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Текст "I'm in Thailand. A tourist's notes" для работы по теме "Travelling"

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I’m in Thailand. A tourist's notes.

Hey, everyone. My name’s Helen. Today I’m going to tell you about my trip to Thailand (if to be exact the Kingdom of Thailand). First of all it was the longest flight in my life. It took me about 10 hours to get to Thailand from Moscow. I was really tired after the flight, but Thailand met me gladly with its bright sun, big green trees and delicious flowery smell.

Thailand is situated in South-East Asia. The official language is Thai. The capital of Thailand is Bangkok. The currency of Thailand is Thai baht.

Thailand has wet tropical climate. The period from May till November is a rainy season in Thailand, so it is not the best time for tourists. Remember that the coldest months are December, January and February (the temperature is about 20-27 C). The hottest months are April and May (about 35-40C). So the months from November till April are the best for tourists.

Thailand is washed by the Andaman Sea, the South China Sea and the Gulf of Siam. Thailand is a mountainous area. There are a lot of hills and mountains everywhere, the Thai Highlands are in the North of the country. Because of the wet and warm climate there are a lot of huge green trees and flowers in Thailand.

The most famous flowers are plumeria, orchid and lotus.



As for animals you can meet a lot of monkeys everywhere. Also you can see a leopard, a bear, a red wolf, a mongoose and many others. There are a lot of snakes too.



Thailand is famous for its unique places of interest.

-         First of all the nature of Thailand is a sight. There are a lot of green islands with white or yellow sand where you can carelessly lie and think of nothing. They are Phuket, Bamboo, the Phi-Phi Islands, Samui and so on. Also there are a lot of nature parks (for example, Khao Lak) where you can walk through the deep forest along the narrow path and find mangroves, where you can ride an elephant, where you can go down a river in a raft, where you can come across a cave temple with a lot of monkeys living near it and asking tourists for bananas (for example, Khao Luang).


-         Buddhist Temples (Wats). There are a lot of temples in Thailand because of their religion – Buddhism. Wat Chalong Temple, for example, is situated on the Phuket Island. There you can see the statue of  Buddha, you can tell fortunes about your future with the help of special sticks. Also you can make a wish and throw a small bomb (they are sold near the temple) into the special building. It is the way to wake the heavens up, they will hear you and make your wish come true.


-         Night Shows. Snake shows. Adults like visiting night shows in costumes where Thai men and women dance and sing for tourists. Children like snake shows where Thai men and women do amazing tricks with their small friends.

As for me the most interesting and pleasant thing is lying on a sandy beach somewhere in an island. I like Maya bay best. It is a calm lagoon with white sand, warm and pure water, where the film “Beach” with Leonardo Di Caprio was shooted. Our Russian weather differs from the Thai weather completely. That’s why Thailand is very popular with the Russians and people from cold countries.

You can buy different souvenirs: a magnet with an elephant, a living orchid in a bottle (you can grow it at home), Thai coins are good for friends, a figure of an elephant is excellent for relatives, and of course you can send a colourful postcard. Women may buy jewelry with precious stones, men may buy a pillow made of latex (material).

So if you want to visit Thailand take suntan lotion, a cap or a hat, a T-shirt, shorts or a skirt, a dress and light shoes. Don’t forget a camera of course. People in Thailand are very friendly, polite and hospitable. Try not to touch them, don’t raise your voice – these are the sights of disrespect. Seashells and corals are very beautiful but don’t try to take them out from the country. It’s forbidden by the law. Good luck! Nice travelling to you!

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