Инфоурок Иностранные языки Конспекты11th form The theme Outstanding people of Australia

11th form The theme Outstanding people of Australia

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11th form                                                                                                                      date:  

 The theme: «Outstanding people of Australia.»

Type of the lesson: revision, conclusion
The aims:

                                     To broaden pupils’ knowledge in linguistics and countrystuding.

                                     To develop skills of monological speech and memory, everydays’ speech and 

                                                                                                                          logical way of  thinking.

                                     To bring up the interest to the language. To increase their viewpoint.
The aids: computer , interactive board, map,slides
I. The organization moment:

  1. greetings
  2. dialogue with the pupils on duty.

II. Presentation of the new lesson. Dear boys!

     Today we have an unusual lesson. This lesson combines two school subjects -English and Geography. You have been studying Geography for several years and know many facts about different countries. Today you are studying Australia at your Geography lesson and we are studying Australia at our English lesson. That is why we combined both English and Geography into one lesson. Our lesson is unusual and the country we'll speak about is unusual too. Why is it unusual? We hope that you'll listen to everything very attentively and understand that Australia is really unique. And now let me introduce a group of our guests from Australia. They work at the tourist agency and want to invite you to their country. But they don't speak Russian, so the pupils from your English group will be the interpreters. Let's start.

The slogan of the lesson: I'M AUSTRALIA!

I'm a child of a dreamtime people,
Part of the land, like an old gum tree
I'm the river softly singing
Chanting our songs on the way to the sea,
I awakened here when the Earth was new,
There was emu, wombat, kangaroo,
No other man of a different hue.
I'm the land and this land is me.
I'm Australia!

III. Checking the hometask.   When we want to learn something about any country, we begin with its geographical position. And today we’ll also begin with it. Now Maksim  will tell us about geographical position and basic facts of his country. Please, Maksim, you are welcome!

   The next point of our lesson will be the presentation of Alexander, where he is going to show us the main big cities of Australia. please be very attentive!

  Ok. A good work, boys. I am very pleased, thank you!

IV.Now its my turn to represent you some new  facts about this country still unknown to you. Now please, look at the slides and listen to me very attentively.

                                                                          Famous Australians

A number of Australian actors have found international success, including the Academy-winning Geoffrey Rush, star of Shine and The King's Speech. Russell Crowe, Nicole Kidman and Cate Blanchett have also claimed the Best Actor honour. Action hero Hugh Jackman is also a Tony Award-winning singer and dancer. Other famous Australian actors include Naomi Watts, whose cut-through role was in Mulholland Drive, and Heath Ledger, who won a posthumous Oscar for his performance in The Dark Knight. Australian actors of international fame include Guy Pearce, Eric Bana, Toni Collette, Rachel Griffiths and Paul Hogan.

                                                         Famous Australian singers and songwriters

There are famous Australian singers across every musical genre. Our greatest opera singers were Dame Nellie Melba and Dame Joan Sutherland. Australian country music stars have included Smoky Dawson and Slim Dusty, and more recently John Williamson, James Blundell, Kasey Chambers, and Keith Urban. Pop princess Kylie Minogue hit the international charts many years

                                                                   Famous Australians scientists

Pharmacologist and pathologist Howard Florey shared a Nobel Prize in 1945 for his work extracting penicillin. Other Australian scientists have also made significant contributions in their various fields.


                                              Famous Australian inventors and famous Australian inventions

Australia’s Aboriginal people invented the aerodynamic boomerang. Professor Ian Frazer 2006, Australian of the Year, invented a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. Other famous Australian inventions include aspirin (1915), penicillin (1940) plastic disposable syringe (1949) and long-wearing contact lenses (1999).

                                                                       Famous Australian explorers

Following Captain Cook’s 1770 landing, and the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788 a number of early explorers set out to discover Australia. Other famous people of Australia

Australia’s famous people include cardiac surgeon Victor Chang, who pioneered an artificial heart valve.

http://s11.kinel.sam.fcior.edu.ru/metodika/Australia/4.jpghttp://s11.kinel.sam.fcior.edu.ru/metodika/Australia/1.jpgIV. Consolidation of the lesson:






V.  evaluation.

    Hometask: to find some fact about famous achievements of Australia.





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