Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТест по английскому языку по теме "Страдательный залог". (8 класс)

Тест по английскому языку по теме "Страдательный залог". (8 класс)

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Task 1


Read the text and do the tasks:


   Australia, the smallest continent in the world, is a very interesting country. There are many things to see, from deserts to beautiful beaches, from historical old houses to modern buildings, from unusual trees and plants to unique wildlife.

  One of the most amazing animals in the world is the koala. It lives only in Australia and on some of the nearby islands.

  Though koalas look like teddy bears they are not bears. The koala is the relative of the kangaroo, which is the symbol of Australia. Koala mothers also have small pockets where the tiny baby koalas grow like kangaroos. After a baby has been in the pocket for 6-7 months, it leaves the pocket and starts to eat the leaves of the eucalyptus tree.

  Koalas have nice large ears, big dark eyes and black noses. Koalas also have thick fur which protects them from hot and cold weather and which is also a raincoat for them.

  Koalas spend as many as 18 hours a day sleeping and resting in the trees they live in. Sometimes they come down to the ground to look for another tree, but they seldom jump from one tree to the next. Koalas live in the forest with other koalas, but each koala has its own trees which the other koalas don’t visit.

  The word “koala” means “doesn’t drink”. Of course, koalas drink when necessary, but they get most of their water from the eucalyptus leaves which they eat. There are many kinds of eucalyptus trees in Australia, but koalas only eat the young leaves of some eucalyptus trees; they practically never eat anything else.

  Koalas are endangered animals. Many years ago people killed the animals for their fur. Now strict laws protect koalas from hunters, but people have cut down many forests with eucalyptus trees. Now they are trying to save the rare forests with their wonderful trees and small teddy bear-like animals.


1.Choose the correct answer to the question:


What is this text about?

  1. The kangaroo which is the symbol of Australia.
  2.  The koala which is a relative of the kangaroo.
  3. The eucalyptus trees which grow in Australia.
  4. The endangered animals which live in Australia.


2.Finish the sentences, choosing the correct variant:


a)Koalas are not afraid of bad weather because

  1. it is warm in Australia.
  2. they have thick fur.
  3. they live in trees.
  4. they like bad weather.


b)Koalas live in trees because

  1. they hide from the people.
  2. they like to climb trees.
  3. they are afraid of other koalas.
  4. they eat the leaves of the trees.


c)The animal got the name “koala” because

  1. it drinks little water.
  2. it has warm fur.
  3. it eats green leaves.
  4. it lives in trees.


3. Read the sentences and mark if the sentence is true (T) or false (F):


  1. Koalas live in Australia, Asia, North and South America.
  2. Like kangaroos koalas have a special pocket for their babies.
  3. Koalas are friendly, they often visit the trees of other koalas.
  4. Koalas are in danger because there are few eucalyptus forests in Australia now.


Task 2


Choose the correct form:

  1. Christmas … in Great Britain in December.

   a) celebrate   b) is celebrated

2. Most people in the country … English.

   a) speak   b) are spoken

3. Russian hockey team … the first prize yesterday.

   a) won   b) was won

4.The article … last week, if I’m not mistaken.

   a) published   b) was published

5. They … this programme at the beginning of the next week.

   a) will show   b) will be shown

6. A new pupil … to his classmates tomorrow.

   a) will introduce   b) will be introduced


Task 3


Fill in the gaps:


  Swimming pools, national, popular, free, skating rinks, international, daily, successful, important


Many sports are … in Russia. There are many stadiums, … and different sport gyms here. A lot of national and … matches and competitions are regularly held in our country. They attract large numbers of fans. Most of the … games are shown on TV. Our country has been … in a number of different sports, especially in ice hockey. The … team of Russia has won the World Hockey championships many times. There are plenty of sporting activities which are part of … Russian life. School children spend their … time playing football, basketball, badminton, going swimming and doing other sports. In winter many Russians go skating and skiing. There are hundreds of … in the cities of Russia.




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