Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыТест по английскому языку на тему "Present Simple"

Тест по английскому языку на тему "Present Simple"

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Надпись: F) Answer the questions with your own words.
1)	Does your father help you with your homework?
2)	Do you like playing chess?
3)	Do you go fishing at the weekends?
4)	When do you have dinner?
5)	Does your teacher give homework?
6)	What do you do in your free times?

Надпись: E) Turn the sentences into negative and question.
1)	My mother makes cakes for us every weekend.
-------------------------------- (-)
-------------------------------- (?)
2)	My best friend phones me every night.
-------------------------------- (-)
-------------------------------- (?)
         3) My dog barks at nights.
-------------------------------- (-)
-------------------------------- (?)
4)	We have an exam every month.
-------------------------------- (-)
-------------------------------- (?)
5)	Serkan tidies his room every morning.
-------------------------------- (-)
-------------------------------- (?)

SIMPLE PRESENT TENSEНадпись: D) Fill in the blanks with 
“do-don’t or does-doesn’t.”
1)	We ------- like cooking.
2)	Marry ------- watch TV at night.
3)	------- you like swimming?
No, I -------.
4)	------- Sue get up late?
5)	Yes, she -------.
   6) I ------- wait for the bus but my                
   friends -------.
7) ------ Tom help his mother? Yes, he ------
8) I ------- waste my time at the weekends.
9) Dorothy ------- eat her lunch at the school.
10) ------- Peter brush his teeth regularly?
Yes, he -------.

Надпись: C) Fill in the blanks with 
the correct form of the verbs.
1)	Diana --------- ( work ) in a company.
2)	We --------- ( play ) the guitar at the school band.
3)	The cleaner --------- ( clean ) the house every Friday.
4)	Students --------- ( read ) books in the library.
5)	The gardener --------- ( pick ) up the flowers. He --------- ( love ) them.
                6) ---- they ------- ( know )     	           the rules?
                       7) I ----------- ( not-want ) 		to drink coffee. I ---------- 		( not-like ) it.
		8) Julia --------- ( feed ) 			her dog every time. 
9) ----- she ------ ( enjoy ) swimming?

Надпись: B) Choose the correct answer.
1)	My father ------- coffee in the mornings.
a)	drink       b)  drinks  
2)	Elvis ------- football at the weekends.
a)	play         b) plays 
3)	We ------- to the cinema on Mondays.
a)	go            b)  goes 
4)	Does he ------- swimming?
a)	like          b) likes 
5)	She doesn’t ------- her clothes.
a)	wash        b) washes 
6)	My brother -------delicious meal.
a)	cook        b) cooks 
7)	My little cat ------- the mice. 
a)	chase      b) chases 
8)	The bank ------- at eight o’clock.
a)	open       b) opens

9)) Match

10) Give

11) Guess

12) Cry

13) Pass

14) Help

15) Wash

16) Put



Надпись: A)	Add “-s” to the verbs given.
1)	Go
2)	Do
3)	Watch
4)	Chase 
5)	Wait
6)	Study
7)	Swim
8)	Come


























































Надпись: F) Answer the questions with your own words.
1)	Does your father help you with your homework?
2)	Do you like playing chess?
3)	Do you go fishing at the weekends?
4)	When do you have dinner?
5)	Does your teacher give homework?
6)	What do you do in your free times?

Надпись: E) Turn the sentences into negative and question.
1)	My mother makes cakes for us every weekend.
-------------------------------- (-)
-------------------------------- (?)
2)	My best friend phones me every night.
-------------------------------- (-)
-------------------------------- (?)
         3) My dog barks at nights.
-------------------------------- (-)
-------------------------------- (?)
4)	We have an exam every month.
-------------------------------- (-)
-------------------------------- (?)
5)	Serkan tidies his room every morning.
-------------------------------- (-)
-------------------------------- (?)

SIMPLE PRESENT TENSEНадпись: D) Fill in the blanks with 
“do-don’t or does-doesn’t.”
1)	We ------- like cooking.
2)	Marry ------- watch TV at night.
3)	------- you like swimming?
No, I -------.
4)	------- Sue get up late?
5)	Yes, she -------.
   6) I ------- wait for the bus but my                
   friends -------.
7) ------ Tom help his mother? Yes, he ------
8) I ------- waste my time at the weekends.
9) Dorothy ------- eat her lunch at the school.
10) ------- Peter brush his teeth regularly?
Yes, he -------.

Надпись: C) Fill in the blanks with 
the correct form of the verbs.
1)	Diana --------- ( work ) in a company.
2)	We --------- ( play ) the guitar at the school band.
3)	The cleaner --------- ( clean ) the house every Friday.
4)	Students --------- ( read ) books in the library.
5)	The gardener --------- ( pick ) up the flowers. He --------- ( love ) them.
                6) ---- they ------- ( know )     	           the rules?
                       7) I ----------- ( not-want ) 		to drink coffee. I ---------- 		( not-like ) it.
		8) Julia --------- ( feed ) 			her dog every time. 
9) ----- she ------ ( enjoy ) swimming?

Надпись: B) Choose the correct answer.
1)	My father ------- coffee in the mornings.
b)	drink        b)  drinks  
2)	Elvis ------- football at the weekends.
a)  play          b) plays 
3)	We ------- to the cinema on Mondays.
      a)  go             b)  goes 
4)	Does he ------- swimming?
      a) like           b) likes 
5)	She doesn’t ------- her clothes.
      a) wash         b) washes 
6)	My brother -------delicious meal.
      a) cook         b) cooks 
7)	My little cat ------- the mice. 
      a) chase       b) chases 
8)	The bank ------- at eight o’clock.
a)	open       b) opens

9)) Match

10) Give

11) Guess

12) Cry

13) Pass

14) Help

15) Wash

16) Put



Надпись: A)	Add “-s” to the verbs given.
1)	Go
2)	Do
3)	Watch
4)	Chase 
5)	Wait
6)	Study
7)	Swim
8)	Come




























































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