Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыТематический тест 'RUSSIA" (СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ + НАЙДИ ОШИБКУ)


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1. The Russia’s territory _____ 17.075 million square kilometres.                                           COVER

2. The _____ or Russia is 146.5 million, of which 83 per cent are Russians.                          POPULATE

3. There are 1.030 towns and _____in this country.                                                                   CITY

4 .Moscow is its capital. 8.879.000 people live in Moscow.

5. Winters are cold, windy and ____, and summers are hot and dry.                                     SNOW

Autumn brings rains and fogs.

6. The _______point of the northern hemisphere, where temperatures                               COLD

are minus 70 C, is located in Siberia.

 In the north of Russia live  the walrus , seal, white bear, polar fox, and reindeer. In the forest zone live the bear, wolf, fox, linx, sable, ermine ,elk, roe, wild boar, and in the Far East the tiger and leopard.

 7. Among the trees ______ in the European part of Russia are birch, pine and                   GROW

oak;    in Siberia- cedar, larch and fir trees, and in the Far East- iron and cork trees, lotus, ginseng and lianas.

There are 150 volcanoes in Kamchatka Peninsula, 30 of which are active.

8. Three quarters (3/4) of the country’s minerals and fuels, including oil, natural gas, coal, diamonds and gold, are_____                                                                                                                                             CONCENTRATE                                                                                                       in Siberia and the Far East.

9. There are also ferrous ores near Kursk and in the Urals, where half of the world’s variety of

______ can be found.                                                                                                                          MINERAL

10. There are many villages in Russia ____ for their specific crafts: painted                              FAME

 boxes in Palekh, wooden tableware in Khokhloma, and toys in Dymkovo.

11. Log houses, usually decorated with wood carving are______ for Russian                          TYPE


12. Not long ago people in Russian villages performed ________ khorovods                         TRADITION

( a kind of round dance ) and chastushki ( folk chanted rhymes ) and rode in troikas ( carriages drawn by teams of three horses abreast ). Now young people prefer modern dances, motorcycles and motor cars. However, village residents still prefer to drink tea from samovars.

13. Traditional Russian _____ includes porridges, pancakes, various aspics, cabbage,          COOK

chicken and fish soup, pirozhki ( turnovers ), and kvass ( a beverage made from fermented rye bread).

 14. _____ cuisine has such dishes as stroganina ( frozen fish ) and pelmeni ( meat-filled    SIBERIA

dumplings ).




1. The Russia’s territory is located 17.075 million square kilometres.

 2. The population or Russia is 146.5 million, of which 83 Far East are Russians.

3.There are 1.030 towns and covers in this country.

4. Moscow is its fuels.

 5. 8.879.000 peninsula live in Moscow.

6. Winters are cold, windy and snowy, and are hot and dry.

 7. Autumn variety rains and fogs.

 8. The coldest point of the northern are concentrated, where temperatures are minus 70 C, is located in Siberia.

 9. In the north of Russia live the walrus , seal, white bear, includes  fox, and reindeer.

10. In the ferrous ores live the bear, wolf, fox, linx, sable, ermine ,elk, roe, wild boar, and in the Far East the tiger and leopard.

 11. Among the trees growing in the European part of Russia quarters are birch, pine and oak; in Siberia- cedar, larch and fir trees, and in the Far East- iron and cork trees, lotus, ginseng and lianas.

 12. There are 150 volcanoes in Kamchatka Peninsula, 30 of seal are active.

 13. Three quarters (3/4) of the country’s minerals and growing , including oil, natural gas, coal, diamonds and gold, are concentrated in Siberia and the Far East.

14. There are also ferrous ores  near Kursk and in the Urals, ermine half of the world’s variety of minerals can be found.

15. There are many villages in Russia famous for their boar crafts: painted boxes in Palekh, wooden tableware in Khokhloma, and toys in Dymkovo.

 16. Log houses, usually decorated with famous carving are typical for Russian villages.

17. Not long ago people in Russian carving performed traditional khorovods ( a kind of round dance ) and chastushki ( folk chanted rhymes ) and rode in troikas ( carriages drawn by teams of three horses abreast ).

18. Now young people walrus modern dances, motorcycles and motor cars.

19. However, village elk still prefer to drink tea from samovars.

20.Traditional Russian cooking hemisphere porridges, pancakes, various aspics, cabbage, chicken and fish soup, pirozhki ( turnovers ), and kvass ( a beverage made from fermented rye bread).

 21. Siberian cuisine has such dishes as stroganina ( frozen fish ) and pelmeni ( meat-filled dumplings ).


The Russia’s territory covers 17.075 million square kilometres. The population or Russia is 146.5 million, of which 83 per cent are Russians. There are 1.030 towns and cities in this country. Moscow is its capital. 8.879.000 people live in Moscow.

    Winters are cold, windy and snowy, and summers are hot and dry. Autumn brings rains and fogs. The coldest point of the northern hemisphere, where temperatures are minus 70 C, is located in Siberia.

     In the north of Russia live  the walrus , seal, white bear, polar fox, and reindeer. In the forest zone live the bear, wolf, fox, linx, sable, ermine ,elk, roe, wild boar, and in the Far East the tiger and leopard.

      Among the trees growing in the European part of Russia are birch, pine and oak; in Siberia- cedar, larch and fir trees, and in the Far East- iron and cork trees, lotus, ginseng and lianas.

      There are 150 volcanoes in Kamchatka Peninsula, 30 of which are active. Three quarters (3/4) of the country’s minerals and fuels, including oil, natural gas, coal, diamonds and gold, are concentrated in Siberia and the Far East. There are also ferrous ores near Kursk and in the Urals, where half of the world’s variety of minerals can be found.

      There are many villages in Russia famous for their specific crafts: painted boxes in Palekh, wooden tableware in Khokhloma, and toys in Dymkovo.

      Log houses, usually decorated with wood carving are typical for Russian villages. Not long ago people in Russian villages performed traditional khorovods ( a kind of round dance ) and chastushki ( folk chanted rhymes ) and rode in troikas ( carriages drawn by teams of three horses abreast ). Now young people prefer modern dances, motorcycles and motor cars. However, village residents still prefer to drink tea from samovars.

      Traditional Russian cooking includes porridges, pancakes, various aspics, cabbage, chicken and fish soup, pirozhki ( turnovers ), and kvass ( a beverage made from germented rye bread).

      Siberian cuisine has such dishes as stroganina ( frozen fish ) and pelmeni ( meat-filled dumplings ).

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