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Спотлайт 6 класс. Тесты

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Module 2

6th form


1.     Use the words from the frame to fill in the sentences.

fridge          bed             washbasin            armchairs             sofa            wardrobe

1) There is a ___ in the hall.

2) There is a ___ in the kitchen.

3) There is a ___in the bathroom.

4) There are ___ and a ___ in the living room.

5) There is a ___ in the bedroom.


2.     Fill in the prepositions of time in the following sentences (AT, ON, IN).

1. He goes to bed ___ 9 o’clock.

2. Jane’s birthday is ___ May.

3. My mum wakes up ___ 7 o’clock ___ the morning.

4. His friends play football ___ Fridays.

5. I visit my granny ___ the weekends.


3.     Choose the correct word.

1. There is a/any wardrobe in the bedroom.

2. There is a/any fireplace in the living room.

3. There aren’t some/any paintings on the walls.

4. There aren’t any/a chairs in the dining room.

5. There is a/some/an armchair opposite the fireplace.


4.     Fill in the prepositions of place in the following sentences.

under                   next to                  in front of                      in                between

1. Where is the cat? – It’s ___ the table.

2. Mike sits ___ the computer all day long.

3. I will put the flowers ___ the vase.

4. Jess sits ___ Peter in class. They are good friends.

5. Our house is ___ the park and the post office.


5.     Match the questions with the answers.

1. Whose birthday is in winter?                            A. Today is the 9th of March.

2. What’s your favourite day of the week?            B. It’s on the 12th of June.

3. When is your birthday?                                    C. It’s Jack’s.

4. How old are you?                                             D. It’s a quarter to nine.

5. What’s the date today?                                     E. It’s Saturday!

6. What time is it?                                                F. I am 12.


6.     Write the same in letters.

12.00                    2nd Apr                          4th Oct

1st Jan                          3.45                               1.20

5.15                      3rd Sept                          6th Nov


7.     Read the e-mail and mark the sentences as T (true) or F (false).


From: Andy

To: Darren

Subject: My new neighbourhood!


Hi, Darren!

         How are you? My neighbourhood is great! There are lots of shops and cafes around. I even have a sports shop right opposite my house! My mum is very happy because there is a supermarket, a shopping centre and a chemist’s on our street. There is also a library next to the supermarket. I go there to read books on Sundays.

         It’s really nice here. Why don’t you come and stay with me during the autumn holidays?





1. The e-mail is from Darren.                               ____

2. Andy likes his new neighbourhood.                  ____

3. There aren’t any shops.                                    ____

4. There is a sports shop near his house.                ____

5. There isn’t a chemist’s.                                    ____

6. Darren can stay at Andy’s new house.               ____



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Module 3

6th form


1. Match the words.


1) traffic               A lanes                 6) seat                  F crossing

2) parking            B limit                  7) bike                  G warden

3) yellow              C sign                  8) speed               H car driver

4) zebra                D lines                 9) traffic               I helmet

5) racing               E zone                  10) bicycle            J belt


2. Fill in the correct word.


watch                            road                    plane                   boat            bike            car              lights           left              handgrips                      kerb

1. This man is a pilot. He can fly a ___.

2. Use the ____ when there are no free seats on the bus.

3. My little sister can’t ride a ___ yet.

4. His brother is very young. He can’t drive a ___.

5. Don’t run from the pavement onto the ___.

6. Can your father sail a ____.

7. Always stop at the traffic ____ when it’s red.

8. Turn ___ into Apple street.

9. There’s a car coming. ____ out!

10. Stand on the pavement near the ____.


3. Complete the Road Safety Instructions with the correct verb.


1. When on the street, ____ both ways before crossing the road.

2. When on the bus, don’t ____ to the driver.

3. When going to school, ____ on the pavement.

4. When you ride a bike, ____ a bicycle helmet.

5. When in the car, don’t ____ out of the window.


4. Choose the correct preposition (on, by, in, from, at)


1. Be careful when you cross the street __ foot.

2. When you travel __ a bus, don’t annoy others.

3. Always wear a seat belt when you travel __ a car.

4. It’s safe to travel __ train.

5. It’s expensive to travel __ plane.





5. Find the correct response to each sentence.


1. Is there a cinema near here?                    A Yes, it’s next to the chemist’s.

2. Is it far?                                                 B Don’t mention it.

3. Do you know where the bank is?             C Not really.

4. Do I turn right at the traffic lights?          D Yes. There is a nice one on High Street.

5. Thank you very much.                             E No, you turn left. Look at the sign.


6. Read the text and answer the questions.


Hi! My name is Fran and I’m ten years old. My best friend is Susan and she is twelve. Susan is very smart and can do a lot of things. She can play the guitar and the piano. Susan is also very good at sports. She can swim and sail a boat, too. I can’t swim very well and I can’t sail a boat. Susan cooks lunch for herself and her little brother every day. I can’t cook because my mum says I’m too young. There is one thing that Susan and I can’t do. We can’t drive a car!


1) How old is Fran’s best friend?

2) What can Susan play?

3) What sport can’t Fran do?

4) How old is Fran?

5) What can’t the girls do?


7. Describe the traffic signs using the modal verb CAN/CAN’T







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Module 4

6th form


1. Complete the types of TV programmes:


s_tc_ _                r_al_t_   _h_ _             t_l_   s_ _ w

n_w_                            m_s_c   s_o_               s_ _en_ _  f_ct_ _n

dr_m_                 sp_r_s                          c_m_d_


2. Make up adjectives from the following words: (with the help of suffixes -ing, -ful, -ic, -able)


interest                         excite                                     disgust                         wonder                        fantasy                         enjoy



3. Choose the correct word.


1. I think pizza is boring/delicious.

2. Mike brushes/washes his teeth twice a day.

3. Molly helps her little brother to get clothed/dressed in the morning.

4. What about a pop newspaper/concert?

5. Rock music is not really my programme/thing.

6. Meg always helps her parents over/around the house.

7. My favourite sitcom is at/on TV tonight.

8. Pupils usually wear a school uniform/suit.

9. Drama is a TV programme which makes you laugh/cry.

10. We have lunch at school canteen/gym during the longer break.



4. Match the questions and the answers.


1. When would you like to meet?                            A) I think so, why?

2. How about going to the cinema?                         B) Sure. See you later, then.

3. Are you free tomorrow?                              C) How about next Friday?

4. Shall we say 8 o’clock at my place?          D) I’m afraid I’m busy tonight.

5. Would you like to come to dinner tonight?        E) Sounds great!


5. Put the verb in brackets into the correct Present Simple form.


1. Mr.Jones ___ History at our school. (teach)

2. What time ___ you ___ lunch? (have)

3. My sister ___ ___ breakfast in the morning. (not/eat)

4. What days ___ Henry ___ his grandparents? (visit)

5. My friends ___ ___ football at weekdays. (not/play)




6. Read the email and choose the best word for each space.


        Hi! Thanks for your email. I hope you are well. I want to tell you about my hobbies and interests. During the week, I do my homework (1)___ the evenings and after (2)___ I watch TV. I like watching sitcoms and reality shows but I don’t like dramas. Sometimes my friends (3)___ around and we watch a DVD.

        At the weekend, I do some sports. On Saturday morning, I play football with the school team and in the afternoon I go shopping. I always go to the cinema (4)___ friends on Saturday night. On Sunday, I relax at home and read a book or (5)___ I ride my bike.

Tell me what you like doing in your next email.




1. at/in/on

2. what/them/that

3. coming/comes/come

4. by/for/with

5. never/seldom/sometimes



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Module 7

6th form


1. Fill in the gaps using the words from the frame.

introduce              puzzled                naughty                rush                     loud

ghost                    weekly                 worried                knock                   mines

1. The streets were empty. It was like a ___ town.

2. Can I ___ myself? My name is Henry Smith.

3. You must ___ on the door before you enter the classroom.

4. There are many gold ___ in South Africa.

5. Angela was really ____ because her daughter didn’t come home after school.

6. Fred was so ____ yesterday! He didn’t want to do his homework.

7. My parents buy a ____ newspaper every Sunday.

8. Nick was ____. He didn’t understand what happened.

9. We have got a lot of time. You don’t need to ____.

10. Molly got scared when she heard a ____ noise.


2. Match the adjectives to their opposites.

1) wealthy                     A ugly

2) clean                          B quiet

3) beautiful                    C stressed

4) busy                          D poor

5) crowded                    E miserable

6) relaxed                      F deserted

7) happy                        G polluted


3. Complete the types of buildings.

s_l_ _ n                 _es_ _ _r_ _t                 s_ _ o_ l      p_s_  _ff_ c_        h_t_ _

d_c_ _r’s              r_ _lw_ _  st_ _ _ _n                 g_ r_g_


4. Write the correct past form of the following verbs.

be - ...         do - ...         find - ...       go - ...         have - ...      hear - ...      make - ...

come - ...     drink - ...     give - ...      meet - ...      read - ...      see - ...        say - ... spend - ...


5. Read the text and choose the best word for each space.

Saturday, 14th June

I had a great day! I 1____ up at 8 o’clock and the sky was blue (get/woke/stood). I met Larry and George at the port 2____ nine and we left for Little Island (at/on/in). The sea was calm and the trip only took 3____ hour (the/a/an). When we arrived, we went 4____ and then we had a picnic on a beach (swam/swimming/swims).

5____ the afternoon we went for a walk around the island (on/around/in). We found an empty house on the top of the hill. There were 6____ strange paintings on the walls of the house (less/much/a lot of). It was cool! When we came out of the house, the sky was grey and then it started to rain. We decided to leave the island but 7____ the sea became very rough (then/when/and). The boat moved up and down and from side to side. We 8____ afraid but it was also fun (be/are/were). It 9____ us two hours to get back but we arrived safely (had/was/took). When I got home, mum was very 10____ but I told her that I had had a really lovely day (worry/worrying/worried)!

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Module 8

6th form


1. Fill in the gaps using the words from the frame.

fast food restaurant        zoo             gallery        cottage        department store

palace         swimming pool              library        sports centre         tent

1. The Smiths live in a ___ in the countryside.

2. There are lots of works of art in the ___.

3. This is a really big ___. They sell everything here!

4. My little sister wants to see the animals at the ___.

5. I’m so hungry. Can we go to a ___?

6. The Queen lives in a big luxirious ___.

7. Bob and Roy are staying in a small ___ at the campsite.

8. Tim is keeping fit at the ___.

9. I’m taking this book back to the ___.

10. If you want to go to the ___, you’ll need a bathing costume, a cap and watersport goggles.


2. Choose and write out the correct item.

1. Tom lives in a large block of ... (tents, hotels, flats).

2. They are staying in a fantastic ... while they’re on holiday (palace, tent, hotel).

3. Are you ...? I totally disagree with you! (brilliant, strange, serious).

4. There are too many ... about what we can and can’t do (timetables, rules, reasons).

5. We pay the ... for our house every month (ticket, price, rent).

6. He’s going to the International Summer ... in August (house, flat, school).


3. Choose and write out the correct item.

1. You can have a picnic / listen to the song / watch a film at the cinema.

2. You can relax / do sports / swim at the gym.

3. You can take pictures / go camping / find a book at the library.

4. You can play football / see fish / buy some bread at the aquarium.

5. You can swim / buy a present / see a play at the theatre.


4. Choose the correct modal verb.

1. You mustn’t/can’t/needn’t talk during the test. It’s prohibited.

2. You can’t/have to/mustn’t pay your rent. That’s the rule.

3. You needn’t/can’t/mustn’t eat in the classroom. It’s forbidden.

4. You can’t/mustn’t/needn’t have any pets in this house. It’s not allowed.

5. You needn’t/must/mustn’t go to the doctor. You look very ill.


5. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. Tracy / do / to / has / up / washing / the.

2. is / the / intelligent / Sarah / most / girl / university / our / in.

3. have / wear / school / to / we / uniform.

4. is / biggest / Hyde Park / the / London / park / in.

5. doesn’t / to / Susan / have / the / clean / flat.

6. Read the text and answer the questions.

Dear Kirsten,

Hi! How are you? I’m writing to say thank you for letting me stay with you.

Your family’s flat is very different from our cottage. The rooms in your flat are smaller than the rooms in our cottage. We can go for a walk in the countryside, but we can’t go to the cinema or theatre. We can enjoy peace and quiet, but we can’t see a lot of people. I guess no one can have everything they want at once.

Visit me soon.

All my love,


1. What kind of home does Kirsten live in?

2. Which home has the biggest rooms?

3. Which home is close to a cinema and a theatre?

4. Which home is in the countryside?

5. Which home is peaceful and quiet?


7. Match the questions to the aswers.

1. How about going to the aquarium?                   A OK. I want to see the monkeys.

2. Shall we go to that new department store?         B I’d rather not. I don’t like him.

3. Why don’t we go to the zoo.                             C I don’t really like fish.

4. How about visiting Paul?                                 D That sounds good. I’m tired.

5. Why don’t we go home?                                   E Brilliant idea! I need some new






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Выбранный для просмотра документ test_module_9.docx

Module 9

6th form


1. Match the words from two columns to make up phrases.

fruit                      meat

sparkling              oil

hot                       juice

iced                      cream

soft                      water

stewed                  shake

lunch                    chocolate

sour                     sauce

soy                       chips

olive                     tea

onion                   fruit

potato                   drinks

milk                     rings


2. Describe the taste. Add the adjectives to the sentences:

1) Lemons are ___.                  4) Crisps are ___.

2) Celery is ___.                      5) Chili pepper is ___.

3) Ice cream is ___.


3. Choose the correct verb.

1. Finally, put / add / pour the cake into the oven.

2. Would you like me to melt /mix /boil you an egg for your breakfast?

3. Sally, can you peel / stir / fry the soup for me, please?

4. Let’s mix / bake / fry a birthday cake for Nick.

5. Peel / melt / mix all the ingredients together in a big bowl.

6. Can you pour / peel / melt the vegetables, please?

7. You need to melt / stir / dice the ingredients for the Olivier salad.


4. Fill in the sentences with some, any, much, many

1. Is there ___ ice cream left in the fridge?

2. I usually have ___ yoghurt for breakfast.

3. You put too ___ sugar in my tea. It’s too sweet.

4. How ___ apples are left in the basket?

5. He drinks too ___ coffee, I think.

6. Are there ___ carrots in the fridge?

7. There aren’t ___ biscuits in the cupboard.

8. I think you cooked too ___ potatoes.





5. Read the advertisement and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)


At the Bombay Palace the food is great and the prices are fantastic. A meal for two costs about £40.

Are you tired of going to the same restaurant all the time? Well, come visit us at the Bombay Palace on Willow Avenue. The Bombay Palace is an Indian restaurant with a difference!

The Palace’s starters are the best in town. Try the hot spicy soup of the chef’s salad. For your main course, choose between the beef curry with rice or the Punjab baked chicken with vegetables. But save room for a dessert! How about apple pie? No? Then why not try the fruit salad?

The Bombay Palace is open Monday to Saturday from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m.

1. The Bombay Palace is an Indian restaurant.

2. You can have a salad for a starter.

3. The chicken comes with rice.

4. There is only one kind of a dessert.

5. A meal for two costs more than £45.

6. The Bombay Palace is not open on Sundays.

7. The restaurant is on Windsor Avenue.


6. Translate into English.

- запеченный картофель                  - копченая рыба

- фаршированный перец                 - консервированные персики

- жареная курица                             - маринованные огурцы

- варёные яйца                                 - ребрышки на гриле

- тушеные овощи                             - индейка, приготовленная на пару


7. Fill in the correct phrase.

1. - __________ a dessert?                                   2. - ________ to order, Sir?

    - Yes, I want some ice cream, please.                    - Yes, I’ll have the steak, please.


3. - May I have the menu, please?                         4. - Would you like ______?

    - ________.                                                         - Yes, I’ll have a glass of Cola.


5. - _______ me to dinner.

    - Oh, you’re welcome!


Are you ready                Do you want                  anything to drink

                            Here you are                  Thanks for inviting


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