Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыТест по английскому языку 10 класс Spotlight(Модуль 4)

Тест по английскому языку 10 класс Spotlight(Модуль 4)

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Module 4

Variant 1


Listen to a young man talking about his experience as a volunteer. For questions 1-7 choose the correct letter A, B or C. You will hear the recording twice.

1                    The narrator decided to become a volunteer because

A         his parents asked him to.

B         he wanted to help an endangered species

C         he wanted to do some research.

2                    When travelling to Costa Rica the narrator

A         felt nervous.

B         couldn’t believe how far away he was going.

C         felt relaxed.

3.               The narrator’s main task was

                  A         to clean the beach

                  B         to work during the day

                  C         to take care of the nests of the Leatherback Sea Turtle


4.               The work was done

                  A         under difficult conditions.

                  B         under easy conditions.

                  C         using artificial light.


5.               Staying with a family is good because

                  A         you can cook your own meals.

                  B         you make a financial contribution to the local area.

                  C         you get to know more people


6.               The facilities in the village are

                  A         basic but improving all the time.

                  B         sub-standard.

                  C         like they are at home.


7.               The narrator believes the conservation project

                  A         will run for less than 20 years.

                  B         may save the Leatherback Sea Turtle

                  C         is not succeeding.



8. Match texts (A-G) with headings (1-8). Use the headings only once. There is one you do not need to use.


2.       ADOPT AN ANIMAL               6.         EXTINCT ANIMALS


4.       AN UNUSUAL ANIMAL         8.         THINK BEFORE BUYING


A.  According to a new survey, many pets are the ‘masters’ of their homes. One in ten people in Britain say that their cat or dog sleeps in their bed and eats freshly made food, for example. What about you? Are you the boss of your pet or is your pet the boss of you?

B.  There are quite a few companies producing battery-powered vehicles these days. For example, the Tesla Roadster travels at more than 200kph and accelerates to 100kph in four seconds. Remarkably, it looks a lot like any other sports car. Therefore, the cars of the future will hopefully be greener and quieter than the cars of today, but they will look just as attractive.

C.  Using the underground can be a very fast and efficient way to get around a city. Trains usually run every few minutes at busy times and there are usually several lines that take you wherever you want to go. Moreover, you avoid the chaos of the city traffic.

D.  When the Duckbilled Platypus was first discovered in the late 1700s, a drawing of the animal was sent back to Britain. At first, the scientists there thought that the strange collection of features must be a joke. They believed somebody had sewn a duck’s beak onto the body of a beaver-like animal.

E.  With just one small payment a month you can not only save the life of one particular animal that you choose, but you can also help to protect an entire species. Your donation will be put to very good use, funding the care and protection of your animal and helping the conservation of its species. You will also receive a certificate, stickers and photos of your animal to show you how it’s doing.

F.   One of the best ways to reduce the amount of rubbish you create is to shop more carefully. Never buy more than you need, for example, and try to buy products that are reusable, refillable or concentrated. Also don’t forget to take your own bags with you instead of using new ones.

G.  Most of today’s zoos keep wild animals. However, this is not just for the amusement of their visitors, but more importantly for the conservation of endangered species, and also for education and research. Zoos aim to help save the variety of life on Earth through conservation activities such as the breeding of endangered species.



















Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

9. Washing machines use a large …… of water.

            A  amount       B  emission         C  crop

10. You have to cut ….. the amount of paper you use.

            A  up to           B  out on             C  down on

11. I ran ….. Alex yesterday on my way to work.

            A  on               B  into                  C  over

12. Cars run ….. gas.

            A  on               B  into                  C over

13. Hotter summers are caused by …… warming.

            A  environmental        B  natural        C  global


Choose the correct word.

14. …… you turn on the light? It’s getting dark in here.

            A  Could         B  Should       C  Must

15. …... I use your phone?

            A Should        B May             C  Must

16. I have to/can go to the bank. I’m out of money.

            A  can             B may             C have to

17. We ….. to use natural fertilizers.

            A ought           B can              C must

18. You ….. feed the animals in the zoo.

            A shouldn’t     B mustn’t        C needn’t







Module 4

Variant 2


Listen to a young man talking about his experience as a volunteer. For questions 1-7 choose the correct letter A, B or C. You will hear the recording twice.

1               The narrator decided to become a volunteer because

A         his parents asked him to.

B         he wanted to help an endangered species

C         he wanted to do some research.


2                    When travelling to Costa Rica the narrator

A         felt nervous.

B         couldn’t believe how far away he was going.

C         felt relaxed.

3.               The narrator’s main task was

                  A         to clean the beach

                  B         to work during the day

                  C         to take care of the nests of the Leatherback Sea Turtle


4.               The work was done

                  A         under easy conditions.

                  B         under difficult conditions.

                  C         using artificial light.


5.               Staying with a family is good because

                  A         you can cook your own meals.

                  B         you make a financial contribution to the local area.

                  C         you get to know more people


6.               The facilities in the village are

                  A         basic but improving all the time.

                  B         sub-standard.

                  C         like they are at home.


7.               The narrator believes the conservation project

                  A         will run for less than 20 years.

                  B         may save the Leatherback Sea Turtle

                  C         is not succeeding.



8. Match texts (A-G) with headings (1-8). Use the headings only once. There is one you do not need to use.

1.      ELIMINATE WASTE                        5. AWARENESS DAY

2.      CLIMATE CHANGE                         6. CITY BAN PROPOSAL

3.      IS BIGGER BETTER?                       7. CONSERVATION PROGRAMME

4.      ON THE RISE                                    8. A NATURAL TREASURE


A.    A study by a group of Australian researchers suggests that global sea levels could go up by as much as 50 cm over the course of this century, should current trends continue. This is particularly worrying for island nations like the United Kingdom who already lose hundreds of square miles of land each year due to erosion. The research is based on data from locations around the globe and covers a 130-year period.

B.     How can we live less wastefully and support the environment so that it may be healthy for generations to come? It may seem like an overwhelming task but it takes just three steps to make a real difference: we must reduce, reuse and recycle! Before we throw anything away, we must think if there is any way we can use it for another purpose. It is good for your finances too!

C.     The Earth has warmed by three quarters of a degree centigrade over the last hundred years. Alarmingly, more than half of this warming has occurred since the 1970s. We can no longer question whether human activity has contributed to this rise. The emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide has affected our climate dramatically. Depending on our emissions, the average global temperature could rise between 1.1 and 6.4 degrees by the end of the century.

D.    Declared a World Heritage area in 1981, The Great Barrier Reef is the largest structure built by living organisms. It is the only living organic collective that is visible from the Earth’s orbit. Covering a territory of more than 300,000 square kilometres, it is made up of beautiful islands and idyllic coral cays. It contains the world’s largest collection of coral reefs. No wonder the Australians are so proud!

E.     Birkback College is open to the public on the 23rd of May from 11 am to 5.30 pm to get us thinking on a wide variety of topics. Join in the many workshops and you will get the opportunity to find out how your lifestyle affects the environment, the dos and don’ts of recycling and much, much more! You can even bring in your heating bills and get expert advice on how you can save energy at home!

F.      Want to live and/or work in a pleasant environment, a laidback city? Then private cars must go! The only permitted motor vehicles would be buses, small taxis and vehicles for essential services. This would solve the current problems of congestion and parking and improve the quality of the air. Who wants to drive at 6 miles per hour, pollute the atmosphere and fight with pedestrians? We can beautify the city and improve the quality of life for people who live in the centre if so desire!

G.    Genetic modification has made it possible for farmers to grow crops that previously seemed impossible: huge plants bursting with natural pesticides and vitamins. Such crops mean that people in third-world countries won’t have to go hungry every day because there will be enough to feed the whole of the world’s population. On the other hand, some people fear that GM crops could pose more risks than benefits to humans.




















Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

9. It’s really easy to make a compost ….. in your garden.

            A  hill              B heap            C home

10. Modern transport ….. the roads in the city.

            A enriches       B fertilizes      C congests

11. We’ve run ….. petrol. We need to find a petrol station.

            A out of          B away from       C on

12. I saw a criminal running ….. the police in town last night.

            A out of          B away from       C on

13. We can save energy if we ….. of lights when we leave a room.

            A switch         B cut               C run

Choose the correct word.

14. ….. you turn the cooker off?

            A May             B Must            C Can

15. ….. I borrow your book?

            A May             B Should        C Must

16. You ….. respect the environment.

            A must            B may             C can

17. We …… to recycle glass. We help the environment this way.

            A should         B must            C ought

18. You ….. drop litter in the streets.

            A needn’t        B mustn’t        C shouldn’t

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