Инфоурок Иностранные языки СтатьиСтатья на английском языке на тему "Россия глазами туристов"

Статья на английском языке на тему "Россия глазами туристов"

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Russia through the eyes of a tourist

Nowadays tourism is very popular and there are a lot of countries that you can visit. I want to talk about my mother country Russia.

Russia is one of the largest, multinational, influential countries in the world. Russia is famous for nature reserves, national parks, great rivers: Volga, Ob, Yenisei, Lena, and Amur, ancient towns of famous "Golden ring": Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Suzdal, Vladimir, Yuriev and Sergiev Posad.

Like many other States, the Russian Federation has its ruler. It is the President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Like any country, Russia has its official symbols: the flag is a rectangular white-blue-red flag, it was approved in 1993; the State emblem of the Russian Federation is a rectangular with rounded bottom corners and a pointed red heraldic shield with a Golden double eagle that raised his unfolded wings. The eagle is crowned with two small crowns and — over them — one big crown, connected by a ribbon. In the right eagle's wing— a scepter in the left — power. On the eagle's breast, the red shield — silver rider in a blue cloak on a silver horse, striking with a silver spear a black inverted backward and downtrodden dragon horse; the Russian national Anthem written in 2000 by Sergei Mikhalkov.

In addition to the traditional symbols, Russia has national symbols that denote country-specific history, culture and way of life. Some of them are balalaika, birch, dolls and bear. Very oftenwhen somebody comes to Russia, tourists expect to see severe winters, bears, walking through the streets and cheerful people with balalaika and warm hats.

The hospitality of the Russian people is legendary, so every tourist will be well received. Arriving in Russia, it is very difficult to choose a specific place to visit, because there are a lot of attractions. Many cities famous for its cultural monuments. One of them is Moscow - the capital of the Russian Federation, the largest subject number 12330126.

The history of this city begins in the 12th century with its founding by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky on the Borovitsky hill at the confluence of two rivers, favorable geographical location became one of the causes of economic and political independence. Capital status the city acquired in 1547, when the king in Russia was Ivan Grozny. In 1712 Moscow loses his title, but in 1918, it again returns. Here is the Government of the Russian Federation and the State Duma building.

Arriving in the capital you need to visit the Red Square is a real priority and a symbol of Russian culture and history, one of the largest city squares in the world, the main attraction of Moscow is the "heart" of the capital and the most popular item to visit. The starting point for all tours of the historic center, there are major political meetings and the Victory parade, and around red square focused all the main temples, political and cultural centers of the capital of Russia.

The next important landmark of Moscow is the Kremlin - an ancient fortress on the red square, which served as a war shelter for the ancestors of modern Muscovites. Today the Kremlin is the historical, cultural and political centre of Russia – in its building work the President of the Russian Federation and governmental bodies. However, the entrance to the territory of the Kremlin are quite affordable – you can find here a very interesting tour and view the collection of ancient cathedrals, to visit the Palace of facets and admire the views of the Moscow river.

On the same red square in Moscow it is impossible not to pay attention to the unique Orthodox St. Basil's Cathedral. It is anwidely known monument of Russian architecture of the Renaissance and attracts the eyes of not only passers-by and visitors to the city, but also the attention of painters, filmmakers and poets. The Cathedral, built by order of Ivan Grozny and wooden in its original version bearing the name of the Trinity and received its current name thanks to the famous Holy-Holy fool and the unusual dome of the Cathedral symbolize the heavenly Jerusalem.

Art lovers should visit the Tretyakov gallery in Moscow. This is the main art Museum of Moscow and one of the largest collections of Russian art in the world. The Tretyakov gallery was founded in the mid-nineteenth century by the merchant P. Tretyakov for the purpose of preservation of Russian cultural heritage. Today, the Museum complex consists of several temples, museums and historical centers.

The next place to visit should be the Bolshoi theatre is one of the oldest Russian theaters, was founded in the XVIII century by order of Catherine the great. Today it impresses with its high level of performance of all genres – from Opera to ballet, as well as a luxurious interior and a number of invited and always running the "stars" of music, song and dance. Today "Big" is a real international brand, a symbol of Russian culture and meeting great talents. The Bolshoi theatre provided by the company in 1856 Alexander the Second, one of the main tourist "point" of Moscow, and the performances dream to visit all lovers of Opera and musical performances. The contribution of the Bolshoi theatre for Russian history and culture is invaluable, for which the institution has repeatedly received the state award and the highest award.

Moscow was not built, as sung in the famous song. During his long, thousand-year history, the capital was wood and white stone, and has completed the period of Soviet architecture after the Imperial style. But over the last two decades, in a market economy, the capital has become a real business and the economic and political center with the appropriate monumental buildings. Moscow-city is the impressive equivalent of the American Manhattan, which is still evolving and being built. Those who had previously visited Moscow, when this luxury and scale of the skyscrapers, just don't know the city – so modern and dynamic it has become. Elegant high-rise, cleaving the sky, a new highway – all of this is to see with your own eyes to assess the level of development of the modern Russian capital, to admire the Majesty of the ancient, but of such a progressive and vibrant city.

To cheer yourself up and look at the animals, you need to visit the Nikulinsky circusis one of the oldest in Russia, where a lot of famous artists show theirperformances.

In conclusion, I want to say that every tourist travelling around the world must visit Russia – one of the leading countries. If you want to feel the atmosphere of Russian peopleyou should come to Moscowand visit the main attractions.This town is not only the capital of Russiabut alsofamous for huge distances of wild nature that greatly differs from one edge to another and most of all kind and friendly people.


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