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"Сценарный план Урока Houses in Britain"

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“Types of Houses in Britain”


Алмаева Наталья Александровна

Учитель английского и немецкого языков

МОУ СОШ № 3 г. Хвалынск

Саратовская область



Сценарный план урока


British Houses




I am going to present a topic-based lesson plan “Types of Houses in Britain”. I think that this approach gives a clearer picture of what is to be taught and it is easier for the teacher to organize the language goals around this topic.


Age group


Grade 6



The lesson is designed for the sixth grade. Students need to know vocabulary on the theme “Houses in Britain”, how to use ‘Present simple’, ‘Present Perfect’, ‘Passive Voice” and should have good speaking, listening and writing skills.

■The students watch the video “Different types of Houses in Britain” to introduce the topic “British houses”.

■Then the teacher brainstorms the students to organize the vocabulary they know around the topic.



The lesson is divided in a series of activities to help students to discuss ‘different types of houses in Britain.

To prepare them for the reading exercises, they will brainstorm vocabulary about ‘British houses.

The main focus of the lesson is a text based on interesting information indicating that there are different types of Houses in Britain. After students will complete A3 filling in the gaps.

Students will be asked questions relating to their comprehension of the text, and their opinions towards ideas in the text. They have the opportunity to describe ‘the House of your Dream’.


Learner Reaction:

Students are fond of the activities because it appealed to their creativity and imagination. Learners practice the target vocabulary and improve the four skills, focus on the communication skills.






5 min




Teacher: ‘Look at the map. It is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain is the largest island of the British Isles. It is divided into three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. London is the capital of the UK. It stands on the Thames. I’d like you to recognize the lesson theme. Let’s watch the video and guess what it will be about?’


Teacher: “Have you got any ideas?” You are right!

We’ll speak about ‘Types of Houses in Britain’.

I think you will be friendly and helpful. And I hope the results will be excellent. You should be very attentive today and at the end of the lesson you will do the British Houses Quiz.


8 min


Lead in

Teacher:  Listen to the limerick and read it:

‘There once was a guy named Matt

Who had a very large cat.

When it chased the mouse

It shook the whole house

So Matt got rid of the cat.’


Teacher:  Let’s match the names of  houses with the pictures:



Worksheet # 1

A detached house

A bungalow

A cottage

A mansion

A semi-detached house

A terraced house

A block of flats


Teacher: It was nice!’

Task: ‘Make up your own dialogues and perform them to the class.’

Worksheet # 2

P1.: Would you like to visit Britain?

Yes, I would. / No, I wouldn’t.

P2.: What kind of house would you like to live in?

I’d like to live in . . . (a detached house/a semi-detached house/a flat/ a terraced house).

 And what about you?

P1.: I’d like to live in . . .there.

8 min


Teacher: ‘You are nice! Now watch the video “Houses in the UK” and choose the correct word.’






1. A lot of people ih the UK live in houses/cottages, not flats.

2. A detached house usually has two/three floors.

3. Downstairs there is a living room, a dining room and a hall/kitchen.

4. Upstairs there are living rooms/bedrooms and a bathroom. 

5. Gardens are usually big/small with not many things.

6. In the UK semis are the most/least common type of housing.

7. Terraced houses and the blocks of flats are in the town/city centre.

8. Terraced houses form a row/circle.

9. However, in London flats are cheap/expensive.

10. Flats are popular/not popular in the UK.


1 min



Teacher:’ I see that you are tired. Will you stand up? Let’s remember our poem about London and do exercises.’

Up, down, up, down,

Which is the way

To London town?

Where? Where?

Up in the air,

Close your eyes –

And you are there!


5 min






8 min

Controlled practice








Teacher: ‘Excellent! Now read the texts about ‘Types of Houses in Britain. Page 25, ex.7.’

Students practise the target language and focus on grammatical accuracy and pronunciation.



Task: ‘Say which house in Britain these expressions can describe.’ Match the pictures with the cards.


Students work in groups and then one of each group should present the British house.

a detached House

a Block

of Flats

a semi-detached House

a terraced House



Card # 1

1.     … is a house which is not joined to another house.

2.     This house can take any form or style.

3.     It can be a small house in the country, a very large house or a house that is all on ground level.

4.     This is the most expensive type of house.



Card # 2

1.     … is a house which is joined to another house on one side.

2.     The two … are built to mirror each other.

3.     This type of housing became popular in the 20th century.

4.     It is still the most popular housing in England.



Card # 3

1.     … is a house which is part of a long row of houses.

2.     This housing is also known as townhouses.

3.     It is cheaper than a semi-detached house.

4.     There is no yard or a garden that comes with the house.



Card # 4

1.     … is a living area that takes only a part of a building.

2.     It is called an apartment block.

3.     It usually consists of several apartments for rent.

4.     It can be a unit, a one/two/three-bedroom unit.


4 min

Free practice



Task: You should match the names of houses with the definitions (one per person).



3 min

Lesson Feedback

The students should say if they liked or disliked what they did and what they think they learned from each activity.


3 min


Teacher: I think you have worked at the lesson very well. Your hometask is to do the crossword puzzle.

















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