Инфоурок Иностранные языки Конспекты"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", 10th grade

"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", 10th grade

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Директордың оқу-ісі жөніндегі орынбасары:                            Есбусинова А.М.



The theme





The United Kingdom of Great Britain






The reference, link

English, Ayapova T. Atamura press, 2014 у.


To read about  the United Kingdom of Great Britain; to understand and use the new words, to practice the pronunciation; to practice modal verbs of obligation and necessity; to read about Union of England and Wales, + Scotland and England and the growth of the Empire; to read about Kazakh beliefs and superstitions, to compare them with British beliefs; to talk about the ecological problems of the British Isles and Kazakhstan; to have a class discussion on theme "Every country has its customs"


To read about  the United Kingdom of Great Britain; to understand and use the new words, to practice the pronunciation; to practice modal verbs of obligation and necessity; to read about Union of England and Wales, + Scotland and England and the growth of the Empire; to read about Kazakh beliefs and superstitions, to compare them with British beliefs; to talk about the ecological problems of the British Isles and Kazakhstan; to have a class discussion on theme "Every country has its customs"

Methods used in  teaching

Individual work, pair work,

group work


 Basic facts



Procedure of the lesson

The stages of the lesson

Teacher`s activity

Students` activities

An introduction



Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain?

Where did the people of the U.K. come from?

What’s Union Jack?

What information can you give about the flag of the U.K.?

What’s the population of the U.K.?


Remain -сол қалпында қалу

Considerate - біраз

Expansion-  кеңею, созылу

Extend - кеңейту, созылу

Eventually  -ақыр сонында

Emerge - көріну


Ss practice the new vocabulary and talk to their partners about the UK


Main part


The UK is the shortened word of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain includes England, Scotland, and Wales and Northern Ireland. Although Britain is a unitary state, the countries of in have separate national identities, variations in culture and tradition.

England is predominantly a lowland country, with the Pennine Chain, the Cumbrian mountains and the Yorkshire moorlands in the north. Wales is a country of hills and mountains. Britain's highest mountain, Ben Nevis (1,343- 106 ft) is in the central highlands of Scotland. Northern Ireland is at its nearest point only 21 km (13 miles) from Scotland.

Ss read the texts about  the UK, Union of Wales and England, Union of Scotland and England, the growth of the Empire, British and Kazakh beliefs and have a class discussion


Exercise 3 Match the words with translation. Use your dictionary to help you. Underline the stress then check it?
Find out from the text sentences in Present Simple.


Ex3 Match the words with their translations.

Ex4 True or false,    Ex7 complete the table using adjectives

Ex 8 match the word with its synonyms


Collect some important information about the ecological problems of the British Isles




Three claps, Self-assessment, Two stars & one wish

Home assignment

Exercises from book


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