Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыТайны науки.The secrets of science (11 класс)

Тайны науки.The secrets of science (11 класс)

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Технологическая карта урока английского языка


Годаева Надежда Дорджиевна

Предмет/ класс

Английский язык    11 «А» класс


Тайны наук. Клонировать или не клонировать?

Тип урока /образовательная  технология

Урок обобщения и систематизации новых знаний. Приёмы технологии развития критического мышления.

техническое оборудование

мультимедийный проектор,  компьютер, презентация, аудиозапись текста

Базовый учебник

М.З. Биболетова, Е.Е. Бабушис, Н.Д.Снежко «Английский с удовольствием - 11»




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Предметные умения

Универсальные учебные действия (УУД)

·         Решать учебно-познавательные задачи на основе систематизации знаний по теме урока;

·          формировать умение работать с разными источниками информации;

·     Овладевать  нормами английского разговорного языка;

·          способность контролировать свои действия, проверять сказанное и написанное.



ü  развитие навыков сотрудничества со сверстниками при работе в группах;

ü  развитие самостоятельности;

ü  развивать внимание, восприятие, умение наблюдать и делать выводы.



ü  самостоятельно находить необходимую информацию и использовать ее для выполнения учебных заданий; использовать знаково-символические средства для решения учебных и практических задач.


ü  освоение умения принимать и сохранять учебную цель и задачи;

ü  планировать собственную деятельность в соответствии с поставленной задачей и искать средства ее осуществления;

ü  формирование умения контролировать и оценивать свои действия, принимать на себя ответственность, проявлять инициативность и самостоятельность;

ü  вносить необходимые коррективы в действие после его завершения на основе его оценки и учета характера сделанных ошибок, высказывать свое предположение.


ü  формирование умения сотрудничать с учителем и сверстниками при решении учебных проблем;

Межпредметные связи

английский язык-биология – литература

Организация пространства

Фронтальная работа, индивидуальная работа, групповая работа.



Тема:  The secrets of science. To clone or not to clone.

Стадия- вызов

Teacher: Good morning. Today we are going to discuss about the secrets of science.  And  what kind of secrets are we’ll know having read the text. ( the extract of  Aldous Huxley’s novel “Brave New world”  - романа Олдоса Хаксли «О дивный новый мир») (слайд №2). Be very attentive during the lesson try to remember the ideas which are going to be discussed  as your homework will be to write an argumentative essay  about 250300 words.

I. 1. Let’s read the text.(слайд№3)

The title is “Brave New world” Can you guess what this book is about. Is your guessing true or not, we can know then.

“These,” he (Doctor)waved his hand , “are the incubators”. And opening an insulated door he  showed them racks upon racks of numbered test tubes. ”The week’s supply of ova”…  From eight ninety-six buds, and every bud will grow into a perfectly formed embryo, and every embryo into a full sized adult (after Bakanovsky’s Process). Making ninety six human beings grow where only one grew before. Progress…  Identical twins-but not in piddling twos and threes as in the old viviparous days, when an egg would sometimes accidentally divide; actually by dozens, by scores at a time… “Ninety –six identical twins working ninety six identical machines!” The voice was almost tremulous with enthusiasm.  He quoted the planetary motto. “Community, Identity, Stability”. Millions of identical twins. The principle of mass  production at last applied to biology. “But, alas,” the Director shook his head, “we can’t  bokanovskify indefinitely.”


2. Answer the questions.

-What is the main idea of this text?

It is a brave new world, where all people are identical after artificial reproduction.

-How can we call this process?- Cloning.

II. 1.Look at the picture.

What words are associated with when you hear the word “clone”?  Look at these mixed words and give the definition of what cloning is ( identical is the  their  organisms creation to artificial  of Cloning  genetically parents)- Cloning is the artificial creation of organisms  genetically identical to their parents. (слайд № 4,5)

What is the problem we’ll speak about?


2.You might not believe it, but there are human clones among us. They weren’t made in a lab, but they identical twins created naturally.(слайд №6)

Let’s ask our teacher of Biology: Can we think that twins are clones?- Генотип близнецов идентичный. Следовательно,  они являются  клонами друг  друга. (The genotype of twins is identical. Consequently, they are  clones )

Cloning creates nothing new, the genetic copy of already existent living creature turns out. Our technologies today allow to interfere in the most intimate processes of our life, it is a really giant progress in science. Since human beings are also creating mammals, people have begun to discuss the ethical, moral and biological issues that might result from the cloning of human beings. (слайд №7,8)

Стадия- осмысление

         III. 1.Teacher: We’ve revised some scientific terms and  let’s do ex. 67 p100. Do the quiz and find out whether you know much about cloning.(слайд№ 9)

Is it true that…

·                   identical twins are actually clones?

·                   clones have identical DNA?

·                   the word “clone” comes from Latin?

·                   “clone” from Latin means brother?

·                   the embryos of mice were first cloned in Russia?

·                   a sheep was the first mammal cloned from an adult cell?

·                   Dolly, the sheep, was the first cloned in England?

·                   Cloned animals live longer that normal animals?


2.Auding the text “Facts about cloning”  to check your guess.

IV.Writing (слайд № 10)

1. Complete the text with these linking words ( work on interactive board)

although, despite, even though, however, in spite of, on the other hand, whereas

2. Read the article. Match these headings with the paragraphs A-D.

• conclusion (your opinion)

• arguments against cloning

• introduction of the topic

• arguments for cloning


Does Mother Nature know best?


      A  Cloning - using genetic engineering to make exact copies of living plants and animals - has been in science fiction for years. Since 1997, with the cloning of a sheep, Dolly, it has become part of real life and the subject of public debate.

     For some people, human cloning is acceptable in medicine 1______ the criticism that it is unnatural. For example, human tissue can be cloned for use in organ replacement or gene therapy. Also, organs provided by human clones could be 100% donor compatible 2 ______ organs provided in other ways might not be as successful. Moreover, couples who can't have children might be able to clone a child from themselves. Finally, endangered animals could be cloned to increase their numbers.

    C   3______, there are many arguments against cloning. 4_______many people saw the cloning of Dolly as a major breakthrough, now they have to face the fact that the sheep is no longer alive. Thus, 5 ____ what some say, scientists have no idea of the long-term effects of genetic engineering. A growing number of genetically created creatures might be acceptable to society;

6________ , creating 'perfect' plants and animals could eliminate the great variety of natural species on our planet. Furthermore, 7_______ organs from cloned animals could be transplanted into humans, the risks to health are enormous, and some people find the idea repulsive.

     D    All things considered, I am against cloning. It is clear to me that we need to regulate genetic engineering and stop experiments now, before it is too late!


3.Find  pros and cons of genetic engineering   in the text. (work in two groups)

genetic engineering







Well done. Thank you for your working. I think both teams were convincing now.



V. Teacher: Children, now you can write down 5-minutes essay  “How would you feel if you found out you were nothing, but a clone created in science lab? Would you like to clone yourself?”(слайд №13).

Now let’s read what you have written.


VI. Hometask (слайд №14)

Write your argumentative essay  “To clone or not to clone?”

(What are the worries about the psychological harms on cloned human children)

Let’s remember how to write an argumentative essay.

1.                 Don’t forget to give the basic outline of your argument in the first paragraph.

2.                 One paragraph should be about arguments in favour of the statement.

3.                 Another paragraph should contain arguments against the statement.

4.                 Your conclusion should be a balanced summary taking both sides into account.


Our lesson is over. Thank you for your lesson. Goodbye.

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