Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыТекст с заданиями The Earth

Текст с заданиями The Earth

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The Earth.

We live on the Earth. It is very, very big. There is a lot of water on the Earth. It is in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. There are a lot of forests and fields, hills and mountains on it.

The Earth is full of wonders. Different animals live on the Earth. Different plants grow on it. The Earth is beautiful.

There are large countries and small countries. There are warm countries and cold countries. There are some countries where there are four seasons in a year and some countries where there are only two.

When it is day in one country, it is night in another country.

When the sun shines it is day, when the sun does not shine it is night. You can see the moon and the stars in the sky at night.

People live in different countries. They speak different languages.

Our country is Russia. Russia is the largest country in the world. Our country is so large that when it is morning in the east, it is evening in the west. When it is winter in the north, it is summer in the south.

There are a lot of long rivers, beautiful lakes, large forests and fields and high mountains in Russia.

People who live in Russia speak more than one hundred different languages but they can speak Russian too.


 Answer the questions.

1. Where do people live?

2. Is the Earth big or small?

3. What is there on the Earth?

4. Where is there water on the Earth?

5. The Earth is beautiful, isn't it?

6. Why do we say that the Earth is full of wonders?

7. Why do people speak different languages?

Find in the text and write down the sentences

1.В России много длинных рек, красивы озер, огромных лесов и полей, и высоких гор.

2.Когда в одной стране день, в другой-ночь.

3.Земля полна чудес.

4.На ней растут разные растения.

5.Они говорят на разных языках.

6.На Земле много воды.

7.Люди, которые живут в России, разговаривают более, чем на ста различных языках. Но так же и на русском.

The Earth.

We live on the Earth. It is very, very big. There is a lot of water on the Earth. It is in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. There are a lot of forests and fields, hills and mountains on it.

The Earth is full of wonders. Different animals live on the Earth. Different plants grow on it. The Earth is beautiful.

There are large countries and small countries. There are warm countries and cold countries. There are some countries where there are four seasons in a year and some countries where there are only two.

When it is day in one country, it is night in another country.

When the sun shines it is day, when the sun does not shine it is night. You can see the moon and the stars in the sky at night.

People live in different countries. They speak different languages.

Our country is Russia. Russia is the largest country in the world. Our country is so large that when it is morning in the east, it is evening in the west. When it is winter in the north, it is summer in the south.

There are a lot of long rivers, beautiful lakes, large forests and fields and high mountains in Russia.

People who live in Russia speak more than one hundred different languages but they can speak Russian too.


 Answer the questions.

1. Where do people live?

2. Is the Earth big or small?

3. What is there on the Earth?

4. Where is there water on the Earth?

5. The Earth is beautiful, isn't it?

6. Why do we say that the Earth is full of wonders?

7. Why do people speak different languages?

Find in the text and write down the sentences

1.В России много длинных рек, красивы озер, огромных лесов и полей, и высоких гор.

2.Когда в одной стране день, в другой-ночь.

3.Земля полна чудес.

4.На ней растут разные растения.

5.Они говорят на разных языках.

6.На Земле много воды.

7.Люди, которые живут в России, разговаривают более, чем на ста различных языках. Но так же и на русском.

Mark the sentences true or false

1. When the sun shines it is day, when the sun does not shine it isn’t night.

2. When it is winter in the west, it is summer in the south.

3. They speak different languages.

4. There are some countries where there are five seasons in a year and some countries where there are only two.

5. There are a lot of forests and fields, hills and mountains on it.

6. Russia is the largest country in the world.

7. There are warm countries and cold continents.

Complete the sentences

1. Our country is….

2. It is in rivers….

3. You can see….

4. Different animals….

5. When the sun shines….

6. There are a lot of…

7. They speak….



















Mark the sentences true or false

1. When the sun shines it is day, when the sun does not shine it isn’t night.

2. When it is winter in the west, it is summer in the south.

3. They speak different languages.

4. There are some countries where there are five seasons in a year and some countries where there are only two.

5. There are a lot of forests and fields, hills and mountains on it.

6. Russia is the largest country in the world.

7. There are warm countries and cold continents.

Complete the sentences

1. Our country is….

2. It is in rivers….

3. You can see….

4. Different animals….

5. When the sun shines….

6. There are a lot of…

7. They speak….




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