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Материал по теме: Мой вид спорта-дзюдо (8 класс)

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Мой вид спорта.  Дзюдо.




1. Discussion club.                                                                              


1. Do you know any famous judokas?

2. What is it “the weight category”?

3. What medals do the wrestlers get?

4. What is the motto of the Olympic Games?






2.Vocabulary. Learn new words and expressions!


self-defense - самооборона

martial arts – боевые искусства

level  - уровень, ступень

the special mark – отличительная черта

longstanding  -  давний

experienced  -  опытный

daring  -  отважный

tenacious – цепкий, крепкий

humble – скромный, простой

represent  - представлять

a compulsory subject – обязательный предмет

host  -  принимающая сторона, принимать

athlete  -  спортсмен


3. Read  and translate the text.




People of all ages are interested in judo. It has become a popular kind of sport. It is popular with youngsters and adults.

Jigoro Kano  (1860-1938) is a creator of judo. It is a system of self-defense, a new type of wrestling which means “the gentle way”. Kano wanted judo to be a “martial art for the physical training and general education of young people, a philosophy, and the art of everyday life”.

Kano decided to rank athletes according to their skills, that is: six young levels “kyu” and ten master levels “dan”. A belt of a different colour became the special mark for each level; white (lower level), followed by yellow, orange, green, blue, brown and finally, BLACK.   


Judo preserves longstanding, old traditions. An experienced judoka or  a beginner  should be daring, hard-working, humble and respectful to others. Jigoro Kano represented judo as a way to developing a balanced and clever personality. He also believed that judo was not simply another martial arts but a philosophy for daily life. Every person finds his or her place in judo.


In 1882 the Kodokan Judo Institute was opened in Tokyo. There this new system was developed and coaches were actively trained. They tried to spread the art across the country. Then, on Jigoro Kano’s initiative, judo became a compulsory subject in all schools everywhere in Japan. In 1889 Kano began teaching in Europe. The first school was opened in France. Soon after that judo appeared in the UK and the USA.

The International Judo Federation (IJF) was founded in 1951. Tokyo hosted the First World Championship in 1956. There were 31 athletes from 21 countries.


4. These are the famous words!   Can you translate them into English?  Try.



5. Finish the following phrases:


                    Judo is ….

                    Jigoro  Kano is …      

                    Kodokan  Judo  Institute  …….


6. Answer the questions:

  1. Who is the creator of judo?
  2. What does it mean “dan”?
  3. What belt does the best wrestler have?
  4. What character must the athletes have?
  5. Judo spread throughout the world, didn’t it?


7.Match  the synonyms:


a) founder


b) a master level


c) sportsmen

4. dan

d) modest


e) judoka

6. courageous

f) evolve


g) brave


h) ability

  8. Decide if  the sentences are true (T)  or  false (F):


  1. The International Judo Federation (IJF) was founded in summer 1952.     T/F
  2. Kano ranked athletes according to their ages, in six student levels (kyu) and ten masters levels (dan)    T/F
  3. The Kodokan Judo Institute was opened in Tokyo in 1888.    T/F
  4. In 1889 Kano began teaching in Europe personally opening the first school in the USA. T/F
  5. The first  judo  school  was  opened  in France.    T/F


9.Make up the sentences, using these words:


a)      in Athens, one gold, medals, won, one silver, and, Russians, six, Games, at the 2004, four bronze.

b)     Paralympic Games, first, programme, at the 1988, included, was, Judo, in the.

c)      city, the, become, reality, Olympic, has, dream, of, wonderful, the, a.



10. Surf the Internet. Find the biography of any famous judoka. Be ready to tell the classmates.


    • Name/ famous for
    • Early years
    • Personality
    • Later years
    • Interests, hobbies, achievements
    • Your comments and feelings



11. Judo vocabulary:


belt –  пояс              

bow -  приветствие - поклон

caution –   предупреждение

chokelock – удушающий приём    necklock  – удушающий приём

                  to apply a chokelock  –  применять удушающий приём

                  to escape a chokelock  – избегать удушающий приём

classificationразряд,      disqualification дисквалификация

contestсхватка               preliminaryпредварительная схватка     

defeat  – поражение

defence (defense AE)- защита                  selfdefence  (self defense AE)- самозащита

*   AE –American English

draw -  ничья

drop – бросок, ронять

fall – падение, падать

final fightфинальная схватка    (judo final fight)

grip – захват                sleeve grip – захват за рукав

hold –  захват              to take a hold брать захват

dislocation hold –  болевой приём


International Judo  Federation -  Международная Федерация Дзюдо ( IJF)

jacket – кимоно

judge боковой судья  ( side judge)       referee - судья

judoka,  judo wrestlerдзюдоист

judo trousersбрюки «дзюбон»



lapel – отворот куртки

note - замечание

technique - техника            locking technique –  техника болевых приёмов

              favourite technique  –  коронный приём         holding technique - техника захватов

throw - бросок                    counter throw – ответный бросок

time-keeper - секундометрист

tripping - подножка

victory, win - победа                  victory on pointsпобеда по очкам

    clear victory, complete victory, ipponчистая победа, полная победа

warning предупреждение

waza-ari (almost ippon) – вазари (почти чистая победа)

weight category –  весовая категория

weight-in -  взвешивание

yuko (almost waza-ari)юко (почти вазари)



Referee’s  words:


Start!             Начинайте!                             Dont move!   Не двигаться!

Carry on!      Продолжайте!                        That’s all!       Время схватки!

Give up!        Сдаюсь!                                   Decision!        Решение!

Hold is on!    Удержаниe!                 Hold-on time is up!   Время удержания истекло!



12. Think up phrases or sentences (1-10) with these new words.


13.  Imagine that you and your friend (a judo wrestler) are watching  the competition. Make up a dialogue using these questions:


1.      How many weight categories are represented in this competition?

2.      Who is wrestling?

3.      When and where is the weight-in to be held?

4.      When do the preliminaries begin?

5.      Who is leading?

6.      The judoka has scored waza-ari because his opponent got a warning, hasn’t he?

7.      Has he won on points? Has he scored a clear win?

8.      When do the final matches begin?

9.      Who is wrestling in the finals?

10.   How many points has he scored?

11.   Has the referee declared ippon?


14. Use a dictionary to help you choose the odd word which doesn’t fit in each of the sentence (1-5).  Add one more word to each group.

  1. You know something is wrong with my back/ knee/ collarbone/hair.
  2. Oh no, I’ve sprained my waist/ ankle/ wrist/ back.
  3. He broke his toe/ arm/ leg/ muscle  yesterday.
  4. Oleg tripped over the tatami and badly hurt his knee/ shin/ arm/ muscle.
  5. Helen’s got a swollen lip/ head/ ankle/foot.


15.  Speaking.    In groups of three take the roles of an interviewer, a coach and  a judoka (a champion). Prepare questions and answers for a radio interview.

Record your interview and play it to the class.



16.  THINK!  Words of  Wisdom!   Do you agree with this statement?



“A man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose the sight of the shore”.

                                                                                                       (Andre Gide,  French writer)


17. Replace the words in bold with the words/phrases below to make sentences using hyperbole:

·         A ton

·         ages

·         his heart was in his mouth

1.      The judo wrestler was very afraid before the championship.

2.      This judoka weighs a lot.

3.      We haven’t seen our coach for a long time.



18. Work in pairs. Look at the picture and say what you think it shows. Describe it.                    

Write down the name of this famous person.







19. Grammar.        Present Perfect Continuous ( has/ have been Ving). 

We use this tense when we want to emphasize the fact that a recent event continued to happen for some time.  e.g. ( I have been eating more fruit and vegetables since August.)

Временная форма используется для выражения действия, которое началось в прошлом и в момент говорения ещё находится в развитии.


Put the verbs into the correct form:


1. I _______________   (do)  aerobics for three months.

2. She _____________   (eat)  only low-fat food since September.

3. Peter ____________   (not  smoke)  for a year.

4. My friend _______________   ( try) to exercise more since March.

5. They _________________ ( diet) for a week.




Imagine you are a judo wrestler. Write a paragraph describing what happened and how you felt during your first training (80-100 words).







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