Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыSpotlight 10, test 5

Spotlight 10, test 5

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10th form test 5

A.      Listen and match.

1.       Speaker A

2.       Speaker B

3.       Speaker C

4.       Speaker D

5.       Speaker E

a)       The speaker talks about his/her recent trip.

b)      The speaker describes the hotel room.

c)       The speaker talks about his/her travelling plans.

d)      The speaker explains why he/she likes travelling.

e)      The speaker talks about his/her favourite transport.

f)        The speaker talks about his/her job responsibilities.


B.      Complete the sentences: trekking, annual, street vendors, view, delayed, package, brochure, book, tour, breathtaking.

6.       The town's big attraction for movie lovers is the …… music festival.

7.       All rooms have a sea….

8.       To get tickets, you have to …… in advance.

9.       We offer the best-value …..holidays in Europe.

10.   Jewellery, leather and clothes are offered by ……. at every corner.

11.   We went on a guided …..of London.

12.   We enjoyed the…..scenery of the Rocky Mountains.

13.    The travel …… is full of wonderful resorts.

14.   We want to go …… in the Himalayas.

15.   Our flight has been….


C.      Use the correct phrasal verb.

16.   Tell the driver you want to get …..at Greene Street.

17.   We get …. to Heathrow at ten o’clock.

18.   When I was at college I used to be able to get…..on $20 a week.

19.   I’ve always got …. well with Henry.

20.   We had to use public transport to get …..


D.      Fill in the preposition.

21.   What time does the plane arrive …. New York?

22.   A light plane with four people …. board crashed last night.

23.   Are you going by bicycle or …. foot?

24.   I’m away …. holiday until the 1st of June.


E.       Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verbs in brackets.

25.   Jane…..(watch) TV, while I….(water) the plants.

26.   Harry…..(fall) asleep while he….(read) a book.

27.   They…..(travel) all night and were exhausted.

28.   The guide….(organize) everything well in advance, so our trip went smoothly.

29.   They….(want) to go to Spain but in the end they …..(decide) on China.

30.   Where…..(they/spend) their last holiday?

31.   It……(snow) for hours and no planes were able to take off.

32.   Lionel …..(already/be) to Nepal twice before he …..(get) married.

33.   We…..(meet) him when we…..(walk) along the beach.

34.   They …..(wait) for hours before the flight was announced.



F.       Match the heading to the texts.

A.      A magic journey             

B.      Freedom of choice         

C.      A trip around the world

D.      An unusual means of transport

E.       A family weekend          

F.       Ideal for beginners        

G.      An all inclusive trip        

H.      Across the continent


35.   Everyone knows that cycling is a nice and healthy way to travel. It offers you independence. You don’t depend on timetables. You can go where and when you want. You can stop at a restaurant when you please, stay in the places you like and leave if you get bored. The world is yours.


36.   Learn the basics of rock climbing with Cliffs and Ice. It is a perfect choice for those who decide to take up climbing for the first time. After a week in Cornwall you will learn the main skills necessary to become a competent climber. We will give you an experience that you can use in different climbing areas in the UK.         

37.   It is situated close to the Lake District, which is known for picturesque scenery. The ingredients that will help you make an unforgettable winter holiday with your nearest and dearest are: the welcoming fireplaces, delicious food, cosy rooms and different sports facilities. It’s perfect for a weekend trip with children. Take the people you love to our delightful hotel in the country.


38.   A journey through a wild and faraway desert – by camel! This is a wonderful choice for anyone who wants to forget the modern means of travelling. You'll be on top of a camel and part of a desert caravan. Camel drivers will accompany you, providing good company, as you admire the golden sand and the bright blue sky. 

39.   If you take a train tour to the lakes, you’ll have nothing to worry about. You will leave London in a comfortable train, travel through the small picturesque towns and into the green hills. There will be no problems with the trip. The price already includes a return ticket, afternoon tea at Linden Hotel, a beautiful lake cruise, a visit to the medieval village and Hill Top, home of a famous English writer.


40.   The Hogwarts Express plays a big part in the adventures of Harry Potter. A trip to the Scottish Highlands can be your chance to sit in the same carriage and dream about your own trip to the mysterious world. The journey goes through some of Scotland’s most splendid scenery. The best part of the journey is when the train crosses the Glenfinnan viaduct, a railway bridge.            



41.   Are you ready for Africa? Say yes and take a Safari Holiday. It is a mystery, wonder and … adventure! Our safari experts will take you through Africa from east to west. We offer views of dunes, mountain ranges, untouched beaches and open fields. You will see the amazing wildlife and beautiful nature. Let us make your African safari an experience you will never forget!



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