Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыТехнологическая карта урока по теме "Праздники"

Технологическая карта урока по теме "Праздники"

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Технологическая карта урока английского языка в 5 «Б» классе


Учитель:  Васильева Р.Д.

Автор и название УМК: Ю.Е. Ваулина, Дж. Дули и др. «Spotlight 5»

Тема урока: Праздники (Celebrations)

 Форма урока: комбинированный.

Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная, групповая.


Цель:  формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся через введение новой лексики, развитие умений лексических навыков и изучающего чтения по теме «Праздники»

- Образовательная: активизация употребления новых лексических единиц в речи по теме «Праздники».
- Воспитательная:
активизировать познавательную инициативу обучающихся и формировать их социальную компетентность.  Развивать  способность к критическому мышлению
- Развивающая: развитие логики, воображения и расширение общего кругозора при помощи введения новых лексических единиц по теме

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, презентация MicrosoftPowerPoint, аудиоматериал и раздаточный материал.


Ход урока

Организационный момент. Слайд 1

Teacher: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. How are you today? I hope you are fine. ? Are you ready to work? Great!  Lets   begin our lesson.

What date is it today?What season is it now? What is the weather like today?

Постановка цели урока, учебной проблемы. Мотивация учебной деятельности. Объяснение нового материала.

Have a look at the screen, please.  (Слайд)  Here is a puzzle for you to do. Take  only the first letter of each word and you will read the theme of today’s lesson.

What are the goals of our lesson? What are we going to do?

Обучающиеся формулируют цели урока.

They are:   - read and understand about celebrations;

            - listen and understand about celebrations;

            - talk about celebrations.

There are new words and word expressions for you. Look at the screen and say after me. Try to remember them. (Слайд 2)

Учитель знакомит с активной лексикой урока. Показывает презентацию, озвучивает новую        лексику. С помощью вопросов проверяет  усвоение материала.  

Think of popular celebrations in our country and name them. (Слайд 3)


Актуализация знаний. Работа в парах

- On the screen you see the names of celebrations.

Now, working in pairs, you must ask and answer  which of the activities in the pictures do you do?

Р1:When do we exchange gifts on?

P2: On New Year.

P3: When do we light bonfires on?

P4: We do it on Maslenitsya.

P5: When do we have street parades on?

P6: We have street parades on Victory Day.

P7: For what occasion do we dress up on?

P8: We can dress up on Mother’s Day, New Year, Maslenitsya.

P9: What holiday do we cook special food on?

P10: We can cook special food on each of these celebrations.

Р11:When do we decorate the house? Р12:What do we celebrate on the 9th of May? Р13:When do we get presents and eat а cake? (Выполнение упр. 1 с. 96)

Первичная проверка понимания (групповая работа).

T: Now boys and girls you should divide into groups of 3-4 students. I’ll give you sheets of paper. You have to do some tasks in groups. Firstly, you have to match the verbs and the nouns.  Secondly,  you should match the words and their translations. You have 4 minutes to do the tasks.

Match the verbs and the nouns

1.     Dress   ____                 A.  the house

2.     Street  ____                  B.  dinner

3.     Special ____                 C.  gifts

4.     Light ____                    D.  fireworks

5.     Family ____                  E.  fires

6.     Decorate ____               F.  up

7.     Exchange ____              G.  food

8.     Set off ____                   H.  parade


Match the words and their translations.

1     Dress up

A   Устраивать семейный ужин/ обед

2    Have street parades

B   Запускать фейерверки

3    Light bonfires

C   Готовить специальную еду

4    Set off fireworks

D  Переодеваться

5    Decorate the house

E  Устраивать уличные парады

6    Exchange gifts

F   Зажигать костры/ огни

7    Have a family dinner

G  Украшать дом

8     Cook special food

H  Обмениваться подарками

T: Are you ready?  Ok, change your cards with the partners and check the answers, please.

Choose word expressions which best describe the pictures.


Динамическая пауза

T: How do you celebrate your holidays e. g. birthday? I’m sure, you dance. Let’s have a rest and dance. Well done!


2. Развитие умения изучающего чтения и навыков аудирования. Развитие навыков монологической речи на основе прочитанного.

 Чтение. Предварительная работа над текстом, прогнозирование, развитие логической догадки. (Упр. 2,  3 с. 96.)

You know that people like to celebrate holidays all over the world. Nowadays different people celebrate different holidays .

Look at the title of the text, read it, say some words after me. Read the first sentence in each paragraph. What do you expect to read?

The text is about different harvest time around the world.  You are absolutely right

 Проверка понимания прочитанного, выполнение заданий по тексту

- Complete the gaps (1-5). Listen and check. Explain the words in bold.

( Учащиеся самостоятельно выполняют задание, заполняют пропуски в тексте, потом слушают текст и проверяют)

. Now, find the corresponding English sentences in the text.

Фермеры украшают своих коров цветами.

- В Северной Индии собирают пшеницу весной.

- Люди наряжаются и зажигают огни.

- Ok, what’s the English for –клюквенный соус?

- Кулинарный конкурс

T: Choose the right variant:

1.     People in the Philippines celebrate/cook the Banana festival in spring.

2.     Turkey and sweet potatoes are popular/fresh foods on Thanksgiving day.

3.     Let’s have ice cream for dish/dessert.

4.     The festival is/lasts three days.

5.     Don’t let the children run free/different in the streets.

6.     Tony is making/letting a special dish today.

7.     I don’t like sweet/ popular cakes.

8.     Let’s make a pumpkin variety/pie.


T: Answer my questions, please. (Cлайд     )

    Are the statements TRUE or FALSE?

1.Thanksgiving is a harvest festival. 


1.     2. People in America celebrate Thanksgiving in October.


2.     3. Pumpkin pie is Thanksgiving dessert. 


3.     4. Farmers decorate their cows with flowers on Holi.


4.     5. During the Banana Festival children dress up in banana costumes and dance in the streets.


5.     6. People make sweet apple cakes with lemon on Chuseok. 



Упр. 4, с. 97.

- Look at the highlighted words in the text. Which is a verb/noun?

- Use your dictionary to mark the words below V (verb), N (noun) or B (both).

Учащиеся работают самостоятельно в парах с дальнейшей проверкой фронтально.

Ключи: 1 N, 2 B, 3 B, 4 B, 5 B, 6 N, 7 B, 8 B, 9 B, 10 B.


Итоги. Рефлексия деятельности


You've worked hard at our lesson and I’m sure learnt a lot of new and interesting information about holidays and festivals. Open your record books and write down your home task.

Do you learn something new?

Do you like the lesson?

Who was the most active at our lesson?

Now evaluate your work at our lesson. Put your stickers to the smiley faces.

T: That’s all for today. Your work was very well today. Thank you. Our lesson is over. Good bye, children. I wish you good luck!





































Cabbages and greens, broccoli and beans

Cauliflower and roasted potatoes taste so good to me

Apricots and plums, ripened in the sun

Oranges and yellow bananas, good for everyone


It's another Harvest Festival

   When we bring our fruit and vegetables

   'Cause we want to share the best of all   

The good things that we've been given

   It's another opportunity

   To be grateful for the food we eat

   With a samba celebration to say   

Thank You to God the Father


Cabbages and greens, broccoli and beans

Cauliflower and roasted potatoes taste so good to me

Apricots and plums, ripened in the sun

Oranges and yellow bananas, good for everyone


It's another Harvest Festival

   When we bring our fruit and vegetables

   'Cause we want to share the best of all   

The good things that we've been given

   It's another opportunity

   To be grateful for the food we eat

   With a samba celebration to say   

Thank You to God the Father


Cabbages and greens, broccoli and beans

Cauliflower and roasted potatoes taste so good to me

Apricots and plums, ripened in the sun

Oranges and yellow bananas, good for everyone


It's another Harvest Festival

   When we bring our fruit and vegetables

   'Cause we want to share the best of all   

The good things that we've been given

   It's another opportunity

   To be grateful for the food we eat

   With a samba celebration to say   

Thank You to God the Father


Cabbages and greens, broccoli and beans

Cauliflower and roasted potatoes taste so good to me

Apricots and plums, ripened in the sun

Oranges and yellow bananas, good for everyone


It's another Harvest Festival

   When we bring our fruit and vegetables

   'Cause we want to share the best of all   

The good things that we've been given

   It's another opportunity

   To be grateful for the food we eat

   With a samba celebration to say   

Thank You to God the Father


Cabbages and greens, broccoli and beans

Cauliflower and roasted potatoes taste so good to me

Apricots and plums, ripened in the sun

Oranges and yellow bananas, good for everyone


It's another Harvest Festival

   When we bring our fruit and vegetables

   'Cause we want to share the best of all   

The good things that we've been given

   It's another opportunity

   To be grateful for the food we eat

   With a samba celebration to say   

Thank You to God the Father


Cabbages and greens, broccoli and beans

Cauliflower and roasted potatoes taste so good to me

Apricots and plums, ripened in the sun

Oranges and yellow bananas, good for everyone


It's another Harvest Festival

   When we bring our fruit and vegetables

   'Cause we want to share the best of all   

The good things that we've been given

   It's another opportunity

   To be grateful for the food we eat

   With a samba celebration to say   

Thank You to God the Father


Cabbages and greens, broccoli and beans

Cauliflower and roasted potatoes taste so good to me

Apricots and plums, ripened in the sun

Oranges and yellow bananas, good for everyone


It's another Harvest Festival

   When we bring our fruit and vegetables

   'Cause we want to share the best of all   

The good things that we've been given

   It's another opportunity

   To be grateful for the food we eat

   With a samba celebration to say   

Thank You to God the Father


Cabbages and greens, broccoli and beans

Cauliflower and roasted potatoes taste so good to me

Apricots and plums, ripened in the sun

Oranges and yellow bananas, good for everyone


It's another Harvest Festival

   When we bring our fruit and vegetables

   'Cause we want to share the best of all   

The good things that we've been given

   It's another opportunity

   To be grateful for the food we eat

   With a samba celebration to say   

Thank You to God the Father




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Активизация употребления новых лексических единиц в речи по теме «Праздники».формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся через введение новой лексики, развитие умений лексических навыков и изучающего чтения по теме «Праздники»

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