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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "Имя ана Аллее Героев"

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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку,  посвященного подвигу уроженцев г.Уварово и Уваровского района



«The Name From the Hero Alley»






















Классы 7 – 11






Автор: Курникова Лидия Николаевна,

 учитель английского языка


МБОУ лицей г. Уварово им. А.И.Данилова







Ø Обучающая – углубление знаний учащихся по истории своего родного края; развитие речевой компетенции учащихся за счет расширения лексики по теме, не входящей в школьные учебники.


Ø Воспитывающая – формирование у подростков чувства патриотизма, гордости и ответственности за судьбу своей Родины.


Ø Развивающая – развитие у учащихся навыков перевода с русского на английский, обучения их работе с различными источниками, овладение методами анализа, сравнения, определения особенностей двух языков при их интерпретации.



Ø воспитание уважения к участникам Великой Отечественной войны;

Ø приобщение подростков к краеведческой работе;

Ø раскрытие героического прошлого нашей страны с помощью художественных средств воздействия.


Художественное оформление кабинета:


§  Плакаты «Победа!», «Окна ТАСС», газета «Наша гордость и слава», карты начала и завершения Великой Отечественной войны.

§  Портреты Героев Советского Союза – наших земляков.

§  Гвоздики.



§  Экран;

§  2 ноутбука;

§  Проектор;



1. Дьячков Л.Г. Наша гордость и слава. Центрально-Черноземное книжное издательство, Воронеж, 1968

2. Дьячков Л.Г. Тамбовцы – Герои Советского Союза. Центрально-Черноземное книжное издательство, Воронеж, 1969

3. «Speak Out». ГЛОССА-ПРЕСС, 2/2005

4. Иностранные языки в школе. 5/1975

6. Венок Славы.  «Современник», М., 1987, тома 1, 3, 5, 12

7. Книга Памяти. Том 9. Тамбов, 1996

8. http://doc4web.ru/literatura/konspekt-uroka-po-literature-moskva-kak-mnogo-v-etom-zvuke-klass.html

9. http://images.yandex.ru

10. http://ru.wikipedia

11. http://www.warheroes.ru



















Hello, dear friends! Welcome to our party.

A few days ago we celebrated a remarkable holiday – defender’s Day. It is closely connected with the history of our army and its brightest page – the Great patriotic War.

Pupil 1:

It was for the Soviet Army to save all humanity from the Nazi fascist invaders. Its great achievements were the stone key in the victory over Hitlerism.

Pupil 2:

There has never been a military conflict like the Great Patriotic War. Not only because it was the most destructive of all wars and of great number of victims in it. But mainly because there were no so many heroes and so many brave actions as in the war against fascist Germany.


Стихи «…Нацелены к звездам»


Презентация «Victory Park»


Презентация «And the whole century we’ll meet them from the war…»


Стихи «Откройте люки настежь»



Slide 2

   Iliya Elizarovich Barmin was born in 1916 in the village of Repnoe During the Great Patriotic War he was a tanker.

   He met fascists on the western border. Near Smolensk Barmin was wounded. By the beginning of Moscow battle he had destroyed ten enemy tanks.

Slide 3

   In the beginning of November Barmin Iliya Elizarovich and his comrades defended one of the sectors of the front line. They were near the village of Gorodishche on the Volokolamsk highway.

   A big column of about 80 fascist tanks and armoured carries ran towards our positions. The first to begin firing was Iliya Barmin. At that moment the advanced tanks were only at a distance of 400 metres from him.

Slide 4

   Three tanks blazed up like torches. At the same time Barmin’s comrades-in-arms also began firing and destroyed a few tanks in the tail-end of the column.

    In spite of superior numbers fascists were entrapped: they could move neither forward nor backward.

Slide 5

    In that fight Barmin burnt 11 fascist tanks. On April 12, 1942 Iliya Elizarovich Barmin was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Slide 6

    Our victory came but unfortunately he didn’t see its happy day. Iliya Barmin perished in one of the fights in 1943.


Стихи «На нашу долю выпал трудный век»



Slide 7

   Popov Andrey Ivanovich was born in 1923 in the village of Chuevo-Alabushka. In 1938 the family left for Lyzlovo, the village in the Moscow region. In 1940 he became a trainee of the air-club in Noginsk; then he was sent to the flying school in Kachinsk.

   He was there when the Great Patriotic war began. The school was evacuated to the Saratov region.

Slide 8

    In August 1942 Andrei became a pilot of air regiment 653, the regiment of fighter planes. He fought at the Kalinin, North-Western and Bryansk fronts.

    Soon he became a commander of a flight of three planes.

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   By February 1944 he had made 126 war flight, taken part in 40 air fights, shot down 18 fascist planes. On April 13, 1944 Andrei Ivanovich Popov was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

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     On the eve of the Byelorussian offensive he was sent to find out the situation near Minsk. He flew but didn’t return to the base. In the regimental documents we can read, “He was missing on the 23d of June, 1944.”


Стихи «Был на вид он совсем неприметным»



Slide 11

    Our country-man Ivan Ivanovich Osipov served in the 91st field engineer battalion. He was a lieutenant, a commander of a platoon.

     He was born in Uvarovo in 1924. When the war began he went to the Red Army as a volunteer. It was in 1942. At first he had to finish a military engineering school. Since 1943 he had been at the front. In summer 1943 the sappers had to rebuild roads and river crossing.

Slide 12

   At the end of September,1943 Osipov got an order to head the group of sappers and build a ferry over the Dnieper. Under continuous fire the sappers began building rafts and preparing rubber boats.

Slide 13

     Lieutenant Osipov had always been in the most dangerous places.

     A few shells straddled the centre of the ferry and a shell-splinter stroke down the young lieutenant. Near the ferry, on the bank of the Dnieper the sappers buried his commander.

Slide 14

For heroic deed Ivan Ivanovich Osipov was posthumously awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union on June 3, 1944.


Песня «Вспомните, ребята»



“Wait for me and I’ll come back…”

This poem is probably one of the most famous war poems ever written. It was created at the worst period of the war, in 1941


Poem “Wait for me and I’ll come back…


Презентация «To Spite All the Deaths»


Стихи «Смерть уносит друзей»



Slide 2

    Boldyrev Alexander Ivanovich was born in the village of Chuevo-Podgornoe in 1923. In 1942 he went to the Red Army and served in Guards heavy Self-propelled Ordnance Regiment 347. He was known to be one of the best mechanic-drivers of a heavy self-propelled artillery mounting.

     Many times he looked death in the face helping his comrades.

Slide 3

  On April 21, 1945 in Berlineralley a self-propelled mounting was fired at the crossroads. The driver was killed and the rest of the crew were shell-shocked. What could be done to save the armoured vehicle?

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  Boldyrev took his overall off and made up a scarecrow. Our soldiers from the trench on the opposite side of the crossroads put out another one. Germans immediately opened fire at it with their submachine-guns.

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   At that moment Boldyrev rushed to the vehicle, jumped into the hatch, shut the lid and turned on the engine. Germans didn’t understand what had happened. In a second the armoured vehicle ran towards our trenches and Hitlerites could do nothing.

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   During the last fights in the district Sharlottenburg the crew of the self-propelled mounting destroyed a tank ”tiger”, six ordnance, 20 spots of Germans with fired rocket missiles, 7 spots of machine-gunners and about 70 enemy soldiers and officers.

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   For his bravery and courage on May 31, 1945 Alexander Ivanovich Boldyrev was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

   After the war he graduated from the Military Academy and served in the Soviet Army.

Slide 8

    After the war he graduated from the Military Academy and served in the Soviet Army.


Стихи «Утро взорвано грохотом грузных моторов»



Slide 9

   Ivan Alexandrovich Kuznetsov became a fighter-pilot during the Great Patriotic War. His birthplace was the village of Repnoe. After finishing school he entered the agricultural secondary school in Chakino, but in two years he was sent to a flying school in Kachinsk.

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   It was the fifth day of the war when he shot down his first “messershmitt”.

   One day “Focke-Wolf-189” planes tried to bomb advanced troops of the Soviet Army. But Ivan Kuznetsov and his comrades prevented them from doing it. There were only four Soviet planes but after that engagement five fascist fighter planes burnt on the ground.

Slide 11

    The Orel and Kursk Bulge, the Vistula, the Order, Berlin…These are the places where Tambov pilot fought. During the war Ivan Alexandrovich Kuznetsov made 219 combat flights, took part in 59 air fights, shot down 10 enemy planes himself and one plane together with his comrades.

Slide 12

   For his bravery and heroism Ivan Alexandrovich Kuznetsov was awarded the Gold Star Medal, two Orders of Lenin, three Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of the Patriotic War of the Second Class, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, two Orders of the Red Star.

Slide 13

    After the war Ivan Alexandrovich Kuznetsov had served in the Soviet Army for a long time.


Стихи «Нам еще по ночам снятся грозные дни»



Slide 14

   Philip Petrovich Bukhnin’s biography is rather common. He was born in 1922 in the village of Podgornoe; then he studied at school there. In 1940 he was called the Red Army. In the Great Patriotic War he was a pilot of assault aircraft

Slide 15

   On smashing German troops of the Orel group on the sector of the front Mtsensk – Bolkhov Bukhnin’s crew took part in 14 air fights. Soviet pilots destroyed railways, highways for fascists to prevent troop-carrying.

Slide 16

    From October 1943 to February 1944 Bukhnin’s crew were participating in engagements to rout Nevelsk group of enemy. Then they took part in the rout of encircled Hitlerites in Bobruisk. Pilots of the regiment got gratitude of Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

Slide 17

   Bukhnin especially excelled in fights on surrounding and smashing the Gdynia-Dantsig group of enemy troops and fascist ships at the port of Gdynia.

    The crew took part in 20 air fights. Overcoming dense-aircraft fire from the sea and the land his group succeeded in destroying 2barges, 3 tanks, 18 cars.

Slide 18

    Bukhnin Philip Petrovich made 115 operational flights. He was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of the Patriotic War of the First Class, two Orders of the Red Star and some medals.

    On August 18, 1945 he was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the Gold Star Medal and the Order of Lenin.


Стихи «Нет, не до седин, не до славы»



Slide 19

    Konchakov Nikolai Stepanovich was born in 1912 in the village of Chuevo-Alabushka. During the Great Patriotic War  Konchakov was a submachine-gunner in the 75th infantry regiment.

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    On September 27, 1943 he was one of the first who crossed the Dnieper and fought on the bridgehead. He annihilated 12 Hitlerites…Konchakov was followed by the rest of the sub-unit.

Slide 21

   The enemies found the place of the crossing and began drawing the reserves supposing it was a large group.

    Fascist tanks and self-propelled mountings pressed up our fighters but they couldn’t break their resistance. A fierce fight started.

Slide 22

    At that moment the commander of the Soviet sub-unit became casualty. Nikolai Stepanovich Konchakov took command on himself and began firing with his submachine-gun on the enemy infantry. Inspired by their commander’s example the soldiers of his sub-unit succeeded in keeping their position until the main forces came.

Slide 23

Nikolai Stepanovich Konchakov made a few of such deeds. As a result on February 2, 1944 he was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. After the war Konchakov Nikolai Stepanovich came back and lived in his native village.



Стихи «И если сердце встретит пулю вражью…»



Slide 24

    Nechaev Ivan Pavlovich was born in 1925 in Uvarovo. He had hardly been 18 years old when he, together with his friends, went to the Red Army. It was in1942. After graduating from the artillery school he turn out at the front.

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   Nechaev especially excelled in the battle for Sevastopol in the spring of 1944. He was a commander of a gun detachment and one of those artillerymen who were the first to force a crossing over the cold waters of the Sivash.

Slide 26

    The regiment was preparing to take part in storming Sevastopol. One night artillerymen of Nechaev’s gun detachment rolled their gun nearly close to the German trenches.

    It was on the slope of the famous eminence 256.2 called “Sakharnaya golovka”. Up to the dawn the soldiers were carrying shells in their hands crawling 200 metres there and back.

Slide 27

    As soon as the sun began rising the gun, hidden behind the stone rock, suddenly fired upon the enemy machine-guns.

    And in two hours the Red Banner flew on the top of the eminence '‘Sakharnaya golovka". Then our troops took another eminence “Sapun Mountain”.

Slide 26

    For heroic deed during the liberation of Sevastopol the junior sergeant-gun layer Nechaev Ivan Pavlovich was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.


Стихи «Нет в России ни дома, ни хаты…»


Song Say, do the Russians want a war?


Eight men, eight fates… The eight people from 8,281 our country-men who joined the Red Army and fought heroically at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. 5,317 of them didn’t come back: they perished. Their names are listed in this book, “The Book of Memory”.

I want you to remember those who gave their lives for our present and our future.


Glory them, dead and alive!









…Нацелены к звездам,

Как будто ракеты,

Молчат обелиски

На русском раздолье.

Без них бы

Не видеть нам

Белого света,

И счастья не знать

И не видеть бы воли.

Владимир Кулагин


Откройте люки настежь –

пусть пока в наш дом стальной

ворвется свежий воздух:

нам, может, в этом танке жить века,

на пьедестале

поднимаясь к звездам.

Анатолий Аквилов


Был на вид

          он совсем

                        неприметным –


                 простой паренек.

И на форме

               защитного цвета

он носил

               комсомольский значок.

Стал героем,

               о том не мечтая,


              простой паренек.

И сверкает Звезда золотая,

и горит

              комсомольский значок.

Петр Градов


Смерть уносит друзей,

Приближая войны окончанье.

По немецкой земле

Наше войско с боями идет.

Нынче ты не вернулся,

Завтра я не вернулся с заданья,

Но другие ребята

Упрямо уходят вперед.

Сергей Баруздин


Утро взорвано грохотом грузных моторов,

В небо с гордостью смотрит гвардеец-солдат.

В громовой вышине

Над оглохшим простором

Строгим сомкнутым строем

Самолеты летят.

                                                    Владимир Савицкий


Нам еще по ночам

Снятся грозные сны:

Мы когда-то вернулись

С великой войны.

Это было,

Как сказано выше,


Но и нынче в душе –

Мы, как прежде, солдаты.

В. Марьинский


Нет, не до седин, не до славы

Я век свой хотел бы продлить,

Мне б только

До той вон канавы


Полшага прожить;

…Мне б только

Вот эту гранату,

Злорадно поставив на взвод…

Всадить ее,

Врезать, как надо,

В четырежды проклятый дзот.

Чтоб стало в нем пусто и тихо,

Чтоб пылью осел он в траву!

…Прожить бы мне эти полмига,

А там я сто лет проживу!

Павел Шубин


И если сердце встретит пулю вражью,

И упаду вперед я, как бежал,

Уж вы меня простите,

да, простите, что не пришел и слова

                                      не сдержал.

Мирза Головани


Нет в России ни дома, ни хаты,

Где б не глянул на вас со стены

Молодыми глазами солдата

Окрыляющий подвиг войны.

В окантовках из белой бумаги

Оживают простенки избы –

Фотовыставки русской отваги

Третьяковки народной судьбы.

В. Кочетков

to Valentina Serova

Wait for me, and I'll come back!
Wait with all you've got!
Wait, when dreary yellow rains
Tell you, you should not.
Wait when snow is falling fast,
Wait when summer's hot,
Wait when yesterdays are past,
Others are forgot.
Wait, when from that far-off place,
Letters don't arrive.
Wait, when those with whom you wait
Doubt if I'm alive.



Wait for me, and I'll come back!
Wait in patience yet
When they tell you off by heart
That you should forget.
Even when my dearest ones
Say that I am lost,
Even when my friends give up,
Sit and count the cost,
Drink a glass of bitter wine
To the fallen friend -
Wait! And do not drink with them!
Wait until the end!


                                   Wait for me and I'll come back,
                                   Dodging every fate!
                                   "What a bit of luck!" they'll say,
                                   Those that would not  wait.
                                   They will never understand
                                   How amidst the strife,
                                   By your waiting for me, dear,
                                   You had saved my life.
                                   Only you and I will know
                                   How you got me through.
                                   Simply - you knew how to wait -
                                   No one else but you.

                                                                     Konstantin Simonov


Музыка и слова В.Берковского

И когда над ними грянул смертный гром
Нам судьба иное начертала
Нам не призывному нам не выпускному
Воинству окрестного квартала

Сирые метели след позамели
Все календари пооблетели
Годы нашей жизни как составы пролетели
Как же мы давно осиротели

Вспомните ребята вспомните ребята
Разве это выразить словами
Как они стояли у военкомата
С бритыми навечно головами

Вспомним их сегодня всех до одного
Вымостивших страшную дорогу
Скоро кроме нас уже не будет никого
Кто вместе с ними слушал первую тревогу

И когда над ними грянул смертный гром
Струнами районного оркестра
Мы глотали звуки ярости и муки
Чтоб хотя бы музыка воскресла

Вспомните ребята вспомните ребята
Это только мы видали с вами
Как они шагали от военкомата
С бритыми навечно головами

И когда над ними грянул смертный гром
Струнами районного оркестра
Мы глотали звуки ярости и муки
Чтоб хотя бы музыка воскресла

Вспомните ребята вспомните ребята
Это только мы видали с вами
Как они шагали от военкомата
С бритыми навечно головами



Words by Ye. Yevtushenko

Music by E.Kolmanovsky

1. Say, do the Russians want a war?
Go ask our land, then ask once more
That silence ling’ring in the air
Above the birch and poplar fair.
Beneath those trees lie soldier lads
Whose sons will answer for their dads
To add to what you learnt before,
Say, do the Russians want,
Say, do the Russians want,
Say, do the Russians want a war?

2. Хотят ли русские войны?
Спросите вы у тишины
Над ширью пашен и полей
И у берёз и тополей.
Спросите вы у тех солдат,
Что под берёзами лежат,
И вам ответят их сыны,
Хотят ли русские,
Хотят ли русские,
Хотят ли русские войны!

3. Those soldiers died on every hand
Not only for their own dear land,
But so the world at night could sleep
And never have to wake and weep.
Go ask the soldiers from the ranks,
The lads you hugged on Elbe’s banks,

And who remember all they saw,
Say, do the Russians want,
Say, do the Russians want,
Say, do the Russians want a war?





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