Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТест 100 вопросов по английскому языку

Тест 100 вопросов по английскому языку

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English test of 100 tasks


1. Choose the word or the word - combination closest in meaning: To be fond of smth

A) to like

B) to be against

C) to want

D) to be eager

E) to hate


2. Choose English equivalents to the following one:  Это неуважительная причина.

A) that's no excuse

B) that's a poor excuse

C) that's not a very good excuse

D) that's a bad excuse

E) that isn't excuse


3. Choose English equivalents to the following one: He выпьете ли вы с нами чаю?

A) You'll drink some tea with us, won’t you?

B) Let's have some tea?

C) You'll have some tea with us, won't you?

D) Have you some tea with us?

E) Let's drink some tea?


4. Choose the word or the word- combination closest in meaning: Хорошо проводить время

A) to spend well

B) to have a rest

C) to have a bad time

D) to spend a day well

E) to enjoy oneself


5. Finish the phraseologism: War is the sports of... .

A) generals

B) queens

C) knights

D) soldiers

E) kings


6. The American word "apartment" is the synonym of

A) house

B) castle

C) flat

D) cottage

E) fortress


7. This is the oldest museum in Britain.

A) Big Ben

B) Westminster Abbey

C) the White tower

D) Art gallery

E) British Museum




8. Choose the correct translation: Бурный

A)  luggage                                                         

B) rough

C)  swift 

D) deck                                                                                                                 

E)  slowly


9. Choose English equivalent to the word: Темза

A) the Tyne

B) the Tay

C) Thames                                   

D) the river

E) the Thames


10. Choose English equivalents to the following one: Чистить ногти

A) to clean one's feet

B) to wash one's hair

C) to brush one's nails

D) to clean one's nail

E) to clean one's nails


11. Choose the correct definition of the word: Mind

A) smth taught to a pupil

B) waiting of smth

C) ability to do smth

D) a person's way of thinking

E) complete loss of hope


12. Choose the word or the word- combination closest in meaning: Записываться в библиотеку

A) to write to a library

B) to become a member of a library

C) to join a library

D) to put down a library

E) to sign to the library


13. Choose English equivalent to the following one:   Ее стоит прочесть

A) it is worth to read

B) it is easy to read

C) it stands to read

D) it worth to read

E) it is worth reading


14. The American word "candy" is the synonym of

A) sugar

B) sweet

C) biscuits

D) cake

E) butter


15. Fill in the correct preposition: What is the capital ... Russia?

A) of

B) at

C) over

D) from

E) on


16. Choose the proper English equivalent to: Обязательный по программе предмет

A) optional exercises

B) an optional subject

C) a certainly subject

D) a needed subject

E) a compulsory subject


17. Choose the word or the word-combination closest in meaning: Еженедельное издание

A) weekly

B) periodical

C) quarterly

D) monthly

E) weekness


18. Choose the proper word and word-combination mind synonyms: To take an examination in English

A) to have a test in English

B) to fail an examination in English

C) to test in English

D) to go in English

E) to pass an examination in English


19. Choose the correct modal verb: They ... come tomorrow.

A) would

B) can

C) had

D) have

E) shall


20. Eliminate the extra word: Sofia, Tokyo, Hindi, Athens, Hanoi

A) Hanoi

B)  Athens

C)  Sofia

D) Tokyo

E)  Hindi


21. Use the correct form of the verb "to have": Usually my father ... breakfast at half past 7.

A) have                                                                                               

B) to have

C) have had 

D) has

E) having


22. Use the right pronoun: How ... eggs are there in the fridge, Paul?

A) many

B) few

C) a little

D) much

E) little


23. Choose the correct infinitive: The teacher inked us ... to each other.

A) helped                                   

B) help                 

C) helping

D) help to               

E) to help


24. Eliminate the extra word: Act, balcony, cast, compulsory, pit

A) cast

B) pit

C) balcony                                   

D) compulsory

E) act


25. Choose the correct participle: I think of ... her a present.

A) made

B) have made

C) make

D) to make

E) making


26. Choose the word opposite in meaning: To be expensive

A) to be wrong

B) to be out of fashion

C) to be tired

D) to be dressed in

E) to be cheap


27. Choose the correct structure with ‘there’: ... a lot of people on the platform waiting for the train.

A) there

B)  there be

C)  there was

D) there is

E)  there are


28. Fill in the necessary preposition: The plane landed safely ... the two mountains.

A) in

B)  above

C)  on

D) over

E)  between


29. Fill in the correct preposition: Listen ... the new text.

A) at

B)  of

C)  in

D) on

E)  to


30. Choose English equivalent to the word: Гoллaндcкий язык

A) Polish

B)  Dutch

C)  German

D) Danish

E)  Greek


31. Insert prepositions or post-verbal nouns: The University is not far ... my house.

A) for

B)  out

C)  to

D) at

E)  from


32. Find the correct form of the adjective: It began getting ... and it was time to go back home.

A) darker

B)  the darkest

C)  more darker

D) the darker

E)  darkest


33.  Choose the correct answer to the question: Does his mother speak Spanish well?

A)  Yes, he is.                                

B)   Yes, she is.

C)   No, she does. 

D)  Yes, she speaks.

E)   Yes, she does.


34. Choose the correct definition of the word: Bakery

A) a place where bread is sold

B)  a place where mobile-phones are sold

C)  a place where we buy papers                                

D) a place where we buy carrots                                           

E)  a place where we buy cheese        


35. Choose the suitable word: The capital of Australia is ... .

A) Sydney

B)  Ottawa

C)  Wellington

D) Edinburgh

E)  Canberra


36. Express in one word: The main words in the passage

A) characteristics

B)  devices

C)  antonym

D) synonym

E)  key-words


37. Choose the word close in meaning: A great deal of

A) rest of them

B)  other

C)  some

D) few

E)  a lot of


38. Express in one word: All large articles, such as beds, chairs, tables placed in a house

A) cottage

B)  orchard

C)  furniture

D) kitchen

E)  pantry


39. Eliminate the extra word: Sofia, Tokyo, Italian, Athens, Hanoi

A) Hanoi

B)  Tokyo

C)  Athens

D) Sofia

E)  Italian


40. Choose the close in meaning: To write down

A) to copy

B)  to rewrite

C)  to note

D) to put on

E)  to put down


41. Choose the word opposite in meaning: Correct

A) oral

B)  distinct

C)  loud

D) wrong

E)  active


42. Find the synonym of the word "luck"

A) relation

B)  sociable

C)  return

D) star

E)  happiness


43. Choose the correct preposition: Go … reading the story. I want to know its end.

A) out

B)  on

C)  through

D) about

E)  in


44. Choose the correct translation: Багаж

A) booking-office

B)  rough

C)  dining-car

D) deck

E)  luggage


45. Choose the word opposite in meaning: Indoors

A) at the bakery

B)  at the butchery

C)  out-of-doors

D) at home

E)  at the friend's place


46. Choose the correct tense form: We ... for Paris next Sunday.

A)  leave

B)  would be leaving

C)  would leave

D) left

E)  shall leave


47. Choose English equivalent to the word: Скучный

A) boring

B)  ignorant

C)  plain

D) blank

E)  bright


48. Loose the proper English equivalent to: Остаток чего-то

A) the lack of

B)  lack

C)  remain

D) rest

E)  the rest of smth


49. Express in one word: An area of open waste land

A) the Cambrians

B)  moors

C)  the Cheviots

D) the fens

E)  the Scott country


50. Choose the close in meaning: To be away

A) to be present

B)  to be angry

C)  to be absent

D) to be afraid

E)  to be upset


51. Choose the correct translation: Вагон-ресторан

A)  dining - room

B)  deck

C)  luggage

D) booking-office

E)  dining-car


52. Eliminate the extra word: Badminton , billiards, boating, chess, draughts

A) chess

B)  billiards

C)  draughts

D) badminton

E)  boating



53. Choose the correct translation: Болельщик

A) opponent

B)  race

C)  competition

D) fan

E)  spectator


54. Choose English equivalent to the word: Утренник

A) pit

B)  cast

C)  balcony

D) matinee

E)  act


55. Choose the correct variant of the pronouns in the sentence:  How long does …  take … to go to the nearest shop?

A) it / you

B)  it / your

C)  she / you

D) he / you

E)  - / your


56. Choose the English equivalent to the sentence: /Читать?

A) Shall I begin?

B)  Shall I do it?

C)  Shall I speak

D) Shall I answer?

E)  Shall I read?


57. Choose the word opposite in meaning: To do good

A) to have smth

B)  to do away

C)  to have to do with smth

D) to do one's best

E)  to do harm


58. Choose the word or the word-combination closest in meaning: Instead of

A) together

B)  gather

C)  in place of

D) without of

E)  from


59. Put the adverb in the right place: The lecture has not begun (yet).

A) the lecture has not yet begun

B)  yet the lecture has not begun

C)  the lecture yet has not begun

D) the lecture has yet not begun

E)  the lecture has not begun yet


60. Find the correct form of the numeral: The Empire state building is one of the highest in the world, it has ...floors.

A) hundred and a one

B)  a hundred-one

C)  hundred-one

D) one hundred and one

E)  one hundred-one


61. Choose the correct participle: I object to his ... football all day long.

A) have played

B)  play

C)  played

D) playing

E)  to play


62. Choose the suitable word: Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the ... .

A) continent                                                                             

B)  district

C)  world

D) region

E)  territory


63. Choose the correct variant: Тhis is my ... coat.

A) wifes’s

B)  wifes’

C)  wife                               

D) wives

E)  wife’s  


64. Find the antonym of the word "kind"

A) lazy

B)  charming

C)  polite

D) active                                                                                         

E)  rude


65. Express in one word: A game for two teams of players, who use special sticks to hit a ball around a field.

A) golf

B)  hockey

C)  player                                  

D) cricket

E)  match


66. Eliminate the extra word: Picnic, to make a fire, to eat, fishing, lecture

A) fishing

B)  to make fire

C)  picnic

D) to eat

E)  lecture


67. The abbreviation "ad" is for

A) advertisement

B)  advise                                                                                                           

C)  adjective

D) adverb

E)  advice


68. Choose English equivalent to the word: Швеция

A) Germany

B)  Denmark

C)  Poland

D) Netherlands

E)  Sweden


69. Choose the correct preposition: The British Isles consist … two main islands: Great Britain and Ireland.

A)  of

B)  from

C)   in

D)  with

E)   up


70. Choose English equivalent to the word: Оркестр

A) pit

B)  cast

C)  orchestra

D) balcony

E)  act


71. Choose English equivalent to the following Russian one: Следовать чьему-либо совету

A) to follow one's advice

B)  to follow advice                                                                 

C)  to listen to advice

D) to follow one's advise

E)  to give an advice


72. Choose English equivalent to the following one: Ее стоит прочесть

A) it is worth to read

B) it is easy to read

C) it stands to read

D) it worth to read

E) it is worth reading


73. Choose the English phrasal verb with the meaning: "выходить":

A)  get from

B)   get with

C)   get out

D)  get over

E)   get alone


74. Choose the suitable word: The inhabitants of Almaty are proud of the world-famous "medeo" alpine ice ... .

A) museum

B)  mountain

C)  valley

D) station

E)  stadium


75. Choose English equivalent to the word: Балкон

A) pit

B)  balcony

C)  cast

D) stalls

E)  act


76. Choose the word opposite in meaning: Hard working

A) kind

B)  talented

C)  well- bred

D) active

E)  lazy


77. Choose the proper word: Поговорить

A) to be against

B)  to have a smoke

C)  to have a talk

D) to have a spoke

E)  to have a swim


78. Choose the correct translation of the word: Docks

A) оборудование, химические продукты из нефти

B)  верфи

C)  бассейн

D) порт

E) заводы


79. Express in one word: A general term for anything that people eat

A) meal

B)  course

C)  starter                                                                    

D) drinks

E)  food


80. Express in one word: Eggs beaten together with milk and fried in a pan

A) meal

B)  drinks

C)  starter                                                      

D) omelette

E)  food


81. Find the antonym of the word "definite"

A) definiteless

B)  undefinite

C)  indefinite

D) ildefinite                                                    

E)  imdefinite


82. Choose the suitable word: Nobody wants to buy the house, that's why it is still ... .

A)  sell

B)   old

C)   new

D)  expensive

E)   empty


83. Choose the correct participle: ... to you is a real pleasure.

A) Talking

B)  Telling

C)  Talked

D) Tell

E)  Talk


84. The American word "movies" is the synonym of

A) roads

B)  films

C)  streets

D) libraries

E)  ways


85. Choose the correct English equivalent:  Подметать пол

A) to sweep the floor

B)  to dry the floor

C)  to clean the floor

D) to clean the room

E)  to wash the floor


86. Choose English equivalent to the word: Грим

A) make up one's mind

B)  make smb happy

C)  make-up a joke

D) colour

E)  make-up


87. Choose the correct variant: “ 14/10”

A) The fourteen of October

B)  The fourteen October

C)   fourteen and October     

D) The fourteenth of October

E)  The fourteenth October


88. Choose the word and word- combination opposite in meaning: To see the old year out

A) to see the Christmas

B)  to meet Santa Clause

C)  to meet the new year

D) to say good bye to the old year

E)  to see the new year in


89. Eliminate the extra word: Steppe, grass, soil, climate, team

A) climate

B)  team

C)  grass

D) steppe

E)  soil


90. Choose the correct verb form in the Passive Voice: The patient (to take) to hospital last Friday.

A) take

B)  was took

C)  was taken

D) were taken

E)   was take


91. Express in one word: The grounds of a school, college or university

A) asylum

B)  public schools

C)  guardian

D) comprehensive

E)  campus


92. Choose English equivalent to the word: Умный

A) boring

B)  bright

C)  blank

D) plain

E)  ignorant


93. Christmas is celebrated in Great Britain on...

A) December 23

B)  December 27

C)  December 26

D) December 25

E)  December 24


94. Choose  the word close in meaning: Tremendous

A) clever

B)  close

C)  awful

D) dull

E)  great


95. Choose the correct degree of comparison: Switzerland is … than Britain.

A)  as small 

B)   smallest

C)   more small 

D)  not so large  

E)   smaller


96. Choose the word or the word - combination closest in meaning: To be fond of smth

A) to like

B) to be against

C) to want

D) to be eager

E) to hate


97. This sport determines the class of a sportsman for what is caught.

A) cycling

B)  wrestling

C)  fishing

D) boxing

E)  hiking


98. This town is the capital of Scotland.

A) Hamilton

B)  Glasgow

C)  Greenock

D) Aberdeen

E)  Edinburgh


99. Nelson's column stands in this place.

A) in Downing street

B)  in the Piccadilly Circus

C)  in Trafalgar Square

D) near the Tower bridge

E)  near the Tower of London


100. Choose the correct definition of the word: College

A) a large area of land without trees

B)   the art of training the children

C)  a school for professional education

D) an Irish school

E)  an international sports event





















1. A

2. B

3. C

4. E

5. E

6. C

7. E

8. B

9. E

10. E

11. D

12. C

13. E

14. B

15. A

16. E

17. A

18. E

19. B

20. E

21. D

22. A

23. E

24. D

25. E

26. E

27. E

28. E

29. E

30. B

31. E

32. A

33. E

34. A

35. E

36. E

37. E

38. C

39. E

40. E

41. D

42. E

43. B

44. E

45. C

46. E

47. A

48. E

49. B

50. C

51. E

52. E

53. D

54. D

55. A

56. E

57. E

58. C

59. E

60. D

61. D

62. C

63. E

64. E

65. B

66. E

67. A

68. E

69. A

70. C

71. A

72. E

73. C

74. E

75. B

76. E

77. C

78. C

79. E

80. D

81. C

82. E

83. A

84. B

85. A

86. E

87. D

88. E

89. B

90. C

91. E

92. B

93. D

94. E

95. E

96. A

97. C

98. E

99. C

100. C


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Лексико-грамматический тест включает в себя задания по следующим разделам грамматики английского языка: видо-временные формы глагола, предлоги времени и места, употребление артиклей, а также задания на употребление синонимов и антонимов, выбор оптимального варианта перевода фразы или слова, выбор соответствующих английских или русских эквивалентов, определение дефиниции слова, задания по страноведению Великобритании.

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания с применением дистанционных технологий

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