Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТест для 9 класса. Углублённый уровень.

Тест для 9 класса. Углублённый уровень.

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NAME: _______________________            DATE: _______________________

CLASS: _______________________           MARK: _______________________


1. Choose the appropriate variant.

We arrived on Friday evening, looked ______________ the programme and decided to go to the Main Stage to hear Metallica.

а) with                                                c) at

b) to                                                    d) on


2. Choose the appropriate variant.

Do you fancy ______________ to the Spitz concert, Jessie?

a) went                                   c) to go

b) goes                                     d) going


3. Choose the appropriate variant.

By the time we arrived at the cinema, the film ______________.

a) will start                             c) has started

b) had started                         d) started


4. Choose the appropriate variant.

If you ______________ this button, the light comes on.

a) push                                               c) pushed

b) pushes                                            d) will pull



5. Choose the correct answers.

1. I’m afraid I’m impossible / unable to do this exercise. It’s too difficult.

2. Lauren and Mick are quite illogical / irresponsible parents. They never think about dangers in the home.

3. The fashion model and her assistant are inseparable / irreversible. She never goes anywhere without him.

4. You look absolutely unusual / incredible! Your clothes are amazing.

5. I didn’t like wearing my winter jacket because it was very uncomfortable / dissatisfied, so this year I bought a new one.

6. Kelly doesn’t wear anything synthetic – only cotton, no nylon / wool.

7. In cold weather she often wears full-length / long-sleeved skirts.

8. Eva’s got a grey, leather / loose clutch bag.

9. Do you prefer to wear baggy or smooth / tight clothes?

10. You can't wear two different shoes! You need gaudy / matching ones.

11. The woman of / in dark sunglasses is my aunt.

12. You look as like / if you want to ask a question.

13. Sheila’s new, sparkly jacket looks beautiful / beautifully!

14. My sister looks quite as / like Jennifer Connelly.

15. Chris doesn’t look like / very happy at all.



6. Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?

A university education is expensive. You can borrow money from a bank, but if you do so, you will have to pay it back when you start working. In some countries you are not obliged to start making repayments until your salary is above a certain level, but you can’t put it off forever! This means that a fairly large proportion of your earnings will have to go towards paying back your loan in the years after you graduate. Alternatively, you can try to work and study at the same time; you will get the education you want, and earn the money to pay for it. Does this sound ideal? Before you embark on such a course, there are some things you should bear in mind.

By combining work and studies, you will have an advantage over full-time students. Yes, their timetable will be less full than yours, but you will have one thing they don’t: experience. If you are studying a subject related to your work, your real-life experiences in the workplace will help you understand the subject better. But even if your work is unrelated to your studies, you will still learn a lot about balancing tasks, co-operating with others, and so on.

Of course, working and studying at the same time can be stressful, and time management is very important. Make a plan for each day and each week – and stick to it! Set yourself goals, like completing your assignment by tonight, or finishing a task at work by lunchtime, and then give yourself a small reward for achieving it. Buy yourself a chocolate bar, go cycling, or take an evening off to be with friends – whatever makes you happy.

And speaking of friends, make sure you keep in touch with them through email, text messages, social networking sites, and by meeting up face-to-face. The opportunity to share ideas and experiences, get and give advice, and have fun together will keep you motivated and less lonely. In short, human relationships are essential for your psychological health, especially when you are stressed.

Of course, there will be times when you must be on your own so you can focus on your studies. In the busy life of a working student, it is easy to lose sight of the ultimate goal, which is to get an education. If you find it impossible to balance the demands of working and studying at the same time, you might be better off getting a bank loan after all.


1. The author warns that it may take forever to pay off a study loan.

2. The author thinks having a job is only helpful if it has something to do with your studies.

3. The author advises a system of short-term deadlines and treats for success. 

4. The author suggests that using social media can help you to stay happy and beat stress.

5. The author advises against taking a loan if balancing work and study becomes difficult. 



7. A British friend wants to stay with you for a few days over the holiday. Write an email (120 – 150 words) to him/her.

·         Say how you fell about his/her plans to visit and why.

·         Give some information about what you will be doing in the holidays and when.

·         Explain when the best time for his/her visit would be, and why.

·         Ask when he/she plans to arrive and how long the visit will be.



Оценивание работы:

Вес каждого задания при подсчёте результата:

уровень 1 – 1 балл, уровень 2 – 2 балла, уровень 3 – 4 балла.


Максимальный первичный балл за работу – 12 баллов


Шкала оценивания:

11 – 12 баллов – «5»

7 – 10 баллов – «4»

4 – 6 баллов – «3»

2 – 3 баллов – «2»

0 – 1 баллов – «1»





Keys to test.



1. c)

2. d)

3. b)

4. а)




1. unable

2. irresponsible

3. inseparable

4. incredible

5. uncomfortable 

6. nylon

7. full-length

8. leather

9. tight

10. matching

11. in

12. if

13. beautiful

14. like

15. –



6. 1F, 2F, 3T, 4T, 5F



7. Students’ own answers.                    

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