This will release bitter tastes into your tea.

Step 5. The order of milk

What at first? Tea or milk?

Milk (or if you must, cream) should cover just the bottom of your tea cup or mug before you pour in the tea. If you are skipping the teapot step, scald your mug, add your tea bag, and then the boiling water. Milk will go in last.

Congratulations!!! You now know the secrets of making a «real» cup of tea.



Выступающий 8

While the tea is being brewed, we have some time to remember the rules of etiquette. By the way, “Tea Moralities” belong to the Queen.

The location of the teaspoon on the saucer - only behind the cup, and never - in the cup itself.

Holding a cup in hand it was considered completely unacceptable to raise the little finger. After all, when a guest drinks tea, he should look into the cup, and not over it. You can’t pass your index finger through the ear of the cup. It should be held with three fingers of the right hand: thumb, index and middle.

Also there some rules such as:

·         You must lay sugar in the tea carefully.

·         You must eat the pie with the help of spoon but not hands.

·         You mustn’t tap the spoon for a cup stirring tea.

·         And one more: during drinking tea Englishmen speak only about pleasant things



Выступающий 9

When Englishmen get together for drinking tea on their table you can see a lot of different dishes. For example, jam, biscuits, sweets, fruits, cheese, cakes, and of course an apple pie. It is the main dish of drinking tea.



Выступающий 10

Tea break is a necessary part of etiquette. Its absence at a business meeting is the height of disrespect for the interlocutors. To have tea break during negotiations you will need several varieties of tea. To offer only one variety of tea is impolite.

And now we invite everybody to Tea Drinking. You are welcome!




В книге «Как быть британцем» венгерский журналист Джордж Майкс советовал: «Вы никогда не должны отказываться от чашки чая при следующих обстоятельствах: если на улице жарко; если на улице холодно; если вы устали; если кто-то думает, что вы устали; если вам не по себе; <…> прежде чем выйти из дома; если вы не дома; если вы только что пришли домой; если вам хочется чайку; если вам не очень хочется чайку, но вы могли бы; если вы уже давно не пили чая; если вы только что перехватили чашечку».








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