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Словарный диктант по теме " Pastimes" Spotlight 9

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Whizzed down, opposing team, inflatable balls, general idea, spectator sport, bizarre activity, bounce around, slide, originated, addicted, entrants

1.       Ice hockey is a very……….  .

2.       Sam is ……… to underwater hockey and joined a local team.

3.       Tom ……… the hill on his snowboard.

4.       The children spent their free time in the pool playing with the …….. .

5.       The local team beat the …….. and got the prize.

6.       There were over 100….. in the writing exam.

7.       The teacher gave the students a ………. of what to revise for tests.

8.       Zorbing is a ……….

9.       You are in the plastic ball, you …….as if you are weightless.

10.    Main rules of playing golf are to ….. the ball into the small whole.

11.    Underwater hockey …….in Britain.

Whizzed down, opposing team, inflatable….. ball, general idea, spectator sport, bizarre activity, bounce around, strap, originated, addicted, competitors

1.       My friend is……to sandboarding for the past 7 years.

2.       The ……..of zorbing is rolling down a steep hill.

3.       Football is a very……… .

4.       People simply ……. a board to their feet and slide down a hill.

5.       A zorb is a large …… plastic ……

6.       They beat  the ……..and won the competition.

7.       I think paragliding is a ………. .

8.       Sam’s mum told him not to….. on the bed.

9.       There were over …….. in the International Basketball Championship in Germany.

10.    Sue ……. the hill on her sandboard.

11.    Zorbing…… in New Zealand and now it’s all around the world.


Whizzed down, opposing team, inflatable balls, general idea, spectator sport, bizarre activity, bounce around, slide, originated, addicted, entrants

1.       Ice hockey is a very……….  .

2.       Sam is ……… to underwater hockey and joined a local team.

3.       Tom ……… the hill on his snowboard.

4.       The children spent their free time in the pool playing with the …….. .

5.       The local team beat the …….. and got the prize.

6.       There were over 100….. in the writing exam.

7.       The teacher gave the students a ………. of what to revise for tests.

8.       Zorbing is a ……….

9.       You are in the plastic ball, you …….as if you are weightless.

10.    Main rules of playing golf are to ….. the ball into the small whole.

11.    Underwater hockey …….in Britain.

Whizzed down, opposing team, inflatable….. ball, general idea, spectator sport, bizarre activity, bounce around, strap, originated, addicted, competitors

1.       My friend is……to sandboarding for the past 7 years.

2.       The ……..of zorbing is rolling down a steep hill.

3.       Football is a very……… .

4.       People simply ……. a board to their feet and slide down a hill.

5.        A zorb is a large …… plastic ……

6.       They beat  the ……..and won the competition.

7.       I think paragliding is a ………. .

8.       Sam’s mum told him not to….. on the bed.

9.       There were over …….. in the International Basketball Championship in Germany.

10.    Sue ……. the hill on her sandboard.

11.    Zorbing…… in New Zealand and now it’s all around the world.


Whizzed down, opposing team, inflatable balls, general idea, spectator sport, bizarre activity, bounce around, slide, originated, addicted, entrants

1.       Ice hockey is a very……….  .

2.       Sam is ……… to underwater hockey and joined a local team.

3.       Tom ……… the hill on his snowboard.

4.       The children spent their free time in the pool playing with the …….. .

5.       The local team beat the …….. and got the prize.

6.       There were over 100….. in the writing exam.

7.       The teacher gave the students a ………. of what to revise for tests.

8.       Zorbing is a ……….

9.       You are in the plastic ball, you …….as if you are weightless.

10.    Main rules of playing golf are to ….. the ball into the small whole.

11.    Underwater hockey …….in Britain.


Whizzed down, opposing team, inflatable….. ball, general idea, spectator sport, bizarre activity, bounce around, strap, originated, addicted, competitors

1.       My friend is……to sandboarding for the past 7 years.

2.       The ……..of zorbing is rolling down a steep hill.

3.       Football is a very……… .

4.       People simply ……. a board to their feet and slide down a hill.

5.        A zorb is a large …… plastic ……

6.       They beat  the ……..and won the competition.

7.       I think paragliding is a ………. .

8.       Sam’s mum told him not to….. on the bed.

9.       There were over …….. in the International Basketball Championship in Germany.

10.    Sue ……. the hill on her sandboard.

11.    Zorbing…… in New Zealand and now it’s all around the world.



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